Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 295 Killing (First Update)

On the rooftop of a building in the base, Su Jie sat on the railing of the rooftop, enjoying the night breeze and admiring the killing below.

In addition to soldiers, this CIA base has more than 1,300 agents and various scientific researchers, chefs, doctors, logistics, etc.

And these people are rapidly decreasing as they come into contact with the evil spirits.

The existence of evil spirits is too restrained by technological weapons, especially ordinary single-soldier weapons. It is not impossible to kill an evil spirit. After all, evil spirits are greatly suppressed in the blue planet due to the lack of spiritual energy. To kill a first-class evil spirit, it often requires the sacrifice of dozens or even hundreds of soldiers.

There are more than 30 evil spirits. The really powerful lantern ghost and the girl in the painting did not make much move. The wedding dress ghost was just watching the show, except for blocking the signal.

As the ghost king among the fifth-grade evil ghosts, the wedding dress ghost has the ability to influence human technological machines. The coverage of her ability is just enough to block all the signals of this base. No matter whether it is intended to be transmitted out or transmitted from outside, this operation cannot be achieved.

"Hey! It's quite smart, but if I want to ask for help, I can't let you expose my secret."

Suddenly, Su Jie's face moved slightly, and his consciousness swept through like water. He heard all the plans in the command room.

Next to Su Jie, Han Ruyan stood quietly, and the night wind blew up her red wedding dress. It seemed that as the killing progressed, the blood-colored wedding dress on her body became more and more red.

Many of the fear and resentment of those soldiers on the verge of death were absorbed by the wedding dress ghost.

However, the wedding dress ghost did not absorb all of them. Some of the fear of death and resentment were absorbed by the evil ghosts who carried out the operation.

It can be seen that the wedding dress ghost is quite conscientious.

Seeing a group of soldiers running towards the arsenal, trying to detonate it, and another soldier running to operate the anti-aircraft missiles, Su Jie took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and ghosts flew out one by one, attacking the soldiers who were going to set fire to the arsenal.

"What the hell is this?"

"Ghosts, so many ghosts."

"How can there be so many ghosts, we are finished."

These soldiers shouted in fear, trying in vain to shoot the ghosts with bullets, but it was useless.

In the blink of an eye, the ghosts passed through their bodies, taking away their souls and body temperature.

Plop! Plop!

Corpses fell to the ground one by one, with no wounds on their bodies, but they lost their breath of life.

In the distance, a group of soldiers were operating these two short-range anti-aircraft missile vehicles. At this time, they had erected the launch nest at the rear end of the carriage, facing the sky, trying to launch the anti-aircraft missiles inside, taking the opportunity to attract the attention of the radar deployed by Siam.

Su Jie looked at it, and a circle of light purple appeared in his pupils.

The next moment, two purple rays burst out and instantly hit two anti-aircraft missile vehicles.

The rays melted the steel shell, contacted the high-explosive warhead inside, and then detonated it.

Such a launch vehicle can be equipped with several anti-aircraft missiles, because anti-aircraft missiles shoot down aircraft mainly by fragments. The charge reaches more than ten kilograms, the weight of the bullet is hundreds of kilograms, and there is also propellant. When it is detonated, the power is much greater than that of ordinary 155 howitzers.

When the chain explosion occurred, the fragments produced by the explosion of more than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles, like a harvester, tore and pierced the nearby soldiers, turning them into a blood gourd on the ground, and the limbs and arms flew as far as dozens of meters away, miserable.

Easily destroying the enemy's attempt to tip off, Su Jie looked at the time and said lightly: "There is still an hour, do you want to go down and play?"

Han Ruyan looked deep and said: "Too weak, not interested."

The killing below did not interest her at all.

Just relying on some ordinary evil spirits, they were almost wiped out. If she took action, it would be a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Then speed up the pace!"

Su Jie played with a lighter and took out boxes of gasoline from the storage bag. Behind him, the pale corpse hand quickly emerged from Su Jie's trouser legs and grabbed the gasoline barrels and poured them around the base.

Inside the base, the battle became more and more intense.

"You can't turn your back on her, you must not turn your back on her."

