Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 380 Military Parade (First Update)

March 27th.

In Yangcheng, Zen Kingdom, a military parade is taking place on Central Street.

A large number of people came from all directions to the military parade site, standing on tiptoe and looking around.

On a viewing platform, representatives from various countries led viewing groups and entered and took their seats.

Not only the countries that frequently deal with the Jieco Group came here, but also the member states of the G8 were present.

Of course, to be precise, it should be called the Group of Seven now, because the Zen government has been destroyed and the Zen country has a new owner.

Judeon, the representative of the beautiful country, attended in person. He was accompanied by Kazushige Nagashima, the representative of the cherry blossom country, and Basong Charumphong, the representative of Siam.

"You, the beautiful country, are actually here. The people here probably won't welcome you. Aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

Alexei, the representative of the Woolly Bear Country, looked at the few people, stepped forward and mocked.

"We were invited here. If we can't even guarantee the safety of our guests, then it's better for a country like this not to embarrass itself in the international community."

Judith's tone was calm and she sneered back unceremoniously.

"Haha, haven't you embarrassed yourself enough? Who said that they would use force to intervene in the situation in the Zen Kingdom? Why did you escape from Yangcheng Airport in disgrace?"

Alexei curled his lips and directly exposed the beautiful country's scars.

However, Judien's expression was still stable, but Nagashima Kazushige, the representative of the Sakura Kingdom, couldn't help it. Yangcheng Airport was an eternal pain in their Sakura Kingdom's hearts.

"I heard that our Mao Xiong Country is going to provide interest-free loans to the Jieko Group to support local military enterprises. Let me tell you, Jieko Group may not be able to rule stably all the time. The Mao Xiong Country has made such a big bet here, so I'm not afraid. Did you lose all your money?"

Nagashima Kazushige looked at the team behind Alexei. Alexei was not alone in the Bear Country, but dozens of people came with a business delegation and military experts.

One look at this scale shows that Mao Xiongguo is going to sign a large number of cooperation agreements with Jieke Group.

"We naturally have our own considerations. Jieke Group can occupy Zen Kingdom. At least I don't see any risk at the moment."

Alexei chuckled twice. As long as the Jieko Group can attract some energy from the Beautiful Country in Southeast Asia, it will be enough for the Bear Country to support it.

Although the current Furry Bear Country is not as wealthy as the former Red Empire, it still does not mind signing some mutually beneficial cooperation, such as various energy and mineral resources. The Furry Bear Nation is a global bulk energy exporter.

The Jieke Group now occupies the Zen Kingdom, and it is a time when everything is waiting to be done.

If you want to develop it into a modern country, you will definitely be able to generate a lot of wealth, and there will be a lot of cooperation with the outside world, enough to make capital drool.

Therefore, it is not only the Bear Country, Hua Country, Asan Country, South Korea, and even the capitals in Sakura Country and Beautiful Country who have this idea, they can't help but come over to get in touch.

Who lets capital chase profits? This is the instinct of capital.

"It's outdated to fight and kill. Now is the age of peace. When doing business, we need to be harmonious and make money."

A voice interrupted the conversation. Tang Chaoen, the representative of Lantus Hua, also brought a huge team. It seemed that he was well prepared and wanted to cooperate with the Jieke Group.

The Hua Kingdom arrived earlier than the Bear Country. They had already visited various places in the Zen Kingdom and finalized a series of cooperation matters with the top management of the Jieke Group.

"When you say this, it's not convincing at all."

Judith's face twitched. If your fleet hadn't been dumping dumplings recently, I would have believed your lies.

A few people were chatting here, and the time gradually came to noon, when everyone suddenly heard a burst of cheers.

But they saw a convoy of cars slowly approaching, and Su Jie was sitting on one of the convertibles.

"Mr. Su, it's Mr. Su."

"Ah ah ah, I finally met General Su in person. General Su, I love you."

"Is this the person who controls the Jieko Group? He's too young."

People on both sides of the street looked around. If it were not for the police and soldiers to maintain order and stop them, the convoy would have been completely blocked. The scene was very boiling.

As the Zen Kingdom was occupied by the Jieko Group and repelled the invasion of the Group of Eight, Su Jie also became a household name in the Zen Kingdom.

"So young."

Judith pursed his lips. This was the first time he saw Su Jie, the beautiful country's nemesis, with his own eyes. He saw that he had regular features and bright eyes, and looked harmless. His appearance did not look like a murderous person at all.

But it was just such a person who became a serious problem for their beautiful country, causing them to fail many times.

"Heroes come out of youth! What is said on the Internet is true. Others become marquises and prime ministers at the age of twenty-five and become the lord of a country. It is truly a legendary life."

Tang Chaoen sighed with emotion. In China, Su Jie became extremely popular among ordinary netizens.

