Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 391: Capturing Su Jie

In just one night, many righteous camps were removed and uprooted, and a large number of righteous disciples and even elders were killed or injured.

Such an attack naturally made the five righteous sects headed by Guanchao Pavilion furious.

Changyuan River is a stretch of tents and buildings located here. Everywhere you can see tall and straight or graceful male and female monks walking. From time to time, you can see the flying light of the elders of the secret realm.

This is the base camp of Guanchao Pavilion among the five righteous sects surrounding Ghost Ridge Palace.

Because Guanchao Pavilion was good at controlling water, they stationed their camp beside the Changyuan River, which was a hundred feet wide.

However, the atmosphere in the Changyuan camp today was particularly solemn and solemn, with all the disciples walking in a hurry and looking melancholy.

Because the news of the attack on Guiling Palace has spread through various channels to the ears of every righteous disciple nearby, and the Changyuan camp is no exception.

"A group of drunkards and ricebags can still let Guiling Palace come out to attack and kill. Is our defense line so full of loopholes?"

In a large hall, Zhuang Liangru sat at the top with uncontrollable anger on his face.

The people sitting on Zhuang Liangru's left and right hands are all important figures in the Guanchao Pavilion, and those with the lowest status are in the secret realm.

Faced with the scolding of Zhuang Liangru, the supreme elder, no one dared to refute and could only lower their heads in shame.

"Elder Zhuang, calm down. Ghost Ridge Palace is well prepared this time. Most of our outer defense lines are composed of disciples. The other party sent out elders from the secret realm to lead the attack. It is really difficult for ordinary disciples to compete with the opponent."

The sound of footsteps came, and a woman who still had charm walked in on lotus steps. The person who came was none other than Si Xinying, the master of Miaoyin Temple.

There were also many casualties among her disciples, who were the first to rush over because they were close to the Guanchao Pavilion.

"Master Guan Si, you came just in time. What do you think about the night attack on Ghost Ridge Palace?"

Zhuang Liangru looked at several elders of the sect and focused on Si Xinying.

"With the strength of Ghost Ridge Palace, if the opponent suddenly launches a large-scale attack, there must be some conspiracy waiting for us. We should not be careless."

Si Xinying sat on a chair. She took out a jade box from her storage bag. There was a head sealed inside. It was the head of an elder from Ghost Ridge Palace.

"This is the Demonic Cultivator from the Ghost Ridge Palace who attacked our camp last night, an elder from the Secret Realm. I caught up and killed him. Unfortunately, it is easy for me to defeat him, but it is too difficult to capture him alive. Otherwise, I might be able to interrogate him. The ordinary disciples of Guiling Palace can’t figure out the plan to leave Guiling Palace.”

Si Xinying shook her head. It was normal that she couldn't ask.

Only the elders who participated in the sect conference knew about the alliance with the Tianhun Sect. The ordinary disciples only knew that they were going to fight the righteous way, but they didn't know much.

The elders present here are quite sorry. Although they are not afraid of Ghost Ridge Palace, the demon cultivator has always been insidious and cunning. Knowing that the other party has a conspiracy will always make people feel uneasy.

"Master Guan Si, Elder Zhuang, I do know some interesting news."

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a voice came from outside the camp.

Everyone present looked around in confusion and saw that the tent was opened and several young men and women walked in.

The visitors were none other than Wei Ji, Xiao Guanglian, Mo Shiyao, and Yu Wenjing, who were returning in a hurry.

"Wei Ji!"

When they saw Wei Ji, the elders of Guanchao Pavilion in the camp were shocked. They did not expect to see this fairy seedling of their sect here.

"You kid, when you came back from the capital, you didn't even go back to the sect. There was no news at all."

When Zhuang Liangru saw Wei Ji's face, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Just like teachers prefer good students, Wei Ji, the immortal seedling, was extremely favored in Guanchao Pavilion and was hailed as the new sect master who would carry forward Guanchao Pavilion.

Not to mention Wei Ji's strength and cultivation, he achieved Yuan Shen in the Yunling Realm, and was promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm at a young age.

This kind of super monster that can make the sect continue to be glorious for hundreds or even thousands of years is the treasure in the palm of all the elders of Guanchao Pavilion.

"After staying in the capital for a long time, I want to go back to the sect to have a look. Besides, dealing with a demon sect like Guiling Palace, how can such an interesting thing be done without me?"

Wei Ji stretched himself, with a smile on his face and looking quite cynical.

"Wei Ji, what do you mean by the news you just said?"

Si Xinying looked at Wei Ji with a bit of envy in her eyes. If her sect could produce a fairy seedling and the ancestor appear, she would be willing to lose a hundred years of her life.


