Two days later.

In front of the gate of Guiling Palace, many disciples gathered here, all belonging to the Qiu Laodao lineage.

On the steps, Taoist Qiu, who was wearing a purple robe, had erect snake eyes, and had a thin face, had a black python that swallowed snake messages coiled in his left hand. When he looked at the disciples, his eyes were so cold that people felt chilled in their hearts, and they dared not look at each other.

Two inner disciples, Pei Haibing and Yu Wenxian, serve Taoist Qiu. Only inner disciples are qualified to stand beside him.

"Master, all the disciples above the second level of our branch Yunling Realm are here."

After Yu Wenxian counted the number of people, she turned around and reported to Taoist Qiu.

Taoist Qiu looked indifferent and slowly said: "The task of patrolling the mountain and protecting the road has been distributed, and disciples from all branches have been dispatched. You can't lose my reputation. Of course, whoever kills the most White Walkers will be with me. Corresponding rewards will also be given.”

As he spoke, the black python wrapped around Taoist Qiu's hand opened its bloody mouth and spit out a sword with white bone patterns.

The sword with the white bone pattern is about three feet long, and the sword body is transparent and white. Once it appears, it immediately blooms with a gleaming aura, spinning and spinning in the void. The air is filled with whistling sounds, and stones the size of millstones are heard. Can penetrate easily.

"This is the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword. It is the best choice among low-grade flying swords. I will give you a week. Who can win depends on your chance."

Listening to Taoist Qiu's explanation, all the disciples were jealous, including the inner disciple Pei Haibing.

The always stingy Qiu Laodao actually offered such a big reward. The price of such an excellent low-grade flying sword on the black market would cost at least a thousand blood marrow crystals.

"Good stuff!"

Su Jie's heart beat faster. Who wouldn't be greedy for such a flying sword?

"It's a pity that I don't know how to fight with a sword, otherwise I could have competed."

On the steps, Yu Wenxian pursed her lips and said regretfully.

Pei Haibing on the side was excited, staring at the white-bone evil sword with extremely hot eyes, and said: "Master, this disciple will definitely live up to your expectations and kill the White Walkers to celebrate your upcoming seventieth birthday."

The White Bone Transformation Technique he practiced is just right for this magical weapon. Once he gets this White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, he will be even more powerful.

Even in Pei Haibing's view, this was the weapon Qiu Daoren specially prepared for him, and he just handed it to him in a subtle way.

To avoid arousing criticism from other disciples, especially the jealousy of Yu Wenxian.

"If you can compete with other disciples, this magical weapon will be yours."

Taoist Qiu took back the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword and spoke calmly.

"Master, I won't let you down."

"Go and arrange for personnel to dispatch."

Taoist Qiu nodded slightly and Shi Shiran left.

"It seems that Junior Brother Pei is bound to win the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword!"

When Mr. Qiu left, Yu Wenxian's eyes flashed and she smiled.

Pei Haibing looked over and was very grateful: "Thanks to Senior Sister Yu for letting me do it."

If Yu Wenxian competes with him, Pei Haibing has no confidence.

Fortunately, what I heard from Yu Wenxian just now was that she wanted to take a step back and make peace with herself.

Thinking of this, Pei Haibing became even more proud, thinking that if it weren't for Yu Wenxian's chaotic life style, with the figure and beauty of the senior sister, being a Taoist monk would be a great thing.

Yu Wenxian shook her head and said: "I don't care, but with so many disciples under the master's sect, you may not be able to get the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword."

Pei Haibing looked at the many disciples below with indifferent eyes, and said coldly and proudly: "Senior sister, are you kidding me? This group of insects below has no potential or talent. They have been working as a sidekick and catching insects all their lives. How can they compete with me?"

As soon as these words came out, many of the disciples below felt resentful.

But who knows that Pei Haibing is an inner disciple, and his strength is at the sixth level of Yunling Realm.

Su Jie who was down there also heard this, but he was not as angry as the others.

Although Pei Haibing is indeed arrogant, Su Jie pays more attention to Yu Wenxian.

Does this woman seem to be deliberately setting Pei Haibing up as a target? In this way, Pei Haibing and all his disciples were separated from each other.

"This woman is not simple!"

Su Jie sighed in his heart, compared to the easy-to-understand Pei Haibing, Yu Wenxian is obviously more noteworthy.

"Then congratulate Junior Brother Pei in advance. The master said to arrange for manpower to set off. Let's move quickly."

Yu Wenxian smiled, making Pei Haibing's face very proud.

Pei Haibing nodded, regained his indifferent demeanor, and said: "Those whose names are called, come up and get the cards, which mark your garrison area. Luo Ruxin, Cheng Jian, Yao Shouye, No. 1, stationed on the southwest side of Jinsha Mountain . Fei Yinglong, Lu Yu, and Qu Dong were stationed on the cliff east of Meihua Valley."

People who were called by name stepped forward one by one. Some people were very happy when they received their number plates, while others felt like they were mourning for their heirs.

Because the teammates in the team and the area where they are stationed are in different danger levels, the weaker the teammate, the more dangerous the area where they are stationed, and the risk factor is also different.

