Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 489 National Blood Donation

Siam, Manchester.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the streets are bustling with traffic.

There is no hint here that they had experienced a war more than half a year ago.

Fortunately, due to the restraint of the Jieco Group at that time, the war did not reach this largest city in Indochina, allowing it to remain bustling and lively.

The biggest difference between Manchester City and the past is that there is an additional military camp of the Jieco Group not far outside the city, and due to the evacuation of a large number of electronic processing factories in Europe and the United States, the electronic processing factories have been transformed into insect nests, where various poisonous insects and snakes are bred in large quantities. Many Siamese people joined the Jieke Group's insect breeding business, and the business was in full swing.

Xu Changming was walking on the streets of Manchester with several of his graduate students. At the age of 47, he was already a professor in the International Relations Department of the School of Social Sciences at a well-known university in China. He was considered young and promising.

This time I came to Siam to study the Jieko Group.

After the Jieko Group forced the four Siamese countries to sign the "Manchester Treaty" and became a veritable overlord of the Indochina Peninsula.

Research on Jieko Group and how to better deal with this country disguised as a company has become a key research object in many countries.

Everything about the Jieko Group's economy, international relations, geopolitics, mecha hegemony, genetics and medicine, etc., has also become a hot research project in the university.

In order to study Jieke Group, Xu Changming specially came to Siam City for on-the-spot investigation.

"There are a lot of blond foreigners and us Chinese in the city."

Lin Lingling followed her mentor Xu Changming and discovered that there are many more foreign tourists in Manchester today, including a large number of Chinese tourists.

"Let you do more homework. Today is the opening day of Manchester City Nightmare Paradise, which has attracted many domestic and foreign tourists to experience it."

Xu Changming said, he saw the news yesterday that Jieke Group opened multiple Nightmare Paradise branches in five countries in Indochina. This kind of immersive haunted house is extremely attractive, especially to young people.

What's more, in the haunted house of Nightmare Paradise, there are generous rewards for successfully breaking through the levels, although no one can get them.

"Man City also has a nightmare paradise!"

Lin Lingling's eyes lit up and she was a little eager to give it a try. When she was doing research in Mandech City, Zen Kingdom, the movie "The Wedding Dress" was in theaters at that time, so she went to visit the Nightmare Paradise in Mandech City, but she was a good and talented person. I love to play, and I am always scared to death by those realistic ghosts and monsters, but I still enjoy it.

"You can go and play by yourself after a break. I'm too old to stand that kind of excitement."

Xu Changming smiled and while he was talking, the group turned around a street and unexpectedly saw a number of buses with red cross signs parked in a square.

Doctors and nurses are busy, and a large number of people are queuing up to donate blood.

"There are so many caring blood donation vehicles. Is this because the hospital is short of blood?"

Lin Lingling said curiously. There were fifty or sixty blood donation vehicles in front of her, occupying a large area of ​​​​the square. Thousands of people lined up around them, communicating with each other, and the atmosphere was so lively.

"Let's go over and take a look. Let's investigate separately and see what's going on."

Xu Changming suddenly became interested and walked over with his graduate students, asking them to investigate separately.

"Handsome guy, what are you doing! Why are everyone here donating blood for free?"

Taking advantage of her sweet voice, Lin Lingling approached a boy and asked in fairly fluent Siamese.

Seeing Lin Lingling, this beautiful young lady, the boy suddenly became energetic and kept talking: "Hey, young lady, this is not a free blood donation, this is called a voluntary blood donation. The country has just issued regulations that every citizen has As for the obligation to donate blood, the government requires everyone to donate blood at least twice a year. This regulation was first implemented in big cities and then gradually spread. I received a text message and came here to donate blood. For this reason, my company also gave me a donation. I arranged for three days of leave, which is also a requirement. ”

"Compulsory blood donation? Real or fake?"

Lin Lingling was stunned. This was the first time she heard about voluntary blood donation.

Siam is going to be the first country in the world to require all citizens to donate blood.

"This can still be false. This blood donation policy has just been implemented. You must not be from Siam. We have been making a fuss here for a long time. Not only us in Siam, but also the countries in Indochina must implement this blood donation policy."

After hearing this, Lin Lingling immediately understood that this was probably not Siam's own initiative to donate blood, but the Jieke Group's manipulation behind the scenes.

Only Jieko Group has the ability to make all countries in Indochina implement such outrageous policies.

"Excuse me, the Siamese authorities asked you to come over to donate blood for free, and you just came over like this, and everyone is so active? Or is there any punishment for not doing it?"

