Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 351: One Literary and One Martial

The conference room in the headquarters building of Jieke Group.

Su Jie, Liu Yingying, and Chen Yaoguang sat together.


Su Jie closed the document and said calmly: "It is already clear that Asder Pharmaceuticals has joined forces with the world's top ten pharmaceutical companies to make us spit out some of our profits through blockade."

Chen Yaoguang said: "President Su, most of the drugs and medical equipment in the areas we currently rule rely on imports. The other party is trying to choke us and make us incurable."

"We can purchase from China and Woolly Bear. These two countries will not pay attention to medical bans."

Liu Yingying told the truth. Jieke Group is not Guba. Guba is too close to the beautiful country. It is also known as the back garden of the beautiful country. This shows the great impact of this kind of geopolitics. It is difficult for Guba to Resist the will of the beautiful country.

But the Jieco Group is different. Its territory is thousands of miles away from the beautiful country, and the surrounding countries do not completely listen to him. There are also the Chinese and Mao Xiong countries that often oppose the beautiful country. These are the Jieco Group. Where you can purchase medical equipment and medicines.

"There is just one problem now. Most drugs have substitutes, but for some drugs, only European and American pharmaceutical companies have patented special drugs. China and Mao Xiong also need to import them, which cannot satisfy all our needs. need."

Liu Yingying was not blindly optimistic and quickly pointed out another problem.

Europe and the United States are far ahead in the field of medicine. Some diseases can only be treated with specific drugs produced by European and American pharmaceutical companies. This semi-invisible monopoly is also one of the manifestations of the hegemony of European and American pharmaceutical companies.

"Asan countries should be able to purchase it. They are not subject to such restrictions. They are afraid that those pharmaceutical companies will obstruct it. After all, their influence is there."

Chen Yaoguang made a suggestion, which was to buy medicines from Asan Kingdom.

Unlike most countries that comply with drug patent laws, the country of Asan does not care about drug patent laws at all, and has specially introduced relevant domestic laws to legalize such generic drugs.

There are so many countries in the world, but Asan is the only country in the world that dares to do this. This has also led to the extreme proliferation of generic drugs in Asan.

"Instead of buying generic drugs from Asan Kingdom, why don't we go a step further and directly develop and sell generic drugs ourselves?"

Su Jie crossed his hands and held his chin, sneering and expressing his thoughts.

"We develop generic drugs ourselves? What about patents..."

Chen Yaoguang instinctively felt that it was inappropriate, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was really okay. Jieke Group really had the ability and strength to do this.

"Those pharmaceutical companies didn't follow the rules first, so why should we abide by their 20-year drug patent protection law?"

Liu Yingying's eyes lit up and she strongly agreed with Su Jie's idea.

As we all know, drugs are mainly divided into patent drugs and generic drugs.

Patented drugs are the drugs that are the first to apply for patent protection. Within a period of 20 years, other companies are not allowed to imitate them.

This is considering that for drugs independently researched and developed by pharmaceutical companies, this period requires a large number of experimental comparisons and high research and development costs. It takes an average of more than ten years in the research and development cycle to be successful.

This protection period is a period for pharmaceutical companies to recoup their costs and make money, lest they lose motivation and not invest in research and development of new drugs.

Then there are the generic drugs. Not only do generic drugs have basically no research and development costs, but their efficacy is also similar to that of the patented original drug. Therefore, the price is many times lower than the patented original drug that was painstakingly developed, and most patients can afford it. Affordable and more willing to buy generic drugs.

The reason why there are so few generic drugs is that most countries have joined the World Trade Organization and therefore need to comply with relevant patent laws. Otherwise, in today's modern society of economic globalization, they will fall into an isolated and helpless situation.

Even if there are national forces that really want to take risks, they cannot withstand the pressure and attacks from those pharmaceutical companies. There are many complicated factors that lead to the development of generic drugs in Asan.

But Jieke Group can develop generic drugs without any difficulty, as Su Jie said.

The Jieco Group itself started out as a smuggler, and has no hope of operating normally in European and American societies. The global smuggling economic network is one of the foundations for the Jieco Group to develop generic drugs.

As for the pressure and suppression from pharmaceutical companies due to the development of generic drugs, they are already doing so.

Moreover, the entire Jieco Group has been ostracized by the European and American circles headed by the Beautiful Country. Now it is even in a war stalemate, and it has long been an incompatible relationship.

Even if we do not develop generic drugs, they will not be accepted by European and American society.

With the introduction of generic drugs, the relationship will not get any worse even if it is bad, and there is not much room for decline.

In this way, the natural choice is to develop generic drugs, which is more beneficial to Jieke Group.

Not only can it directly break the medical blockade of Jieke Group by European and American pharmaceutical companies, but it can also further import generic drugs into European and American circles, destroying their ecological environment, and killing two birds with one stone.

"With our equipment, it is not difficult to make generic drugs. Some experimental subjects just use those heinous criminals as guinea pigs. Anyway, those consumables are kept, so it is better to use them as waste."

Su Jie directly made the final decision and settled the matter.

"I'll take charge of this when I get back."

Liu Yingying nodded. The scientific research power of Jieke Group is still very strong. It has attracted many talents with its high salary, and it is easy to imitate.

After all, the real difficulty in drug development is the new drug development stage. To make generic drugs, you only need to find the original drug, use various polymer instruments to analyze the chemical composition of the drug, and then make the corresponding configuration.

Although different production processes will lead to slight differences in drug properties, the efficacy is basically the same, and the price can be completely reduced to the floor price. After all, there is no need to share high R\u0026D costs, so the cost is low!

The meeting soon ended, and Su Jie also picked up the phone.

"General Su."

A strong and strong voice came from the phone. It was Miao Lun, the commander of the Iron Battalion.

"Have you received the new combat order?"

"I have received it. All the important members of the Avilson family and the mastermind behind Asde Pharmaceuticals will be wiped out."

"Get ready, set off at the scheduled time. I will let a special person cooperate with you on this mission."

"Understood, please rest assured, General, the Steel Battalion will complete the mission."

After the call ended, Su Jie stood up from his seat, looking at the sunset outside the glass curtain wall, and said indifferently: "You have come to provoke me several times. This time, I will let you know what our Jieke Group relies on for a living."

For Su Jie, making generic drugs is just a literary fight, and the Steel Battalion's attack is a physical fight.

One literary and one physical, complementing each other, is the style of the Jieke Group.

If we don't kill the chicken to scare the monkey, those capitalists really think that the Jieke Group can't lift the knife.

I just returned to my hometown. There are a lot of things during this period. There are only 6,000 words today.

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