Because Su Jie was born and raised in China, the company he founded ended up occupying a country with a population of tens of millions, and was able to compete with the Group of Eight.

Such a legendary experience perfectly meets the needs of Chinese netizens. Su Jie's face is almost unknown to everyone on various social platforms.

"The empire's great enemy, sooner or later one day..."

Sakura Kingdom representative Nagashima Kazushige's eyes flashed with anger. This man has brought too much harm to Sakura Kingdom. There are still tens of thousands of Sakura Kingdom soldiers and captives squatting in bitter kilns in Zen Kingdom to mine.

"Such a man is too dangerous."

Basong Chalumphong looked at Su Jie and felt inexplicably guilty.

As a neighboring country of Zen, the fate of the Zen government, which is also a member of the G8, sounded a wake-up call for him.

Siam borders too many territories of Zen, and is also a hostile country of the G8. With a warmongering maniac like Su Jie, the pressure on Siam is simply too great.

Su Jie walked up to the viewing platform, accompanied by Liu Yingying, and greeted the guests with a group of important figures from the Jieke Group.

When it was Zhu Dien's turn, Su Jie smiled as he shook hands with the other party.

"I heard that Director Zhu has an office specifically for the Jieke Group. When I am free, I would like to visit and learn from your advanced experience."

Zhu Dien was very courageous. Facing Su Jie's words, he raised his head and said, "Mr. Su, we welcome you at any time. I will personally roll out the red carpet to meet you at the airport."

"There will definitely be a chance in the future."

Su Jie smiled and passed by Zhu Dien.

After a long exchange of greetings, the military parade was almost ready. Liu Yingying explained the development history of the Jieke Group, and then said: "Now please let Chairman Su of the Jieke Group give a speech."

Su Jie walked to the microphone on the viewing platform.

Looking down, there was a sea of ​​people, countless people gathered here, and there were also a large number of media reporters from home and abroad.

What Su Jie said would not only be broadcast to thousands of households in Zen Country through television and radio, but also be seen by countless people around the world through news and the Internet.

"I am Su Jie. I am here to tell every citizen of Zen that after a series of difficult and arduous wars, we have successfully won a victory that belongs to justice, and this country will also usher in a new life.

I hereby promise that the new Zen country will be committed to eliminating poverty, solving hunger and disease, establishing a sound system, and moving towards prosperity and strength, so that foreign enemies will never dare to bully again.

Next, please take a look at the confidence of the Jieke Group. Our armaments are enough to protect our land.

Now, I declare the start of the military parade."

As soon as Su Jie finished speaking, a series of salutes sounded on the scene, and then the military band played military songs.

Accompanied by the sound of neat footsteps, teams of Jieke security soldiers with their heads held high walked in step. When they approached the viewing platform, they all raised their hands to salute and shouted: "Long live the Jieke Group, long live Commander Su."

Many foreign guests nearby were stunned. In their opinion, this military appearance was already very powerful.

However, the real big countries did not care about this. Even if there were armored troops rolling past and fighter planes roaring in the sky, they were not moved, because in terms of conventional weapons and military strength, the Jake Group was not taken seriously by them.

The reason why ordinary soldiers of the Jake Group could beat the Jake government army and local warlords in Zen was simply because they were too weak.

The real trump card of the Jake Group has never been regular soldiers, but the miraculous biochemically modified soldiers.

"The ones coming down are the Jake Security Special Forces Steel Battalion. This is a unit with outstanding military achievements. It has experienced countless major and minor battles. It is a people's power and heroic unit that is trustworthy and reliable."

In the live broadcast, all the guests on the viewing platform were in high spirits and looked at the unit intently.

However, hundreds of genetic warriors of the Steel Battalion appeared on the streets of the military parade. They were all wearing various types of biological suits. The three-meter-long steel armor on the surface of the suits was shining brightly under the sun.

The various weapons mounted all over the body, including machine guns, rockets, individual missiles, flamethrowers, heavy mortars, etc., make the gene warriors of the Iron Battalion like a mobile firepower platform.

Especially the look in the eyes of those gene warriors, each of them is murderous and cold, as if they treat people as grass, which makes people afraid.

"Iron Battalion!"

"Iron Battalion!"

"Iron Battalion!"

The cheers of the people on both sides of the street resounded through the sky, shouting the name of the Iron Battalion.

Just because the Iron Battalion's record is too brilliant, a hundred people can easily annihilate tens of thousands of people, and defeat tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. This exaggerated and unreasonable record naturally makes this unit famous and recognized as the strongest individual force in the world.

The media from all over the world are also constantly pressing the shutter. It is rare to have hundreds of Iron Battalions appear at the same time. They don't want to miss such an occasion.

