Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 203: My country Mo has its own national conditions (the third update)

As the United States began to impose sanctions, the smuggling industry was immediately hit hard.

Especially in Mexico, under the pressure from the United States, unprecedented investigation and punishment actions were shown.

The United States also sent a special investigation and punishment team to Mexico to assist in the investigation of the smuggling case of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

The main reason is that Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid's behavior is too jumpy, and the U.S. Department of Commerce can no longer tolerate it.

If it is not targeted, others will think that the United States is a paper tiger, and anyone dares to challenge its hegemony.

In an office building in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, Michele Cantu, the head of the smuggling project from the United States, sat in an office chair and was looking through a pile of documents.

Michele Cantu's background is not simple. He is only 45 years old, but he is the most famous police elite in the United States in recent years. He has solved many major cases and has an extremely brilliant resume.

This time, because the Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid incident made the United States lose face, he was specially sent here to assist in the investigation.

It is difficult to get approval for such cross-border cases on weekdays, and even Interpol does not have such power.

But the request was made by the United States, and Mexico is close to the United States. It has been used to being asked for anything for so many years, and it really does not have much confidence to refuse.

So Michele Cantu led the team here.

Near Michele Cantu, there are dozens of special elites from the United States, some from the Ministry of Commerce, some from the police department, and some from the border management office. They are all elite soldiers drawn from various departments.

"Nitel, we hope that your Mexican officials can cooperate with our actions. Fighting smuggling is beneficial to both countries."

At this time, in front of Michele Cantu, there is a Mexican with slightly curly hair.

He is the person in charge sent by the Mexican government to contact Michele Cantu, named Nitel La Cimpta.

"Don't worry, I have received the instructions of the President and will definitely cooperate with your actions. If you have any questions, please come to me."

Nitel patted his chest and made a loud promise, saying very cooperatively.

"Boss, we received a tip from an informant, Mexican Customs"

At this moment, a subordinate suddenly ran over in a hurry and reported in a low voice.

"What, follow me immediately."

Michele Cantu's face turned black, and he immediately stood up, took his gun, and drove a team of people to the port at high speed.


Michele Cantu organized a group of elite soldiers and secretly lurked in the port of Samani, Mexico, and witnessed a scene that made him furious.

After a cargo ship arrived at the shore, the crew was organizing the unloading.

At the unloading site, some guys who were obviously gangsters were swaggering and directing the scene, and there were many official port personnel next to them smiling and accompanying them.

The two gangs called each other brothers, hello and me, and were very enthusiastic.

"Boss, we have notified the local police, and they will send people to assist us."

A subordinate approached and said in a low voice.

"Very good, pay attention to the other party's movements, we."

While Michele Cantu was speaking, he saw that the unloading area suddenly became chaotic.

After the leader of the gang received a call, he immediately asked everyone to get on the car and run away.

"The news leaked out, don't wait for police support, we will do it ourselves."

Michele Cantu quickly realized that something was wrong. Seeing the gangsters running away, he couldn't bear it anymore and took his team to attack quickly.

The arrest process was easier than expected. It seemed that they were not prepared for their arrival. Some gangsters were caught before they had time to get on the car.

Including the crew members and dock officials who assisted at the scene, they were all arrested.

When the unloading boxes were opened again, they were all bottles of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, and the number was amazing.

Without the permission of these officials, it would be difficult to smuggle such a large amount of goods in a little bit by a small boat.

After all, this is not opium. It is small in weight and not ballast. A small boat can easily dock and unload.

Seeing these stolen goods, Michele Cantu became even more angry.

So when Nittel arrived, several top officials of the port had been blocked in the office by Michele Cantu.

"Mr. Michele, what are you doing?"

Nittel was shocked and hurried forward to stop him.

Michele Cantu snorted coldly and said, "Ask these officials, they are mixed with the gangs and colluded with the smuggling of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. They must have received the black money from the gangs."

Nittel's face twitched, and he quickly figured out what was going on. He could only smile bitterly.

He knew the nature of these officials. The corruption of these officials in Mexico is no longer a new thing.

"Mr. Michele, calm down first. We can talk about it slowly!"

"How can I calm down? You know, we just applied for support from the local police station, and the gangsters heard the news and ran away. Is this a police station or a den of thieves?"

Michele Cantu slammed the table, showing how angry he was.

Nitel was speechless. You know, due to the chaos and poverty in Mexico, the police's salary is not high, and they have to face the threats of various gangs. Not to mention that some places turn a blind eye to the gangs, there are even special forces who join the drug lords. This is the situation in Mexico. It is very common for the police to collude with the gangs.

"Hey, you Americans, get out of my office. This is not your country. You have no jurisdiction over us."

At this time, several port officials who were blocked in the office cursed at Michele Cantu. At the same time, they called in the police who maintained security in the port area and confronted Michele Cantu's men.

This arrogant and domineering attitude made Michele Cantu even more furious.

"Mr. Michele, please lead some troops to retreat."

Nettle was also persuading, trying his best to stop the conflict from breaking out.

"You will regret it."

Michele Cantu's face was ashen, because he really had no power, and this was the country of Mexico, so he could only lead the team to leave bitterly.

Walking on the road outside the port, Michele Cantu still refused to give up and said: "Nittle, you should rectify your own bureaucracy. How corrupt is it? Those officials must be punished. Only by taking it down can the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys be achieved.”

"Mr. Michele, this is impossible. Mexico has its own national conditions, so you should leave these things alone."

Nettle refused without even thinking about it. For someone who could work in a place as rich as the port, he knew from his backside that he had a big backing, and he might have some big backers. Who would dare to mess around easily?

In this current situation, Michele Cantu has nothing to do.

This is a sovereign country. No matter how much it tries to seduce the United States, it is not something that a small project manager like him can influence.

Two more chapters have been reviewed!

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