Los Angeles, Cons Bar!

Danilo Avildsen put his arms around a hot blonde girl with an exposed figure and walked out of the bar smelling of alcohol.

As the son of the contemporary head of the Avilson family, Danilo is a famous playboy in Los Angeles. He has always liked to pick up girls, especially female celebrities, which will give him an extraordinary sense of accomplishment.

For example, the person he is holding in his arms right now is Gillian, who just played the heroine in the last hit movie.

"Danilo, I agreed that you will invest in me to shoot a movie with a female protagonist."

Jillian gave him a hot kiss at the door of the hotel, and was very satisfied with the Kaizi she had caught.

This playboy is rich and generous. Such a sponsor is very rare.

"It's just a small matter. The movies I invested in in the past have been sold out. I know all the world-famous directors such as Spear and Came. I can definitely make you famous."

Daniel spoke loudly, but in fact he didn't guarantee anything. He was just playing for fun. He spent tens of millions of dollars to invest in a big-budget movie with a female protagonist for a woman. He is not stupid. He really treats it as money instead of money!

As fast as he can change his girlfriend in half a month, he can still do this without ruining his family fortune.

"Humph, Danilo, do you want to default on your debt?"

Jillian was not that kind of little actor. Hearing this, she rolled her eyes at Danilo, pushed Danilo to stagger, and left angrily while carrying her bag.

"Have a temper, I like it."

Danilo licked his lips, took the keys and got into his Ferrari sports car, driving towards Gillian who was walking on the roadside.


The phone vibrated, and Danilo took it out and saw that it was a call from his father.

"Dad, I have something important to do here. I'll talk about anything later."

Danilo held his cell phone between his legs, driving his Ferrari and winking at Gillian, who was sulking on the roadside.

"Are you messing around with those female celebrities outside again? Get back here immediately or my legs will be broken."

On the phone, Pedro's voice was extremely angry. He was currently having a grudge against the Jieco Group. As a result, his useless son was unwilling to listen to a word.

"Dad, you are too cowardly. What else can Jieke Group do to me if I come out to pick up girls? No more, I'll hang up now."

Pedro hung up the phone, beeped twice, and smiled at Jillian: "Jillian, what I was joking with you just now is just a movie. It only costs a few dollars to invest in that thing. I'll help you." Just get in the car and I'll take you to have fun."

"keep your word?"

Jillian just turned her head and was about to say something when she suddenly saw the traffic light in front of her. A dump truck ignored the red light and rushed straight over.

There was deep fear in Danilo's eyes, and he wanted to get directions, but before he could make it in time, the dump truck stepped on the accelerator and crashed the Ferrari sports car into a shop on the roadside, shattering the glass and debris everywhere. .

That was all. The dump truck slowly reversed out, then stepped on the accelerator, accelerated and hit it again. The Ferrari directly turned into a twisted and deformed thin discus.

Come on!

The door of the dump truck was opened, and a man wearing a hood stepped out of the truck.

The man held a barrel of gasoline in his hand and poured it on the heavy truck and the deformed sports car. He looked at Danilo, who was already lifeless, and threw the lighter. The fire burst into flames and quickly disappeared into the street. .

Jillian, who witnessed all this, had her mouth wide open, her face turned pale with fright, and she could only scream randomly.

Asder Pharmaceutical Experimental R\u0026D Center.

The general director of the R\u0026D center, Luke Avilson, is inspecting various departments. As a genius with a very high IQ in the Avilson family, he manages the core medical laboratory of Asder Pharmaceuticals.

Tens of billions of dollars are invested here every year in the research and development of new drugs, and more than 5,000 researchers work here to earn wealth for Asder Pharmaceuticals.

"Fernando, do you have any clues about Tianyuan Myopia Pill?"

Walking into a laboratory, Luke asked about the progress of the research.

"It's still the same as before. The universal medicine cannot be analyzed and we can't imitate it at all. To be honest, Luke, this experimental project is meaningless."

Fernando shrugged. He was also a member of the Avilson family. In a big family, there would always be mediocre people and talented people. If they received elite education and training since childhood, the number of talented people would definitely be greater.

"Drugs are often accidental products. Keep researching. Maybe God will favor us and let us discover the secret of universal medicine."

