Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 377 Escape (First Update)

As the news broadcast spread, the entire Yangcheng, the Chan government army was like tofu, easily torn apart by the Jeko Group, and completely defeated. A large number of soldiers obediently laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Jeko Group.

However, Yangcheng is too big, with a population of more than 7 million. It is very difficult to control it with only super soldiers and gene warriors. The only way to maintain order is to temporarily recruit the Chan government army that has just surrendered.

During this window period when the Jeko Group has no time to take care of other things, a large number of people began to surround the Yangcheng Airport.

In Yangcheng, the capital of Chan, in addition to ordinary citizens, there are many privileged classes and wealthy businessmen and high-ranking officials living here.

In Chan, a country with a chaotic political situation, they were able to start their own businesses, and basically they all had original sins on their hands. Most of them were engaged in various illegal and criminal activities, or they were the families of those warlords and the children of criminals.

In addition, there were many so-called senior informants who had previously served the G8, leading the way, translating, and collecting intelligence from the Jeko Group.

When they received news that the Jeko Group's gene warriors had entered Yangcheng, they were all afraid of being pulled out by the Jeko Group for liquidation and shooting, and they all ran to the Yangcheng Airport to escape.

In addition to this group of people who are naturally afraid of the Jeko Group, there are also people who agree with the values ​​of the United States and want to take the United States' plane to the free land.

With a large number of people fleeing, Yangcheng Airport was packed with people.

They did not leave before because they thought that the Zen government might be able to hold on until the United States troops supported them and continue to fight against the Jeko Group.

If they ran away first, there would be no place for them when they returned to Zen.

They thought it was not the last moment yet, so they planned to wait and see.

As a result, the sudden attack of the gene warriors caught them off guard. Now they started to pack up and run away, but it was too late.

When they arrived, Yangcheng Airport had been under martial law by the United States.

Those paratroopers who flew here had just stored their military supplies and equipment when they received news from their own leaders. They had not even sat down and had to rush back on the plane.

"Let us in, open the door quickly."

"Please, I used to work for your G8, don't leave me here."

"I like the free and sweet air of the United States, take me with you, I am willing to do anything."

"I am the director of the Transportation Bureau of Zen Country. I have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments and funds in your United States. You must take me away."

"I am Wu Aung Lai. I let my troops fight to the death with the Jeko Group. Now you can't abandon me. My family and I are here. Your CIA promised to take us away."

The crowd blocked the entrance of the airport, with as many as 20,000 to 30,000 people, pushing and crowding with excited faces, like zombies.

"Back off, back off, you can't go in here."

The soldiers of the United States did not indulge them. They directly smashed with the butt of the gun, and kept hitting the crowd in front of the fence gate with rubber bullets, throwing tear gas, and using high-pressure water guns to attack the crowd to disperse the crowd blocking here.

Wu Aung Lai brought his wife and children with him. As the head of the northern warlord, he was hit by the butt of a gun and his head was bleeding. Several teeth were broken and his face was swollen.

"How dare you, how dare you do this to me? I have shed blood for the United States and made contributions to the CIA. I want to see your CIA's senior special commissioner Lloyd. I want to see your highest commander here."

Wu Aung Lai looked at the American soldiers who set up roadblocks with a crazy look, thinking about how glorious he was as a northern warlord.

When he chose to go to war with the Jeko Group under the instigation of the CIA, he lost all his troops and territory and lost everything.

However, the CIA promised to take him and his family away from Zen Country and guarantee him wealth and glory in the second half of his life, but there was no sign of fulfillment.

"What CIA Lloyd, we don't recognize you. Go find whoever promised you."

The American soldier kicked him to the ground and spit on him.

Not only Wu Aung Hlaing, but all the six warlords in the north were abandoned by the CIA. They were no longer useful, so there was no need to take them back.

There were too many crowded people, and many people who wanted to escape directly built a human wall and climbed up the airport wall.

"Open fire, drive them away."

The American officers at the scene shouted, and bullets were fired one by one. This time they were not ordinary rubber bullets, but real bullets that could kill people.

Blood was scattered, and the front of the crowd was swept down.

Death finally frightened the crowd, and they screamed and retreated, which caused a large-scale stampede.

Many people fell and were stepped on by pairs of big feet. When the crowd dispersed, only bloody corpses were left.

Relying on bloody and violent suppression, the United States maintained order at Yangcheng Airport.

Just when the airport was in chaos, teams of Sakura soldiers hurried over.

