Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 321: Ghost Killer (First Update)

At night, Luyuan Street fell into silence, and the smell of blood lingered around the nose.

The soldiers stationed on this street were the Second Regiment and Third Battalion of the Sixth Infantry Division of Zen Country, with a total of more than 300 people.

And the Seventh Tank Platoon of the First Armored Brigade, with a total of four tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles.

These soldiers did not relax their vigilance because of the arrival of night, but became more nervous and solemn.

Because in the past, Luyuan Street has always been a key area for the Zen Country and the Jieke Group to fight for. This street has fought many battles and changed hands repeatedly.

Many battles broke out at night, because at this time, even if the armored units are equipped with night vision and thermal sensing, their vision will be greatly limited. In the urban environment, they are often approached and blown up by infantry.

"It's one o'clock in the morning. Has the Jieke Group given up the attack tonight?"

Wu Taimin, who commanded the Zen army stationed on Luyuan Street, muttered to himself. He sat in a clean room that had been cleaned out, but he was not sleepy at all.

"Captain Wu, maybe the Jieke Group felt that the casualties were too great and it was not worth it, so they simply gave up."

The deputy battalion commander who was accompanying him spoke up. They had just changed their guard not long ago. The previous Chan army stationed on Luyuan Street was crippled and was forced to change and rest.

In the deputy battalion commander's opinion, the attacking side in the city battle would definitely suffer. It was understandable that the Jieke Group had fewer troops and was unwilling to continue to consume on Luyuan Street.

"It's possible. It seems that we have picked up an easy job."

Wu Taimin laughed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He had experienced the combat effectiveness of the Jieke Group, especially the strength of those super soldiers.

Especially at night, they appeared and disappeared, and the Chan army was defeated many times.

If they could occupy Luyuan Street without fighting, it would undoubtedly be good news for Wu Tailai.

The two were discussing here, but they didn't know that the real enemy who attacked tonight had already arrived not far from their position.

In the corner of the house that was half blown down, a soldier with a big beard was running over to squat.

In the darkness, the bearded soldier of Zen country was squatting in the pit while cursing, saying: "Are those things sent by the logistics for human consumption? There are delicacies from the mountains and the sea every day, and we are working hard here, but we are only given those dry rations, not even a hot meal, which makes me have diarrhea."

After emptying his stomach, the bearded soldier shook his pants, picked up the rifle at his feet, and was about to turn around and return to the position, when he suddenly saw a green light from the corner of his eye.


The bearded soldier turned his head strangely and found that the green light was actually a pair of eyes, which scared him.

"What the hell, a wild cat! Running out in the middle of the night to act crazy."

The bearded soldier muttered, thinking that it was the eyes of a wild dog or a wild cat. The eyes of these animals are indeed prone to green light at night.

He didn't care, holding the rifle and returning to the infantry squad where he was stationed.

After only two steps, he suddenly heard almost synchronized footsteps behind him, as if someone was following him.

"Who! Who's there?"

The bearded soldier turned around quickly, but saw nothing.

Even the green eyes just now disappeared.

There was a faint moonlight in the sky, and the visibility tonight was still very good. For some reason, the bearded soldier looked at the empty back and felt a little creepy. All kinds of horror rumors he had heard appeared in his mind.

As the saying goes, a dark and windy night is a day for murder and arson.

Whether in Eastern or Western culture, the night is always associated with some negative words such as horror and terrible.

Westerners imagine vampires, while Asians believe that ghosts will come out at night.

At this time, the bearded soldier couldn't help but think of the existence of ghosts, and goose bumps rose on his arms.

Looking at the buildings and trees with moonlight swaying around, coupled with the strange noises of the night wind blowing the debris from time to time, the bearded soldier's legs trembled when he walked.

Subconsciously, the bearded soldier began to speed up, trying to run back to his infantry squad.

Almost as soon as the bearded soldier started moving, the strange footsteps sounded behind him synchronously.

This time, the sound seemed to be closer, as if it was less than one or two meters away.

The bearded soldier looked back in horror, but still saw nothing, but the sound was definitely not wrong.

He didn't dare to breathe, and the bearded soldier was afraid that if he opened his mouth, his heart, which had been raised to his throat, would fall out. In fear, he just instinctively ran towards his comrades.




