Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 40 Return to Blue Star (Please read on)

Watching Gu Weinian and Chen Yun leave, Su Jie stayed there for a while.

Sensing some eager eyes, he turned around and returned to the center of the black market.

"You are so impatient already!"

Su Jie thought as he walked.

He already felt that several groups of people were secretly observing him, and there were more than one group of people eyeing him.

Obviously, the wealth he now possessed had already tempted too many people.

With his status as an outer disciple, he had no scruples when he took action.

Turn around and enter the center of the black market again, Su Jie went straight to a building.


There were three large gilded characters on the plaque, and Su Jie stepped in.

As the name suggests, Lingdanhui is a store that specializes in selling various spiritual pills.

Stores are not only everywhere in Qingzhou, but also have branches in Guiling Palace Black Market.

"Mr. Su, please come in, please come in. Your presence really makes our little shop shine!"

When the shopkeeper saw Su Jie, his eyes immediately lit up and he greeted him with great enthusiasm.

Today, Su Jie has become quite famous in the black market. Many merchants recognize him and know that Su Jie is now absolutely wealthy and has money in his hands.

"Shopkeeper, take me to the second floor."

Su Jie glanced around. The shops on the first floor mainly sold low-grade and inferior elixirs, mostly rough goods made by apprentices, which were no longer in Su Jie's eyes.

The second floor was where the real good goods were sold, even mid-grade elixirs were sold.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Su, please come this way."

The shopkeeper smiled like a chrysanthemum and bowed hurriedly to lead the way.

On the second floor, as soon as Su Jie entered here, he smelled the alluring faint medicinal fragrance, and the spiritual power in his body circulated faster.

As far as the eye can see, large crystal glass cups are filled with glittering pills.

Even if you are just standing far away, you can feel the powerful spiritual fluctuations emitted by these pills.

Even a large number of pills are piled up, and the spiritual energy is semi-liquefied in the air, forming a mist of spiritual power.

The pills placed here are at least low-grade intermediate, and there are even several medium-grade pills.

"How many Nine Yang Pills are left?"

Su Jie asked after a glance.

Nine Yang Pills are a low-grade intermediate pill, using nine kinds of yang attribute plants as the main medicine, plus a large number of yin attribute plants as auxiliary medicines, and then refined by low-grade alchemists.

After taking it, it can regulate the circulation of human spiritual energy, nourish spiritual power, and achieve the effect of accelerating cultivation.

"Reply to Mr. Su, there are a total of 15 Nine Yang Pills in our store, what are you doing..."

The shopkeeper's heart moved, and he saw Su Jie waved his hand.

"Fifteen, not much, pack them all for me, I'll buy them all."

Hearing such generous words, the shopkeeper's face smiled even more brilliantly, and his back teeth were exposed.

One Nine Yang Pill is twenty blood marrow crystals, fifteen is three hundred blood marrow crystals, he is indeed a big customer!

"Mr. Su, wait a moment, I will pack it for you right away."

After responding, the shopkeeper ran to pack the pills for Su Jie.

Ten minutes later, Su Jie left the Spiritual Pill Club with the shopkeeper's warm farewell.

"The blood marrow crystals that I can't earn in a year are exchanged for pills. I didn't dare to think about it in the past."

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, Su Jie secretly sighed, it feels so good to be rich.

For such a Nine Yang Pill, if it were Su Jie in the past, he could barely buy one with the blood marrow crystals accumulated in a month without eating or drinking.

If he bought fifteen pills at once now, at the rate of eating one every three days, it would be enough for Su Jie to eat for one and a half months. I'm afraid no one among the outer disciples can be more extravagant than Su Jie.

After leaving the Spirit Pill Club, Su Jie turned around and came to a building not far away with the three characters of Tiangong Pavilion on it.

Tiangong Pavilion mainly sells various special magic tools, not the kind of offensive ones.

After entering the store, Su Jie was also warmly received by the shopkeeper.

"Shopkeeper, give me a storage bag, the smallest size is fine."

"Our Tiangong Pavilion storage bag, the smallest storage area is sold for 99 blood marrow crystals."

"Buy it."

A minute later, Su Jie had a small blue storage bag in his hand.

The storage bag is made of a rare natural treasure called Jiutian Crystal Stone. Only middle-grade weapon refiners or above are qualified to refine it, and it has always been expensive.

Even Su Jie's smallest storage bag of only one cubic meter is worth as much as 99 blood marrow crystals.

Therefore, storage bags are generally unaffordable for outer disciples, and only inner disciples choose to wear them.

After opening the storage bag with spiritual power, Su Jie put the blood marrow crystals, white bone sky sword, pills and other things on his body into it.

But Su Jie did not stop, and continued to buy a lot.

In a few hours, he bought various items related to cultivation.

For example, a cushion that can calm the mind, sandalwood that can speed up meditation, some spiritual grains and spiritual water that can regulate the physique and slightly strengthen the body, and other miscellaneous things.

After a lot of shopping, most of the black market merchants knew that a local tyrant had come, and they greeted Su Jie with great enthusiasm when they saw him.

Even the beauties in Wanhua Tower who let guests listen to music in the brothel and dressed up gorgeously came to the street to pull Su Jie to enjoy themselves.

Fortunately, Su Jie was upright and could not coexist with gambling and drugs. In the end, he refused with great difficulty on the excuse that he did not have enough money.

Su Jie was happily buying, and this scene made those who were secretly observing him anxious.

Several disciples of Guiling Palace lowered their hoods, pretending to be passers-by, and discussed in a low voice.

"Why does he keep buying and buying? He has spent all the blood marrow crystals."

"It doesn't matter. It will be the same when we get those supplies. What's more, he still has the Bone Sword."

"As soon as he comes out of the black market, take action immediately before others can get ahead of us."

It's a pity that these disciples with ulterior motives don't know that Su Jie has no intention of confronting them head-on.

Walking on the black market street, Su Jie, who had wiped out a thousand blood marrow crystals, looked at the full storage bag and nodded with satisfaction.

These supplies are enough for him to practice for a month or two without worrying about the disturbances from the outside world.

"Tsk, there are more than twenty people, oh, there are more than thirty people waiting for me. They think I am Tang Monk."

Su Jie, who secretly used the reconnaissance dragonfly to detect this, complained in his heart.

Su Jie's current strength is definitely not enough to deal with so many greedy wolves, tigers and leopards.

But Su Jie didn't intend to get into trouble with them. He couldn't afford to avoid them if he couldn't afford to offend them.

"When I complete my magical work, I will come back and kill all of you one by one."

Su Jie snorted coldly, turned into a deserted alley, walked into an abandoned courtyard, then closed the door, opened the ancient mirror, stepped in, and returned to the Blue Star world.

It was a long time after Su Jie left that the disciples realized something was wrong and hurriedly blocked the alley.

Wave after wave of disciples from Ghost Ridge Palace, who came from different groups but had the same purpose, met each other and felt a little embarrassed for each other.

Embarrassed as hell, the disciples who tacitly knew the other party's intention started searching in the alley.

Unfortunately, these Ghost Ridge Palace disciples searched all the alleys and couldn't find even a single hair on Su Jie.

This is natural. Unless they can catch up with Blue Star, it will be hard to find the right person.

When they couldn't find anyone, these disciples naturally became restless and even suspected that someone had secretly robbed and killed Su Jie.

I don’t know who made the move first. These disciples blamed each other and ended up fighting each other, leaving feathers all over the ground.

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