Anyue City.

At the beginning of the lanterns, the asters are on the boat.

Two maids carefully held the wound medicine and were busy in front of a jade bed.

On the jade bed, a woman is lying here, receiving debridement treatment from the maid.


One of the young women didn't hold her hand firmly and was a little too strong.

The next moment, a scarlet light flashed, and the maid's beautiful head fell to the ground. Her eyes were wide open, as if she couldn't believe that she had caused a fatal disaster.

"Elder, spare your life."

Another maid knelt down with a plop, her eyes full of fear.

"Trash, you can't do even the smallest thing well, so what's the use of you?"

Mu Yue groaned, feeling agitated and her eyes glowing red.

The other maid saw the murderous look in Mu Yue's eyes and turned pale with fright. Just as she was about to turn around, her head also fell off.

After the murder, the anger in Mu Yue's eyes softened a lot.

Her irritability came from her injury. At this time, Mu Yuexue's back was exposed, and her skin was as delicate and white as milk.

However, on this smooth and white back, there are horrific scars that destroy this beauty.

These wounds were caused by sword strikes, and the flesh was cut and rolled, revealing the squirming internal organs.

These injuries meant that Mu Yue, who was in the Secret Realm, did not lack healing elixirs. However, within the injuries, the meridians throughout her body continued to swell, as if being hit by a wave. From time to time, blood vessels would rupture, and meridians would break. Once the force is exerted, he will vomit blood and turn pale.

This is a technique from Guanchao Pavilion called "Thousands of Water Sutra". It can use spiritual energy to set off thousands of huge waves, and it can also penetrate into the human body and destroy the meridians and blood vessels of the human body.

Mu Yue, who just escaped here this afternoon, is now half-destroyed in cultivation and has no strength at all. She will not be able to recover from her injuries for more than a year and a half.

This is definitely a heavy blow to a top secret treasure realm like Mu Yue.

But being able to escape under the encirclement and suppression of seven secret realms is already a blessing for Mu Yue. Looking at the three secret realms that accompanied her, they have long since faded away.

"Su Jie, I won't give up until I kill you..."

With a strong murderous intent in her eyes, Mu Yue thought of Su Jie, the culprit who caused her to end up like this.

Although it was Guanchao Pavilion who took action, Mu Yue was very self-aware. She was just asking for trouble by seeking revenge from Guanchao Pavilion. Only Su Jie could control it.

Turning over from the bed, Mu Yue gritted her teeth and endured the pain. She looked at the wounds and cleaned them on her back.

But Mu Yue didn't know that Su Jie, whom she had longed for, had already come looking for her.

"Master, please come in quickly."

At the entrance of the Ziyuan Flower Boat, Su Jie was wearing a brocade robe, shaking a folding fan in his hand, dressed like a young man, and stepped onto the most famous flower boat in Anyue City.

An old bustard who was greeting guests at the door saw Su Jie and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"There are quite a lot of people here."

Su Jie casually walked into the spacious ship. Inside the ship was a spacious hall decorated with long ribbons and colorful sails. Various tables, chairs and furniture were made of carved mahogany and decorated with gold foil, pearls and other valuables. It looks luxurious and rich.

In the hall, women with graceful figures and beautiful faces are reciting poems, polishing ink, playing and singing and chatting for the guests.

There are also various vases, incense burners and other items placed in the cabin, exuding a light floral fragrance and fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, and even faintly stimulating, seducing the deep desires of men.

"What interesting activities do you have here!"

Throwing out a few silver ingots, the happy madam's eyes shone, and she thought that a high-roller was here.

"Looking at the young master's appearance, this must be your first time coming to our Ziyuan Flower Boat. We have singing and dancing performances here. You can also drink and compose poems with the literati present, dance with swords to add to the fun, and there are also servants from the Qing Dynasty to accompany you. Bai Lian , come here to accompany this young master."

The madam found a beautiful woman wearing a white dress, with a slender figure and a pure face.

"What do you call me young master? I'm Bai Lian. That's very polite."

Bai Lian gave him a slight gift, and a just right smile appeared on his face. Just like the name, the smile was like a blooming white lotus.

While talking, Bai Lian took the initiative, but she was quite reserved and didn't do too many intimate actions.

"My surname is Su. I heard that there are four great courtesans in Anyue City. They are all on your Aster Flower Boat. Call them out and let me see them."

Su Jie looked around and said very arrogantly.

