In Raoyang Lake, Mu Yue and the other four were like eagles catching fish, diving headfirst toward the lake at high speed. The spiritual energy that broke through the speed of sound made the air vibrate violently. Before it touched the lake, the lake surface was sunken several meters and formed a funnel shape.


But at this moment, Mu Yue frowned. She had already seen the tower of the Baichuan Fuhai Formation in the center of the lake.

Before, the distance was too far, and the divine sense could not detect it. If you just look at it with your naked eyes, you can't find any clues of this tower.

Mu Yue had seen it before, but because she was worried that Su Jie would escape, she didn't take it seriously.

At this time, she entered Raoyang Lake and silently felt a palpitation in her heart, and the source came from the tower.

Turning her head, Mu Yue's pupils shrank. She found that this tower not only had a large amount of spiritual materials, but also had a magic array engraved on each layer, and there were many array masters.

"A magic array of this scale... Stop it, let's retreat."

Mu Yue's face turned pale, and she saw that something was wrong.

This array is clearly the famous Dao array. The power of this array can directly destroy a sect. It is a true array that can destroy sects and temples. Once it is used, its power is terrifying.

And for an array like this, in order to ensure its smooth use, the guard force must not be small.

Mu Yue shouted here, but Ye Xueyuan, who was eager to make a contribution, had already punched out.

Tons of lake water were blown away, and Su Jie's broken arm was also blown to pieces, mixed with fish and shrimp that turned into meat, and merged into the lake water.

"Well, where are the people?"

Ye Xueyuan was stunned. Although she was confident in her strength, she was not confident that she could smash a secret realm with just a punch.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before Ye Xueyuan could figure out the problem, seven figures emerged from the lake one after another, exuding a dazzling and powerful aura, staring at her group from afar.

"Foreign enemies are invading, the formation masters are taking refuge."

"Send a signal to the sect to send people to support, the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Formation cannot make any mistakes."

"Surround them and don't let them run away. Four female demons dared to come here to act wildly, simply looking for death."

Seven Guanchao Pavilion Secret Treasure Realm elders surrounded Mu Yue and the other four. They looked at Mu Yue and the others with hostility, looking at them as if they were dead people.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a heavy sword on his back, sharp eyes, and a water tornado under his feet. He was a fifth-level cultivator in the Secret Treasure Realm.

The other six were also third- and fourth-level cultivators in the Secret Treasure Realm. Each of them was a master in the Secret Treasure Realm, specially used to protect the safety of the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Formation.

The intrusion of Mu Yue and her group immediately alarmed these people. Seeing Mu Yue and the four female demons running to Raoyang Lake, they naturally aroused the hostility of the seven elders of Guanchao Pavilion.

"No, we have fallen into a trap. That Su Jie deliberately led us here."

Mu Yue's face was extremely ugly. She didn't know that she had fallen into a trap.

"There are so many secret treasure realms there. This aura seems to be those water-playing bull noses in Guanchao Pavilion."

"What should we do now? We are surrounded."

"Sister Mu, we must break out."

Shao Mengzhu, Ye Xueyuan, and Liang Jianlan were so nervous that their bodies trembled slightly. They were outnumbered and they did not have the ability to fight one against two.

"My lords, excuse me for disturbing you. We did not come here on purpose."

Mu Yue forced herself to cheer up and smiled, trying to convince the other party with her beauty.

"How dare you deceive and seduce me."

The leading heavy sword man glared with his tiger eyes. He was not one of those little disciples in the Yunling Realm. He drew out his heavy sword with both hands and slashed in the air.


The wind pressure swept across, and a large area of ​​lake water was pushed away, revealing the mud at the bottom of the lake. A domineering sword energy crossed across.

Mu Yue dodged in time, but Shao Mengzhu next to her reacted a beat slower and was directly blown away by the aftermath of the sword energy. His left arm and thigh were shattered into minced meat, which was extremely terrifying.

"Kill these demon women."

The heavy sword man snorted coldly, and six elders from the Secret Treasure Realm of Guanchao Pavilion surrounded and killed them.

Talismans, magic tools, spells, etc., the sky was full of the divine brilliance of spiritual treasures.

Seven against four, and one was seriously injured. In this situation, Mu Yue and the others had almost no chance of winning.

Among them, the heavy sword man was even more sturdy. He held a heavy sword, and unlike others, he did not control the flying sword, but splashed the sword energy.

