Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 356 Deterrence (First Update)

On the day when the last group of the Avilson family was wiped out, this news swept the entire upper class of the United States like a storm.

In particular, the various multinational giant pharmaceutical companies that were closely related to this matter held a secret meeting as soon as possible.

The behind-the-scenes controllers of these pharmaceutical companies discussed how to deal with this incident in the future through video conferences.

"Tell us, what do you think?"

The Drake family, the strongest among the pharmaceutical companies, controls Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Claudio Drake, the head of the family, was the first to speak and break the silence.

"How did the Jeco Group do it? They were able to get rid of Pedro and others under such strict protection."

A white man said, he is the chairman of Qiangsheng Pharmaceuticals, Walker Yo.

"In addition to those super soldiers, the Jake Group obviously has some unknown technologies, such as powerful electronic shielding capabilities. They have demonstrated it in Jiwei City, shielding the effectiveness of drones. This time the shielding is even more powerful. Not only did no news get out, but even the satellites were interfered with by electronic means. This is the result of the CIA investigation.

An elderly white woman from Bayer Pharmaceuticals spoke up. Her name is Margarita Aliychuk, and she is the behind-the-scenes controller of Bayer Pharmaceuticals.

On the surface, the equity of these pharmaceutical companies is very dispersed. In fact, many of the shares of these pharmaceutical companies with decades or hundreds of years of history are held by the families behind the scenes through various secret operations.

Then, through marriage and cross-holding, the interests are bound and exchanged with other consortiums and families.

"The question now is, will the Jake Group target us after solving Asder Pharmaceuticals?"

"Does this need to be analyzed? With the Jake Group's style of doing things, it will definitely do so. "

"What's the problem? Are we so many pharmaceutical companies united that we will be scared away by the other party like this? "

"Do you want to continue fighting with the Jake Group? We sell medicines, not arms. If we play a business war with the Jake Group, and the other party is here to kill people, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Humph, if the Jake Group's all-purpose medicine can be obtained, why not take a little risk?"

In the video conference, more and more pharmaceutical groups began to join the discussion.

Faced with the Jake Group's simple and high-end business war, which directly hits competitors from a physical level, the scene was divided into two factions.

One faction wanted to ease relations with the Jake Group and no longer continue to fight with the Jake Group.

The other faction wanted to continue to insist on confrontation and was willing to take risks in order to gain huge benefits from the Jake Group.

Claudio looked at the chaotic scene, slapped the table with a headache, and said: "Be quiet, what's the point of arguing like this? Let's vote by raising hands. The nine companies on the scene who want to continue fighting with the Jake Group raise their left hands, otherwise raise their right hands. "

The quarreling crowd gradually quieted down. As it was a decision that might affect the lives of the entire family, everyone calmed down.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Margarita of Bayer Pharmaceuticals slowly raised her left hand.

Even with all kinds of maintenance, her face still showed signs of old age, and her cheeks drooped, she had a kind of greed and fanaticism that ordinary people did not have.

"We at Bayer Pharmaceuticals cannot give up because of this risk. The human body transformation technology of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, Tianyuan Myopia Pills, and Body Strengthening Pills in the hands of the Jeko Group, the heart parasite implantation technology, advanced electronic shielding capabilities, virtual AI glasses, and underground tunnel digging machines.

The interests represented by these are only part of the interests that our pharmaceutical companies want. Those military-industrial complexes, technology upstarts, and various large chaebols, which one does not want to tear a piece of meat from the Jeko Group?

If we withdraw now, when our country solves the Jeko Group, we can only eat a little bit of the leftovers of these interests. "

Hearing Margarita's words, many people nodded and began to waver. Claudio looked at Margarita deeply and said, "Margarita, you want to find a way to prolong your life from the Jake Group, right? I heard that you are very interested in the Jake Group's body-building pills and heart parasite implantation technology, and have invested billions of dollars in research. "

"When you reach my age, you will know that you will feel genuine fear for the passing of time and the loss of life. "

Margarita did not deny that she was already over eighty years old. No matter how well she took care of herself or how many medicines she took to maintain her body, her body functions continued to decline.

The doctor had clearly told her that she might only have three years left to live, and the current science and technology and the speed of progress basically could not solve the problem of death after the aging of body functions.