"Mr. Su, the oirans will not come out to greet guests like this. You must first gain their approval before you have the opportunity to express your true feelings."

Hearing this, the old bustard shook his head repeatedly and declined Su Jie's request.

"Mr. Su, Bai Lian did something to make him unhappy."

Bai Lian's face showed a hint of sadness appropriately, and her delicate body was as fragile as a willow, making people lovable.

"Haha, you are not my target."

Su Jie pinched Bai Lian's cheek, took out a gold bar from his arms and slapped it on the table. The bright gold bar shone under the light.

Bai Lian's eyes were hot, and she could see Su Jie's boldness and wealth.

Although she is a monk, she is only an outer disciple of the Wan Yu Sect. Gold is also a spiritual material. If she can tie Su Jie's heart to her and make him bow down and surrender under her pomegranate skirt, wouldn't there be great things in the future? The pen comes into the account.

"Mr. Su, this is against the rules. The courtesans cannot be moved by money. You need to treat them sincerely. If you are really interested, I can tell you about the courtesans. Although I cannot guarantee that you will be able to see them, I will definitely not let you down."

Bai Lian naturally took Su Jie's arm and performed her charm. Her body exuded a hazy charm, and the guests nearby were attracted.

"What rules? Isn't it that the money is not enough? Are ten gold bars enough? If not, then one hundred."

Su Jie slapped the gold bars on the table one by one, as if he didn't take money seriously.

Seeing these gold bars, countless eyes in the flower boat looked over.

Although many dignitaries would spend a lot of money here, they all used silver notes and asked servants to help pay. Su Jie was the first one to personally use money to hit people.

"What is the origin of this guy? Why is he so arrogant?"

"I haven't seen him before. He may be from another state. He looks unfamiliar."

"I am a little familiar with him. I seem to have seen this face somewhere."

A group of guests whispered. Because they didn't know Su Jie's origin, they didn't do anything to slander him.

If ordinary people came here to make trouble, they would have been beaten out by them.

Bai Lian's eyes flashed. She looked in one direction and performed the charm magic silently.

The old procuress was embarrassed and was about to speak when a voice came from the side: "Where did you come from, this is not the place for you to run wild. Also, let go of Miss Bai Lian immediately. It's a waste to be with you."

A young man with weak steps and pale face, who was obviously hollowed out by alcohol and sex, came over. He still smelled of alcohol. It seemed that he couldn't stand Su Jie's actions after getting drunk and wanted to stand up.

Bai Lian, who was next to Su Jie, suppressed the strange look in her eyes. This young man was one of her forbidden delicacies. The seeds of charm were planted in his body during lovemaking. Now, he was attracted by a simple charm technique.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Lin, please talk it over nicely. Harmony brings wealth."

Bai Lian held Su Jie's arm, leaned over and tiptoed to whisper in Su Jie's ear: "Mr. Su, the man opposite is the second son of the Lin's Company in Anyue City. Let's not fight with him. I will mediate for you and will never let anything happen to you."

At the same time, the charm technique continued to be performed. By relying on this kind act to get closer to each other, Bai Lian was very confident that Su Jie would soon fall into the trap and fall in love with her.

What made Bai Lian a little strange was that Su Jie never looked at her straight in the eye from beginning to end. She always felt that today's charm technique was not very effective.

Su Jie smiled faintly and looked over.

"What are you looking at? I'm talking about you. The courtesan sells her art but not her body. You want to meet her for a few bucks. You really don't know what you're talking about. Believe me or not."

Mr. Lin showed anger on his face. Just as he was about to say something dirty, he suddenly saw Su Jie's eyes turned dark purple.


The purple rays bloomed, and the hall of the flower boat was illuminated as bright as day. The air temperature suddenly rose, and accompanied by the smell of burning, Mr. Lin's entire upper body was melted.

The purple rays continued to go, even penetrating the cabin. A figure vaguely fled from the cabin.

Su Jie maintained the purple rays, following the movement of Su Jie's eyeballs, chasing the person and covering him.

The purple rays shot into the canal water, evaporating the river water into white mist, reaching the bottom of the river, and creating a hole with a diameter of one foot on the river surface.

The nearby river water was boiling under the high temperature, and fish and shrimps floated to the surface with their white bellies turned upside down. A woman's scream could be vaguely heard.

The madam was stunned, Bai Lian was dumbfounded, and the guests around were all stunned.

They were just arguing, but suddenly someone was left with only half of his body, and this magic

The dignitaries swallowed their saliva, they had also come into contact with monks.

