Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 201 CIA (First Update)


In a certain government conference room, the place was filled with smoke. A group of people were smoking cigars with ugly expressions on their faces.

The contemporary head of the Avilson family, Jose Avilson, sat on a chair with a cold face and spoke slowly:

"Everyone, it seems that our plan to force the other party to submit has failed."

Opposite Jose Avilson, a tax bureau official in charge of this matter had a dark face and was very unhappy: "Mr. Jose, originally we could collect taxes well, but because we cooperated with your actions, we have now suffered huge losses from the national treasury. You This makes things difficult for everyone.”

"That's right, my chain of supermarkets has suffered serious losses. It used to earn over 100 million US dollars in commissions from Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid every month. Now all the money has been smuggled on the black market. Who will compensate for our losses?"

The chairman of another large supermarket was also banging the table, regretting this move of stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

If I had known earlier, I would not have cooperated with Asder Pharmaceuticals, and I would have lost so much profit in vain.

The conference room is full of powerful people. A well-known multinational pharmaceutical company like Asder Pharmaceuticals, a Fortune 500 company, always likes to deal with powerful people.

At this time, facing the rampant smuggling of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, their blockade policy undoubtedly failed, so they gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Faced with the accusations from everyone, Jose Avilson bowed and said: "I didn't expect this, and it caused everyone a loss. However, it is not that we have no chance to make amends.

Since smuggling is rampant, we will crack down on those smugglers.

The smuggled Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid comes from Mexico. We first ask Mexico to block the transportation channels and send a special team to crack down on criminal groups that smuggle such items. Therefore, we need the strength of relevant personnel.

As long as smuggling is suppressed, Tianyuan Daily will have to accept our request. "

While speaking, Jose Avilson looked at a middle-aged man with a cold face at the scene.

"Your Excellency Judith, we at Asder Pharmaceuticals are willing to donate 50 million US dollars in cash to your department as funds for overseas activities. I think it will not be a problem to crack down on those criminal groups with our methods."

The man named Judith was none other than a senior executive of the CIA. This time, Jose Avilson specially invited him to the scene.

"After this is done, our CIA wants 30% of the net proceeds from Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid."

Judith spoke the request in a calm tone.

As soon as these words came out, countless people's eyelids jumped and they cursed in their hearts.

Jose Avilson frowned and thought for a long time. Considering that he had to rely on the power of the CIA, he had no choice but to nod: "I can agree to this request."

There was a smile on Judien's cold face.

Although the CIA is the most important foreign intelligence department of the United States, it is responsible for collecting intelligence on foreign governments, companies, terrorist organizations, individuals, politics, culture, and technology. It also has strong operational power to bribe, assassinate, and cultivate enemy anti-government forces. Offering arms deals and more.

It can be said that the CIA has always worn many hats, but in order to complete so many tasks, the CIA also lacks funds!

In order to make money, in addition to government funding, the CIA is very subjective.

Among other things, the CIA is behind many drug lords.

"In addition to cracking down on smuggling in the Mexican country, we also need the power of the CIA to help us deal with the Jieke Company in the Zen Kingdom. That is the headquarters of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. Only by removing it can we truly obtain Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. income."

Jose Avilson continued to make demands. He also knew that Jieco Company had recently expanded its military strength, which made him feel uneasy.

If it weren't for the fact that the warlords supported by the local area were not ready for a long time, he would have been unable to resist giving the order to take action.

"He's just a local warlord, we can help you."

Judith agreed without hesitation. As long as the other party was given the title of a terrorist, he was worried that he would not be able to control the other party. The right to interpret it lies with the CIA.

It's not like the CIA has never done this kind of thing in the past. As long as the funds are in place, they can subvert a country, and a mere small warlord is nothing.

With Judien's assurance, Jose Avilson obviously relaxed a lot.

Although a large portion of the benefits are promised, gaining the friendship of the CIA is beneficial to Asder Pharmaceuticals as a whole.

With the CIA's huge influence overseas, Asder Pharmaceuticals can go deeper and further.

"Everyone, victory is in sight. For just one company, the final winner will definitely be us."

José Avilson stood up and bowed again.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. With the addition of the CIA, everyone already saw hope of victory.

Shortly after the meeting, the U.S. Commerce Office held another press conference.

Facing a famous reporter, the spokesperson said angrily: “Recently, our company has discovered large-scale smuggling at the US-Mexico border, and criminals have brought into the country Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, which our ministry has expressly prohibited from selling.

There must be Tianyuan Daily’s promotion behind this, which circulates the products through illegal channels and delivers them to criminals, in order to infringe on the people.

We urge Mexico to immediately initiate a corresponding ban to prevent Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid from passing through customs and becoming a weapon for criminals to earn black money.

Here, our Commercial Office officially issues an ultimatum.

Tianyuan Daily has endangered the national security of our United States. It must immediately stop this smuggling and pay a fine of 3.698 billion US dollars, otherwise we will initiate comprehensive sanctions. "

The reporters in the audience smelled the smell of big news and raised their microphones to ask: "Excuse me, does this mean that Tianyuan Daily participated in smuggling? Do you have evidence?"

"Of course there is evidence, but it is not convenient to show it for the time being. When we catch all the culprits, we will let them accept the punishment of the law."

The spokesperson of the Commerce Department said stubbornly that Tianyuan Daily would pay the price.

"I would like to ask, what national security did Tianyuan Daily infringe on? Is there a detailed medical appraisal and data to support the harm to the body?"

Another reporter stood up, his tone excited.

"It involves state secrets. It is not convenient for us to answer. Next."

The spokesperson's face turned black again, and he quickly found a reporter from his own team.

"Tianyuan Daily has such behavior. Do we consider freezing the other party's funds directly? ”

The CNN reporter gave the spokesperson advice on the spot, ignoring the contemptuous looks from his colleagues around him.

“We will consider this.”

The spokesperson said dryly that if Tianyuan Daily kept its money abroad, they would have frozen its funds long ago to let them know what it meant to be the world police, but unfortunately they didn’t have this opportunity.

Seeing the eager eyes below, it felt like this press conference was a bit besieged. The spokesperson didn’t dare to let them continue asking questions, and hurriedly ended the press conference and left in a bit of embarrassment.

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