Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 349 Horror Movie (Three updates, 10,000 words, monthly votes requested!)

When the medical ban was just issued in the United States, Mander City, far across the ocean, was still a scene of peace and prosperity.

In the suburbs of Mander City, in a newly built film and television base.

Kitagawa Ayaka, who was "invited" here by the Jeko Group, was trembling.

Kitagawa Ayaka is an actress in Sakura Country, an ordinary and unknown one. Sometimes she has to rely on part-time jobs to earn a living to cover the living expenses that cannot be met by being an actor. From this, we can see how little visibility Kitagawa Ayaka is.

A week ago, she suddenly heard that a wealthy crew was recruiting people to shoot a big-budget movie, and they needed to go overseas to shoot.

She didn't think about it and signed up directly because she was living in poverty.

The selection process was very smooth, and she even got the important role of the heroine directly. She was so excited that she didn't sleep all night.

At first, she also doubted whether this so-called big production team was a liar, until she saw Nishimura Ying, a very famous director who shot horror movies in Sakura Country.

Moreover, part of her salary for the leading actress has been received. The salary for the leading actress alone is much more than the total salary for a supporting role in a movie she played in the past.

These factors completely dispelled her doubts, and she was completely relieved to follow the production team to leave the Sakura Country, take a plane to China first, and then transfer to Mander City.

When she got off the plane, she was completely confused, because they were greeted by soldiers with live ammunition.

At that time, the entire team that came down from the chartered plane, from the director to the actors and crew members, were all stunned.

Kitagawa Ayaka thought that her big production team had been kidnapped at first. In a place where they were unfamiliar with people, there were crews that had encountered similar extortion by local snakes in the past.

It was not until she saw the producers of those big production teams, one by one, smiling and chatting with the soldiers, that she finally realized that it turned out that only the crew members from the Sakura Country were kept in the dark.

Kitagawa was dazed, and along with the crew, they were taken to a hotel in the city by the soldiers. The soldiers did not guard them much.

At first, some crew members wanted to escape, but what was desperate was that the city seemed to be full of spies of the soldiers.

No matter where they ran, they would be caught immediately after leaving the city.

Later, they learned that the place where they landed was called Mander City. He also had a more famous territory, a name that everyone in Sakura Country knew, the lair of the Jeko Group, a terrifying place called the Devil's Lair by the Sakura people.

When she knew that it was the Jeko Group that kidnapped them, Kitagawa Caixiang burst into tears.

Because the Jeko Group has always been an evil, murderous, and persecution of innocent people in the propaganda of Sakura Country.

The soldiers of Sakura Country came to Zen Country to protect the safety of local people and carry out humanitarian rescue missions, but they were defeated by the shameless Jeko Group's sneak attack. Many people in Sakura Country were indignant about the Jeko Group.

Kitagawa Ayaka thought so too, until she also participated in the escape. During her escape in Mander City, she found that the people here were not living in dire straits as the Sakura government had advertised, and they were not even full and often starved to death.

On the contrary, the local people lived in an orderly manner, their faces were rosy and vigorous, and they were extremely supportive of the Jake Group.

Most of the time, Kitagawa Ayaka and her escape failed because they were reported by these people.

Kitagawa Ayaka finally learned more about it and found out that most people in Mander City worked directly or indirectly for the Jake Group.

Wherever they went, there were employees of the Jake Group. They were just a group of ordinary people, not professional agents and scouts, so how could they escape.

Later, all the crew members calmed down and prayed that the Jake Group would not kill them, and then they were given a task to shoot a horror movie.

When they heard this task, everyone was a little stunned. It turned out that they were brought to Mander City with so much trouble, and they were really asked to shoot a movie!

This shock has lasted until today. Kitagawa Ayaka can only improve her acting skills by studying the script, so as not to be dragged out by the Jeco Group for a bad performance.

"Are all the people here? Lighting, how do you set the reflector? Adjust it quickly. The camera rail is in the wrong position. Move half a meter to the left. Prop master..."

Director Nishimura Ying took the loudspeaker and began to prepare for the early stage of filming.

"Ayaka, come here. Do you know what you will play later?"

Nishimura Ying waved at Kitagawa Ayaka.

"Director, I have read the script many times, but I have never acted in a horror movie before. I am afraid that I can't master the acting skills of that kind of fear."

Kitagawa Ayaka said weakly. She is not a genius. Although she thinks her acting skills are online, she has not been able to stand out because no one appreciates her, but she has never acted in a horror movie and is afraid that she can't show the essence.

"The shooting is about to start. If your acting skills are not good later, I will guide you."

Nishimura Ying took the walkie-talkie and continued to arrange other filming tasks.

When everything came to an end, just when I wanted to drink some water, Kitagawa Ayaka handed me a cup of warm water in a paper cup.

"Thank you."

Nishimura Ying drank it all in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Ayaka is quite perceptive. You will definitely be successful in the future."

Kitagawa Ayaka was a little embarrassed, and seeing how serious and enthusiastic Nishimura Takashi was about the filming work, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "Director, aren't you scared?"

"afraid of what?"

Nishimura Ying looked over suspiciously.

"That's right, that's right...this is the Jieko Group, the Jieko Group that kills people without blinking an eye. Are you not afraid of them treating you..."

Kitagawa Ayaka's expressions are exaggerated and she dances with joy.