The footsteps were getting closer and closer, almost sticking behind him, completely synchronized with his footsteps.

The footsteps were different from those of normal people, and were particularly heavy, like a small drum beating.

There was also cold air coming out of his neck, as if someone was breathing on his neck, which made the bearded soldier crazy.

"Don't, don't come over, don't come over!"

The screams of the bearded soldier spread far in the silent environment, and the nearby soldiers took their guns and became alert.

The infantry squad of soldiers also heard the noise, and then saw the bearded soldier running over. The squad leader angrily scolded: "Ah Sang, why are you screaming in the middle of the night? Are you crazy?"

"Squad leader, ghost, there is a ghost!"

The bearded soldier's lips trembled, and he felt his back getting colder and colder, and his whole body was about to freeze.

"You didn't drink today! You are crazy, and you are shaking the morale of the army. Be careful, I will beat you to death."

The squad leader glared at him, with a speechless face.

The soldiers on the side also laughed when they heard this.

"Haha, you boy Asang is so timid!"

"Hehe, where is the ghost! Come out and let me see it. I have never seen a ghost in my whole life. Let me see it for a long time!"

"Maybe she's a pretty female ghost, just in time to indulge in sex."

A group of soldiers were so amused that they didn't take it seriously at all.

Seeing that there were too many people, the bearded soldier began to doubt his own judgment as he listened to the ridicule of his comrades around him, wondering if he was hallucinating because he stayed up all night without sleeping.

"Even if he is a ghost, with so many of my comrades here, aren't all ghosts afraid of adult men with strong blood! I don't believe he dares to come out and harm people now."

Muttering like this, the bearded soldier turned his head again.

But it didn't matter at this glance. When he looked back, his eyes suddenly went straight and his body was shaking violently uncontrollably.

Because a scary ghost figure with a tall and thin body, a life-hook in his hand, and green eyes was staring straight at him.

Its ghastly face, green eyes exuded endless pressure, and its body surface exuded a biting cold air, making people almost hear the sound of their own teeth clenching.

The other party stuck behind him and seemed to follow him to the central area of ​​Luyuan Street.

"Ghost, there's a ghost behind me, squad leader, shoot quickly!"

The bearded soldier retreated continuously, but his words made his comrades laugh even louder.

The squad leader was speechless and cursed: "I think you are really stupid in your sleep. What the hell is going on? You gave me a dream at night and you should wake up."

As he spoke, the squad leader was about to slap the bearded soldier.

But at this moment, a pool of hot liquid splashed onto his face.

The squad leader was stunned. He saw that the chest of the bearded soldier was almost completely torn apart. A long life hook penetrated from the chest, and blood spattered on him.


The bearded soldier's internal organs flowed out from his torn chest, and he fell to the ground and died miserably on the spot.

The soldiers nearby looked at all this with wide eyes and disbelief. They didn't see anyone at all. This life hook seemed to be produced out of thin air.

"Ghost, there really is a ghost!"

I don't know who shouted first. The soldiers woke up as if from a dream. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They panicked and pulled the trigger, wanting to shoot the ghost who didn't know where they were.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Bullets were fired one after another around the bearded soldier, and the air rippled slightly, as if they had really hit something.

But their actions also brought death to themselves.

The terrifying life hook was pierced from the neck of a soldier, and his head was cut off.


Hooks and locks emerged from the void one after another. The sharp hooks were inserted into the chins of each soldier, and the blood-stained hook tips emerged from the foreheads. All the soldiers in this infantry squad were hung upside down and hung on the street lamps. superior.

When they heard the sound of firing, all the soldiers stationed on Luyuan Street were alerted.

High-power searchlights immediately came over, and the tank platoon started moving tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

The soldiers also held rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, preparing to deal with the night raid by the Jieko Group.

But when the searchlight looked over, the Zen soldiers did not see the figure of the Jieko soldier.

Instead, they saw a dozen soldiers hanging upside down from a street lamp, with blood dripping down their heads in a line, like pigs being bled.

"This is!"

Before these soldiers could understand what was happening, one soldier screamed.