Under the effect of his sword energy, thousands of waves were raised under Raoyang Lake, and water tornadoes rose into the sky.

Due to the sword energy, thousands of huge waves would be suppressed synchronously, as if facing the vast ocean. Except for Mu Yue, Ye Xueyuan and the other two could not resist.

Guanchao Pavilion has practiced water-based skills. Now this area is Raoyang Lake. The thousands of square kilometers of Raoyang Lake have become the most favorable home court for Guanchao Pavilion.

Its own strength is stronger than Wanyumen. This time, Mu Yue and the other four can only dodge in embarrassment, and they can't even raise their heads.

Facing a desperate situation, Mu Yue did not consider conventional fighting methods at all. Ordinary battles could not win. Mu Yue did not think about winning, but about how to escape, otherwise this would be her fall today.

"Use Wanhuanyufa."

Mu Yue transmitted the words to the minds of Ye Xueyuan and the other two through her spiritual consciousness.

Her hands tore her palace clothes, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white and beautiful body.

Circles of pink textures appeared on the snow-white skin, and just one glance would make people dizzy.

This was the sect's magic, an extremely powerful illusion, which was said to be so powerful that even the gods and Buddhas would be submerged in it.

Almost at the same time, Liang Jianlan and the other two made the same move, and the invisible enchanting illusion spread out, like a layer of pink ambiguous curtain, covering the surrounding area.

The seven elders of Guanchao Pavilion all raised their spiritual power to block it, but this illusion still affected them.

Mu Yue and the other four also sweated profusely. Casting this Wanhuanyu method was extremely exhausting for them, so that Shao Mengzhu, who was already seriously injured, lost her strength during the casting and was backfired by the magic. The whole person instantly turned into a stone woman and died. This magic also had fatal sequelae.

On the shore of Raoyang Lake, Su Jie, who was originally observing the battle, smacked his lips and sighed: "There are actually seven secret realms, two more than I have detected. Fortunately, I didn't act rashly."

He originally planned to watch the show first, and then sneak over when the two sides in the lake fought to a white-hot level.

As a result, the group of female demon cultivators came up and used their ultimate moves, not only forcibly controlling the elders of Guanchao Pavilion, but also Su Jie was affected.

Facts have proved that eating melons is also risky.

Su Jie's brain was in a daze, as if he was in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, and fell into a fantasy.


Linping City, on the campus of the University of Finance and Economics.

The 45th Track and Field Games had just ended.

Su Jie dragged his tired body and sat down on the green field, his ears buzzing, sweat dripping on his forehead, and his mouth was dry as if it was burning.

The school leaders on the stage were chattering about the significance and complete success of this sports meeting.

Su Jie didn't hear clearly, and the tinnitus came with his breathing. He just unscrewed his thermos cup and gulped down half a bottle. He felt that his body, which was almost exhausted just now, finally regained some vitality.

"SB leader, hurry up and finish, who wants to listen to your whining!"

With the recovery of vitality, Su Jie couldn't help but curse, and lay on the lawn without moving.

The track and field meeting stipulates that each class must have a certain number of participants. After a thrilling draw, he was unlucky and drew the worst 3000m race.

Su Jie, who lacks exercise on weekdays, felt like he was fished out of the water after this run, and almost lost half his life.


Slowly calming down his breath, the scorching sun above his head was emitting a lot of light and heat, baking Su Jie's already tired body, so Su Jie couldn't help but close his eyes to block the harsh light.

The tinnitus was gradually getting lighter, and the fatigue caused by the intense exercise made Su Jie drowsy. He felt that the grass under him became particularly soft, as if it was wrapping Su Jie all over, making Su Jie feel comfortable.

"Brother Su, you look tired, do you want me to give you a massage?"

Suddenly, a fragrant breeze blew, and a charming voice sounded.

Su Jie was stunned, and almost thought that he had hallucinations from running.

A pair of slender hands rested on Su Jie's shoulders, gently pressing his shoulders. The person who came was actually a beautiful female star from Blue Star, named Bingbing or something.

"What the hell is going on."

Su Jie's brain felt that there was a drastic deviation in cognition, and there was a sense of unreality.

"Brother Su, when will you agree to my confession? If you don't agree, I will ignore you."

A girl wearing a white short skirt and looking very pure and cute ran over with a charming and lovely voice.

