Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 239: Chasing (Second Update)

"Look up at the sky."

"That centipede is the signature poisonous insect of Corpse Hand Man-Slayer."

"Knock him down."

One by one, the righteous cultivators moved at the news, and all the attacks such as flying swords, talismans, and Taoist magic were bombarded.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede's huge body and the scales were like an indestructible fortress. All attacks fell on it, just like fireworks falling on steel, without causing any waves.

However, it was not the style of the Thousand-Handed Centipede to take a beating without fighting back.

Facing the tickling of the group of little ants below, the Thousand-Handed Centipede lowered its head slightly, and its bone mask cracked, and hundreds of purple rays suddenly bloomed.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next moment, the high-temperature rays distorted the air and hit the attacking righteous cultivators on the ground.

Many disciples with insufficient cultivation did not even have time to scream before they were melted by the super-high temperature. The hot wind from the ground below melted hundreds of pits on the ground, and the rocks and soil turned into bubbling hot magma.

Countless disciples died directly under this attack. The disciples with higher cultivation who survived by chance were also pale and terrified. Most of the intensive attacks disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede continued to fly higher and farther from the ground, and was out of the attack range of most disciples.

Ordinary disciples in the Soul Condensation Realm do not have the ability to fly and take off. In this case, the threat to the Thousand-Handed Centipede is almost completely gone.

But things did not go so smoothly. These ordinary disciples could not fly, and there were always some exceptions.

Su Jie's rampant behavior angered many righteous disciples.

Two figures on the ground quickly rose into the air and chased the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

One of them rode a flying spirit beast, a giant lion with a height of ten feet and a mane like a ball of burning flames.

The other one was riding a sword, dragging the afterimages of sword light, and chasing closely with a broken scream.

"Fire Lion Ren Yunchang."

"Ming Wang Sword Wang Chong"

Xiao Fengyuan looked at the two flying figures and said their names. These two were not simple characters.

Also, those who can master the ability to fly in the Soul Condensation Realm are not simple no matter how you think about it.

Su Jie lowered his head, looked at the two people chasing him, and snapped his right fingers: "Sky Thunder."


The purple sky thunder in the void fell with a bang, and Wang Chong evaded it with his sword skillfully. Ren Yunchang, who was riding a giant lion, chose to resist it, but he obviously underestimated the power of the purple sky thunder.

The giant lion he sat on was howling miserably because of the electricity, and his hair stood up like a hedgehog, his skin was charred and cracked, and blood was flowing.

Just as he was in a state of stiffness, the Thousand-Handed Centipede suddenly slowed down, turned around, and opened its bloody mouth.

In the shocked eyes of countless righteous disciples below, the Thousand-Handed Centipede directly swallowed the giant lion and Ren Yunchang in one gulp.


You can hear something struggling in the stomach of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and there are screams.

But after just a few seconds, everything returned to calm. The so-called Fire Lion Ren Yunchang was just a mouthful in front of the Thousand-Handed Centipede of the middle grade five refinement.

"Brother Ren, the corpse-handed butcher, I want you to pay for your life."

Wang Chong roared in grief and anger, and his eyes were irritated by this scene. He slashed out a ten-meter-long spiritual sword and chopped it directly towards Su Jie.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede swung its tail and smashed the spiritual sword directly.

"Go and accompany your brother."

Su Jie sneered, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede opened its mouth and spit out a cloud of black mist, which instantly enveloped Wang Chong.

This was the death curse cloud. Wang Chong, who didn't know the depth, had no time to dodge. His whole body was under the horrible curse. His skin instantly lost moisture and became as rough and old as tree bark. He grew dense age spots and became skinny like a mummy. His vitality dissipated like a siphon.

"Uh, you evil...evil devil!!!"

Wang Chong's pupils gradually expanded. After he finished speaking, his breath was cut off. He was like a dead tree. His flesh, bones, and internal organs were all rotten. He was blown away by the strong wind in the sky and disappeared in the sky.

This battle lasted for a short time. The two masters who were highly expected by the righteous disciples died in the hands of the Thousand-Handed Centipede. The righteous disciples on the ground were dumbfounded and looked unbelievable.

"Hey, Su Jie, fly quickly. There is a big one chasing you from behind."

Before Su Jie had time to be happy, Ning Xinyue's anxious voice suddenly came.

Su Jie turned his head and saw an old man with an angry face flying alone in the sky in the distance. He did not rely on any external objects to fly. This is the sign of the elders of the Secret Treasure Realm.

"As for that, even the elders are here."

Su Jie's heart jumped, and he quickly asked the Thousand Hands Centipede to speed up.

"It's Elder Xu, Elder Xu is here."

"Elder Xu, this man killed Senior Brother Wang and Senior Brother Ren, you have to avenge him!"

"You must not let these evil demons go."

The morale of the righteous disciples on the ground was greatly boosted, as if they had seen a savior.

"Evil demons, don't run away."

Elder Xu's angry voice came, and his Taoism was also performed at the same time.

On the cloud layer, white clouds turned into giant palms, layer by layer, slapping down at the Thousand Hands Centipede.

Wherever the giant palm passed, the divine light surged like a tide, and the air was pushed out into a vacuum, with extremely amazing power.

"Blood Spear!"

Xiao Fengyuan took out a black spear, and blood-patterned flying knives emerged from the surrounding area, slashing at the giant cloud palms, but they only hindered them slightly. After holding on for a while, they were still slapped away by the giant cloud palms and smashed towards the Thousand-Handed Centipede with thunder.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede's body snaked up, and its huge body directly knocked away the giant cloud palm in front of it. Countless pale corpse hands tore apart the giant palms that slapped left and right and up and down. Under the violent collision, some pale corpse hands broke and fell from the sky, and more of them were directly annihilated in the sky.

"Well, this poisonous insect."

Elder Xu looked at the Thousand-Handed Centipede with doubt. Obviously, its combat power was far beyond his expectations.

This was not an ordinary poisonous insect. Its strength made him feel a little threatened.

The next moment, the Thousand-Handed Centipede suddenly turned back and spit out another death curse cloud at Elder Xu, and at the same time, a series of purple light rays burst out.

"How dare you!"

Elder Xu was furious. He was just in the Soul Condensation Realm, and he dared to be so arrogant.

Thousands of golden clouds rose on his robe, and a series of purple light rays were blocked. The sky was full of fire rain, and the robe also had some more signs of damage.

When the death curse cloud arrived, the strange and terrifying curse began to corrode Elder Xu's limbs and bones, causing the elder to change color immediately. His body began to age uncontrollably, and even his powerful spiritual power was very difficult to resist.

In just a few seconds, Elder Xu looked like he had aged twenty years, his hair and beard were completely white, and the wrinkles on his skin were deep enough to kill a mosquito.

When Elder Xu finally caught his breath, suppressed the curse a little, and his body regained some activity, there was no trace of the Thousand-Handed Centipede in the sky, and it had long escaped from sight.

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