He glanced at Mo Shiyao, who was following Wei Ji. His direct disciple was still wandering on the tenth level of the Yunling Realm. He had not even achieved a breakthrough to the Secret Realm, not to mention becoming an Immortal Miao.

Although he was already very good compared to other disciples, compared with Wei Ji, he was down by more than one level.

Wei Ji chuckled and said, "It was also a coincidence. On my way back, I happened to bump into a group of uninvited guests in Nanyang City, a group of demon cultivators from the Tianhun Sect. By coincidence, I killed an elder from them and inquired. Secret message arrived.”


Everyone's expressions were a little strange. The Heavenly Soul Sect was the Demon Sect in Jingzhou. Later, the sect was broken down in Jingzhou, so they could only bring a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to Qingzhou for refuge.

Many righteous sects are aware of the existence of Tianhun Sect, but during this period, Guiling Palace is the focus of everyone, and there is no time to deal with Tianhun Sect.

"That's right, Tianhun Sect has reached an agreement with Guiling Palace today. Together with Guiling Palace, they will attack our Zhengdao Sect from both front and rear."

Wei Ji said this news calmly, and it exploded in everyone's heart like thunder, and everyone looked horrified.

"What, Guiling Palace and Tianhun Sect actually want to unite? Well, well, I was wondering how Guiling Palace dared to take the initiative to attack, but it turned out that they had found a helping hand.

These remnants of Tianhun Sect, instead of hiding in the gutter, dared to come out and participate in our Qingzhou affairs, they really don't know how to live or die."

Zhuang Liangru's face darkened. If it weren't for the information provided by Wei Ji, their righteous sect might really be caught off guard, trapped from front and back, and might fail directly.

"The two demon sects united, and the two demon sects were going to fight to the death. Fortunately, we noticed their plan in advance."

Si Xinying took a breath of cold air, a little scared.

"Wei Ji, you did a good job this time. I will give you the first merit. I will reward you well when you go back to the sect."

Zhuang Liangru regained control of his expression, and when he looked at Wei Ji again, his eyes were full of appreciation.

"As expected of the first young man in Qingzhou, this intelligence is too important. Wei Ji, you can come to my sect to choose a set of exercises. If you want to visit my Miaoyin Temple in the future, you can come at any time. There is no restriction on you."

Si Xinying also made a promise. Everyone present was stunned when they heard it, especially the two young disciples Xiao Guanglian and Yuwen Jing. They looked at Wei Ji with envy and jealousy.

Miaoyin Temple is a female cultivation sect. There are women in the sect. The beautiful female cultivators are simply a gentle place for men in the eyes of outsiders. I don't know how many men yearn for them.

Unfortunately, since the establishment of Miaoyin Temple, men have been very excluded from entering the sect. For hundreds of years, there are only a handful of men who can set foot in Miaoyin Temple.

"This guy, he pretended again."

Yuwen Jing clenched his fists and looked at Wei Ji with an unwilling face.

Such important news must be kept extremely confidential by the two sects, but Wei Ji was able to get it.

For a moment, Yuwen Jing couldn't help but think of Wei Ji's miraculous luck. He could even encounter such a good thing. He was simply being chased by the goddess of luck.

"This luck is simply unmatched."

Xiao Guanglian was extremely envious. He had the same idea as Yuwen Jing. Why didn't he encounter such a good thing? Otherwise, he would be the one who showed up now.

"If you really encountered it, you would have been buried in the ground by now. Didn't you hear what Wei Ji said? It was the news from the elders of Tianhunmen! Can you only beat the elders of Tianhunmen or what?"

Mo Shiyao glanced at Xiao Guanglian, and her words made Xiao Guanglian blush.

"Junior sister Mo, why are you speaking for Wei Ji? You are not interested in him, right?"

Xiao Guanglian said unhappily, not willing to be outdone.

This time it was Mo Shiyao's turn to blush, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense! I... I don't have that idea."

While speaking, she secretly glanced at Wei Ji, and her shy posture looked interesting.

Wei Ji didn't seem to hear the conversation between the two, but spoke to Zhuang Liangru who was sitting in the upper seat.

"Elder Zhuang, these two demon sects want to jointly attack us, why don't we turn the tables, use their tricks against them, kill two birds with one stone, and solve these two scourges of Qingzhou at the same time."

Wei Ji, contrary to his usual behavior, proposed a very bold idea.

Everyone present thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

In terms of hard power, the strength of the righteous sects is far stronger than that of the demon cultivators. These demon cultivators are now taking the initiative to leave their nests, so they can be eaten in turn, so that the other party will not retreat to their nests, and then they will not be able to fight for a long time and waste resources in vain.

