Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 318 Post-War Reaction (First Update)

When the news spread that Jiwei City had been captured, everyone in the Zen government was stunned.

At this time, the way back was cut off, and the 50,000 troops left in Ji State became a turtle in the urn, which made the entire Zen Kingdom extremely anxious.

After learning the news, the current president of Zen State directly delivered a nationally televised speech.

"In a despicable sneak attack, the Jieko Group ignored international morality and attacked our army and Sakura Country allies early this morning. It successively committed heinous crimes at Wuhe Military Camp, Xavier Airport and Putuo Airport. Now it has occupied our country's economy. Weicheng allowed our country's military and civilians to fall into war without defense.

This is a shameful crime. The Jieko Group and its behind-the-scenes master Su Jie, a new Nazi, are blooming the flower of crime in Southeast Asia.

In the face of this disastrous invasion, the Zen Kingdom has been shrouded in shadow, and the Jieko Group is trying to erase everything that does not comply with their goals. But ladies and gentlemen, the people of Zen will not give up, nor will they allow the other side to continue this criminal war. The final winner will definitely be the righteous on our side.

Now, in the name of the supreme commander of the Zen Kingdom, I mobilize the national army to deal with the shameless aggression of the Jieko Group.

At the same time, we will also call on all allies to stand with us on a united front and fight against the evil Jieko Group until we achieve complete victory. "

The Zen Kingdom issued a war speech, and soon other members of the Group of Eight also spoke out.

The beautiful country: We severely condemn the bad behavior of the Jieko Group in provoking the war. Our beautiful country will not sit idly by and watch this kind of neo-Nazism and extreme radical organizations spread in the southeast region, bringing terror and destruction to the world.

We have decided to officially launch the aid proposal and provide the first phase of US$5 billion in military aid to help the Zen government deal with the threat of the Jieko Group, curb the budding and spread of this evil force, and resist this unjust military invasion. .

Sakura Country: In a shameless military sneak attack, the Jieko Group used the exercise as an excuse to attack our local garrison in Zen Country without permission. Now our country has announced that Sakura Country will dispatch a new Self-Defense Force in accordance with the mutual defense treaty signed with Zen Country. A total of 22,000 soldiers from the 9th Division, 7th Division, and Aviation Mixed Regiment entered the Zen Kingdom to help them expel and defeat the evil Jieko Group.

Temasek, Luzon, Siam, Java, and Johor, members of the Group of Eight, publicly stated: Once again, we will not send troops into Zen to interfere in other countries’ civil wars. However, due to the security agreement of the Group of Eight, we will open the Concession Act. Assistance projects include helmets, guns, howitzers, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, drones, and a series of material and financial assistance to provide the Zen government with All corresponding materials and arms support.

After the Group of Eight made its statement, the Jieco Group also responded at the same time.

Su Jie also held a press conference and said with regret: "We are not to blame for the war that broke out today. The Group of Eight has not left us any choice, and is pressing on our Jieke Group militarily step by step. Constantly creating security risks, provoking fighter planes, flying artillery shells, and kidnapping our training soldiers, this is the Zen Kingdom uniting with the so-called Group of Eight to impose power and violence on the head of the Jieke Group.

In order to bow to the beautiful and cherry blossom countries, the Zen government was willing to act as each other's lackeys and was blindly incited to become a puppet state.

In order to protect the life and property safety of all employees, our Jieke Group had to take up weapons of self-defense and was forced to launch special military operations.

I want to say here that no matter how advanced the enemy's weapons are or how large the number of soldiers is, our Jieko Group will achieve a perfect victory in this war.

Because, standing behind us are three million people who support us, brave fighters who are no longer willing to accept the exploitation of the Zen government and rise up to resist in anger.

Therefore, the final winner of this war will only belong to our Jieke Group.

Our Jieke Group will make every effort to liberate the ordinary people who are oppressed by the Zen government. "

Just as Su Jie finished speaking, the reporters below quickly raised their hands.

"I would like to ask Mr. Su, the Group of Eight has announced that it will provide maximum assistance to the Zen government. If the war continues, it will only lead to the destruction of life in the Zen country. Is it possible for the two sides to negotiate an armistice and resolve the conflict peacefully?"

A Chinese reporter stood up and asked this question.

Su Jie shook his head and said: "Today, all our combat missions have been completed perfectly, and the balance of victory in the war is tilting towards us. No matter how much financial assistance the Group of Eight provides, it cannot shake the pace of our military operations. To be honest, we We do not want to start a war, but if war is forced on us, we will not avoid war. If the Group of Eight is sincere, it can first let the soldiers in Ji State lay down their weapons, so that we will choose to accept armistice negotiations."

"Mr. Su, because of your attack on the Zen garrison of our country, the Prime Minister has officially issued a new decision to increase the number of troops. By then, more than 20,000 soldiers will land on the Zen battlefield. I wonder if you regret it and provoked our Sakura Country. ?”

A reporter from Sakura Country stood up and looked at Su Jie angrily with a microphone.

Su Jie smiled contemptuously when he heard this, and said calmly: "Sakura Country, you mean the 13th Brigade that was crippled by us, and the aviation mixed group that destroyed all the fighter planes? If the Sakura Country soldiers dare to set foot on this land, come I'll kill one, and I'll kill a pair."