A company commander kept reminding the soldiers, but there were still panicked soldiers who were frightened by the evil spirits and turned around to escape.

But it was this action. At the moment of turning around, he put his hands on his neck, twisted his neck 360 degrees, and turned around again and again.

In front, the figure of the female ghost in a white skirt floated over, actively adjusting her position, so that those soldiers turned their backs to her.

In a blink of an eye, several more soldiers were killed, and the panic became more serious, because the soldiers found that the bullets in their guns were like shooting at the air when hitting the female ghost, and could not cause any damage at all, making the guns in their hands become fire sticks.

"Flame-throwing soldiers!"

At the shout of the company commander, several flame-throwing soldiers carrying heavy fuel steel tanks stood up and pulled the trigger at the female ghost.

The surging flames shot out, forming a long jet of flames. The temperature of the fire column was as high as thousands of degrees at the moment of ejection, and the surrounding heat waves were rolling.

The female ghost covered by the cross-flame howled in pain, and her whole body turned into a burning torch. Most of her body was melted, and she flew up and down, escaping from the range of the flames, and never dared to get close again.

The nearby soldiers were overjoyed. They successfully repelled the ghost and severely injured it.

In another place, accompanied by a beast-like roar.

After breaking through a layer of defense, the tiger ran into a heavy firepower attack that was ready for battle.

"Open fire, smash this bastard."

The commander roared, and several rockets were fired rapidly, hitting the tiger one after another.

The tiger could not withstand the rockets that could cause damage to tanks, and its body was torn into two pieces.

The next moment, dense gunfire and rain of bullets covered it, mixed with heavy machine guns and Gatling guns, which completely smashed the tiger's body.

Finally, as the black smoke dissipated, only a torn cloth tiger was left at the scene.

"We killed this devil, haha, we won."

After careful inspection, the soldiers at the scene finally confirmed this fact, and instantly became as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

This was the first evil spirit they killed, which was enough to prove that evil spirits could also be killed.

In the command and monitoring room, it also turned into a sea of ​​cheers. Everyone hugged each other happily and excitedly.

"Use more weapons, we can win."

Moritz was just happy for a few seconds, and saw Mahat hurried back and reported: "Director, our plan failed. The soldiers who set the fire and the soldiers with anti-aircraft missiles suffered unknown attacks and are now all out of contact. And the soldiers we sent for help all died halfway."

This news made Moritz's face change suddenly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn, these ghosts are definitely under human command. This is not an accident."

Blocking the external communication channel will also prevent them from setting fires and launching anti-aircraft missiles. It doesn't look like an accident at all, but more like a carefully arranged killing game.

"It's the Jeko Group, it's definitely him."

Moritz said this fact that he didn't want to believe in his mind, but it was the most likely fact.

Although there is no evidence that the Jeko Group planned this supernatural attack, there is a saying that goes.

Whoever benefits the most is the most suspicious.

This CIA base is specifically for collecting intelligence and conducting operations against the Jeko Group.

In Southeast Asia, other countries dare not offend, and there is no reason to offend, so the biggest suspect is the Jeko Group.

Because the base was destroyed, only the Jeko Group would benefit. Even without any evidence, Moritz believed that the attacker must be the Jeko Group, the number one enemy of the CIA.

"Fuck, more and more ghosts are appearing."

"The A2 defense line has been lost. The target is a demon with drooping ears. The attack method is sound. You can't make any sound, otherwise you will be attacked by him."

"The second defense line has been breached. Support is needed. Repeat, we need support."

"Close the inner alloy door immediately and don't let them break in."

"No, it's useless. A ghost directly penetrates the wall. Our defense line has been breached."

After a brief excitement, as more and more ghosts appeared on the scene, the situation became tense again.

Moritz hurriedly looked at the monitoring screen and saw that the group of soldiers who had just killed the tiger ghost were being chased.

The one who attacked them was a thin man with pale skin, deep and hollow eye sockets, heavy makeup on his face, and gorgeous costumes.

Every time he took a step, a soldier would fall down, and his body was bent into a strange and twisted shape.