They were the last 3,000 soldiers left in Yangcheng. They had intended to hold on, but the sudden attack by the Jeko Group caught them off guard. Now they had no choice but to rush to Yangcheng Airport to escape.

"We are the 12th Infantry Regiment under the 2nd Division of the Sakura Country. We are now taking a plane to leave Zen Country."

The commander of the Sakura Country Infantry Regiment, Kondo Taro, shouted loudly, violently pushing away the crowd blocking the way, and pretending to break into the airport.

"You can't go in. You have to wait for the next batch of planes to retreat."

However, the soldiers of the United States guarding the airport gate had no intention of letting them go.

Now that both military and passenger planes at Yangcheng Airport have been requisitioned by them, the transport paratrooper regiment's own troops are barely able to transport themselves. There is no spare capacity for these Sakura Country soldiers.

"What are you talking about? When is this? Waiting for the next batch of flights, those genetic warriors from the Jieko Group will come over. How can we have time? Why are you asking us to wait for the next batch of planes? It's obvious that Let us die."

Taro Kondo was furious. Some of the military planes at Yangcheng Airport belonged to Sakura Country. It was fine for Beautiful Country to fly their own military planes. Why wouldn't they let them fly on their own planes?

"This is an order from our commander, and we are only responsible for executing it."

The handsome military officer guarding the airport gate looked at the Sakura Army soldiers with disdain.

It’s just a dog that I raise. When the critical moment comes, I will naturally give up the car to save the handsome man. There is a reason to let the dog run ahead of the owner.

"Our commander's order is to evacuate, brothers, rush in together."

Kondo Taro's face was ashen, and he waved his hand. The Sakura Country soldiers behind him picked up their weapons and pointed them at the Beautiful Country soldiers.

"Let us into the airport immediately."

"Open the door quickly, or don't blame us for shooting."

"Damn European and American ghosts, I know they have no good intentions. At worst, I will fight with them."

The Sakura Kingdom soldiers shouted angrily, thinking that they were being treated like abandoned children, everyone felt extremely angry.

"Fake, what do you want to do?"

"Little dwarfs, be careful or I'll put my bullet right in your ass."

"Have you, Sakura Country, forgotten your status and want to go back to court-martial?"

The beautiful soldiers also pointed their guns at the Sakura soldiers. They were really rebelling against Tiangang. The dogs they raised actually wanted to bite their owners.

In the distance, the handsome Chinese colonel Mike, who was about to board the plane, suddenly looked angry when he received the news.

"General Yoshimura, how do you manage your troops?"

It is obvious that Yoshimura Yuichi is much higher than Mike in terms of military rank, but Mike doesn't care about this at all when he scolds him.

Just because he is an officer of the Beautiful Country, and Sakura Country is just his own dog.

Yoshimura Yuichi understood what had happened. At this time, his face was depressed and embarrassed, and he said with a smile: "Colonel Mike, the matter has come to this, let my troops come in, and we can tide over the difficulties together."

"Hmph, you can let your soldiers in, but you have to leave all the weapons behind."

Mike snorted coldly. He knew that blocking the Sakura Country soldiers from entering would probably cause a civil strife.

After all, in the face of death, the soldiers of the Sakura Kingdom may not obey the rules of superiority and inferiority. This vicious dog will bite.

It's better to let people in first. It's not up to them to decide what happens without weapons.

Yoshimura Yuichi's expression changed slightly. He had already heard that Mike was going to abandon their thousands of Sakura Country troops.

"General Yoshimura, the overall situation is our top priority!"

The President of the Zen Kingdom next to him said seriously. He was naturally on the side of the beautiful country. Who can let people have big fists?

"It's useless even if you report where your Prime Minister is. According to the security agreement, you can only cooperate with us."

Mike looked at Yoshimura Yuichi coldly. If Yoshimura Yuichi didn't agree, he wouldn't mind taking down the opponent here first.

Yoshimura struggled for several seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will inform them."

Soon, as Yoshimura Yuichi's order was issued, the Sakura Nation soldiers surrounding Yangcheng Airport cheered.

"General Yoshimura helped us get the chance to leave. Everyone put down their weapons and entered the airport. General Yoshimura said that carrying weapons is too heavy. Flying empty-handed can carry more people."

Taro Kondo happily announced the news, and then led a group of cheerful soldiers to put down their weapons, enter the airport in an orderly manner, and were arranged to a place to wait.

Time passed by minute by second, and half an hour later, the waiting Sakura Country soldiers were getting impatient.

"Why haven't you asked us to board the plane for so long?"