A long iron chain was wrapped around his neck, and his body was pulled more than ten meters into the sky. His feet and hands were fluttering and struggling, and he landed on a street billboard. His whole body was hanging on it, and he slowly suffocated and died during the struggle.

Before the soldier died, he saw a tall and thin figure standing above the billboard.

It seems that only by having physical contact with this evil ghost can you see the other person's figure.

Ho ho!

Pointing at the tall and thin ghost figure with trembling fingers, the soldier seemed to want to make a sound to remind his comrades, but the lack of oxygen prevented him from doing so. His struggling movements became slower and slower, and he gradually lost his vitality.

"Ghost, there is a ghost."

This desperate and terrifying scene almost broke the soldiers' outlook.

At the same time, the sound of a long life-threatening hook piercing the human body continued to sound in Luyuan Street.

"Is the Jieko Group attacking? Are there any super soldiers? Let the soldiers below be careful and prepare to call for heavy fire coverage from the rear."

Wu Taimin was alerted and thought it was the Jieke Group who launched an attack in the dark.

But when he stood on the window sill and looked towards Luyuan Street, he only saw the bodies of his soldiers being penetrated by the black life hooks that suddenly appeared.

The bullets fired randomly by the soldiers were completely ineffective. It seemed that there was an invisible existence that was hunting the soldiers with this.

"Batalion Commander, the battalion commander is haunted, and we have encountered evil spirits."

The deputy battalion commander hurried up, his face as pale as paper.

"I fucking saw it!"

Wu Taimin's heart was beating wildly. Although he was not superstitious, what he saw in front of him told him that the world was far from being as simple as he saw. There really were such things as ghosts.

After calming down for a while, Wu Taimin judged the situation and issued an order: "Use explosives to blow it up. The ghost cannot be seen. We can only use explosions to see if we can hurt him."

While talking, Wu Taimin picked up the walkie-talkie and prepared to notify his superiors and the nearby Zen army of what happened here.

But what confused him was that all the communication equipment seemed to be seriously interfered with and could not convey any notification to the outside.

Wu Taimin didn't know that pale and strange paper figures appeared at the four corners near Luyuan Street, and all the communication signals transmitted to the outside were directly blocked.

On the street, the soldiers who received the order began to use rocket launchers and flamethrowers to try to attack the invisible enemy.

Although the enemy was invisible, the source of the enemy could be estimated based on the length of the iron chain of the black life-seeking hook.

Soldiers continued to die at the scene, and there were explosions and flames.

In the high-temperature flames of the flamethrower, people saw a tall and thin ghost burned out by the flames.

"It's a fierce ghost, he's there."

The soldiers shouted in surprise and joy. Many tanks at the scene found the target, and high-explosive bombs kept hitting the revealed tall and thin ghost. The violent explosion shocked the nearby soldiers and injured them by mistake, but now the soldiers could not care so much.

"Are they dead?"

After the explosion, the scene became quiet again, and no more soldiers were killed by the hook.

After a brief silence, the soldiers couldn't help but smile after surviving a disaster.

"We won, we killed the evil ghost."

"Evil ghosts can't stop shells."

"Revenge for the dead comrades."

When the soldiers hugged and cried with joy, a tall and thin ghost with half of its body missing appeared in a shop.

The ghost opened its mouth wide, as if swallowing something, and its body was slowly transforming at the same time.

Originally only two meters tall, the dark body slowly crawled, slowly stretched, and gradually became three meters tall, with sharp teeth like knives, and green eyes turned dark red. This tall and thin ghost was more terrifying than before, and it was daunting.

Almost just after completing the transformation of promotion, this tall and thin ghost moved again, and his body strangely appeared in front of a tank.

A layer of rust appeared on the surface of the tank. The tall and thin ghost completely ignored the physical barrier, and his body was like ink, blending into the steel of the tank.

The crew's screams of shock and anger suddenly rang out from inside the tank, and a rotten smell emanated.

At the same time, Wu Taimin, who thought the battle was over, was walking towards the command vehicle, preparing to leave by car to inform his superiors.

When he walked into the command vehicle and was about to ask the tank platoon to escort him, he saw that three of the four tanks in the tank platoon did not move at all, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"That evil ghost is not dead yet, he is attacking our tanks!"

