Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 409 Respective reinforcements

Su Jie's spirit is at the level of the combined spirit, while the spirit of the elder of Miaoyin Guan is still one pair of eyes and ears away from becoming a primordial spirit. The gap between them is like the difference between an adult and a child.

So much so that when Su Jie grabbed him, his soul was pulled out of his body.

"I told you to kill you, but you thought you could escape."

Su Jie smiled coldly and grasped it with his palms, which immediately cracked the soul of the elder of Miaoyin Guan.

"How can your soul be so strong, no. Don't."

The elder of Miaoyin Guan lost his beauty and begged Su Jie for mercy, but Su Jie completely ignored him. His soul was directly thrown into the Ten Thousand Souls Flag by Su Jie and became the nourishment for the raising flag.

On the opposite side, the remaining three elders looked gloomy and frightened, looking at the corpse-hand giants scattered on the ground, not knowing that they had been tricked by Su Jie.

The corpse-hand giant is just a trap. Su Jie's real body is no longer here, leaving only his soul to use for sneak attacks and plots.

"Where is this demon's physical body hidden?"

The elder of Guanchao Pavilion used the soul's consciousness to explore, but found nothing at all, as if he had disappeared from the world.

It wasn't until his consciousness covered the Thousand-Handed Centipede that he finally found the target.

"Are you looking for me?"

At the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head, Su Jie's body rose cross-legged from the flesh and blood, and then his spirit returned, opening a pair of sharp eyes, with a playful expression on his face that was half-smiling.

The elders of the Golden Sword Sect and the Zixia Sect looked a little pale, and they already wanted to retreat in their hearts.

The devil in front of him is not only powerful, but also extremely insidious. If he continues to fight, they may all be wiped out.

"Haha, want to escape?"

Su Jie's eyes flashed fiercely, a cruel smile appeared on his lips, and he took the initiative to fly towards the three elders.

Now, offense and defense have changed.


In a temporary cave opened by underground magma a hundred kilometers away.

Lu Jingshi, the leader of the Tianhun Sect, slowly untied the hidden magic circle of the cave, and the thick soil above his head cracked open a hollow exit leading to the ground.

"It's our turn to attack and kill all those righteous bastards."

Lu Jingshi's eyes flashed violently, and his body flew out like a roc.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"My summoning flag is thirsty."

"Haha, fear is the strongest on the battlefield. My Scarecrow Ghost will definitely be able to take this opportunity to advance to the fourth level."

Behind him, more than ten thousand Tianhun Sect disciples rushed out in a mighty manner. Because the Tianhun Sect disciples were wearing black robes, from a distance, they looked like a chimney that was spewing black smoke, which looked spectacular.

These days, the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect each have a soul-calling flag and control the ghosts to kill the enemy.

Or you can control a powerful ghost, summon terrifying and strange ghosts, and join the battle in a menacing manner.

As for the senior secret level officials of Tianhun Sect, more than one-third of the elders held a formation plate with countless strange patterns in their hands.

When these array disks were activated, boundless black fog covered them, and the clear sky became gloomy and full of ghosts.

This is one of the trump cards of the Tianhun Sect, the Tianhun Array.

This formation has the ability to summon souls and attract ghosts. When placed in the wilderness, it will attract wild wandering ghosts to enter. It needs to feed living people regularly for the ghosts to kill, instilling fear to increase the level. It can be deployed during battles. It's a huge array of ghosts.

When these Heavenly Soul Arrays were activated, countless semi-wild ghosts suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

There are fierce ghosts who are short in stature, with dry skin covered with corpse spots, and a hunched body that looks like a child.

However, the evil ghost cannot be overcome by common sense. It looks like a thin and short body, but once a monk comes within a hundred meters of it, its body will grow countless corpse spots, and its body will continue to become shorter and bent, and finally turn into a small doll toy. .

"So much blood, so much fresh human blood."

There is a fierce ghost covered in blood and flesh, with no skin, and the naked bright red muscles are exposed. When he sees any righteous monk, his body will appear strangely behind him, and he will open his mouth and suck.

In an originally healthy monk's body, countless blood will be sucked out from the pores around the body, leaving behind a mummy in the blink of an eye.

The sucked blood covered the body of the ghost, forming a layer of blood-colored skin. The blood vessels were twisted and twisted, and the sound of flowing blood spread throughout hundreds of meters.

Some of the ghosts are a human soul tree tens of meters high. After the monks were pierced by the branches, they were dragged into the tree trunk by the vines and eaten. The faces of the devoured monks gradually appeared on the tree body, and were densely imprinted on it, which made people feel uncomfortable. He looked terrified.

There are a large number of fierce ghosts, and their grades range from the weakest first-grade ghosts to even seventh- and eighth-grade ghosts.

In a short period of time, those righteous disciples did not expect to be attacked at all. The Tianhun Sect attacked them from behind and caught them off guard, killing corpses everywhere.