Nishimura Takashi lit a cigarette and said calmly: "Don't be fooled by the domestic propaganda. The Jieko Group is not as bad as you think. If it were like you said, you people have escaped so many times, and you wouldn't have been killed long ago." Shot?"

Kitagawa Ayaka was speechless and didn't know how to refute.

“The last time I was filming in China, I was overconfident and invested all my family property in my own film. As a result, the film died suddenly and I was in debt.

I really didn’t know before I came here that Jieke Group would later help me resolve the entanglements of loan shark gangs in China. Otherwise, I can’t imagine what would happen to my family. "

The Nishimura Eagle blew out smoke rings and spoke with some melancholy and gratitude.

Kitagawa Ayaka opened her mouth and said, "But, after all, their Jieko Group tricked us into coming here for no reason, and also restricted our personal freedom."

"You won't be short of money. Besides, this filming is really a big production, and all the equipment is top-notch. And it is said that this movie is planned to be made into a series. I'm afraid you won't want to leave by then."

Nishimura Takashi chuckled, and then said: "Let me remind you again, you were not brought here for no reason."

Kitagawa Ayaka was stunned and asked in confusion: "What's the reason?"

Nishimura Takashi reminded: "If you think about it carefully, have you ever criticized Jieco Group in an online post?"

"I haven't...well, it seems I have. It was a long time ago."

Kitagawa Ayaka's tone is getting weaker and weaker. She used to follow the public and complained on the Internet that the Jieko Group is an evil force and it is best to ban it.

"Haha, everyone brought here, including me, have all scolded the Jieke Group."

Nishimura Takashi nodded and said nothing more.

Kitagawa Ayaka stood there blankly. After reacting, she wished she could give herself a slap.

Why were you so mean in the first place?

Who would have thought that the Jieko Group would retaliate in this way.

Half an hour later, the filming of the first scene of the first act officially started.

This scene is Kitagawa Ayaka's first confrontation with a female ghost.

Film shooting is not in a chronological order, but depending on the scene, it is possible that later segments will be shot first.

Kitagawa Ayaka was lying on the quilt in her bedroom. There was only a fixed multi-camera camera in the room and nothing else.

She was going to play a girl who had just picked up a death envelope during the day, opened it out of curiosity, and was cursed. Tonight was the first time she experienced a curse and a ghost.

Hidden in bed and sticking her head out, Kitagawa Ayaka looked at the quiet environment around her, wondering if female ghosts were really scary.

What if the makeup is too rough and makes me laugh? The director will definitely scold me.

I was thinking wildly in my mind when suddenly there was a soft click on the bedroom door.

Kitagawa Ayaka looked subconsciously, but at this moment, the light in the bedroom started to flicker, as if it was caused by poor contact.

A cold breath filled the air from the crack of the door. In the flickering lights, Kitagawa Ayaka's eyes suddenly dazzled. She seemed to see the door half opened, and a strange person stood outside the door. Her face could not be seen clearly, only a pair of mysterious eyes. The empty eyes seemed to be staring at the dying person.

A layer of goosebumps crawled up Kitagawa Ayaka's arms, and she felt cold all over her body. She clutched the quilt tightly with her little hands, leaving only a pair of eyes looking at the door fearfully. She kept telling herself that they were all actors and agencies.

But even if she comforted herself like this, the panic in her heart was still like the rising tide, constantly drowning her reason.


The lights flickered on and the shadow outside the door seemed to disappear.

Kitagawa Ayaka hesitantly stretched out her left hand and pressed the lamp on the bedside table.

As the desk lamp was turned on, there was no one outside the door, and it was empty and quiet.

But when Kitagawa Ayaka just turned off the desk lamp, a slender figure in red clothes appeared outside the door again with her back to her.

Kitagawa Ayaka was excited, subconsciously turned on the light, and the ghost disappeared again.

Press to turn off the desk lamp.

The other party continued to appear.

Once the lights are turned on, the ghost at the door will disappear again.

Kitagawa Ayaka was completely frightened, her expression was stiff, she was sweating profusely, and she curled up in the bed like a caterpillar.

Snapped! Turn off the desk lamp again.


The next second, Kitagawa Ayaka let out an eardrum-piercing scream.

Because she saw that the ghost in red who had been outside the door suddenly appeared beside her bedside. The red hijab covered his face, leaving only a silent terror sweeping through her mind.

With a snap, Kitagawa Ayaka's head was buried in the quilt, and she cried out of fear.

The bed board underneath the quilt was dented, and there was a camera set up here, which could capture Kitagawa Ayaka's frightened expression, and her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

Just then, Kitagawa Ayaka felt something touching her shoulder. She tilted her head slightly and saw a pale hand resting on her shoulder. It seemed that she could vaguely see a terrifying existence through the quilt, staring at her with a dead look.

Such a terrifying scene made Kitagawa Ayaka's eyes go straight. She was so scared that she opened the quilt and ran out of the bedroom without looking back.

"Ka, perfect, perfect! This one passed."

Outdoors, Nishimura Ying shouted excitedly, and said with emotion: "Are young people nowadays so modest? He said that he can't act out fear emotions. This acting skill is simply explosive. Not to mention that he is unique among the younger generation, even if it is replaced by those old actors, few can perform this kind of expression."

I have been in the car for nearly ten hours and I am still in the car. Today's three updates are all written in the car. My butt is numb from the vibration.

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