Luke shook his head and said he would continue to invest money.

"Relying on luck, it's better to imagine that Jieke Group is out of its mind and directly disclose its patents."

Fernando complained, not having any hope at all.

By studying Tianyuan Myopia Pills, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, and Strengthening Pills, he has discovered that the chemical structure and properties of these Jieke Group products are very different from what he knew in the past.

Among them, no matter how much research is done on the unique all-purpose medicine, everyone is still at a loss.

I only know that it is this substance that affects all aspects of the human body that makes these Jieke Group drugs have such miraculous effects.

"We can't expect the Jieco Group to take the initiative to make it public. We can dismember the Jieco Group, on the one hand through war, and on the other hand, through business war sanctions. When the Jieco Group can no longer bear it, we can swallow up the giant that is the Jieco Group and fall." Although we have to share the legacy with other pharmaceutical companies, it will be enough for us to have a full meal.”

"I don't think this is a good idea. If the Jeco Group was so easy to deal with, it would have been annexed long ago. How could it survive until now?"

Fernando put down the reagent in his hand and didn't believe Luke's statement.

"These are the original words of the head of the family, Pedro."

Luke shrugged and smiled, "This is how he convinced the family members and then other giant pharmaceutical companies."

The two chatted here, and a man in a white coat and a mask pushed a cart and put it at the door outside the laboratory.

The man left the cart where it was and walked away quickly without stopping along the way.

After walking a certain distance, the man took out a remote control.



The violent explosion went straight into the sky. The cart was filled with strong TNT explosives, which razed the laboratory to the ground on the spot. Luke and Fernando didn't understand what happened. They were blown to pieces and couldn't even find a complete part.

Many people in the laboratory were killed or injured in the explosion, and there were wailing sounds everywhere. These researchers working for Asde Pharmaceuticals also became victims of this attack.

After the bomb attack, the man in the white coat walked in the shadow of the building without any hurry. His body began to reflect a mimic light, just like a chameleon and a color-changing squid. His body blended into the shadow. The security guards who ran a few meters past him would ignore him.

This man was naturally a steel battalion gene warrior sent by the Jeko Group. He was injected with a Gu insect gene called the Dark Lizard. When he was in the shadow, it was difficult for ordinary people to detect him with their naked eyes unless they used infrared sensors and other instruments.


Asde Pharmaceutical Headquarters Building.

Asde Pharmaceuticals has more than 30,000 employees. The headquarters building is very busy on weekdays, with more than 2,000 people working here.

Similarly, many people from the Avilson family also work here to manage this multinational giant pharmaceutical company.

Not far from the headquarters of Asde Pharmaceuticals, several cars were parked here, and the cars were full of men with fierce breath and extremely dangerous eyes.

Xituang held the watch in his hand, tapped his fingers on the steering wheel rhythmically, and kept looking around.

As a soldier of the Iron Battalion of the Jeko Group, Xituang was originally only a second-class super soldier. Later, because of his outstanding performance and suitable physical condition, he recently underwent genetic drug transformation and became a genetic warrior with three abilities, serving as the company commander of the Iron Battalion.

Although he is only a company commander, it sounds like a low military position, but if the identity of the company commander of the Iron Battalion is revealed, it will be more intimidating than the brigade commander.

"11 o'clock, the action begins."

When the time reached 11 o'clock, Xituang conveyed the order, and everyone looked at the watch together, picked up the evil ghost mask and put it on, opened the car door and got out of the car.

The group of soldiers split into two groups, and Xituang took five genetic warriors into a gun store next door.

In the United States, gun stores are as common as milk tea shops in China.

Because the First Amendment of the United States Constitution states: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The rampant shootings in the United States are not unrelated to these gun stores. They know that they are selling lethal weapons and may be used in campuses, concerts and other places. However, in the face of huge profits, gun stores still pop up like mushrooms after rain, all over the streets and alleys of the United States.

With a clear goal, Xituang went straight to the gun store. The door of this gun store was open to the street, and the facade decoration was quite exquisite. After entering it, the gun store basically used logs to decorate the walls. Guns of different sizes were hung on the walls, including pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles, and machine guns, which were displayed in them, and the people who saw them were overwhelmed.