Countless souls float into the soul-calling flags, and the fearful emotions before death will also be absorbed by the ghosts and become the material for their growth.

The disciples of Guiling Palace, who were originally fighting against Zhengdao, saw the reinforcements from Tianhun Sect appear, and their morale suddenly soared, as if they saw the dawn of victory.

On the contrary, everyone in the Zhengdao Sect was shocked, except for some senior officials who knew the truth.

Lu Jingshi, the leader of Tianhun Sect, did not participate in other battles, but quickly arrived at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Here, Zhang Junwei and Zhuang Liangru, two Taoist realm powerhouses, faced off from a distance. According to the agreement, Lu Jingshi came to help deal with Zhuang Liangru. In a two-on-one fight, the other side had no chance of winning. It would be good if they could escape in embarrassment.

"Zhuang Liangru, you didn't expect that we would unite."

Zhang Junwei looked at the other side with a sharp look in his eyes. His biggest trump card had already established the victory.

"Zhuang Liangru, you righteous people are too aggressive. We can only survive if we unite."

Lv Jingshi blocked Zhuang Liangru's retreat and chuckled.

"It's just a group of demons uniting. I expected you to do this."

Zhuang Liangru smiled, and didn't seem surprised at all.


Zhang Junwei and Lu Jingshi were both stunned. Zhuang Liangru's expression gave them a bad premonition.

"Everyone in Lingfa Temple, it's your turn to take action."

Zhang Junwei's voice rolled across the battlefield and spread far away.

"What, those bald donkeys in Lingfa Temple."

Lv Jingshi was furious when he heard this, and his eyes were full of disbelief and panic.

The clouds on the horizon were shaken and scattered. Dozens of kilometers away, a mountain peak was shaking continuously. Countless boulders and soil rolled down, revealing dark holes. Accompanied by the solemn chanting of Buddhist scriptures, golden light bloomed from them.

The golden light spread, and then one after another, monks wearing monk robes and with bald heads appeared and rushed to the battlefield.

Their purpose was very clear, that is, to rush to the Heavenly Soul Gate.

"Raising ghosts and refining souls is harmful to the harmony of heaven. Amitabha! I will send you to the Western Paradise today."

A monk was knocking on a wooden fish. His kind face now looked solemn and solemn, with the cultivation of the Secret Hidden Realm.

He broke into a Heavenly Soul Formation alone. When the black fog met the Buddhist treasure light emanating from his body, it was like snow meeting a red-hot iron block, emitting bursts of white smoke and being constantly dispersed.

"Eat, eat, eat..."

A fat ghost like a ball, dragging a nail hammer, approached the monk.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, as soon as he entered the range of the Buddhist light, the fierce ghost's originally fierce expression gradually calmed down, his eyes became clear, and his body froze in place and did not move.

The more than ten fierce ghosts nearby were like this. No matter what abilities these fierce ghosts had, they would move slowly when they were close to him, and the strange power would be blocked by the Buddhist light, making it difficult for them to act on him.

"Keep good thoughts in your heart and go to the afterlife."

The monk struck the wooden fish, and the sound of Sanskrit rang out, and a solemn Buddha phantom appeared.

The nearby fierce ghosts trembled uncontrollably, and the resentment, yin and hostility in their bodies turned into black smoke and drilled out of their seven orifices.




The fierce ghosts fell down one by one and did not move.

The monk quickly threw out pieces of Buddhist scriptures and sealed all the fierce ghosts.


Suddenly, the monk's shoulder broke, and an expressionless seventh-grade evil spirit grabbed an arm, which was the monk's arm, and put it in his mouth to chew it.

Behind this seventh-grade evil spirit, an elder of the fifth level of the Secret Realm of the Heavenly Soul Sect was looking at him with resentment.

Obviously, the strong evil spirit could not be completely blocked by the Buddhist treasure light.

The two looked at each other, and without any nonsense, they fought directly.

More monks appeared on the battlefield, holding wooden fish, rosary beads, pure bottles, golden bowls and other instruments to participate in the battle against the Heavenly Soul Sect.

"This is the world of the living, the dead souls should go to paradise, and don't interfere with the right and wrong of the world anymore, Amitabha."

A monk held an incense burner, which contained ashes that had been exposed to the scent of incense for many years. Once it was spilled, the ghosts in the sky suddenly struggled in pain, and their bodies disappeared into the air in the illusion.

"I see that you and I are destined to be together. Become the flute-playing boy in front of the Buddha."

A monk was holding a rosary, closing his eyes, and silently reciting Buddhist scriptures. A swastika appeared on the forehead of a fierce ghost. After being converted by the monk, it suddenly changed direction and attacked the disciples of Tianhunmen.