Just like a machine that has been used beyond its rated working life, the natural aging of various parts is an inevitable trend and it is difficult to repair unless the whole is replaced.

Margarita wanted to live longer, and now she saw hope in the Jeko Group.

If she could study the strengthening pill and the heart parasite implantation technology, perhaps she could also strengthen her body as a whole and gain a longer life.

Everyone at the scene had different thoughts, some felt the same way, and some disagreed.

But the former were more numerous, and those who sat in high positions were not young, and the more powerful and wealthy people were, the more they feared the arrival of death.

Because no matter how much wealth and power they had, they would have nothing as long as they died.

"I can't understand it. I'm afraid that if it continues, I don't know if I can get a longer life. The assassination by the Jieko Group is real."

Claudio curled his lips. He was not very old, only in his early forties, which was when he was in the prime of life.

Although he had a tough attitude towards the Jieko Group before, now that he has seen the fate of the Avilson family, he is no longer willing to risk the lives of his entire family to gain wealth.

"If you are willing to fight against the Jieco Group with me, please raise your hands. We at Bayer have certain connections in the military and can protect everyone's safety to the maximum extent. At worst, we can stay in the nuclear-proof cave for a while and come out when it is safe."

Margarita opened her mouth to win over allies. She was weak with Bayer Pharmaceuticals and had to find someone to share the risk.

This is the same as an investment company. Everyone works together to unite all parties to make the new company bigger and stronger, and finally go public to harvest wealth.

It is basically impossible to bring a company to the stage of listing by relying on one person's investment alone.

Only by uniting can they fight against Jieco Company, and by knocking Jieco Company down, they can take advantage of the fall of Jieco Group, the tree that covers the sky.

The eyes of many people at the scene were getting brighter and brighter, but just when everyone was about to make a decision, eight of the nine video conference participants suddenly opened their eyes wide.

Because during the video conference, behind Margarita, a group of figures wearing devil masks came up.

Margarita didn't notice that everyone's eyes were wrong, and she continued to confuse others.

"Now the military has decided to launch a military operation against the Jieko Group in the near future. They have armed the Zen Government Army and Sakura Country Soldiers. It is very important to choose sides at this time, and it will determine how much benefit we can reap in the future."

Margarita said, but no one responded for a long time. She also saw people in the video looking weirdly, frequently looking behind her, and even calling for bodyguards.

"What happen to you guys?"

Margarita was a little confused, she must be very eloquent.

"Margarita, look behind you."

Claudio called dozens of bodyguards to protect him, and then he kindly reminded Margarita.

When Margarita heard this, she subconsciously turned around to look behind her.

But just this glance almost scared her to death on the spot.

The clan members, assistant secretaries and bodyguards behind her all fell in a pool of blood, while a group of guys wearing long trench coats and devil masks with ferocious and bloodthirsty eyes were quietly watching her speech just now.

"You, you are."

Margarita was so smart that she had guessed the truth a long time ago, but the fear in her heart made her unable to believe this fact.

"Jeco Group, the second platoon of Steel Battalion 1st Company, has been ordered to come and take your life."

A genetic warrior picked up a Gatling gun, and the six barrels began to slowly warm up and rotate.

"No, no, no, why are you looking for me? Why are so many people looking for me?"

The fear in Margarita's eyes almost overflowed the screen. At this time, she no longer had the witty words that had previously inspired her, only the fear and regret of death remained.

"You shouldn't forget what you have done, right? Each super soldier corpse is worth three million dollars. You found a way to make money for the army of the beautiful country. You collected many of our super soldier corpses on the battlefield for research. You said Why should we kill you?"

With a cold snort, without waiting for Margarita to have any more excuses, countless bullets spurted out from the barrel of the Gatling gun.

The terrifying rate of fire of thousands of rounds per minute shattered his entire upper body into pieces on the spot, with splashes everywhere in the room.

After killing the people, these well-trained Steel Battalion soldiers turned around and left. Only the man who was carrying Gatling just now looked down at the computer screen that was still playing, and said with a sneer: "You should do your own thing, next time , maybe it’s you we’re visiting.”

After saying this, the man dropped Gatlin, turned around and disappeared from the screen.

After hearing the murderous threat, the video conference fell into silence. Everyone was shocked by the cruel methods of the Jieko Group.

