Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 314 Xiao Qian Brand Railway Cannon (Three updates and 10,000 words, please give me a monthly

Putuo Airport in Yang Province, in the southern part of Zen Country.

This airport is a 4F-level permanent military airport.

The so-called 4F-level refers to the length and width of the airport runway. The larger the number, the longer the runway.

The 4F-level airport has a runway length of at least 1,800 meters and a width of tens of meters. It can take off and land Boeing 737, Airbus A380 and other air giants.

Unlike field airports such as Xavier Airport, Putuo Airport has a large number of permanent buildings and complete facilities inside, and naturally has strong protection capabilities.

Especially after receiving funding from the Group of Eight, the other seven countries brought their own dry food to reinforce and widen the airport.

A large number of ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc. built with heavy reinforced concrete are half buried in the mountains and deep underground.

Today, Putuo Airport is the largest military airport in Zen Country.

Most of the fighter planes in Zen Country, including the aviation mixed group of Sakura Country, are resting and parked here.

Putuo Airport is located in the south of Zen Country, which is actually far away from East Chin State. Its main purpose is to protect the core areas of the coastal cities in the south of Zen Country.

But with the combat radius of the fighter, this distance is not a problem. The fighter can also cover and strike the airspace of East Chin State.

Previously, the fighter planes of Sakura Country took off and landed from here. Even the backward fighter planes only needed to bring auxiliary fuel tanks and carry less ammunition to fly over East Chin State and stay in the air to maintain combat effectiveness.

At the same time when the two battles broke out in Wuhe Military Camp and Xavier Airport.

Putuo Airport, which is closest to the west of Zen Country, was affected by the rotation of the blue star. The dawn had not yet risen here, and only a faint light could be seen on the horizon.

On the east side of Putuo Airport, in a dense forest dozens of kilometers away, the ground covered with dead branches and fallen leaves arched high, and a huge and ferocious head emerged from it.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious beast with a length of more than 80 meters and a body width comparable to that of a train appeared on the ground, squeezing and trampling on several towering trees around.

"It's a nice day today!"

Su Jie jumped off the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and looked up at the sky through the dense forest branches.

The soul jumped out of the flesh on top of his head. Although they were far apart, the soul did not have that strong sense of peeping.

This means that there are probably no satellites in the sky that change orbits and appear in the space orbit corresponding to this area to monitor here.

However, just in case, Su Jie still took out a portable array diagram, fixed it, and opened a formation called the Blue Wave Cloud Mist Array inside, and a faint mist spread around.

In this way, even if there are satellites changing orbits in the sky, or reconnaissance aircraft and thermal imaging, the Thousand-Handed Centipede cannot be seen.

After doing all this, Su Jie released a group of human-faced moths to act as reconnaissance cameras.

He took out a storage bag and took out a huge, almost two-person-high, super-giant shell weighing seven or eight tons.

Su Jie stroked the cold shell wall of the shell. This special shell was specially designed by Su Jie himself and was specially customized by the Russians.

When they heard Su Jie's design requirements, the experts from the Bear Country were all confused and almost thought they were producing the super-giant railway guns of World War II.

But that kind of giant gun has long been useless in today's rampant missiles.

"Today, it depends on you big guns."

Su Jie's mind shifted. He had already released reconnaissance insects at Putuo Airport.

Through the wild method of controlling insects, Su Jie was stuck at the limit of the distance he could reconnaissance, and continuously provided Su Jie with the situation at the airport.

Seeing that Putuo Airport was still unaware of the impending danger, Su Jie raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Qian, combination skills, railway gun form."


Hearing Su Jie's command, the Thousand-Handed Centipede shouted happily twice.

Pale corpse hands thicker than thighs quickly climbed up and climbed onto the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The densely packed pale corpse hands entangled and condensed with each other, and countless small centipedes acted as lubricants, and defensive scales grew layer by layer for reinforcement.

A minute later, a giant flesh and blood cannon barrel with a length of more than 30 meters and a muzzle diameter of 800 mm quietly stood up diagonally on the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

The barrel was completely constructed of corpse hands, centipedes, scales, and various spiritual materials from the Tianyuan World. Countless pulsating flesh and blood fascia and centipede limbs could be seen inside the barrel.

Su Jie carried a seven-ton cannonball and slid it directly into the muzzle.

The corpse hands in the barrel lightly touched and flipped, filling the heavy cannonball deep into the barrel.

"Distance 25.8 kilometers, southwest wind, um, no problem."

Su Jie jumped on the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, his palm covering the flesh and blood cannon barrel, and a dazzling electric current emerged from Su Jie's palm. The purple sky thunder was controlled by Su Jie to transmit its power and current into the barrel.

The electric current rotated back and forth, forming a strong magnetic field.

There were purple arcs flickering on Su Jie's hair, and his mind was fully devoted to the precise control. Finally, he shouted loudly: "Xiao Qian, lock all the elements, move the muzzle up 35 cm, test fire, and get ready."

The body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede shook violently, and hundreds of pale corpse hands under its abdomen dug deep into the ground, like the hoe of the gun carriage.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede used two short and one long calls to indicate that it was ready.

"Roar, Xiao Qian brand railway gun, fire."

Su Jie pressed his palm, and a powerful electric current burst out, forming a strong magnetic field thrust.


From the flesh-and-blood cannon barrel, a giant shell weighing several tons quickly drilled out, flying towards Putuo Airport more than 20 kilometers away at a high speed of hundreds of meters per second.

