Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 417: The Jeko Group with Evil People

Shawang felt ashamed of the panic that arose in his heart. He thought that he, an elite CIA agent, had never seen such a big scene, but he was actually frightened like this by one of Su Jie's guards.

After thinking this, Shawang raised his head again and saw the lively scene in front of him.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su, please sign your name for me, Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su, ahhhh! I love you."

After seeing Su Jie appear at the train station, the passengers who were waiting to experience the first train suddenly showed excitement and joy and gathered around them. At first glance, they thought the zombies had come out of the cage.

Especially those girls, their eyes gleamed after seeing Su Jie.

Su Jie is not married yet. If there is a wonderful encounter between Cinderella and the prince, it is simply the best fantasy in the hearts of many girls.

"Please don't crowd, or you may hurt yourself."

Su Jie patted the guard on the shoulder, separated from the blocking human wall formed by the guards, and stepped forward to shake hands with some people and take photos, showing he was very friendly to the people.

Such behavior made the people go crazy, and more and more people gathered.

As a mighty man descended from heaven in the Zen Kingdom, Su Jie single-handedly ended decades of warlord civil war chaos in the Zen Kingdom, and re-created a brand new Zen Kingdom with his strong military strength and personal prestige.

Coupled with the improvement of living conditions, Su Jie's image among the people of Zen country is that of a tall and stalwart, the number one idol of Zen country, the top among the top.

"This guy is really popular."

Shawang sighed in his heart, but he could understand.

Su Jie can be regarded as the founding king to a certain extent. As we all know, the prestige of the founding king is ridiculously high.

After separating from the people, Su Jie chatted with the dignitaries who came off the train for a few minutes, and then walked towards Shawang.

To be precise, it was Smith walking next to him.

"You are Mr. Smith. I heard that you are doing a lot of business in Yangcheng. Our Zen country encourages normal and orderly business experience. If Mr. Smith encounters any difficulties, he can come to the Zen government to deal with it."

Su Jie stretched out his right hand, and Smith quickly took it with both hands, with a flattering and respectful look on his face.

"Mr. Su, in front of you, all I do is small business, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning. Personally speaking, the current business environment in Zen is actually very good. Not long ago, the Central Bank of China also provided us with We received a batch of loans and the treatment for our businessmen is the best among all the countries I have visited.”

Smith maintains the persona of a businessman, with a warm smile on his face that makes it impossible to tell his inner thoughts.

An ordinary person would probably not know that this well-known rich man in Yangcheng was actually an agent working for the CIA.

Because in people's common sense, if you have enough wealth, why would you want to be an agent who licks blood? This is something that is not in line with common sense.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking inertia that Smith's identity naturally has a hidden halo.

But in his heart, Smith was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface. The two Steel Battalion genetic warriors beside him stared at him eagerly, which put him under tremendous psychological pressure.

Su Jie directly or indirectly killed countless CIA agents.

From the smuggling war in Mexico to the civil war in Zen, it can be said that Su Jie has the blood and tears of the CIA on his hands, and he is a real butcher.

There was a gentle smile on Su Jie's face, which made him feel very close to others. He was not at all like the murderous ruthless person that Smith had imagined.

"Yes, that's good. Recently, the Western society led by the beautiful country has imposed sanctions on our import of machinery and production equipment. You have a motorcycle production company in your name, so you can come to the Ministry of Commerce of the Zen country. We have business cooperation with the Chinese country. We can match you with motorcycle production lines and corresponding technologies in China.”

Hearing Su Jie's words, Smith's mouth twitched slightly.

It's so weird to think of a rival introducing him to another rival's business.

But in order not to reveal his fault, Smith could only nod his head: "That's great. I've been worried about this recently. Thank you Mr. Su for reminding me."

"Thank you for everything. If you run the business well and develop it, the Zen government can also receive more tax revenue. That is the best thank you to me."

Su Jie smiled and nodded, passing Smith and continuing on.


After Su Jie left, the crowd also dispersed, and both Smith and Shawan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I had no problem dealing with it just now, but don't let him see anything."

Smith felt a little guilty. He was very aware of Su Jie's power and influence in the Zen Kingdom. If exposed, he would definitely die without a burial place.

Shawan's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, and he shook his head.

"He obviously didn't realize anything. Don't worry, your identity is disguised very well, so he can't find our true identity."

At the same time, just after leaving the station and getting into the bulletproof car, Liu Yingying asked curiously: "Su Jie, aren't those two CIAs under control?"