Sometimes, hearing about something and witnessing it with your own eyes have completely different impact on people, especially things like murder.

I don’t know how long it took, but a trace of color finally returned to Claudio’s face. He swallowed and said: “Everyone, those who want to continue to fight against the Jieco Group now raise their left hands. Those who want to stop here and ease the relationship. Raise your right hand."


Almost at the same time, each right hand was raised high without any hesitation.

It can be said that after witnessing Margarita's tragic situation, these people truly understood the horror of the Jieko Group.

The other party has never said that they will stop after eliminating the Avilson family. If they do not compromise, what awaits them will definitely be an assassination with no peace, or an assassination carried out by the non-humans of the Steel Battalion, with a death coefficient as high as 90 % or more, who dares to continue to fight against this!

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of drug sellers who occasionally engage in illegal new drug experiments. They are different from the arms dealers who are the military-industrial complex who actively create wars, commit countless murders, and sell more weapons.

"In that case, let me make a joint statement."

Claudio's face was filled with relief, he could finally get away from the assassination attempt by Jieco's group.




Amidst the voices of approval, the video conference came to an end. With Margarita's death, the remaining multinational pharmaceutical companies chose to become turtles.


《A large-scale power change occurred within Asder Pharmaceuticals. 》

《Asder Pharmaceuticals fell into bankruptcy and closure. Huirui Pharmaceuticals and Qiangsheng Pharmaceuticals announced their intention to acquire Asder Pharmaceuticals for development. Affected by this, the stock prices of the two companies soared yesterday. 》

《Asder Pharmaceuticals, which advocates medical embargoes, has such a huge change. Is it related to the Jeko Group? Our reporter invited well-known financial experts to interpret the Asder Pharmaceuticals bankruptcy for you. 》

《Qiangsheng Pharmaceuticals, Nohua Pharmaceuticals, Mosa Group, Huirui Pharmaceuticals and many other global pharmaceutical groups announced that they would lift the medical embargo on the Jeko Group for the sake of humanitarianism. 》

《Huirui Pharmaceuticals issued a statement that in order to rescue civilians injured in the war in East Chin State and Jibang, it will provide a batch of drugs worth 200 million US dollars, and send a medical team to treat diseases for free for local people. 》

《Mosha Group donated 100 million US dollars to the victims of the disaster in Jibang to help them rebuild their homes as soon as possible.》

Within two days, news began to appear on the Internet.

After being hit by the Jeko Group, these pharmaceutical groups began to behave themselves. Not only did they change their previous aggressive medical embargo, they immediately announced the lifting of the blockade and announced various public assistance to the Jeko Group.

Although they did not dare to directly sponsor the Jeko Group for fear of being questioned by the US government, their attitude has been made clear.

That is, don't be aggressive, just be friends.

This kind of behavior of showing good will can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

And the spectators still don't understand why this reversal happened. They just lamented that these pharmaceutical groups spoke like farts. The medical embargo that was just agreed to was changed overnight. I don't know how many thrilling confrontations have taken place in secret.

And the countries that secretly pay attention to this conflict will naturally not laugh at these pharmaceutical giants. After all, who wouldn't be afraid of the simple and unpretentious high-end business war of the Jeko Group!

What everyone laughed at was that the United States couldn't even protect its own companies, and was rushed into the country by others to kill people, and its face was slapped.

At the United Nations Security Council, the representatives of the United States often heard sarcasm and ridicule when they met representatives of other countries, and left the meeting with a dark face on the spot.

What's more, the Jieke Group added fuel to the fire. The group's president Liu Yingying gave a speech: "In view of the fact that major pharmaceutical companies can correct their mistakes, the Jieke Group can let bygones be bygones, but I solemnly warn the United States that health and safety cannot be desecrated. If there are any more bad acts of medical hegemony, the Jieke Group will deal with it in its own way."

The United States couldn't help it. So medical hegemony is hegemony, and your mud truck business war is legal, right?

Damn it, the last time someone dared to slap him in the face was the attack by the uncle Ben Deng who was wearing a white turban and a beard, which led to the protracted anti-terrorism war in the graveyard of empires.

This time, the United States naturally could not remain indifferent to the ridicule of the Jeko Group.

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