When it flew more than half way, a large number of pale corpse hands clung to the lower part of the cannonball, like the tentacles of a jellyfish.

These pale corpse hands have now reached the limit that the Thousand-Handed Centipede can control. The palms of the pale corpse hands are slightly cracked, and weak high-temperature rays burst out one after another, like the secondary boost of a rocket, the cannonball that reduces the back force. Continue to fly, and in this way, fine-tune the cannon to make it more accurate.

Putuo Airport.

In the radar room, a radar soldier looked at the sudden signal of a flying object. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After repeatedly confirming that it was not a misjudgment by the radar, he compared the size and speed of the flying object on the radar screen and suddenly shouted : "Enemy attack, cruise missile incoming, air defense alert."

The air-raid siren rang throughout Putuo Airport instantly. Many soldiers who were still sleeping were woken up and ran out of the camp in a hurry. Then they saw a horrific scene that they would never forget.

A long whistle like a train whistle came from the sky, and a black shadow flashed across the sky and landed on the tarmac on the north side of the airport.

The next second, soldiers throughout the airport felt the ground shaking.

A column of mud and dust that was more than a hundred meters high rose into the sky. The powerful shock wave was like a rolling tsunami. The nearby fighter planes were blown away like toys and torn apart. Various parts jingled and flew away to hundreds of people. meters away.

The nearby soldiers on duty at night, those near the explosion, didn't even make a sound, their flesh and blood bodies were shattered into minced meat.

Even though he was two hundred meters away, he was knocked several meters away, his internal organs were displaced, he vomited blood, and he had too much air coming in and too little air coming out. He looked like he would not survive.

The power of the explosion spread to several football fields, leaving a huge deep crater in place. The power of the explosion exceeded that of a conventionally charged Tomahawk cruise missile, and frightened all the soldiers who witnessed it.

"Faq, what the hell is that? What kind of missile is bombing us?"

"Hurry up and take off the fighter plane, hurry up and get me into the air for combat."

"Where did the enemy attack us from? The radar immediately detected it and locked the enemy's firing direction."

A nest was exploded in the airport, and the soldiers were stunned by the astonishing power of the explosion.

In the distance, Su Jie observed the damage effect of this shell through detecting insects, and nodded with great satisfaction.

"Hey, it seems that my research on this combination of skills was not in vain. The effect is pretty good."

Su Jie picked up another cannonball, loaded it into the barrel again, and then patted Thousand-Handed Centipede on the head.

After a brief aiming, the shell roared out again.

The sound waves and shock waves near the muzzle were so huge that nearby trees were blown to pieces.

The powerful recoil caused Thousand-Handed Centipede to break hundreds of its pale corpse hands deep into the ground, leaving deep depressions and trenches on the ground.


The second artillery shell was originally aimed at those runways. As long as the runways were destroyed, those aircraft could not take off and could only be bombed.

As a result, the shell deflected and landed in the apron repair shop. Various equipment and aircraft parts stored inside were directly destroyed in the violent explosion, leaving a large pit that could be used as a swimming pool. The shock wave continued to spread, turning hundreds of nearby soldiers into flying trapeze artists.

"Xiao Qian, you fucking hit me wrong!"

Su Jie poked Thousand-Handed Centipede's forehead and said angrily.


Thousand-Hand Centipede's cry was a little aggrieved, and several corpse hands covered their eyes, not daring to look at Su Jie.

"Come again, don't miss it this time."

Over there at Putuo Airport, the fighter planes were still being refueled and bombed in an emergency, while Su Jie had already completed reloading.

Because it is not a real heavy artillery, Su Jie does not have to consider heat dissipation and complicated ammunition supply. The flesh and blood inside the flesh and blood gun barrel that has been damaged by the current can be solved by simply replacing a new batch of pale corpse hands. This kind of modular components is much better than modern machinery. It’s a thousand times simpler.

"The third shot, target airport runway, launch."

The muzzle rose, and with the stimulation of electric current, the shell was pushed out of the barrel again, heading straight for the airport 25 kilometers away.

After about a minute of flying in the air, the shell fell heavily.

There were already anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles at the airport trying to intercept, but the artillery shells after the second boost flew very fast, successfully penetrated the terminal, and landed smoothly on the airport runway.

"Wait until I take off, wait until I take off, and see how I kill you."

Keiji Komatsu gritted his teeth. He had received news from the tower that the enemy was attacking from dozens of kilometers away. From this distance, he could arrive in a blink of an eye in a fighter plane.

As one of the most outstanding pilots in the Sakura Kingdom, Keiji Komatsu was promoted to a special pilot at a young age and received the rank of Major. He was confident that he could do this because he was flying one of the most advanced pilots on the planet. One of the fighter jets is the F-35.

"The runway conditions are good. The fighter plane is in good condition and will take off immediately."

The ground guide waved a small flag and shouted. Komatsu Keiji was ecstatic and pulled the putter.

The fighter jet, which had already warmed up its engine, accelerated from the runway and was preparing to glide into the air.

At this moment, a sudden and terrifying whistle sounded, and then Keiji Komatsu saw a black shadow falling.

"It's over."

As soon as this thought passed through my mind, an explosion shook the earth like a volcano erupting.

Giant artillery shells weighing several tons smashed the fighter planes that tried to take off into pieces.

Komatsu Keiji was right at the center of the explosion, his body was instantly shattered, and the F-35 fighter jet under him, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars, was also directly dismembered and shattered.

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