Su Jie, who was leaning on the back seat with his eyes closed to relax, opened his eyes and said calmly: "There is no need to alert the enemy. Keeping Smith can provide us with more information. An exposed senior spy is much more useful alive than dead."

"Hmph, these CIA flies are really obsessed with our Jieco Group. They want to explore the secrets of our Jieco Group all day long."

Liu Yingying held Su Jie's arm and said very unhappy.

"This is for sure. The interests we represent are so great. With the temperament of the beautiful country, how could it not want to get a piece of the pie, or even eliminate us and keep the cake for ourselves."

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's smooth black hair, with deep eyes, and said, "I heard that the beautiful country is very restless recently?"

"They! They are still doing the same thing. While imposing economic sanctions on us, they signed a military assistance agreement with Siam and heavily armed Siam's army.

At the same time, this time the beautiful country came to an end personally, and each of the Group of Eight countries sent varying amounts of troops into Siam. In the name of curbing the military expansion of extremist organizations, they were obviously on guard against us. "

Liu Yingying snorted. She was used to the beautiful country's operations, so she brought a group of subordinates to come to the Jieke Group to cause trouble.

It's just that the beautiful country threatened the Jieko Group before, but this time it was more like warning the Jieko Group to beat up his younger brother Siam.

"What's specific?"

"We have provided weapons as large as fighter planes and armored units, as small as rifles and helmets. At the same time, we have also overhauled defense lines on the border and dug out many permanent military fortresses and trenches."

Liu Yingying took out a document that recorded the list of aid weapons disclosed by the beautiful country.

From F35 stealth fighter jets, V-22 Osprey transport aircraft, M1A2 main battle tanks, M1283 armored personnel carriers, Haimas rocket launchers, Apache armed helicopters and other heavy equipment.

Then to rifles, body armor, drones, landmines, rocket launchers, military tents, military rations, military building materials, etc.

Including countless projects, large and small, there are more than two hundred military supplies, covering all aspects.

"Siam must have been frightened by us. They spent huge sums on loans to purchase a large amount of arms from the beautiful country. They also frantically expanded their army and went on a military rampage.

In just six months, the number of its own troops was recruited from 300,000 to 600,000, doubling the number. At the same time, the Group of Eight was allowed to station troops on its own land.

Their king said that our Jieko Group is a terrorist organization and that the whole country must be mobilized to deal with our threat.

However, most of the troops stationed in other countries are just a process, with only a few hundred people at least, and thousands of people at most.

Only the Beautiful Kingdom and the Sakura Kingdom have more troops. The former has 3,000 troops in Siam, and the latter has 5,000 troops in Siam. "

Liu Yingying said, took a tablet and clicked on a saved video.

There is news about the speeches of the King of Siam and the Prime Minister, and it is aimed at the Jieko Group.

"This is their news and TV speech three days ago, making us, the Jieco Group, look like bad guys."

Liu Yingying pursed her lips and placed the tablet in front of Su Jie.

"Jeko Group, an evil extremist organization packaged in a state, with a violent, expansionist, authoritarian, and anti-human terrorist force at its core, threatens global stability and security at all times.

As a peace-loving country in Southeast Asia, Siam hereby urges all member states of the United Nations Security Council to remain vigilant against the Jieko Group, contain and carry out operations to combat new extremist organizations such as the Jieko Group.

As the king, I personally call on all Siamese people to wake up, resist the military expansion and military intimidation of the Jieko Group, and strengthen the alert posture of military stations and bases across the country."

After reading this speech, Su Jie was a little speechless.

"With an army of 600,000, are Siamese crazy? By the way, so many soldiers came out in response to our threat. Besides, when did we threaten them?"

Hearing this, Liu Yingying rolled her eyes at Su Jie and said, "I have forgotten the last incident involving the Jiang Xituo frigate. That time we sent troops to the Siam border, which caused a shock among the top brass in Siam.

Although in the end Siam returned our frigate and compensated us US$1 billion, the domestic media in Siam later publicized this incident and said that our Jieke Group was blackmailing Siam militarily, and Siam would never allow this to happen again. .

At that time, people took to the streets in many cities in Siam, which even led to the resignation of the Prime Minister/Prime Minister. Then the new government team listed our Jieko Group as the primary enemy. "

Su Jie recalled it carefully, and it seemed that such a thing really happened.

