Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 267 Are You My Husband? (3rd Update)

"It's really difficult."

Su Jie glanced at the severed limbs. He inherited the Thousand-Hand Centipede's self-healing method and was accelerating the recovery of the injuries. Granulation sprouted crazily to regenerate the severed limbs. However, this process was extremely draining of spiritual energy.

It is quite difficult for Su Jie, who is a sixth-grade fierce ghost, to fight against even Su Jie who possesses the soul.

"You're really capable, but that's the end of it."

Zou Minzun sneered.

Because the many ghosts in this Heavenly Soul Formation are his true confidence.

At this juncture, these ghosts who walked out of the Han Mansion finally arrived on the battlefield.

These ghosts range from the first to the sixth grade, especially the three-headed and sixth-grade ghosts, the Sword Demon Ghost, the Headless Ghost, and the Starving Ghost. Their strength is not inferior to that of the Nine Sons Ghost Mother.

As for the fifth-grade ghosts, there are more than a dozen of them. The other fourth-grade, third-grade ghosts, and even second-grade and first-grade ghosts add up to over a thousand, forming a terrifying army of ghosts.

Such an army of ghosts, even Su Jie and Yu Wenjing combined, cannot be their opponent.

"Now, do you understand the gap between us?"

Zou Minzun's voice was cold. This Heavenly Soul Array actually did not belong to him, but was the property of the Heavenly Soul Sect. He only loaned it out to be able to influence these semi-wild ghosts in the array.

In the Heavenly Soul Sect, the Heavenly Soul Array is the sect's biggest trump card. It is said that the most powerful Heavenly Soul Array contains ninth-grade ghosts.

To compare with the Ghost Ridge Palace, the Heavenly Soul Formation is equivalent to the insect valley of the Ghost Ridge Palace. It can be used to train disciples and train them to capture powerful ghosts.

During battle, you can also carry it with you and unfold it, and control the semi-wild ghost inside to attack.

Xiao Fengyuan, Yu Wenjing, Mo Shiyao and others in the field all changed their expressions.

"It's really scary!"

When Su Jie's voice fell, the woman in the painting and the lantern ghost attacked Zou Minzun again.

When the lantern ghost and the girl in the painting moved out, Su Jie also moved at the same time. The soul was stored in the heaven and earth, opening up the avenue of the nearby heaven and earth, allowing a ray of avenue breath to come to the world.

With a bloody streak between his eyebrows, Su Jie flew high into the sky and said in a long voice: "God's power helps me."

Blast down!

Su Jie's whole body was full of energy, as if he had become the center of the world.

Zou Minzun was horrified. He finally understood why Su Jie could control two fifth-level ghosts.

This person is clearly in the Yunling realm, but he has Yuan Shen. He definitely feels right, that is the function of Yuan Shen.

Using the great power of heaven for one's own use and controlling the spiritual power of a small world is something that only the soul can do.

Just when Zou Minzun was shocked, the bloodstains on Su Jie's eyebrows were filled with spiritual power. In the end, Su Jie's whole body was like an air-to-ground missile, flying rapidly across the sky. In Zou Minzun's eyes with split eyes, Su Jie dodged one ghost after another, landed in front of the pavilion in the bamboo forest, and slapped Han Ruyan's Tianling Cap with his palm.

The spiritual power of this world surged in like a tidal wave as Su Jie took the palm of his hand.

Han Ruyan is the eye of the Tianhun Array. When she was photographed by Su Jie, it was equivalent to the eye being destroyed.


At this time, the black fog covering the entire Dongsheng City gradually dissipated in the sky, and the blue sky did not appear in sight for many days.

"The formation is broken."

"Run away quickly, those evil spirits are catching up with you."

"Haha, I can finally leave."

Each disciple was overjoyed. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds again, they saw the hope of survival.

"Brother Su is a righteous man. I will accept you as a favor today. See you again in the future."

Yu Wenjing smiled and cupped his hands, breaking away from the battle with Gong Yangji. The waves under his feet carried many disciples up to the sky.

"Su Jie, leave quickly!"

Ning Xinyue also became happy and followed Xiao Feng far away to climb up the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and was about to escape.

But what makes Ning Xinyue strange is that Su Jie has been standing still since taking that slap.

It's not that Su Jie doesn't want to leave, but that he can't leave.

When the palm of his hand slapped Han Ruyan, his spiritual power erupted like a volcano.

The woman's eyes, which had been closed, slowly opened a pair of dead, empty eyes.

The two sides' eyes met, and in front of them was Han Ruyan, a pair of arms resting on Su Jie's shoulders. The strange and cold power eroded every part of his body, making Su Jie freeze on the spot.

"Cut it off for me."

Su Jie's soul left his body, the golden clouds burned brightly, and the purple sky thunder erupted. He forcibly controlled himself and released the hard control.

Just as he was about to turn around, Zou Minzun led a huge army of ghosts and rushed forward like crazy.

"I will definitely peel off your skin and cramp you."

Zou Minzun was going crazy. He didn't expect that Su Jie actually had the soul, and he didn't expect that Su Jie would go straight to Han Ruyan.

The Wedding Clothes Ghost that has not yet been cultivated is awakened, and its level is a fifth-grade fierce ghost. If he follows his plan and cultivates it for a month, he can even cultivate the Wedding Clothes Ghost to a sixth-grade, or even a seventh-grade fierce ghost.

In front of him is the strange wedding ghost, and behind him is the army of ghosts brought by Zou Minzun. Su Jie has lost the opportunity to retreat.

In the sky, the Thousand-Handed Centipede continuously shoots purple rays and spits clouds of death and decay curses. Ning Xinyue and Xiao Fengyuan are also trying their best to stop them.

The Lantern Ghost raised the lantern, and the women in the painting walked out of the mirror one by one. However, this was only a drop in the bucket for the huge army of ghosts, and the defense line was torn apart in an instant.

Su Jie frowned, Zou Minzun was already close at hand, and Han Ruyan also stopped in front of Su Jie very strangely.

Su Jie's consciousness continued to spread, trying to find a way out, but unexpectedly discovered that the eye-like curse on Han Ruyanyu's back had become very blurry because of the spiritual energy that had penetrated her body just now.

That was the curse that Zou Minzun cast on Han Ruyan to ensure that the contract would be successful after it was cultivated.

Now that the growth process of the wedding ghost was interrupted by Su Jie, the curse rune also withered synchronously.

A bold idea suddenly emerged in Su Jie's mind.

"Let's fight!"

Looking at Han Ruyan with empty eyes in front of him, Su Jie bit his fingertips and smeared the blood on Han Ruyan's forehead in a lightning speed. At the same time, he fully operated the "Nine Nether Ghost Raising Technique" and controlled the soul to penetrate into Han Ruyan's body.

Han Ruyan paused on the spot. Affected by Su Jie's forced contract, the already fragile connection between her and Zou Minzun collapsed. Han Ruyan now looked like a wild ghost.

"How dare you!"

Seeing this scene, Zou Minzun's veins bulged on his neck and his face flushed with anger.

"Are you my husband?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Han Ruyan glanced at the dried corpses of Han Jinghuan, Han's mother and others hanging on the pavilion, and locked her dead and indifferent eyes on Su Jie, uttering a voice that made no sense.


As soon as Su Jie said this word, the killing mechanism of the wedding dress ghost was instantly triggered.

Strangely, Su Jie's body, starting from his legs, quickly transformed into a clay figurine. Even the light of Su Jie's soul was shaking violently, like a flickering candle.

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