Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 327 Banquet (Second Update)

Tianyuan World, Guiling Palace.

In front of a mansion in Guiling Palace, it was extremely lively at this time.

This was Xiao Fengyuan's mansion. In the morning, it was already full of traffic.

In addition to a large number of disciples who came to watch the excitement, there were also many managers in Guiling Palace who attended in their best attire.

At the banquet inside the mansion, there were all kinds of fine wines and delicacies, which could be said to have collected the treasures of the land and sea from all over the world.

Such a huge banquet and pomp was only because Xiao Fengyuan, a famous disciple of Guiling Palace, successfully advanced to the Secret Treasure Realm three days ago.

Every promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm was a big deal for Guiling Palace. This level of power was already the pillar of Guiling Palace.

Because of the sect war, this pomp was kept to a minimum. It was more exaggerated in the past.

"Master Zhang Pingkang from the Refining Pavilion presented a piece of Eight Treasure Wood and a pair of Golden Unicorns."

"Chen's Business presented a low-grade high-level magic weapon, the Double Dragon Fan, and a book on the Returning Wild Goose Step."

"Manager Xu Hu from Yougu Garden presented a pot of Heavenly Palace Golden Pearl Water."

The old housekeeper in front of the door kept recording the distinguished guests who came to offer gifts like announcing the names of dishes. He called out their names loudly, which not only gave the host face, but also made the guests feel valued.

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion in front of the mansion, and a group of disciples who were watching the excitement respectfully made way.

A man with a sharp gaze and a dragon-like gait walked over.

"I am happy that Brother Xiao was promoted, so I came here to see it."

Su Jie took out the spiritual materials he had prepared and said with a smile.

The old housekeeper did not dare to neglect it. He survived in the Demon Cultivation Sect of Guiling Palace by relying on his eyesight. He knew all the important people clearly, so as not to offend them accidentally and die without knowing how.

Su Jie is undoubtedly an important figure in Guiling Palace. After arresting Qi Shijian, he is even hailed as the top disciple of Guiling Palace today.

"Elder Qiu's disciple, fellow Daoist Su Jie presents three Lingshi bamboos and a string of sea jade beads."

Inside the mansion, Xiao Fengyuan, who was greeting guests inside, walked out quickly after hearing this gift.

As soon as he saw Su Jie, Xiao Fengyuan laughed heartily and said, "Brother Su, you are out of retreat."

"You came out of retreat in advance. How could I not come to your promotion banquet? Congratulations, Brother Xiao, for successfully advancing to the Secret Treasure Realm. From now on, the sea is wide for fish to leap and the sky is wide for birds to fly."

One of the reasons why Su Jie brought Han Ruyan back to the Tianyuan World yesterday was to attend this banquet.

While speaking, Su Jie also looked at Xiao Fengyuan a few times. Compared with the past, the majestic aura on the other party was like the contrast between mud and hard stone. This is the cultivation of the Secret Treasure Realm.

"I also used the Refining Rainbow Juyan Pill and was lucky enough to have this breakthrough. With your strength and talent, Brother Su, I think I will be able to have your promotion banquet soon."

Xiao Fengyuan seemed to have discovered that Su Jie had been promoted to the tenth level of the Yunling Realm. The perfect aura emanating from his body was only possessed by the tenth level of the Yunling Realm.

"Thank you for your good wishes."

"Let's not greet each other at the door, Su Jie, please come in."

The two walked into the mansion, and Su Jie saw Ning Xinyue eating and drinking at a table at first sight.

Seeing Su Jie, the girl winked at Su Jie and then pointed at someone not far away.

Su Jie saw that his master, Taoist Qiu, was also here, and many elders were also present.

For such a promotion banquet, the elders would also give some face to the newcomers to the Secret Treasure Realm. Even if they would not come to participate in person, they would ask their disciples to give gifts.


Su Jie walked to Taoist Qiu and greeted him.

"Well, good, the tenth level is complete. Have you taken the Refining Rainbow Juyan Pill?"

Taoist Qiu looked Su Jie up and down and asked.

Su Jie shook his head and said, "Not yet, I am preparing to take it another day."

"Take it as soon as possible to advance to the Secret Treasure Realm."

Taoist Qiu's voice sank, and he said, "There will be a big war soon, and the sect urgently needs the power of the Secret Treasure Realm."

Su Jie's heart moved, and he asked, "Master, have we made any progress in contacting the Tianhun Sect?"

"Yes, Elder Tang has brought a group of Tianhun Sect personnel to Guiling Palace a few days ago. The two sides are negotiating on the matter of the alliance. If nothing goes wrong, it will be successful."

Taoist Qiu nodded slightly. Now relying solely on the power of Guiling Palace, even with the advantage of defense, it is very difficult to resist the siege of several righteous sects.

If the Tianhun Sect, a demonic sect, can join the battle, it will greatly relieve the pressure on Guiling Palace, and even disperse all the righteous sects that are besieging it.

"This is a good thing!"

Su Jie was also excited about this. If Guiling Palace was overthrown, he would have to wander around and be wanted by those righteous people. He would not even have a place to stay.

Guiling Palace is now Su Jie's biggest backer. Of course, he hopes that Guiling Palace can continue to exist and provide him with shelter.

Before he grows up, the protection of a big force is very important.

