Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 244 Human Skin (Fourth Update)

The child, who exuded a cold and strange aura, opened his mouth wide and let out a silent scream, trying to shake people's brains away.

Pale arms emerged from Su Jie's waist and ribs, and quickly crawled all over the child's body.

The spiritual power spread in the hands of the corpse, forcing the child to be unable to escape.

The child kept opening his mouth and howling inhumanly from his throat.

Several pale corpse hands were twisted into twists, but more corpse hands were covering them. The number and combat power of both sides were not proportional.

"Let me see, a little devil."

Su Jie knelt down and saw the struggling children inside through the gaps between the dense corpses.

Su Jie was completely unfamiliar with this kind of existence.

Back in Nanyang City, he was still weak, but he had personally experienced the terror of this kind of ghost.

"Is this a ghost?"

Xiao Feng appeared next to Su Jie from afar. Looking at the trapped child, he felt a very cold spiritual power.

Generally speaking, spiritual energy is warm, just like the sun during the day. Even demon cultivators like to absorb the Chuyang spiritual energy coming from the purple east in the morning.

This is the first time Xiao Fengyuan has seen such a cold aura as the children's ghost.

"The strange and sudden deaths in Han Mansion are caused by this child? Since there are evil spirits, does it mean that the Tianhun Sect is involved?"

Ning Xinyue speculated and made a guess.

"It should have something to do with the Tianhun Sect, but this one evil ghost is far from being able to affect the huge Han family. I'm afraid there are other evil ghosts scattered here."

Su Jie stood up and suddenly clenched his left hand into a fist.

Hundreds of pale corpse hands kept pressing inwards towards the center, instantly squeezing the childish ghost into slag and dissipating into the cold aura that filled the sky.

In the end, all that was left was a dry and worn-out rag doll, which was exactly the image of the childish devil.


When Su Jie stepped down, the entire doll was trampled to pieces, and everything disappeared.

Although they are powerful ghosts with strange abilities, they may be terrifying existences that are difficult to kill for ordinary people, but this theorem is completely ineffective for monks. After all, strictly speaking, evil ghosts are also products of spiritual energy. Since they are spiritual energy, then The monk's aura can naturally deal with damage, it's just a matter of how much damage.

Almost as soon as Su Jie killed the child ghost, there were hurried footsteps outside.

"Xia Daxia, Xia Daxia, and Zhu Nuxia, something happened and someone died again. Go and help."

Several servants ran over panting, with frightened expressions on their faces, as if they had seen something that frightened them.

"lead the way."

The three of them looked at each other, and Su Jie was the first to speak.

This identity still needs to be disguised, so we can only follow him and take a look first.

Walking out of the courtyard of the guest room where he lived, the nearby area had already been alerted. The talented people and strangers who had been recruited were woken up one after another and ran towards a certain side courtyard.

This side courtyard was inhabited by a group of servants, but now there is no one alive here.

Each of the handymen is very weird, like a bat, hanging on the clothesline with his head down and his feet up.

When these handymen looked carefully, they found that they were actually pieces of human skin. All the flesh, bones, and internal organs inside had long since disappeared. The human skin was still filled with a large amount of air, keeping it fresh and full. The eyes would sometimes move, and they looked at it. It seemed like he was still alive, which was particularly terrifying.

"What is this? It's haunted."

The faces of capable people and strangers are pale, which really challenges their physical limits.

"No, this Han Mansion is really weird and dangerous. If I had known it, I wouldn't have been greedy for those hundreds of taels of silver."

Some people felt extremely regretful. They thought it was an easy job, but the first night turned out to be so terrifying, far beyond the rumors outside.

"I'm using people's money to eliminate disasters for others. If you don't do anything, just get out of my way. We Chen brothers are not scared."

There are also people who want to take the opportunity to show off their skills and boldly walk into the side courtyard to check out the floating human skins.

"Hey, I advise you not to touch it."

Su Jie looked at the other party's reckless behavior and warned him.

"Hmph, even if there is an evil ghost, the two of us brothers can tear it into pieces."

The two of them did not appreciate it. They drew out their steel-patterned knives and approached cautiously, using the tip of the knife to pick up a piece of human skin.

The accident happened at this moment, and this move seemed to have touched some taboo.

The human skin suddenly rose up and enveloped the two brothers. The moment it came into contact with the human skin, their flesh and blood melted instantly, and the clothes they were wearing suddenly became empty and sunken, turning into two thin human skins. .


"Ghost, ghost!"

"Quickly strike with lightning and burn with fire. Ghosts are most afraid of these."

A group of capable strangers were frightened by this numbing scene. Some people began to retreat, and some began to use palm thunder and fire control to burn the human skins according to the rumored method.

Unexpectedly, this move completely detonated the human skin, and the human skin floated up and flew towards the capable people and strangers.

All capable people and strangers who come into contact with these human skins, whether they are martial arts masters or casual cultivators with little strength, will have their flesh and blood completely wiped out and become nothing but strange human skins.

In an instant, hundreds of human skins were flying in the sky, like a ghostly apocalypse.

The maids and servants of the Han family who were watching were so frightened that their bodies became weak and trembling, and their screams and cries resounded throughout the night.

Su Jie stepped back slowly, avoiding a piece of human skin passing by.

This kind of human skin turned back halfway and flew towards Su Jie again. Su Jie avoided it without leaving a trace. It seemed that he always avoided it by a hair's breadth, but in fact, everything was within his calculation.

"A bunch of rats, all retreat, don't make trouble."

A thunderous sound came from the sky, and Yuwen Jing fell from the sky, his eyes shining with divine light, and his majestic spiritual power was like a mountain pressure, making the air condense.

With one hand forming a claw and pressing down, five fire dragon pillars descended from the sky, annihilating many flying human skins.

"A mere ghost dares to be so presumptuous, give it to me."

Xiao Guanglian rode on a spiritual feather phoenix tail bird and threw out a golden tortoise seal. The black tortoise, one of the four divine beasts, took shape and killed many human skins on the spot, tearing them into pieces all over the sky.

One by one, the righteous disciples came over. These human skins could still kill people and talents, but when they met these top righteous disciples, the situation was instantly reversed.

"How could this happen? This shouldn't happen! Only a few people died every day before, how come so many died today?"

When everything was settled, Han Jinghuan and other members of the Han family finally arrived. Seeing the scene, everyone's face changed drastically.

Han Jinghuan's lips trembled. He was the first to feel that something was wrong. In the past, so many people would not die in one night in the Han family.

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