Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 199 Smuggling (3rd update)

The cartel is indeed very skillful. After Juarez's sudden death, he used a storm to clean up a group of Juarez's followers, and then promoted his own people, plus he was originally the second-in-command of the Tijuana drug cartel.

Therefore, in just three days, he integrated all the factions and the entire drug trafficking group was under his control.

Many gang members are not touched by this. Drug lords themselves are short-lived ghosts. It is normal for high-level factions to fight each other for profit. People only need to follow the final winner.

As for what happened in Hacienda Juárez, no one knows.

The gangsters below all believed that the cartel had rebelled, killed Juarez, and gained control of Tijuana. They did not know that there were others standing behind them.

Originally this was not a big deal, it was just a change of boss, they were just growing opium and selling opium normally!

But then, an order came from the top, which confused many gangsters below.

"What, you want us to stop what we are doing and sell this stuff instead."

In a poor community in Tulu City, Chio Russell looked at a dozen large boxes with a speechless expression, all of which contained bottles of Tianyuan hair growth serum.

"Yes, this is an order from the new boss. You smuggle it into the United States and sell it. Part of the selling price will be your reward."

The person responsible for the delivery was also a member of Tijuana. He was actually confused about this order, but he was asked to convey it this way.

"Can this thing be sold? I remember this is just shampoo."

Chio Russell's face was full of sorrow. Because he had no hair loss, he had only heard of the reputation of this Tianyuan hair growth liquid and had not really understood it in depth.

"Who knows? Anyway, the boss asked for this. You have to go out for an event tomorrow, so let's test the water first. To be honest, none of us have any idea."

"Okay, okay, I'll try it. Don't blame me if it doesn't sell."

Chio Russell was helpless. He didn't know if the old and new cartel above had their heads wet. They were selling shampoo instead of making huge profits from good opium. They were still considered drug lords.

But as a lower-level younger brother, Kio Russell could only obey the orders given by his superiors no matter how dissatisfied he was. In this kind of drug cartel, the fate of a disobedient younger brother would be extremely miserable.

The next day, Chio Russell was fully prepared and found a truck driver he was familiar with to load the boxes of Tianyuan hair growth serum into the trunk.

"Did you get so much luck this time?"

The driver shivered and felt his scalp numb as he looked at a dozen large boxes mixed in with the fruit and vegetable boxes.

If he is caught, he, the driver, will go to jail.

"Drive your car with peace of mind, and don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

Kio Russell glared at the other party and sat in the passenger seat.

The driver looked away worriedly. If he didn't have a family to support and the cruelty of these drug lords, he wouldn't be willing to take on such a private job.

The truck quickly started moving towards the U.S.-Mexico border.

The driver kept stepping on the accelerator, hoping to transport things to the destination as quickly as possible without causing any accidents along the way.

But as it happens, the more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen.

On a road, a military police inspection station appeared in front of them. Each military policeman was armed with live ammunition and leading a police dog to inspect passing vehicles.

Drug trafficking is rampant in Mexico, and if the police here make the slightest mistake, they will just draw their guns and shoot indiscriminately.

Because we were on an uphill slope, it was too late for the driver to see the inspection station. If he turned around at this time, he would only be overtaken and shot at indiscriminately.

"It's over, it's over."

The driver looked at Chio Russell with a resentful look in his eyes. Generally speaking, for such a large amount of opium transportation, special armed forces must be deployed to escort it. The elite cavalry in the group will go into battle with guns. If they encounter police firepower Not false at all.

Why was he so unlucky today? If the opium in the container was discovered, even if he escaped from the police by chance, the drug lord would not let him go as the driver.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now. When the truck arrived at the inspection site, several military police officers immediately searched the vehicle with police dogs.

Kio Russell's eyes were calm. It was not opium that he was transporting this time. He had nothing to be afraid of.

However, the police noticed that the driver of the car was too nervous and conducted a more stringent inspection of the truck. However, in the end, nothing was found, and the police dogs did not detect the suspicious smell of opium.

In fact, these police officers had already discovered Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, but Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid was not a dangerous substance and would not be taken seriously by the police at all, so they were able to pass smoothly.

Finally, after more than an hour of searching, the truck was allowed to pass.

The driver shouted that he was lucky, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"I see you are scared. Drive quickly."

Kio Russell sneered, very disdainful of the driver's courage.

After driving for more than half an hour, the truck arrived at a small town near the border and finally stopped in the yard of a private house.

Chio Russell jumped out of the truck and called a few accomplices in the private house to get the Tianyuan hair growth liquid down.

After sending away the driver, the group immediately transported everything to the house. After lifting a carpet, they revealed a disguised underground tunnel underneath.

This tunnel passes under the US-Mexico border and leads directly into the United States.

There are also lights, oxygen bottles, storage warehouses, etc. in the tunnel, which is very hidden and safe.

Several people found a cart and moved all the Tianyuan hair growth liquid up, passing through the underground tunnel all the way to the United States.

A few hours later.

Phoenix, Arizona, America.

Chio Russell was wearing a windbreaker and walking in the largest city in Arizona.

Following the instructions of the manual issued by the superiors, he stared at a gentle, early bald white-collar worker and approached him step by step.

"Hey, buddy, you want the goods!"

Patting the other party on the shoulder, Chio Russell lowered his voice.

The white-collar worker was stunned and looked at Chio Russell's dress. He thought that the other party was selling opium to him and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, I'm not an addict."

"I sell shampoo, Tianyuan hair growth liquid."

Chio Russell opened his windbreaker, and there was a small pocket sewn on the inner layer, which contained bottles of Tianyuan hair growth liquid.

"Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid?"

The white-collar worker's tone suddenly became excited, his eyes sparkled, and he subconsciously touched his head.

He had used Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid before, but it was later removed from the market and out of stock. His lush and flowing hair fell out again, and his new girlfriend broke up with him because she disliked him. He didn't know how long he had been troubled by this, and he had always wanted to get his hair back.

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