Wu Taimin pointed to the last tank that was rusting.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his limbs and couldn't help screaming.

The scream did not last for a second, and Wu Taimin lost consciousness.

Hearing the familiar scream, the Zen soldiers on Luyuan Street were numb.

Looking around with fear, they saw many comrades, including their own battalion commander, whose bodies were entangled by life-seeking hooks on their limbs and necks, and their bodies were dismembered.

The tall and thin ghost figure was not dead, but became more terrifying than before.

Seeing that even the tanks were destroyed, the Zen soldiers on Luyuan Street collapsed and ran away crying.

They dared to fight against the super soldiers of the Jeko Group, but the evil ghost was too beyond their worldly views.

The previous confrontation had exhausted their courage. Now seeing the evil ghost appear again, the remaining courage faded like a tide, and they could only give up the instinct of running away brought by fear and survival.

But these soldiers didn't know that before they left Luyuan Street, pale paper men floated over in the darkness and joined the hunt ferociously.

The breath of death floated on Luyuan Street, and it had turned into a hunting slaughterhouse for ghosts.

It was two o'clock in the morning.

Lingyuan Building!

This is the tallest building in Jiwei City, and there are similar high-rise buildings nearby.

This area is the CBD construction area, the high-end financial and commercial center of Jiwei City.

At this time, this area has fallen into the hands of the Zen government, or more precisely, into the hands of the soldiers of the Sakura Country, the 1st Airborne Regiment.

Of the three troops sent by the Sakura Country, the 13th Self-Defense Force was crippled at the Wuhe Military Camp, and the Aviation Mixed Brigade was bombed at Putuo Airport, with all fighter planes scrapped.

Only the 1st Airborne Regiment remained intact.

When the Zen government attacked Jiwei City, it called on the only Sakura Country unit currently in the territory of Zen to provide assistance.

Considering the need to take care of the emotions of its allies, the Sakura Country did not refuse and sent this elite paratrooper unit. Two days ago, it occupied the rooftops of the high-rise buildings in this CBD area by helicopter landing, and then cooperated with the ground forces to take over this area.

Although it paid a considerable price, by taking over the Lingyuan Building area, the Sakura Country also proved its strength to the allies of the Zen Country, and it was definitely not as useless as it was at the beginning of the war.

Nowadays, the 1st Airborne Regiment is stationed in Lingyuan Building. The tall buildings here are very suitable for helicopter takeoff and landing. In addition, these paratroopers are indeed elite, with much higher skills and tactics than ordinary soldiers. There are also armed helicopters to supplement heavy firepower, which has blocked the three counterattacks of the Jeko Group and has been holding on until now.

Under the night, darkness enveloped the entire city. Days of war have left the streets full of various car wreckages and debris.

The cool breeze blew, and the leaves on the road swayed gently, making a rustling sound.

Hiroyuki Ono, a Sakura Country soldier stationed here, yawned. After handing over to the soldiers on duty, he lay down behind a sandbag bunker and inspected a machine gun deployed here.

I don't know if it's because he didn't sleep enough, but Ono Hiro felt that the night was particularly dark tonight. The looming buildings in the distance were eerie and strange, and there was a faint smell of rot in the darkness, which made his whole body and mind feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"What a strange smell!"

Ono Hiro muttered, adjusted the machine gun, pulled on the bullet chain and raised his head, but subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

Because he saw red lanterns hung on the street lights at some point.

The lantern had big Chinese characters written on it, and it was blown back and forth by the night wind, emitting a strange red light like blood.

Accompanied by the strange sound of blowing, a gorgeous sedan chair appeared in the field of vision. The sedan was made of red silk and satin, and colorful threads were used to embroider happy scenes such as a happy marriage of a hundred years, a dragon and a phoenix, a beautiful flower, a full moon, and two swallows flying together. pattern.

In addition to the eight tall and strong men carrying the sedan, there were many figures nearby, like a wedding procession. The red makeup spread for ten miles, and the huge procession carried colorful flags, blew suonas, beat gongs, carried high lanterns, etc. and walked with the sedan. A lively and festive atmosphere came to us.

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