Under the command of the company commander, the soldiers wanted to repeat the previous results and tear the evil spirits apart with rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and machine guns.

However, facing the attacks of these soldiers, this thin evil spirit did not have any intention of running away. Instead, the soldier who tried to pull the trigger suddenly showed a strange smile on his face as long as he was within a hundred meters. He turned the direction of the weapon and attacked his comrades.

"Shit, we are our own people."

"They are possessed by evil spirits."

"It's shadows, their shadows."

The soldiers were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. Some were ignited into torches, some were torn to pieces by 12.7mm bullets, and some were blown to pieces by rocket launchers.

The shadows behind the soldiers who turned against the enemy actually stood up straight, with their hands and five fingers open, as if they were playing with shadow puppets, controlling the soldiers to kill.

These controlled soldiers were obviously still conscious, but they could not control their bodies. They could only use hot weapons to kill their former comrades driven by instinct.

"I can't fight, I really can't fight."

The soldiers collapsed. They had just killed a fierce tiger ghost, but now the costumed ghost appeared, and the hot weapons became the opponent's accomplices.

These soldiers didn't know that the fierce tiger ghost they killed before was just an ordinary first-grade ghost, and the severely injured female ghost was only a second-grade ghost, and was weakened in the spiritless environment.

And now this costumed ghost is a genuine third-grade ghost, and its strength is far superior to that of the fierce tiger ghost.

As the second-grade and third-grade ghosts joined the battlefield, the situation began to collapse sharply, and a large number of soldiers were slaughtered.

Those closed alloy doors could not stop the evil spirits from moving. Wherever they passed, all the living died, leaving behind only cold corpses.

Moritz sat dejectedly on the chair, watching the evil spirits and fierce ghosts going deep into the base in the surveillance video, his eyes were full of pain and despair.

"Jeko Group actually controls such a supernatural power. The actual controller Su Jie must have a big secret that can break the sky."

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Moritz knew that he could not leave the base alive. He gritted his teeth, picked up a pen and paper, and quickly wrote down lines of intelligence.

At the same time, outside the command and monitoring room, the night fell, and a waning moon hung above the dark sky.

Fierce gunfire began to break out in the corridor outside, and the soldiers stationed on the last line of defense began to fight with the evil spirits.

But the gunfire was very short. In less than half a minute, all the gunshots and shouts returned to calm.

In the command room, a group of staff officers and non-commissioned officers drew their pistols for self-defense, their eyes were terrified.

In the silent atmosphere, the wall near the door grew layers of moss, exuding a strange and foul smell.



The door handle was slowly turning, and the creepy cold breath drifted into the room. Everyone in the room unconsciously tensed up their nerves and their hearts beat wildly.

Someone rushed over and tried to hold the door, but it was useless. The door was still pushed open little by little.

Moritz stuffed the note into his mouth and swallowed it, hoping that the subsequent forensic doctor would be able to find clues to this intelligence when dissecting his body.

After doing all this, Moritz's expression gradually returned to calm. He already knew his fate and did not pull out the pistol from his waist to resist.

Even those soldiers with various rifles and heavy firepower were killed. They only had small pistols. Resistance was like an ant shaking a tree, and it was impossible to succeed.

"He is coming in, those demons are coming in."

"God! Please bless your people."

"No, no, no, I don't want to be killed by evil spirits."

The fear and anger in the house reached its peak. In this fear, some people even turned the pistol into their mouths, pulled the trigger and swallowed the gun to commit suicide, rather than be cruelly killed by evil spirits.

When the door was completely opened, everyone in the house stared with wide eyes, but it was quiet outside the door, without a single figure.

"He's here, the evil spirit is here"

Suddenly, a staff officer felt something hit the back of his head, and subconsciously raised his head, and saw a pair of feet dangling above his head.

A fierce ghost with disheveled hair and bulging eyes, hanging from the ceiling by hemp rope, appeared in the command room.

The pupils of the staff officers shrank, and they didn't have time to scream. Circles of purple marks began to appear on their necks, and they struggled to hang in the air, as if an invisible hemp rope was wrapped around their necks.

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