While talking, Su Jie waved his hand and asked Liu Yingying beside him to show the results of the Jieke Group.

Several high-ranking officers of the Sakura Kingdom were taken prisoner, the flag of the 13th Self-Defense Force Brigade was trampled and burned, the various deaths of Sakura Kingdom soldiers, and the high-definition photos of the bombed fighter planes made the reporters from the Sakura Kingdom who attended the press conference extremely pale. It's ugly, just like eating a dead rat.

The next day, October 18, the second day of the war, news of the outbreak of civil war in the Zen Kingdom began to bombard everyone's attention.

All major news and military-related media are urgently reporting this major event.

"The Jieko Group brazenly invaded the Zen government's land, started a civil war, and created a humanitarian disaster!" 》

Global Times.

"The tyranny and brutality of the Jieko Group, which was launched under the pretext of a military invasion under the pretext of a conspiracy involving the disappearance of soldiers, is deeply worrying. 》

Washington post.

"The Sakura Kingdom announced that it will intervene militarily in the situation in the Zen Kingdom, impose unprecedented sanctions on the Jieko Group, and eliminate this terrorist organization entrenched in the Zen Kingdom. 》

Asahi Shimbun.

"An in-depth interpretation of the war in the Zen Kingdom, Europe, the United States and the West are hyping up the situation, each with their own agenda. 》

Huaxin International Telecommunications.

"According to insiders, on the first day of the war, the Zen Kingdom and the Sakura Kingdom suffered heavy losses. They lost air control and many military bases were destroyed. The Jieke Group's heavy-duty combined brigade rushed into Jiwei City and surrounded 50,000 Zen government troops. 》

Woolly Bear Pravda.

"A brand new biochemical soldier, the Jieko Group is conducting dangerous biochemical research, which may bring devastating harm to the world. 》

New York Times.

Amidst the overwhelming news, the people only belatedly realized that the Jieko Group had really started a war, or that it was an initiative to start a war. This move shocked many people.

Many military experts who had sworn before the war that the Jieke Group was just a fake and would never dare to go to war had their faces swollen.

Related to these news, there are many videos from the day the war started, which were also simultaneously leaked to social platforms.

Among them, some were put up by the Jieke Group themselves, and some were put up by the Zen Kingdom and the Sakura Kingdom themselves.

Of course, most of them were put up by the Jieko Group themselves, and losers don’t want their ugly appearance to be seen by the world.

These videos were not only shot by reporters accompanying the army, but also from the first-person perspective of action cameras worn by soldiers.

One of the most popular videos is a battle video of a first-class super soldier wearing heavy armor, taking a helicopter to penetrate defenses at a low altitude, and entering enemy military camps and airports.

The video clearly shows the terror of the first-class super soldiers. They have strong alloy armor that cannot be penetrated by ordinary firearms. Their physical fitness far exceeds the limits of the human body. They use all kinds of terrifying heavy firepower to wreak havoc in the military camp, although many places are hit. Although the code has been removed, you can still see the tragedy of the scene, and the bodies of the murdered people are almost complete.

The appearance of this kind of individual battle armor and super soldiers made netizens all over the world think that this was a special effects video synthesized by AI somewhere. It was not until they confirmed that it was true that they opened their mouths in shock and screamed inwardly: "Fuck!"

The emergence of these videos has added fuel to the news of the outbreak of the war and triggered blockbuster discussions.

‘Damn it, Jieco Group is so awesome! The fight started immediately. ’

‘I have read the battle report. The helicopter combat group broke through at low altitude and destroyed several important military camps and airports. More than a hundred fighter jets were scrapped. Air superiority was directly lost. Zen and Sakura suffered heavy losses! ’

"What happened to those super soldiers? Did they take the super soldier serum? Their physical strength is too high."

"Fake, let me ask you, why did the fight go so smoothly? The opponent was obviously cheating. With such a super soldier's strength, and wearing a armor that can't even be penetrated by bullets, how could an ordinary soldier be able to defeat him if he bumps into him?"

"Where can I buy the armor? I also want to buy one for my collection."

"It's been said on the news that these super soldiers are biochemical warriors, and they become like this after taking medicine."

"The Sakura Kingdom still dares to send troops into the Zen Kingdom. This is a sign of unwillingness to admit defeat!"

"The Group of Eight will work together. Even if the Jieco Group takes a small advantage in the early stage, it will be bulldozed by the army in the later stage."

Discussions continue on the Internet, with everyone transforming into a military expert and constantly expressing their opinions on Twitter, YouTube, and Douyin.

Among them, the emergence of super soldiers has caused the most discussion.

People are very curious. This is the first batch of officially listed super soldiers in the world. No other country has developed corresponding super soldiers.

When the Jieko Group's super soldiers achieved remarkable results, all countries in the world unanimously increased or established research on super soldiers, hoping to obtain such non-human soldiers.

After all, this kind of powerful individual combat capability is really great for performing special missions.

It can be said that the emergence of super soldiers has subverted all global experience in the field of special operations and led to a new change.

However, if these countries and organizations want to develop super soldiers like the Jieke Group, they must either research related genetic medicines themselves or research body-building pills. Affected by this, the price of body-building pills has skyrocketed on the international black market.

For countries that are researching super soldiers, the former's genetic medicine is basically impossible, while the latter can still see some hope, but they don't know about blood marrow crystals. The so-called hope is just a mirror.

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