Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 224 Killing (3rd update)

Underground tunnel of Fengbo Mountain.

Miao Lun was wearing heavy armor and carrying a 14.5mm large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun. Through the observation port on his cheek, his eyes flashed coldly.

"One hundred and fifty meters to the southeast, there are about thirty warlord soldiers. In front is a company of the United States, with heavy machine guns, anti-material sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. Be careful when attacking and give priority to these firepower. In addition, pay attention to the 11 o'clock direction, where there is an armed helicopter."

In the earphone, an intelligence officer kept explaining the situation outside to Miao Lun. Because of the existence of the wild insect control method, the battlefield is almost transparent to Jie Ke security.

Miao Lun didn't know where this information came from, but he believed that this information would not be wrong.

He kept taking deep breaths, because above his head was a large group of enemy troops entering the mountain.

"Ten seconds left."

Miao Lun grabbed the alloy steel ladder with both hands and climbed towards the ground step by step.

The heavy armor stepped on the escalator, making a creaking sound, and the soil fell off.

"Three seconds, two seconds, attack."

When the command to attack came from the earphone, Miao Lun also climbed to the top of the ladder well, pushed open the manhole cover buried under the fallen leaves and covering soil, and suddenly accelerated and jumped out.

On the ground, a soldier heard the movement and turned his head to see a steel monster that did not belong to him jumping out from the ground.

"Take the bullet."

Miao Lun grinned, pressed the muzzle, and 14.5mm bullets thicker than fingers were fired wildly. Soldiers were caught off guard and were directly cut in half by bullets with tens of thousands of joules of kinetic energy. The surrounding ground was instantly stained red with blood, and there were screams everywhere.

Miao Lun's first choice of attack target was the American soldiers right in front of him.

These soldiers were extremely well-armed and carried a lot of heavy firepower, which he had to deal with first.

"Oh my God! Where did this guy come from?"

"Open fire quickly, fight back, fight back."

"No, my bullets can't penetrate, what kind of armor is this?"

"Fuck, David, you piece of shit, stop shrinking back, hurry up and bring up the rocket launcher to blast this monster."

The mercenaries of the United States were terrified. Although they had heard about the rumors of super soldiers, they were still terrified when they met them head-on and saw the violent side of the other party with their own eyes.

Miao Lun did not choose to stay where he was. The body that swallowed the strengthening pill gave him a strong physique and keen five senses.

While running rapidly, the anti-aircraft machine gun in his hand was also constantly firing, and the long ammunition chain was shaking wildly.

The first ones to be knocked down by Miao Lun were the machine gun squad and the soldiers carrying rocket launchers.

Occasionally, he would make it difficult for the enemy to accurately aim at some missed rocket launchers and snipers through high-speed movement, and would eliminate their firepower points as soon as possible.

Even wearing heavy steel armor, he still ran like an inhuman, the machine gun in his hand turned into a death sickle, harvesting fresh lives.

At this time, Miao Lun was almost a one-sided slaughter on the battlefield. He was not afraid of ordinary bullets at all. Those soldiers carrying heavy machine guns, anti-material sniper rifles, and rocket launchers were eliminated by him first. With his extremely accurate shooting skills, the blood flowed like a river.

"Operation Center, this is A3, we need close air support."

"Received, arranging helicopter No. 23 for support."

"How long will it take to arrive? Our position is marked with red smoke bombs. The enemy is at 185 degrees and 200 meters, a dangerous distance."

"Received, I am at your six o'clock direction, searching for the enemy, preparing to attack."


An armed helicopter came straight to Miao Lun. It was the tradition of the United States to call for air support at the slightest disagreement.

But Miao Lun also had teammates. After Miao Lun attacked first and opened up the battlefield, other members of the Jeko security team also climbed out of the underground tunnel and occupied the surrounding bunkers. Some individual anti-aircraft missiles were directly launched into the air.

"God, there are anti-aircraft missiles coming. Quickly throw heat-seeking bombs to interfere."

The armed helicopter was lucky to avoid the anti-aircraft missiles and made violent ultra-low-altitude maneuvers, causing the anti-aircraft missiles to miss the target and fly away.

But the low altitude of the armed helicopter also gave Miao Lun an opportunity.

The next moment, Miao Lun aimed the anti-aircraft machine gun in his hand at the armed helicopter and fired directly, and the tracer bullets almost formed a line of light.

With precise control, almost all the bullets hit the fragile rotor connection part of the armed helicopter, causing the helicopter to spin out of control and fall down uncontrollably.

Similar scenes occurred everywhere in Fengbo Mountain. Not many armed helicopters that were providing low-altitude support were lucky enough to avoid individual anti-aircraft missiles, and more were directly shot down.

Jake Security assembled almost all the super soldiers to ambush here, and they rushed out from underground and attacked directly in the center of the enemy troops.

In the dense forests in the mountains, the vehicles of the United States could not get up, and the heavy firepower could not be effective.

Faced with this situation, the Zen government troops and warlord soldiers collapsed first, either surrendering on the spot or turning around and running away, leaving the soldiers of the United States behind.

The soldiers of the United States are still holding on. They have called the military airport in the rear. Those fighters cannot be shot down by single-soldier anti-aircraft missiles.

The killing on the battlefield continues.

And these soldiers of the United States who are still fighting fiercely do not know that the air support they have high hopes for may not come.

Fick Airport.

This was originally a military airport of Zen Country. Now it has been requisitioned by the United States. The airport has been expanded and many fighter jets have been stationed here.

When the battle of Fengbo Mountain started, the airport received the news, and the tower immediately arranged fighter jets to enter the runway and prepare to take off to support the frontline operations.

But at the same time as the battle of Fengbo Mountain started, a huge underground tunnel was being opened ten kilometers away from Fick Airport, and multiple rocket launchers drove out.

"Attention, all rocket battalions, target No. 3, support point, vertical coordinate 83123, horizontal coordinate 62382, elevation. Determine all elements, prepare to launch."

According to the pre-drill, multiple rocket launchers slowly raised their muzzles, and with an order, thousands of arrows were fired.

One by one, thick rockets ignited and soared rapidly, and the sky seemed to have a beautiful meteor shower, falling towards Fick Airport.

After a short flight, the rocket landed at Fick Airport.

The fighter planes that were in a hurry to take off here were full of fuel and ammunition, and the rockets just happened to fall.

Like a volcanic eruption, rockets exploded one after another, and the airport instantly turned into a scorched earth, with broken limbs everywhere, and expensive fighter planes were blown up on the runway.

Those fighter planes with full fuel and ammunition were detonated by rockets, further aggravating the damage.

From a distance, the explosions at Fick Airport were endless, burning fuel flowed all over the ground, and the flames enveloped the entire airport.

What's more terrible is that because of the rush to hang bombs and take off to support the front line, the ammunition depot and oil depot were not closed well. The last two violent explosions, and two huge mushroom clouds rose at Fick Airport. It turned out that the ammunition depot and oil depot were hit by rockets, and countless tons of fuel and ammunition stored in them were detonated. The entire airport was also destroyed, and only one in ten survived.

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