This is Su Jie's childhood sweetheart neighbor, but he moved after finishing junior high school, and he hasn't seen him since then. Why is he in front of him now?

"Su Jie, people... people like you."

An inexplicably familiar voice entered his ears.

Su Jie looked sideways and saw a graceful girl standing in front of him. The breeze blew up her skirt and long hair. Her smiling face looked at him with love that was almost overflowing.

This is Liu Yingying, the beauty of the Department of Finance of the University of Finance and Economics.

"Su Jie, I miss you."

"Su Jie, let's go on a date tomorrow."

"Su Jie, if we get married, I will give birth to many, many cute children for you."

"Why are there so many competitors, Brother Su, you are such a scumbag, hum, I don't care, I want to be your first wife, they can't compare to me."

"Ajie, I don't mind you having multiple girlfriends, as long as you like me."

More and more girls appeared in front of Su Jie. They had different personalities, and their looks were either cute, or delicate, or sexy. Every girl was an object that Su Jie had once had in mind.

But without exception, now all these girls looked at Su Jie with affectionate eyes, as if they would not marry anyone but him.

This kind of scene surrounded by beauties is simply a winner in life, making people linger and forget to leave.

"It's just like a dream, no, I'm just dreaming."

Su Jie chuckled, looked at the group of pink arms and legs clinging to him, and shook his head helplessly.

"Brother Su, what are you talking about, what dream, I really like you!"

A girl looked at Su Jie coquettishly and put her red lips on him.

However, the next moment, Su Jie grinned, revealing a creepy white teeth.


Su Jie slapped the girl's head in front of him into his chest.

The girls around him instantly quieted down, staring at Su Jie in amazement.

"This illusion logic operation is quite powerful, even my memory can be suppressed, ordinary people will really be immersed in this gentle land."

Su Jie stood up, looked around, and finally looked at Liu Yingying, chuckled and said, "Yingying, are you confessing just now?"

"Yes, I... I like you, please, stay with me... I will take care of you and love you forever."

Liu Yingying spoke a little stumblingly, as if she was frightened by Su Jie.

"The Yingying I know is not as fussy as you!"

After hearing this, Su Jie showed a regretful expression, slowly raised his right foot and stepped hard.

The stadium suddenly shook violently, the earth dragon turned over, and the sky and the earth turned upside down.

"Help, help!"

"There is an earthquake, run, run!"

"Fuck, what happened."

The students on the stadium screamed in fear and wanted to escape, but the stadium seemed to have turned into a swamp, and a large number of students were sinking continuously, and the shouts of riots and fear resounded all around.

Not only people, but also those buildings, teaching buildings, canteens, libraries, etc., continued to sink into the ground.


A gust of wind blew, and the previously bustling sports field was now empty and terribly cold.

Su Jie stood alone on the grass, watching the blue sky appear with holes. The whole world was like a faded oil painting, and the world returned to reality.

In a flash, Su Jie was still standing on the shore of the lake. Everything he had just experienced was a dream created by an illusion.

"What did you see in the illusion? You laughed so badly just now."

Next to him, Han Ruyan tilted her head and stared at Su Jie. She lacked the rich emotions of humans, but was not affected by the illusion.

"Ahem, it's nothing. This illusion has something, but you know me, I have a steel-like will, and it can't affect me at all."

Su Jie coughed dryly. This illusion used Su Jie's own memory of thoughts and ideas, causing all the girls who Su Jie had been attracted to to appear in the illusion, obeying him and doing whatever he said.

Fortunately, Su Jie's soul was strong enough and the distance was far, so the power of the illusion was weakened, and it was finally broken by Su Jie so quickly.

The origin of this group of female demon cultivators who were chasing him was unknown, and their methods were really weird. Even the elders of Guanchao Pavilion were caught in a large area.

Turning his head to look at the distance, the seven elders of Guanchao Pavilion were struggling. This illusion was easy to trap people, but any attack would make the people trapped in the illusion realize that something was wrong and escape.

Among the seven people, the man with the heavy sword on his back had a clearer look in his eyes. He was about to break free, forcing Mu Yue and others to deal with it with all their strength. The two sides were in a stalemate in Raoyang Lake.

"The opportunity has come."

Su Jie took a deep breath and took Han Ruyan to attack decisively, bypassing the range of the illusion and rushing to the tower where the Baichuan Fuhai Formation was located.

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