When Xituang and his group entered, they were dressed in such an image, which immediately made the employees in the gun store feel something was wrong.

Some employees wanted to press the alarm button, and some employees wanted to draw guns.

But Situon had already taken action. He fired six shots in rapid succession from a revolver on his waist, two of which blew up the surveillance camera in the store, and four of which shot the employee in the head.

One of the genetic abilities that Situon possessed was a gene called the spiny fly, which gave him an extraordinary reaction speed, ten times that of ordinary humans.

While Situon was killing people, the other five genetic warriors turned a blind eye and took large luggage bags, each of which was filled with various firearms.

However, the bullets were stored separately from the firearms and would only be delivered after purchase, but this obviously did not pose a problem for Situon.

After the surveillance camera was destroyed, he revealed his true form, with a steel whip sticking out from his tail, with a bone spike at the end, which pierced straight into an explosion-proof door inside the gun store, piercing it with a palm-wide hole.

There were also employees on duty inside the explosion-proof door, who had already discovered that something was wrong and were on guard with guns.

When they saw the explosion-proof door being opened in such an outrageous way, several employees opened their eyes wide and pulled the trigger one after another, and bullets were fired densely.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The muscles all over Situang's body swelled violently, like the neck muscles of a cobra, and the skin of his body widened by half a meter. The bullets hit him one by one, just like hitting high-strength rubber, either being bounced off or dented half an inch, and could not hurt Situang's body at all.


The next moment, Situang's tail bone whip swung, and one gun store employee was cut in half, another gun store employee was pierced through the brain by the bone whip spike, and the last person was the gun store owner. He was terrified and wanted to turn around and run away, but was directly strangled by the bone whip and dragged back to Situang.

Situang hung this person and walked step by step to a heavy alloy door.

The protection level of a large gun store like this is very high. This alloy door is very thick, and Situang can't open it by himself.

Fortunately, he didn't have to force it.

The finger quickly entered a series of numbers on the password disk. This was the information obtained from a gene warrior before.

When the password was entered, the bone whip hung the gun store owner up and faced the access control camera directly. The gun store owner, who was strangled to the point of being unable to breathe, had dilated pupils, and his fingers were also forced by Situang to be placed on the fingerprint sensor.

"Ding, password passed, fingerprint unlocked, pupil scan passed."

The alloy door slowly opened. In addition to various firearms, there were the most ammunition of various calibers.


After crushing the neck of the gun shop owner who had lost his value, Xituang began to lead his gene warriors to collect ammunition and fill up the luggage bags.

The last group of six people walked out of the gun shop, swaggered across the street, and came to the headquarters building of Asde Pharmaceuticals.

The other gene warriors here have dealt with the security guards and stood in position one step ahead.

"Three people stay on the first floor, and the others will follow me to kill all the way up."

Xituang threw the luggage bags to the gene warriors here, and the gene warriors took the bullets one by one and quickly armed themselves.

Then Xituang began to lead the team and walked down the stairs to the upper floor of Asde Pharmaceuticals.

The security here has notified the building of the terrorist attack, and the building has been in a panic.

And when they saw Xituang and his group wearing masks and covered with bullets, they were even more scared and confused.


Xituang pulled the trigger at the ceiling and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, squat down and face me."

Bang bang bang!

Some who did not follow the instructions were shot in the head and died.

The rest of the people huddled together and began to do the instructions obediently.

Seeing this, Situon took out a few photos and gradually began to scan the crowd, checking one by one.

Other genetic warriors did the same, holding photos to find their mission targets this time.

"Anders Avilson."

Situon saw a target and shouted out the other person's name.

"I'm not, I'm not called that."

This person still wanted to disguise himself, but Situon didn't listen to his explanation at all. The bullet penetrated his eye socket and shot out from the back of his head.

The group killed all the way up, and eliminated the target person directly when they met him.

Soon the entire Asde headquarters building was shrouded in blood. None of the more than 40 members of the Avilson family working there escaped, and they were all eliminated.

After that, Situang led his men away. Several genetic warriors used accurate shooting skills to suppress the police who came to support them, and beat them to a pulp. There was no obstacle to their departure. They easily changed their clothes and fled the scene according to the predetermined retreat route and preparations.

There will be another chapter later.

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