Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 196 Business Partners (Fourth Update)

In Tulu City, there is an extremely luxurious large manor.

There are five posts and ten sentries around the manor, and they are all guarded by gang members with guns.

Just because this is the residence of Juarez Guzman, the leader of the Tijuana drug cartel, he has done the most protection here to prevent police arrest.

Late at night, Juarez came back angrily from outside. Today, another batch of goods was intercepted by the US police at the border. At the same time, a hidden cargo route was discovered, causing him to lose a lot.

"Fake, those stupid boys don't know how to save me some trouble."

Cursing, Juarez walked into the bedroom. He planned to go to bed and rest, but when he lowered his head, he saw an envelope placed on the pillow on the bed.

"What. Come quickly, there are enemies."

With a shocked expression on his face, Juarez immediately called for someone and at the same time took out a pistol from his arms.

As a notorious wanted criminal, there are not many people who want his life. Who knows if there is any danger lurking in the room.

It was only after a group of gangsters rushed into the room and turned the three floors inside and outside the room upside down, that there was no danger, before Juarez dared to come in.

"Boss, what's going on?"

The cartel, the number two man in Tijuana and responsible for making suggestions, hurried over and asked about the situation.

Juarez looked unhappy and shook his head: "I don't know, this envelope just appeared on my pillow."

Cartel angrily scolded the younger brothers around him: "How do you protect yourself? You don't even know if someone enters your brother's room. What's the use of you? What if it's a bomb?"

The younger brothers were so scolded that they could only promise in shame: "We really didn't notice any movement. This kind of thing will definitely not happen next time."

"Do you still want a next time?"

"Forget it, let's open this letter and read it first."

Juarez interrupted, taking the letter and tearing it open.

Hello Mr. Juarez, we are business partners from the Zen country and plan to visit at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

That was the only line written on the envelope, and nothing else.

Juarez and Cartel looked at each other for a long time.

"Do you know anyone there?"

"No, not one."

"Then what's going on with this business partner?"

The two of them talked, and in the end it was Cartel who reacted first and slapped his thigh: "I know who sent this letter."


Juarez asked hurriedly. The other party could stuff the envelope into the bedroom without anyone noticing. He was definitely very capable.

"The other party must be a colleague from the Golden Triangle."

Carter expressed his suspicions.

In Blue Star, there are two most famous opium production and manufacturing areas, one is the Golden Triangle and the other is the Silver Triangle.

The Silver Triangle is located in the Andes and Amazon regions where Mexico, Secret Country, and Colombia meet.

The Golden Triangle is also located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, and the Zen Kingdom is one of its birthplaces. There is a strong atmosphere for opium production there, and the local warlords support opium cultivation.

"Hiss, it turns out that's the case. No wonder they say they are business partners. They are colleagues!"

It dawned on Juárez that it made sense.

"But why are they looking for us? We haven't dealt with them in the past, right? Isn't their market mainly in East Asia?"

Wanting to understand the origin of the letter, more doubts came to mind. Juarez didn't understand what the other party could do to him.

Although he has never dealt with them, he also knows that the drug lords there are very powerful and domineering.

If the main business of Mexican drug lords is to arm themselves for drug trafficking, the main business of the Golden Triangle drug lords is to engage in drug trafficking by warlords for military expenses.

The two sides also have different business philosophies. The side of the Golden Triangle is more of an armed separatist regime, a militarized organization, and has a strong military background.

Although the drug lords in Mexico will also compete with the government, they have no ambition to separate themselves and stand on their own. They are considered a higher-level gang organization.

Because of their different business philosophies and the fact that the two sides are too far apart, they have always been in harmony with each other in the past. One focuses on the East Asian market and the other focuses on the American market. Both parties are in harmony with each other.

"I don't know, but I heard that the Golden Triangle has been a little lonely recently. Aren't they mainly selling flour and other traditional opium? In addition to marijuana, we also sell more new synthetic opium. Maybe they want to cooperate with us. , to bring their flour into the American market.”

Cartel frowned. As the strategist of the Tijuana drug cartel, he tried to think about the other party's purpose.

"If we can expand our business, it would be great to cooperate and achieve win-win results!"

Juarez's face was filled with joy. By cooperating with the Golden Triangle, he might be able to continue to grow his opium business and create greater glory.

The two of them were discussing like this, looking forward to their cooperation tomorrow.

The next day.

The sun rises in the east and the morning fog disperses.

Outside the manor, a taxi slowly drove over.

If the driver hadn't had a gun pointed at the back of his head, he wouldn't have dared to approach this place. Who among the people in Tulu City didn't know that this was the manor of a drug cartel.

At the gate of the manor, the gangsters who had been notified long ago were waiting.

But when I saw it was a taxi coming, I was somewhat surprised.

"How much."

Su Jie looked at the driver with a smile.

"No, no, no more money."

The driver trembled, thinking that Su Jie was also a drug dealer, so how dare he take his money.

"I don't ride in pirated cars, so no need to change."

Su Jie shook his head, threw down a few bills, and got out of the car.

Liu Yingying also got out with a briefcase, following Su Jie step by step.

As soon as he got out of the car, a pair of fierce eyes swept over. Those drug dealers with tattoos and fat faces were all dangerous elements, with guns in their hands.

If ordinary people were stared at by these drug dealers, they would be scared, but who is Su Jie? This pressure is just a breeze to him.

Liu Yingying also kept her face calm, constantly thinking about the military images of Jie Ke's security in her mind, and muttered in her heart: It's nothing great, we have an army, these gangs should be afraid of us.

In this way, Liu Yingying gave herself courage, and she didn't show her fear.

"Take me to see your boss, we agreed yesterday."

Su Jie walked in front of several younger brothers, waved his hand, and spoke in fluent Mexican, as if he was ordering his younger brothers.

After a few days of practice, his accent problem was solved.

"Please follow me."

The Mexican drug dealer was a two-meter-tall strong man, but he didn't dare to do anything out of line in front of Su Jie.

Everyone was strictly told that the foreign warlords came this time, and they didn't want to cause trouble for the organization.

Su Jie and Liu Yingying entered the manor. A few minutes later, in a reception room, Su Jie met the leader of the Tijuana organization, Juarez, and the second-in-command, Cartel.

The moment they saw Su Jie, Juarez and Cartel looked at each other, and their hearts were relieved.

The yellow man, guessed right, he was looking for him to cooperate in the opium business.

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