"In short, you should be promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm as soon as possible. Don't drag on polishing your Dao Heart and Invincible Road. That set is far less important than strength.

Your strength will definitely be on the battlefield when the time comes. Don't let your potential not be fulfilled and die early due to an accident. I have seen too many such examples."

Taoist Qiu repeatedly warned and told Su Jie earnestly to make a breakthrough early.

"Master, I won't drag it on. I will strive to be promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm within a week."

Su Jie was confident that he would break through within a week. Then he chatted with Taoist Qiu for a few more words and walked to Ning Xinyue's table.

"How can a girl like you eat so much? Do you know how to be a lady? Leave some for me."

Su Jie rudely snatched the big pork elbow that Ning Xinyue had picked up and ate it happily.

Ning Xinyue stared at him with her cute almond eyes and said unhappily, "Can't you go to another table to eat? Why are you snatching mine?"

"No, it's boring to bully others. It's more fun to bully you."

Su Jie smiled and stretched out his chopsticks again to grab the food in front of Ning Xinyue.

Ning Xinyue was angry, and her chopsticks flashed quickly. The shadows of two pairs of chopsticks flew on the table, dazzling the people who saw them.

"Hey! Your strength has increased!"

Suddenly, Su Jie felt a little strange. This little girl was a little too strong, and Su Jie's hand speed was actually a beat slower than hers.

Wait, something is wrong, something is very wrong.

Su Jie felt more and more that something was wrong, and said in surprise: "You guy, are you really..."

"Hehe, you still want to bully me? I am stronger now, remember to call me Elder Ning in the future."

Ning Xinyue raised her chin very proudly, and told Su Jie the secret through telepathy. If there were not so many people present, she could have shocked Su Jie a little bit on the spot.

"When did you break through?"

Su Jie was really shocked. Xiao Fengyuan was able to break through because he had already reached the tenth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, with a deep foundation. Under the effect of the Rainbow Condensation Flame Pill, it was natural for him to break through.

And Ning Xinyue's cultivation was weaker than Su Jie before, but now she has caught up with him and reached the Secret Treasure Realm first.

"I didn't waste your time in seclusion. I searched for all kinds of natural treasures here every day. I found a lot of good treasures with the help of the Tianxi Bagua Plate."

Ning Xinyue also had her own adventures. Su Jie guessed that the other party had eaten some spiritual fruit, which caused her cultivation to increase rapidly. This method was something Su Jie couldn't learn.

Although the other party's Tianxi Bagua Plate could find treasures, it was also a gold-eating beast. It was unknown how many spiritual stones would be consumed to locate the treasure. Ning Xinyue, a little rich woman, didn't care. Su Jie didn't want to spend a large amount of spiritual stones to fight for that slim chance.

"You are lucky, but why didn't I hear about your promotion? Didn't you inform the sect?"

"I won't tell you. Anyway, the elders of your sect can't see it. I have a special method to hide my cultivation. When it comes to fighting, if the enemy thinks I am only in the Yunling Realm, hehe, I guarantee to give them a surprise."

Ning Xinyue said her plan, quite proud.

She didn't know what kind of hiding method she had practiced. She could fool the elders before and pretend to be a newcomer to join Guiling Palace. Now she can hide well after reaching the Secret Hidden Realm.

If she hadn't said it on her own initiative, Su Jie and the elders present would not have noticed that this girl had already reached the Secret Hidden Realm.

"Alas, I don't know who you learned this from. How come a good girl has become so sinister now? It's true! It's not easy to learn good things in the Demon Sect, but it's too easy to learn bad things."

Su Jie sighed with emotion. Fortunately, he could break through the Secret Hidden Realm in a week at most. Ning Xinyue would only show off for a week, and Su Jie would still surpass her after a week.

"Who do you think is to blame for my becoming like this?"

Ning Xinyue rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Didn't I learn all this from you? You think about how to cheat people all day long, so of course I have to learn a few tricks."

"Nonsense, I am such a righteous and good person, don't slander me."

"Bah, shameless, if you are a good person, there will be no such thing as bad people in this world."

The two sides bickered with each other, their hands never stopped moving, and they ate the banquet happily.

Two hours later, the banquet was basically finished, and Xiao Fengyuan finished his speech. Just when everyone was about to leave, a group of uninvited guests showed up at the banquet.

"I heard that a disciple of your sect was promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm today, and my Tianhun Sect also came to send a gift to show the friendship between the two sects."

A total of more than a dozen people walked in. They were all magic cultivators of Tianhun Sect. Some were elders, and some were disciples brought to see the world.

The person who spoke just now was a middle-aged man with a ghostly aura, wearing a black robe that almost reached the ground. His left eye was a normal eye, but his right eye was inlaid with a Yuanlingzhu, which seemed to be absorbing the fear in his body. He looked very strange.

"That is the supreme elder of Tianhunmen, named Zhao Lianshan."

Ning Xinyue whispered to Su Jie, knowing that Su Jie was in seclusion and was not very clear about the recent situation of Guiling Palace, so she explained to Su Jie.

Su Jie did not speak, but looked directly at an old man with a cold face among the people of Guiling Palace.

The other party was also an acquaintance of Su Jie. It was Zou Minzun, the elder of Tianhunmen who caused the Dongsheng City tragedy and created the wedding clothes ghost.

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