Kondo Taro was walking back and forth. Just as he was secretly anxious, he suddenly heard some noisy shouts.

"It's the genetic warriors, the demons from the Jieko Group came to kill them."

Taro Kondo opened the window and raised his telescope to take a look.

Outside Yangcheng Airport, I saw a few figures wearing biological reproduction suits pushing away the crowd. Every step they took was like stepping on Kondo Taro's heart, making him breathless and cold sweat constantly breaking out from his forehead.

"The genetic warriors are here, everyone, hurry to the airport runway."

Kondo Taro shouted, which scared the eyes of the Sakura Country soldiers here.

Even if they have weapons, they are no match for the Jieko Group, let alone now that they have no weapons.

Facing the cruel and bloodthirsty demons like Genetic Warriors without any defense, it is impossible to make any resistance.

A large number of Sakura Country soldiers ran towards the runway, only to be dumbfounded when they arrived.

Because military transport planes and passenger planes filled with American soldiers were taxiing and taking off on the runway one after another.

There were still some that had not been loaded, and American soldiers kept entering the cabin without any intention of calling them.

Kondo Taro's pupils widened, and he suddenly understood when he saw this scene, and he was shaking with anger: "These bastards, they lied to us, they didn't want to take us away at all. General Yoshimura also lied to us, they want us to stay here Waiting to die. Everyone, get on the plane and run while you still have the chance.”

Before he finished speaking, Kondo Taro started running, followed by a large number of Sakura soldiers.

Not only the Sakura soldiers, but also the Chan people outside broke through the gate and ran in because of the evacuation of the United States.

"Let me get on."

In the cabin door that had not yet been fully raised, a large group of Sakura soldiers pushed and pulled each other to get on the ladder. They didn't care anymore, so the cabin door couldn't be closed.

Bang, bang, bang!

The soldiers of the United States in the cabin opened fire directly, shooting those Sakura soldiers who tried to get on the plane.

The cabin was stained red with blood, and many Sakura soldiers didn't dare to believe that they would die under the guns of their friendly forces until they died.


The cabin door closed, and the plane began to slide slowly.

But the runway had been occupied by the soldiers of the Sakura soldiers. The soldiers of the United States directly used Apache armed helicopters to clear the way at low altitude, and the powerful air waves pushed the crowd away, and even directly used machine guns to bombard and strafe.

Then one plane after another began to accelerate on the runway.

Seeing that the plane was about to take off, the soldiers of Sakura Country went completely crazy.

A large number of Sakura Country soldiers chased the plane. They tried every means to get on this plane to freedom, and even the landing gear was full of people.

However, when the plane took off and entered hundreds of meters and thousands of meters high, and the speed was getting faster and faster, there were flying people falling from the landing gear.

Those Sakura Country soldiers, accompanied by a long string of screams, fell directly to the ground from hundreds of meters high, turned into a pool of meat, and were smashed to pieces by their fathers of the beautiful country.

At this time, the wealthy businessmen, warlords and leaders of evil forces in the Zen country who rushed into the airport, as well as those who yearned for the freedom of the beautiful country, also ran over and crowded on the airport runway.

But the accelerating plane would not stop or dodge at all. The wheels directly crushed people, like fragile grass, without any hesitation.

Collapse, screaming, crying, begging, the atmosphere of despair spread in the airport, like a purgatory on earth.

It can be said that the runway where these planes took off was like a road paved with blood and flesh, with blood, meat paste, and broken internal organs everywhere.

It was not until this time that the genetic warriors of the Jeko Group arrived late and began to receive prisoners and control the situation.

Some individual air defense missiles were launched, and several planes were bombed down.

One of the transport planes received special attention. It was the plane that Yoshimura Yuichi, the commander-in-chief of the Sakura Country, took.

Under the launch of a large number of individual missiles, the bulky body of this strategic transport plane was like a goose, unable to make effective evasion, and finally fell from the sky with black smoke.

Yoshimura Yuichi and a group of senior military officers and staff of the Sakura Country, the president of the Zen Country and his family members on the plane went to hell together.

They calculated and calculated, but in the end they could not escape the fate of their own death.

The other planes had no idea of ​​revenge, but slipped faster. After raising the height and distance enough, they left the range of the individual air defense missiles and hurriedly accelerated their escape.

With the hasty escape of the American troops, the entire Yangcheng fell completely into the hands of the Jieke Group.

At the same time, it also meant the demise of the entire Zen government, and the Jieke Group would officially take over the highest power in this country.

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