Qiu Laodao gave Pei Haibing and Yu Wenxian full authority over trivial matters such as mountain patrols and road protection, and the two often took the opportunity to make a fortune.

If you want strong teammates and a safe base, you have to pay these two bribes.

"Su Jie, Gu Weinian, Sun Zhihai, No. Bingjiu, stationed at Niujiao Ridge."

Most of the people formed their teams in twos and threes. Su Jie looked at the token with the number Bing 9 engraved on it.

In addition to his name, the area where he is stationed is also written on the back.

Also receiving the same token as Su Jie was Gu Weinian, whom he had met once before.

And a disciple named Sun Zhihai, who was disabled, missing his left hand, pale and sickly.

Su Jie knew that this was because the other party was unable to provide a sufficient number of poisonous insects for the native Gu insects, and could only provide them with long-term blood transfusions, which caused the body to become weak.

When the three of them were holding the tokens, Pei Haibing didn't even look at them.

Obviously, the three of them did not have the bleeding marrow crystals to bribe, so they were assigned such teammates.

Niujiao Ridge is far away from the Ghost Ridge Palace and is surrounded by poisonous miasma and deep valleys. Strange ghosts have always been there on weekdays.

"These three people, one is old, one is disabled, and the other is a young disciple with no reputation. They still went to Niujiao Ridge. Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid they won't be able to come back."

As they were going down, many of the disciples cast strange looks. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Su Jie and the others had been specially arranged by Pei Haibing.

"Brother Su, long time no see."

Gu Weinian raised his hand towards Su Jie with a wry smile on his face: "You didn't pay the inner door either!"

"I'm poor."

A concise and concise sentence left Gu Weinian speechless, and he was not the same.

"Ahem, it seems that we all share the same problem. My younger brother is in poor health. Please take care of me in Niujiao Ridge."

Sun Zhihai coughed twice. He was short of breath when he spoke and his body was extremely weak.

"Several fellow Taoists, we are also stationed at Niujiangling. My name is Chen Yun, this is my brother Chen Koudang, and Xu Chaoxian, my husband."

A woman came over at this time. She was in her mid-twenties and quite pretty. She took the initiative to offer her hands to Su Jie and the others.

"My name is Su Jie, and these are Gu Weinian and Sun Zhihai."

Su Jie responded with a salute. Across from him, a whole family was patrolling the mountain to protect the road.

Gu Weinian's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward enthusiastically and said: "Haha, it seems we are not alone. We have a team and we can do well together! Let's do well together!"

Xu Chao was taciturn at first and didn't say anything. It seemed that his wife Chen Yun had the final say in everything.

"Hmph, one is old and the other is disabled. Sister, what nonsense are you talking to them about? Don't hold us back when the time comes."

Chen Kouyan crossed his arms and looked at him with disgust.

Sun Zhihai's eyes dodge, but Nuonuo doesn't dare to speak.

Gu Weinian also looked embarrassed, after all, his age was here.

"What kind of breed are you to be so talkative? They are all assigned to Niujiao Ridge because they have no money. How noble can you be?"

Su Jie didn't tolerate others. When faced with other people's cold words, he immediately scolded them back.

"What did you say."

Chen Koudang didn't expect Su Jie to be so temperamental. He couldn't stand it anymore and opened the lid of the bamboo basket on his back.

A swarm of finger-sized poisonous ants with red bodies swarmed out crazily, covering half of his body and tending to spread towards Su Jie.

"That's enough. Have I asked you to talk too much?"

Chen Yun suddenly turned her head and slapped her younger brother Chen Koudan on the head, leaving him stunned.

Su Jie narrowed his eyes slightly. This person did not hide the movement of spiritual power in his body when he acted, and his strength at the fourth level of Yunling Realm was exposed.

Or maybe this was done intentionally by the other party to assert dominance?

When she started, an ugly-looking bat emerged from her sleeves and issued a silent threat.

The ants crawling on Chen Koudang's body were affected by the invisible sound waves, and their movements became stiff, and their original attacking posture also stopped instantly.

This should be Chen Yun's natal Gu, a very rare one called the Dark Sound Bat.

"I'm sorry everyone, my brother is not very sensible. As a sister, I will apologize to you."

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone has their youth!"

Gu Weinian didn't want the relationship to become tense, so he could only try his best to smooth things over at this time.

Although he is also at the fourth level of the Yunling Realm, due to old age and frailty, and having suffered many hidden injuries when he was young, his spiritual power is not as strong as that of Sun Zhihai, who is at the third level of the Yunling Realm.

Su Jie saw Chen Koudan staring at him with unhappy eyes, and touched his chest with his left hand to calm the restless Thousand-Handed Centipede.

It's not that bad, it's not that he kills people with just one sentence, he's not that cruel.

"The disciples who receive the token will set off immediately without delay. If they do not arrive at the station within the specified time, the law enforcement team will come forward."

At the same time, Pei Haibing, who had distributed the tokens, said a cold word, turned around and left the mountain gate of Ghost Ridge Palace with his two disciples.

All the disciples loaded up their luggage and started trekking.

"Let's go too."

Su Jie carried a thick bag on his back and followed the team towards the mountains far away from the sect.

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