Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 220 Miserable (Third Update)

On the deck, Nadaya stood there in a daze.

The high-speed transport ship that had just exploded and sunk was not far from him, and he saw all the tragic situations on the ship.

The soldiers who were thrown and torn apart, the broken hull, the propeller at the stern sticking out of the water, and the soldiers who kept falling into the sea and calling for help, all deeply shocked his weak heart.

"Nadaya, come and put on your life jacket."

Bryce pulled Nadaya, who was still in a daze. Because they underestimated the enemy and thought that the landing was extremely safe, the American soldiers had already decided to go to Zen Country to play after getting off the ship, and no one wanted to wear the life jackets that were in the way.

The entire transport fleet was in a mess. Some soldiers were fighting for life jackets, some were putting down lifeboats, and some new recruits with poor psychological quality who had just joined the army collapsed and fell into a chaotic situation, running around like headless flies.

Plop! Plop!

The two Aegis destroyers and two littoral combat ships escorting the transport fleet also locked the positions of the mines under the water through sonar detection.

Several warships sounded the battle alarm, and the tail threw rocket depth charges into the sea frantically to kill and detonate the mines in advance.

At the same time, acoustic baits were dropped in an attempt to make the mines misjudge the target and detonate in advance.

The depth charges were indeed effective, and many mines were blown up. The pale corpse hands that boosted the mines were shattered and turned into spiritual power to diffuse in the air.

However, the defense of the United States was tight, but the number of mines was greater.

"I want to see how much you can defend."

On the distant hilltop, Su Jie sat on the branch of a large tree with his legs crossed, looking at the fleet in the distance, which was in a mess, with a sneer on his mouth.

Compared with the expensive warships, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars, mines have neither bright trajectory nor beautiful appearance. In addition, they are cheap and easy to manufacture. Su Jie purchased a large batch of them and asked the Russians for the production method. The military factory in the Mand region copied a batch of them. Anyway, they are not too high-tech. They are just simply touched to detonate mines.

Even if they are exchanged with those warships, Su Jie will make a profit by exchanging one hundred mines for a transport ship, not to mention the incidental casualties.

With narrowed eyes, Su Jie looked towards the sea, where he had arranged aquatic poisonous insects as a field of vision for reconnaissance. Su Jie only needed to command the pale corpses to push the mines and hit them like playing a game.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sea surface seemed to be boiling, and mines were detonated one after another. The rocket depth bombs fired by destroyers and frigates fell into the sea, exploding rows of water columns.

In the sky, anti-submarine helicopters were also dropping depth charges, trying to prevent mines from approaching the transport ship.

But even in such a dense blockade, there were still mines approaching the transport ship, and finally they were close to it and exploded, blowing people upside down and turning the ship over.

One after another, the expensive military high-speed transport ships were torn apart by the mine explosion, and the crew in the lower cabin was directly squeezed into blood mud and spit on the steel bulkhead during the impact.

The soldiers who ran to the upper level could not escape the disaster. Some were killed by heavy objects on the ship, burned to death by the burning cabin, and those who survived by chance had to fall into the sea and kept struggling in the sea water.

A fierce naval battle broke out. On one side was the hedgehog-like American expeditionary fleet that was constantly defending on the sea surface, and on the other side was the seemingly inconspicuous biological kinetic mines hidden in the sea water.

Everyone came and went, and under Su Jie's relentless attack, another seven or eight transport ships slowly sank in the mine explosion.

These transport ships were unlucky to have run into such a ruthless man like Su Jie.

Using a mine with a charge of 700 to 800 kilograms to blow up a transport ship, what transport ship could withstand such a big firecracker!

Some transport ships broke in half on the spot, with the bow and stern lifted high.

The entire bow of a transport ship was blown off, and it plunged straight into the sea like a chopstick, taking with it the soldiers in the cabin who had no time to jump into the sea, and sinking to the bottom of the sea to accompany the fish.

Some transport ships were directly blown upside down, like a fish with its belly turned upside down, revealing the bottom of the ship covered with oysters, barnacles, and algae. Many soldiers were pressed by the upside-down transport ship, and the sound of knocking came out in the cabin, and they were taken to the bottom of the sea with cries and struggles.

A munitions and ammunition transport ship was hit by a mine, and a small mushroom cloud exploded on the spot, and various debris was broken into hundreds of meters.


A fleet oil tanker was hit, and a large amount of fuel leaked out.

Because of the density difference between fuel and water, these leaked fuels, various aviation fuels, gasoline, diesel, and marine heavy oil floated on the sea.

The transport ship where Bryce and Nadaya were was also hit by a mine, and the two jumped into the sea to escape.

Fortunately, this is not the cold Atlantic Ocean. They have life jackets in the water and will not drown for a while. At this time, they are looking for debris that can provide buoyancy.

But at this time, the fuel leaked from the oil tanker flowed here.

Bryce looked up and saw the various burning debris that flew into the sky after the ammunition ship exploded. His eyes couldn't help but reveal a deep fear.

"Run, run."

Without any hesitation, Bryce paddled with all his strength, and the two just swam out of the oil pollution.

The burning debris falling from the sky ignited the leaked fuel, forming a moving sea of ​​oil and fire on the sea.

The soldiers who jumped into the sea howled miserably and were engulfed and burned by the fire on the sea.

Near the oil tanker, except for some soldiers on the edge who were able to escape, the rest of the soldiers were either burned to death or suffocated to death under the water.

Su Jie was having fun bombing, and the mines in his storage bag were constantly being consumed.

After playing for twenty minutes, looking at the few remaining mines, Su Jie turned his eyes to several destroyers and frigates that were still throwing depth charges.

The Aegis destroyer was a bit far away, and the several shabby small frigates of Zen were not worth wasting energy. Finally, Su Jie set his target on a littoral combat ship, and all the remaining mines rushed towards this littoral combat ship.

The littoral combat ship with a displacement of 3,000 tons ran at a high speed of 45 knots, but still could not get rid of the pursuit of mines.

The last three mines approached and exploded, dismembering the littoral combat ship on the spot, and the crew fell into the sea like dumplings, away from the littoral combat ship that was destined to sink.

After doing all this, Su Jie calmly put away the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, looked at the Zen Navy that was alarmed at the dock in the distance and was coming to support and help, and turned away.

When the Zen Navy arrived at the scene late, they saw a scene that made their scalps numb.

The burning sea, the sunken ships, the soldiers struggling and calling for help in the water, and the dense floating corpses on the sea. The waves were pushing the corpses towards the beach little by little, piling up a small mountain of corpses.

As time went on, more and more support arrived, and military bases in various parts of the United States also sent rescue forces as soon as possible.

But the distance was too far, and when they arrived, the people who were supposed to die were already dead, and the living people were rescued.

And this fierce battle on the sea, as information from all sides spread, caused an uproar on the Internet.

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