"Iron Battalion, well-deserved reputation."

Judien held a telescope, and the pressure brought to him by this unit made him frown.

Not to mention the Sakura Country, Nagashima Kazuma's eyes almost turned red when he looked at this unit.

When other countries saw the Iron Battalion, they were all envious and jealous, wishing that their own countries also had such an ace biochemical unit!

Just when everyone thought that the Iron Battalion was the last to appear and the military parade was about to end, another strange sound came.


The sound of the mechanical twisting gradually became clear, and a huge shadow covered the entire venue, making everyone who saw it unable to close their mouths.

A giant mecha with a height of more than 30 meters and six arms appeared in people's vision.

On the cold metal body, there were black holes of gun muzzles and missile launch nests. The smallest caliber weapon on it was a 30mm machine gun. Six arms were distributed with six 203mm caliber gun barrels, and there were rocket launch nests and missile vertical launch devices on the back.

As it walked, its speed was not as stiff and clumsy as that of heavy machinery. Instead, it was light and flexible, as if it had excellent shock absorption devices. It did not damage the ground at all and caught up with the Steel Battalion in just three or two steps.

The intimidating Steel Battalion just now, the genetic warriors wearing three-meter-tall reproductive suits, in front of this giant mecha, are like the difference between a grandfather and a grandson.

Because of its humanoid outline, this mecha has a particularly strong impact on people's senses, which is even greater than the usual impact of seeing a destroyer.

"This is a tiger-type main battle mecha independently developed by the Jieke Group. It is 38.9 meters tall and weighs 1,635 tons. It is equipped with multiple weapon systems. It can attack the ground and the air. It has all-weather combat capabilities. It is our Jieke Security The latest research and development results of biological reproductive equipment.”

When the live voice introduced this giant mecha, after a brief silence, the ear-splitting sound of surprise spread throughout the audience, and the audience was stunned.

It was not only the spectators on the street who were stunned. The foreign guests on the auditorium all gasped and gaped at the giant mecha that passed by and was shrouded in shadow.

Especially those military experts, their eyes almost popped out.

They originally came to study the Steel Camp, but who knew that the Jieko Group would give them a huge scare? How could something like this in a movie be pulled off?

Judith's face was extremely solemn, and he looked at his military expert and said: "What do you think, can this thing have combat capabilities? Isn't it so big like a target on the modern battlefield?"

The military expert shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Sir, based on the analogy of the defense effect of the biological armor of the Iron Battalion, the defense power of such a giant mecha will be extremely amazing. I am afraid that ordinary rocket launchers and tank armor-piercing bullets will not be able to penetrate it. We need missiles to deal with it, but we don’t know how good its air defense and evasion capabilities are. The Jieke Group has too many black technologies, and no one can guarantee it now.”

Nagashima Kazushige stood aside, looking at this giant mecha with gleaming eyes. The people of Sakura Country especially liked this kind of thing. Unfortunately, this was the product of their archenemy, so he could only look at it with jealousy.

"Mr. Su, do you sell tiger-type main battle mechas outside?"

Even countries like the Bear Country that are friendly to the Jieke Group couldn't help but come to inquire about the news.

"Our army plans to equip 500 mechas of this type, and we will not consider selling them outside before completing our own armament mission."

Su Jie spoke calmly, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Five hundred units, Mr. Su, are you trying to provoke an arms race?"

Hearing this, Siamese representative Prasong Chalumphong was so scared that he almost peed.

If the Jieco Group engages in this kind of armament, Siam, as a neighboring country, would be embarrassed. The Jieco Group is so warlike without such mechas. If it really equips five hundred of these tiger-type main battle mechas, They, Siam, must not be crushed immediately!

"What do you mean? Our Jieke Group has always been peace-loving. We only equip this tiger-type main battle mecha to protect our homeland."

Su Jie replied with a smile, but no one believed what he said, especially the Group of Eight. Looking at the huge mecha slowly going away, everyone felt in danger for a moment.

At the scene, the reporters went completely crazy, constantly chasing and taking pictures of the tiger-type main battle mecha, trying to record all of its majestic figure.

This kind of super mecha is definitely the first time humans have developed and produced it, and it is big news that can shock the world.

Su Jie was very satisfied with the reaction at the scene. In fact, the tiger-type main battle mecha in front of him was just the same. The person who actually controlled this mecha internally was actually a reduced-size Thousand-Handed Centipede, relying on countless corpse hands. Forcibly gathering mechas to carry out activities is currently not possible for large-scale production of equipment.

Sujie needs to show the power of the Jieko Group and conduct military fraud, just like the Bear Country and the Beautiful Country did during the Cold War.

Judging from the reactions at the scene, everyone obviously believed that Jieke Group had really built the first heavy-duty mecha in human history.

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