The skills they practiced seemed to be extremely restraining to Tianhunmen. Many fierce ghosts would be suppressed and sealed by them, and their ghosts would be transcended and dissipated. Only those relatively powerful fierce ghosts, or the formation of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, could effectively fight against the opponent.

The sudden reversal on the battlefield made countless people dumbfounded. The righteous sect was originally attacked from both sides, but suddenly got help from a large number of monks from Lingfa Temple, and the advantage of the battle was once again in their favor.

And above the sky, a monk with white hair and beard, long white eyebrows that fell from both sides of his cheeks, wearing a bright Buddhist robe with layers of gold brocade on the edges, holding a demon-subduing pestle in his hand and a dragon-subduing golden bowl in his right hand, appeared in front of Zhang Junwei, Zhuang Liangru and Lu Jingshi.

Seeing this person, Lu Jingshi's face was very interesting, and he said with shock and anger: "Master Guo, my Tianhun Sect has already fled to Qingzhou, and you are still chasing us. Are you from Lingfa Temple going to kill us all?"

Lu Jingshi was very familiar with the person in front of him.

The other party was the head of the Discipline Hall of Lingfa Temple, named Guo Yan'an, a Taoist monk with the cultivation of Daotai Realm. Whether it was his cultivation or the wisdom of Buddhist scriptures, he was an extremely terrifying existence.

And Lingfa Temple was the strongest sect in Jingzhou. They ate vegetarian food and chanted Buddha, and seemed to be indifferent to the world, but in fact it was not the case at all.

The reason why Tianhun Sect was destroyed, the mountain gate was destroyed, and they fled in a hurry was entirely the work of Lingfa Temple and several other sects.

Therefore, after seeing the appearance of Lingfa Temple, Lu Jingshi had such a big reaction.

"Amitabha, this time I was invited by Mr. Zhuang to come here to subdue demons and monsters. You fled Jingzhou without thinking about the past lessons, and changed your mind and put down your butcher knife.

Instead, they continued to cause chaos in the world, slaughtered the people, and even got involved with the largest demon sect in Qingzhou, Guiling Palace.

We have a saying in the Buddhist sect, "Send the Buddha to the west". Since you do not repent, we will wipe out the Tianhun Sect today and restore the world to a clear and bright world."

Guo Yan'an clasped his hands together, his face looked neither happy nor sad, and said the most cruel words with the calmest expression, saying that he would put the Tianhun Sect to death and completely destroy its inheritance.

Since receiving the letter from Guanchao Pavilion, Lingfa Temple immediately decided to withdraw people and set off for Qingzhou.

Lingfa Temple and Tianhun Sect are old enemies. One raises ghosts and the other helps ghosts to transcend. These two sects are completely incompatible.

In the past, when the demon sect was strong, Lingfa Temple was often arrested by the Tianhun Sect. This group of demon cultivators from the Tianhun Sect especially liked to use their Lingfa Temple monks to raise ghosts and refine corpses.

Later, when the righteous sect was strong, the situation changed. As long as Lingfa Temple had spare energy, it would go to the Tianhun Sect to make trouble and send them to the Tianhun Sect. The disciples of Tianhun Sect went to see the Buddha.

It was not until the Dingding Battle that they joined forces with other Jingzhou sects to destroy this scourge, but a group of fish still escaped.

Now that they have received the news of the location of Tianhun Sect, Lingfa Temple is very excited and wants to completely wipe out Tianhun Sect to prevent it from reviving and coming back to seek revenge on Lingfa Temple.

Others don’t know, but their sworn enemy knows too well the growth rate of Tianhun Sect, the evil sect. As long as there is a suitable environment and evil spirits, they will be able to make a comeback soon.

Let alone the speed of the growth of the evil sect and the speed of cultivating the new generation.

"Threatening us, how can you destroy our Tianhun Sect just like you say."

Lu Jingshi was furious, and his black air was like a wolf smoke, which could touch Guo Yan'an's body and turned into a breeze. This restraint made Lu Jingshi's face a little gloomy.

"One Lingfa Temple is not enough, plus our five sects of Guanchao Pavilion, it should be enough. "

Zhuang Liangru was in a very good mood, and the smile on his face was like the spring sunshine. Everything was in his plan. In order to deal with the evil sect of Tianhunmen, he found the Lingfa Temple, which was the most restrained.

"When did you find out about our alliance?"

Zhang Junwei was very puzzled and depressed. His plan must have been leaked, otherwise why would the other party send reinforcements.

"Of course..."

Zhuang Liangru wanted to say the two words Wei Ji, but suddenly he thought that Wei Ji had fallen in Su Jie's hands, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"There is no need to talk nonsense with the dead. Today, I will send your Tianhunmen and Guiling Palace on the road together."

Zhuang Liangru snorted coldly and stepped forward with Guo Yanan beside him.


The clouds in the sky rolled and tore, and the four Daotai realms fought each other, fighting to the death at an altitude of ten thousand meters.

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