Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 215 First Class (Third Update)

The heavy steel castings are not only thick, but also made of high-strength steel, and their weight is amazing.

But those first-class super soldiers don't care. At this time, each of them swallows eight to twelve strengthening pills.

Then they bend down and put on those steel kits one by one, sealing their whole bodies.

It's like a medieval heavy armored knight, a veritable iron can, and also like a single-soldier mecha in a science fiction work, which looks very bluffing.


A dozen first-class super soldiers moved their bodies. These steel kits have no technological content at all. They are not real mechas. They are all driven by manpower. Ordinary people can't even take a step when wearing them, let alone fighting.

But these first-class super soldiers put them on and turned them into the strongest heavy armor, relying on their tyrannical and domineering power to use them.

The logistics soldiers were busy, bringing Gatling guns and large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns to these iron cans. These weapons are mainly used for vehicle-mounted or helicopter-mounted machine guns. Finally, they hung heavy ammunition boxes and sealed their masks, and human-shaped steel monsters were formed.

"Let's go."

With an order, these steel soldiers took armored personnel carriers and drove rapidly towards Hunei City.

A large number of soldiers followed behind, rushing into Hunei City with great momentum.

In the sky, drones took off and began to scout and search for the enemy.

On land, more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles of the heavy combined brigade that barely came to support also rushed to the streets.

As for more heavy firepower, they were stuck in the muddy roads in the mountains. They were either broken down or unable to advance or retreat. There was no chance to wait until they arrived at the battlefield.

The war broke out immediately after Jie Ke's security entered the city.

Relying on the city, the warlord soldiers continued to shoot from the windowsills, door cracks and sandbag bunkers.

Some people carried rocket launchers, some set up heavy machine gun positions, and some called for artillery bombardment.

Situang fired with a rifle and shot an enemy who had just shown his head in the head, but more firepower poured down, making it impossible for him to get out.

Suddenly, there was a violent noise in the sky, and a warlord's armed helicopter flew low and slowly aimed at the position where Situang was hiding.

Situang's face changed drastically. Even if he swallowed the strengthening pill, his body was still flesh and blood. If he was covered by machine guns and rocket launchers, his body would still be torn into pieces.

At this critical moment, a series of dull shooting sounds came.

A line of fire appeared in the sky, and dense rain of bullets continued to hit the armed helicopter.

Turning his head, he saw a first-class super soldier appearing on the street, firing crazily with a 14.5mm large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun in his hand, like a heavy concrete drilling machine, firing armor-piercing incendiary bullets one after another.

This ammunition, which is specially used to attack aircraft and light armored targets, is a 23mm machine gun ammunition that is narrowed down. The bullets have a power of tens of thousands of joules and are constantly detonated on the armed helicopter.

This first-class super soldier first adjusted the trajectory with tracer bullets, and immediately destroyed the optoelectronic pods and thermal imaging search equipment on the armed helicopter.

The armed helicopter in the sky continued to pull up and accelerate, escaping at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, trying to get away from the attack point.

It stands to reason that it is difficult for the clumsy anti-aircraft machine guns to keep up with the flexible and maneuverable armed helicopters, unless multiple anti-aircraft machine guns are used to block the firepower together.

But this first-class super soldier is obviously different. He resisted the powerful recoil of the anti-aircraft machine gun, and his enhanced body quickly ran to the roof and fired at the armed helicopter in succession.

Relying on precise shooting skills and nerve reactions, the bullets chased the armed helicopter and shot at the rotor connection and engine compartment of the armed helicopter.

I saw black smoke coming out of the armed helicopter in the sky, and finally rolled and rotated uncontrollably, fell heavily to the ground, and fell into a pile of scrap metal.

Miao Lun looked around. The rain of bullets fired by the warlord soldiers ricocheted on the heavy steel armor, but could not really penetrate it and hurt Miao Lun inside.

It was because his armor was too heavy. Only a violent explosion and a 12.7mm caliber machine gun with armor-piercing incendiary bullets, or a heavy anti-material sniper rifle, could really penetrate this armor.

Facing the dense bullet attack like water splashing, Miao Lun ignored it. He kept jumping on the rooftops along the buildings scattered in the city. Even wearing a heavy armor, he still had a good speed.

He just needed to worry about his weight. If the quality of some roofs was not good, he would collapse and fall into them.

"Two hundred meters to the left, there are five to eight enemy soldiers in a three-story residential building at nine o'clock."

"Five hundred and twenty meters ahead, there are tanks moving, pay attention to hiding."

"There are infantry fighting vehicles heading towards you, at seven o'clock, three hundred meters away."

The commander's voice kept coming from the earphones, and three drones were hovering and searching near Miao Lun in the sky, acting as eyes and a broad field of vision, providing intelligence for first-class super soldiers like Miao Lun, so that they can better deal with heavy firepower threats and gain battlefield survivability.

Facing the enemy troops hiding in the residential buildings and attacking insidiously, Miao Lun held an anti-aircraft machine gun, aimed at a residential building, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The warlord soldiers hiding behind the bricks and concrete screamed, and the 14.5mm caliber bullets easily penetrated the wall, breaking the human body inside into several sections.


A shell was fired, and a heavy main battle tank slowly appeared on the street, with the muzzle trying to aim at Miao Lun.

Miao Lun's ears moved slightly. In addition to the information provided by the drone commander, he also captured the huge movement and engine sound of the tank.

Super soldiers not only gain strength and speed, but also hearing, vision and smell.

After realizing the danger, Miao Lun immediately went into the alley at the end of the street where his vision was blind.

The high-explosive bomb fired by the tank blew away a two-story residential building. The shock wave made Miao Lun stagger, but it did not really hurt Miao Lun.

When he ran to another street, Miao Lun did not go head-to-head with the tank, because there would be individual anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers to deal with them.

What Miao Lun needed to do was to use his own defense and specifically bully those light-armed infantry.

The warlord soldiers stationed here on Xinjie Street raised their heads and saw a steel monster rushing towards them.

The warlord soldiers pulled the trigger in fear, but the bullets did not penetrate the defense at all. The next moment, Miao Lun was like a tiger and a flock of sheep, and the machine gun swept several people into meat paste.

A soldier who was blocking the front was directly knocked away, and his sternum was completely broken when he landed, and he was breathing out more than breathing in.

He punched out with his left fist, hitting a warlord soldier in the head. With the strong physique brought by swallowing twelve strengthening pills, he punched the man to death with one punch, and his brain was scattered.


Several grenades fell on his feet, but Miao Lun didn't even look at them. He was not afraid of this weapon that mainly killed by fragments, but turned his eyes to the warlord soldier carrying a rocket launcher.

Amid the explosion of grenades, Miao Lun carried a large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun and pulled the trigger under the terrified gaze of the warlord soldiers on the opposite side.

Thick bullets swept out one by one, and those who tried to shoot Miao Lun with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers fell into a pool of blood first.


A six-wheeled armored vehicle drove into the street, and Miao Lun looked at the other party. He had already caught the sound of the armored vehicle moving and had set up his gun in advance.

The next moment, Miao Lun relied on his nerve reaction speed to fire first, and the long bullet chain kept shaking.

The armored vehicle, which could only focus on defending against 12.7mm caliber bullets, was directly penetrated by 14.5mm caliber bullets. Needless to say, the soldiers inside had all died long ago, and the armored vehicle became their iron coffin.

If they had opened fire first, Miao Lun would have been beaten to pieces by the power of the vehicle-mounted machine gun.

After doing all this, Miao Lun continued to rush to the next battlefield.

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