Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 229 Revenge (Fourth Update)

Beautiful country.

New Mexico.

As the state with the lowest population density in the United States, New Mexico has a population of only two million. It is not as densely populated as some cities, and is typically sparsely populated.

At the beginning, this state was seized from Mexico and borders the territory of Mexico. Coupled with its vast area and sparsely populated environment, it was one of the areas hardest hit by the smuggling of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

In a secret underground tunnel, several plain-looking yellow men pushed aside the camouflage carpet, each carrying two huge iron boxes in their hands, and appeared in a small courtyard of a villa.

Next to them, there were several Mexicans following.

"Brother Miao Lun, let's go this way, the car is ready outside."

Chio Russell said cautiously, these yellow men are the boss of his boss, and the cartel personally ordered him to accompany them. It is said that they are from Southeast Asia, and they are people that the cartel bosses must receive.

"Have the retreat routes been arranged?"

Miao Lun glanced at the surrounding environment and confirmed again.

"No problem, we are fully prepared."

Qiao Russell nodded repeatedly, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously: "But, brothers Miao Lun, what exactly are you going to do, and why are you so mysterious?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Miao Lun glanced over lightly, with a terrifying look full of bloodshot eyes. For a moment, Qio Russell even felt that he had seen Tai Nai, and felt as if he was on the verge of death, suffocating.

"Who are these guys?"

Kio Russell felt a little scared, but he no longer dared to ask any more questions, and quickly called his companions to drive over some cars.

When the iron box that Miao Lun and the others were carrying was placed on the back of the pickup truck, the car sank slightly and was full of weight.

Two days later.

The car arrived at a rather secluded manor town.

Everything here is like a forest park, beautiful and quiet, quiet and tidy, and looks peaceful and peaceful.

Rich people in beautiful countries like the manor environment very much, perhaps because of their cowboy culture. Despite its remote location, it is an out-and-out wealthy area. Each manor is an independent kingdom for the rich, where they can raise cattle and livestock. Horse riding, fishing and flower viewing, eating, drinking and having fun are all good places for some elderly and wealthy people to retire.

In the southeast of the town, there is a large-scale manor, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, with flowers and artistic statues dotted throughout. The interior is luxurious and elegant, and the exterior is beautiful like a fairyland on earth, a paradise.

When the car stopped, Miao Lun and others got out of the car one by one. After confirming the location through the map, they quickly started taking action.

Everyone opened the heavy thick iron box. One iron box contained all heavy armor, and the other iron box contained large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns, Gatling, rocket launchers and other human-made destructive weapons. .

Under the stunned gaze of Chio Russell, Mullen and the others quickly put on their armors, attached ammunition belts to their machine guns, and walked towards the manor without any explanation.

At the same time, within this manor, an unpleasant meeting was being held.

"José, why has the ban on Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid been lifted? Wouldn't our previous preparations have been in vain?"

"The billions of dollars we invested in the warlords have all been wasted. You are fully responsible for this."

"Our hair growth products have almost completely disappeared from the market due to the suppression of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. Uncle Jose, you have to find a way!"

Jose Avilson sat at the head of the long table. Sitting on the left and right sides of the long table were members of the Avilson family.

Because of a series of wrong decisions, these tribesmen came to blame him today.

"I did not think carefully enough about dealing with the Jieko Group and underestimated how difficult it would be."

Jose's voice was dull. Ordinary people still didn't know about the defeat of Zen Kingdom Fengbo Mountain. As a handsome national capitalist, he had his own news channels and already knew the truth of the matter.

Looking around at the tribesmen who were either angry, secretly happy, or expressionless, Jose continued: "It's okay if everyone wants to blame me. I also know that some people want to sit in my position, but , I will not give up Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, it is related to the interests of our entire family. I can still maintain the implementation of the established policy while sitting in this position. If a new head of the family comes, that may not be the case. "

"José, what do you mean by that?"

Some people immediately expressed their dissatisfaction upon hearing this.

Jose said calmly: "My meaning is not obvious enough. I am afraid that someone will betray our family's interests and compromise with the Jieco Group. There have been so many rumors in the family recently about compensating a sum of money to the Jieco Group." Show your kindness and get the right to sell Tianyuan hair growth liquid as an agent.”

"That's nonsense. I think Jose you are really old and confused. How can the family pass such a thing?"

"Actually, this plan is not a bad idea. Making money is the most important thing. Do we have to fight to the death?"

"What, Jamal, I am so ashamed that you are a member of the Avilsons. The Avilson family will never compromise with a warlord."

There was an immediate quarrel in the conference room. Some people were willing to compromise, while others insisted on fighting to the end.

"It's all a piece of loose sand. How can we grow our family by relying on a bunch of insects like you?"

Looking at this scene, Jose shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Until everyone stopped arguing and had no energy left, Jose continued to speak: "It is impossible to compromise. Although our Asde Pharmaceuticals failed this time, we did not lose. Sooner or later, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid will be in our pocket."

Although everyone did not know where Jose got his confidence from, they no longer had the energy to argue and could only watch Jose perform.

Jose smiled slightly in his heart and was about to continue to talk about his subsequent plan to seize Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid to let the tribe see his ability, when he suddenly heard some noisy sounds, as if many people were running and shouting outside, and it seemed that someone was setting off cannons.

"What's going on!"

Jose's face was furious. He usually paid the most attention to aristocratic etiquette, and he absolutely could not tolerate such shouting and yelling.

Just when Jose was about to find someone to ask about the situation, rows of holes the size of a sea bowl appeared on the wall of the conference room.

The thick bullets penetrated the concrete wall and drilled in, shooting several Avilson people who were still in the meeting just now into two pieces, and blood even splashed on Jose's face.

Bang, bang, bang!

It was only then that the noises in the conference room, which had excellent sound insulation, could be heard clearly. They were the sounds of gunfire and cannon fire.

Jose's expression was stiff, and he looked outside in fear.

Through the holes made by the bullets, it seemed that several monsters covered in steel armor were killing their way towards the conference room step by step, and blood flowed wherever they passed.

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