"It's probably the fault of the beautiful country again. They need a neighboring country that is hostile to us."

Su Jie scratched his head, but Su Jie didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. He thought about it and came to a conclusion.

The Siamese authorities must have tried to hide such a shameful thing.

As a result, there was an uproar in the country. Most of the beautiful countries were involved behind the scenes, hoping to increase the hostility of Siam towards the Jieko Group.

Including the change of the leadership team, a leadership that is more hostile to the Jieke Group is also what the beautiful country wants to see.

Although Su Jie did not have any evidence that the beautiful country was involved, based on Su Jie's understanding of the moral integrity of the beautiful country, they definitely had serious suspicions.

In terms of being a troublemaker, as the rebellious son of the British Empire who rebelled against Tiangang, the beautiful country has inherited this fine tradition and is very good at carrying it forward.

"In short, Siam is now saying all day long that our military threatens them, saying that we will build 500 Tiger-type main battle mechas and launch a blitzkrieg against them. Therefore, they are vigorously developing their military and treat us like bandits, as if they will break in at any time. Enter their homes and rob them."

Liu Yingying complained twice, and Su Jie couldn't help but laugh and was amused.

"No, they really believe it! There is no such thing as a tiger-type main battle mecha."

Su Jie smiled. The tiger-type main battle mecha was originally disguised as a Thousand-Handed Centipede during the military parade.

Things that didn't even have a shadow were treated by Siam as if they were true.

But think about it, the public data of the Tiger main battle mecha is too scary. It is 38.9 meters tall, weighs 1,635 tons, is equipped with multiple weapon systems, has both ground and air defense capabilities, and has all-weather combat capabilities.

At first glance, I really thought that Jieke Group had come up with some super black technology.

There are precedents such as super soldiers, genetic warriors, and biological reproductive equipment. It is not surprising that they would believe it.

"Ah! Isn't this the large-scale mecha we are studying to install?"

Liu Yingying was stunned for a moment, looking confused.

"We don't have this."

Su Jie turned his head and looked over, and met Liu Yingying's cute eyes.

"Really not?"

Liu Yingying was shocked. She really thought Su Jie had developed a tiger-type main battle mecha, but he actually told her that he hadn't.

In the Jieke Group, Su Jie was in charge of the military, and she didn't know much about him.

In addition, Su Jie often comes up with some mysterious black technologies, and she, a senior executive of the Jieke Group, has been deceived.

In other words, because the performance of Thousand-Hand Centipede was too realistic, many people in the Zen Kingdom and even the world believed in the tiger-type main battle mecha.

After that military parade, the Tiger-type main battle mecha made countless headlines in the news media. Various military experts criticized the theory of the uselessness of mechas and the theory of mechas' victory in TV debates, setting off a mecha craze around the world. , many countries have invested a lot of money in this end, and are excitedly entering into mecha research.

When Zen people travel to foreign countries, they always look at people through their nostrils when talking about this matter.

The world's first large-scale military mecha. I wonder if you have seen it before and if you are afraid of it.

Even the beautiful country with the world's largest military has mechas. Our Zen country is the first to equip it. It is leading the world and has a proper dimensionality reduction strike!

"Really not."

Su Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pinched Liu Yingying's cheek. Even his own people were fooled. This proved that his original military deception was quite successful.

Liu Yingying was speechless. Co-authorship is a lie!

"Anyway, it seems that what we did before was a bit too much and scared Siam a bit."

Su Jie touched his chin. During the civil war in Zen, the combat power displayed by the Jieke Group defeated various warlords, Zen government troops, and Sakura National Self-Defense Forces. Finally, even the airborne regiment of the Beautiful Country arrived at Yangcheng Airport. He didn't even have the guts to have a chance encounter with the Jieko Group, so he was so frightened that he ran away in confusion.

There are various signs that the Jieke Group is indeed full of moral integrity.

Siam, on the other hand, has strong financial resources, with an annual GDP of more than 500 billion US dollars, but its military capabilities are extremely poor, and it happens to be next to Zen, a neighboring country with only one-tenth of its GDP.

It's like a lady covered in jewels has a neighbor with a vicious villain who doesn't have enough to eat. Do you think this Siam can not be afraid?

Anyway, that’s what Siam thinks. Judging from the many war actions of the Jieko Group, it shows that the Jieko Group is a militant element. Siam’s top leaders are so cowardly that they can’t desperately increase their military strength!

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