Zhuang Liangru thought about it and smiled a little more: "That's right. This is indeed a godsend opportunity. If we can destroy Guiling Palace and Tianhunmen, there will be no more demons in Qingzhou and the world will be peaceful."

Si Xinying agreed: "It should be so. This sect war has lasted too long. Take this opportunity to destroy it in one fell swoop and avenge the many dead monks of our generation."

Several people were discussing happily here, and suddenly there was movement outside the door again.

But a disciple ran in quickly and said in a low voice: "Reporting to Elder Zhuang, Elder Zhang Xin and Elder Bian Yannan died on the battlefield."

"How could it be? I remember that the two of them acted together and died at the same time. Who did it? Have you found out?"

Zhuang Liangru took a deep breath. Although more than one elder died last night, he still felt a little heartbroken when he heard the news of the death of two elders at the same time.

"The murderer is Su Jie."

The disciple said this name and submitted the results of his investigation to Zhuang Liangru.

Su Jie's actions last night successively eliminated five camps, killed many righteous disciples and two secret treasure realm elders.

Even if Su Jie did not leave any survivors, he even killed and set fire to the bodies and destroyed the traces.

But so many actions will inevitably leave traces.

And for a demon cultivator like Su Jie who is on the list, Su Jie's abilities, methods, poisonous insects, etc. are all recorded.

For example, the destructive effect caused by the Thousand-Handed Centipede and the death zone left by the human-faced moth cloud.

The righteous sect is not a dry meal. By comparing the traces at the scene of the destroyed camps, they finally eliminated the murderers one by one and locked Su Jie's identity.

This is also because Su Jie wanted to destroy five camps in one night in order to rush the time. He had too little time to clean up the traces, so it is inevitable that some traces that are not in place will be missed.

"It's this beast again. It's a shame that we didn't deal with it earlier. Now it has climbed to the secret realm and caused so many casualties among our monks."

Zhuang Liangru heard the name and saw the handwriting on the investigation report, which focused on Su Jie's promotion to the secret realm. This made Zhuang Liangru's face twitch and anger well up.

His disciple Du Shaochang died at the hands of Su Jie. He specifically offered a reward of 100,000 spiritual stones just to kill this scourge.

But not only are they not dead, they are still alive and well, and their cultivation levels are getting higher and higher, and now they have broken through to the secret realm.

When Yu Wenjing, Mo Shiyao and Xiao Guanglian heard the name Su Jie, their faces looked strange.

Among them, Mo Shiyao's face was the ugliest, because her sweetheart was right in front of her, and she witnessed him being beaten to death by Su Jie.

"Why is this called Su Jie? Is it very strong?"

Wei Ji was a little surprised by everyone's reaction. He recalled carefully and found that he had no impression of this demonic cultivator.

"Wei Ji, you have been in the capital for two years. It's normal for you not to know. This Su Jie is a new ferocious demon who has emerged in the Ghost Ridge Palace in the past two years. He once..."

Si Xinying gave Wei Ji a good introduction to Su Jie's impressive record, which made Wei Ji raise his eyebrows.

"Even Junior Brother Du died in his hands. It seems that he did have a few brushes."

Wei Ji took a step forward and looked at Zhuang Liangru, who was sitting in the seat. His face became solemn and solemn, his eyes revealed a murderous intent, and he said: "Elder Zhuang, this evil spirit named Su Jie killed my brother Guanchao Pavilion like this. As a I will personally kill the first disciple of Guanchao Pavilion to give an explanation to Junior Brother Du, and also to give an explanation to the innocent souls who died unjustly at the hands of the other party, so that they can rest in peace. "

"Senior Brother Wei, don't be careless. The other party is not an ordinary demon cultivator. Before he was promoted to the secret realm, he was known as the number one disciple of Ghost Ridge Palace. Now that he has been promoted to the secret realm, his strength is even more unfathomable."

Mo Shiyao reminded from the side that although she wanted to cut Su Jie into pieces, Mo Shiyao was very aware of Su Jie's terror.

"Prey like this is more interesting. Ordinary demon cultivators no longer interest me."

Wei Ji smiled freely, and his confident aura infected everyone present.

"Okay, Wei Ji, just take him down for me and let the world see how I, the immortal seedling from Guanchao Pavilion, can kill him, the rising star from Guiling Palace, the super genius they have high hopes for."

Zhuang Liangru stood up. If a fairy from his sect took action, he would be invincible at the same level. Even if Su Jie had three heads and six arms, it would be useless.

Wei Ji cupped his hands and said proudly: "It is your duty, Elder Zhuang, just watch my performance. I will definitely capture Su Jie alive and hand him over to the sect for punishment."

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