Many people had monks as guests in their homes, but they were basically casual cultivators with low cultivation and could not master many powerful magics.

The power of the magic that Su Jie had just used was beyond their imagination.

Bai Lian, who was close to Su Jie, was even more tense. She could feel the unfathomable spiritual power in Su Jie's body when he launched the attack just now.

"Since the courtesan can't see it, I'll ask her out myself. Speaking of which, I'm quite curious, which sect are you from?"

Su Jie touched his chin and stared at the river, his eyes very playful.

"It's the enemy."

The young women on the purple flower boats present were like enemies, seeing that Su Jie was looking for trouble, and surrounded Su Jie with caution.

On the river surface, a woman jumped out of the water in a panic, stepping on the water, staring at Su Jie with a pair of eyes.

This person was none other than Mu Yue, a senior elder of Wanyu Sect.

Her left arm disappeared at this moment, melted by the purple light ray just now.

She was already seriously injured, and her strength was reduced to the lowest point in history. She was suddenly attacked by Su Jie. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have died here.

"Su Su Jie."

When Mu Yue saw Su Jie's face clearly, she immediately understood everything. It must be Su Jie's revenge.

"How are you, sister? Although this is the first time we have officially met, I have been fascinated by you for a long time. You should be Yu Wenxian's elder. You have worked hard to find me, and now I come to you myself. Isn't it a surprise and unexpected?"

Su Jie showed a mouthful of white teeth. This smile fell into Mu Yue's eyes, but it looked particularly white and terrifying.

"What, he is Su Jie, I remember, this man is a demon cultivator, a wanted criminal."

On the flower boat, someone also recognized Su Jie's identity, and fear instantly spread to everyone.

"Mr. Su, please let me go, slave."

Bai Lian used her charm to the fullest, and pink smoke enveloped Su Jie. She, who had heard of Su Jie's reputation, knew what kind of enemy she had offended.

"Don't leave in a hurry! Didn't you want to get close to me just now!"

Su Jie hugged Bai Lian with his backhand, and his arms suddenly exerted force. The power that was more terrifying than a hydraulic press made Bai Lian scream, and her chest ribs broke inch by inch. Her flesh and internal organs were squeezed into meat paste, and she died in Su Jie's arms.


Su Jie let go of his hand, and Bai Lian's body fell softly at Su Jie's feet. Countless people around him looked at this scene in horror.

"Then, let's get into the main show."

Su Jie snapped his fingers, and Mu Yue's face suddenly changed, and her body flew rapidly into the sky.


Under Mu Yue's feet, a bloody mouth swallowed up.

The Thousand-handed Centipede jumped out of the water. Every time it rose one meter, its body would expand a circle until it became a 120-meter behemoth, covering the sky and the sun like a cover over the flower boat.

The huge size of the Thousand-handed Centipede can be seen by most of Anyue City, not to mention the flower boat.

"Secret Treasure Realm."

The female disciples of Wanyu Sect on the Ziyuan Flower Boat clearly saw the gap between the two sides. Seeing that even Elder Mu Yue was flying in the sky and fleeing in a panic, they certainly did not dare to confront Su Jie, and turned around and tread water to escape.

Behind Su Jie, Han Ruyan's figure emerged, quietly watching the fleeing female disciples of Wanyu Sect.

"My wife, these people are handed over to you, leave them alive for interrogation."

Su Jie took a step forward, and the White Bone Sky Evil Sword turned into a light of escape, taking Su Jie to chase Mu Yue quickly.

Mu Yue wanted to escape, but as soon as the spiritual power in his body was called upon, the blood in his body was like being hit by a wave, his blood vessels burst, and he kept vomiting blood in his mouth.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I came at the right time. I like bullying the old, weak, sick and disabled the most."

Su Jie chased him calmly. Seeing the hidden dangers of Mu Yue's body, he was not in a hurry to move forward. He followed him all the time, making his injuries worse and bleeding him well.

"Despicable villain, if I were in good health."

Mu Yue saw Su Jie's plan, his eyes were full of jealousy and anger, and he stopped suddenly, and a red light flashed.

In front of Su Jie, the White Bone Sky Sword blocked the red light. It was a red Chilian flying sword, a top-grade magic weapon.

"If you don't run away, then die in my hands."

Su Jie's mouth curled up, and the huge figure of the Thousand Hands Centipede blocked Mu Yue's retreat, trapping him to death.

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