Lin Lingling was puzzled by this. When did Siamese citizens have such a high level of consciousness?

Things like blood donation are promoted every year, but those who actually participate in donating love only account for a small proportion of the population. Even hospitals sometimes fall into blood shortages and lack blood stocks.

Lin Lingling doesn't believe it when people say how active they are in donating blood and showing love.

"This is not the kind of voluntary blood donation in the past. This time we are rewarded for voluntary blood donation.

Participating in voluntary blood donation can reduce taxes, or you can choose to exchange for monetary rewards. Now the state provides a subsidy of one dollar for one milliliter of blood. According to the current blood price, a single donation of 400 milliliters of blood is $400. "

"What, you can get tax deductions and money by donating blood?"

Lin Lingling was stunned when she heard that there was such an operation inside.

“Not only that, you can accumulate points by donating blood. The more points you have, you can enjoy convenience and preferential treatment in many things, such as children’s schooling, public examinations, loans, buying houses and cars, discounted fares for flights and trains, etc.

I came to donate blood not just for money, but to get a job at Jieco Group. I heard that donating blood would be helpful in getting a job at Jieco Group, and I could be given priority in admission. "

The boy laughed innocently and scratched his head in embarrassment.

The job benefits at Jieke Group are very generous. Compared with those of technology giants, the salary is higher. Various benefits are provided, and the work is easy, with four days of work and three days off. It is more attractive to young people than taking the public examination.

In other words, for the people of Indochina, the existence of the Jieko Group is more authoritative than the country itself.

Lin Lingling was shocked. She didn't expect blood donation to be tied to so many things. She had only heard that buying a house in a school district was tied to children's educational resources. The Jieke Group was even more ruthless. Donating blood was tied to so many things. This was going to happen. What does it mean to play the role of universal blood donation!

In order to verify her conjecture, Lin Lingling successively asked other people who donated blood to investigate and inquire.

"I applied for the position in Jieke Group. Everyone comes to donate blood. If I don't come, if I am eliminated because I don't donate blood, then I will be in trouble."

"I recently planned to take out a loan to start a business. If I donate blood, the interest on the loan will be reduced a lot, so I'm here."

"My child wants to apply for a good school, but the score is still a little low. Parents can get extra points by donating blood. I can't let my child lose at the starting line. Of course I will donate this blood."

"In order to reduce taxes, I have to pay so much money for nothing every year. It hurts me to death. It's not easy to reduce taxes. I just have to donate blood. It's a great deal."

"Nothing else. I recently got a girlfriend. The expenses are too high. I just can earn a few hundred dollars by selling blood. This is equivalent to my monthly salary. Why don't I come."

Everyone came to donate blood for their own reasons, but Lin Lingling found that most people came to donate blood for the cash given by Jieke Group.

This is the simplest and most direct inducement. The average salary per capita in Siam is just over 2,000 Chinese dollars. Donating blood once is equivalent to earning a month’s salary in vain. Most people will come. Anyway, they only donate 400 ml of blood. This amount of blood will not harm the body. .

When Lin Lingling came to the blood donation truck, she saw with her own eyes that the staff would personally give out the equivalent of 400 US dollars in cash to the people who had donated blood, and also give the blood donors a bunch of grain, oil, rice, noodles, nutritional supplements, and raffle tickets for free. With one card, you can draw various gifts, ranging from various cheap handicrafts to various electrical appliances, mobile phones and computers. The top prize is a car.

Every time they win a lottery, there will be a lot of noise. Even if they don't win the big prize, the blood donors will leave with a smile and carry a lot of food, oil, supplements and cash, and they will be in better spirits than before donating blood.

So when Lin Lingling left the square, she saw that the number of people queuing up had increased several times, and the scene of people rushing to donate blood could still be seen here.

Lin Lingling had to lament that the inducements offered by the Jieke Group were really effective, making everyone not repelled from donating blood. Instead, they were as enthusiastic about donating blood as if they were picking up money. You fight for it.

After meeting with the instructor Xu Changming, everyone shared the research results.

After listening to the reports of all the graduate students, Xu Changming said in surprise: "I wonder if the Jieke Group is researching some medical products or something related to genes. Once the entire Indochina Peninsula adopts this method to conduct voluntary blood donations, The amount of blood gathered is huge, and the investment is also huge.

There are 250 million people in Indochina. Excluding minors and the elderly, weak, sick and disabled who do not participate in blood donation, the number of people who can donate blood is more than 15000. One person donates blood at least twice a year, and the cost is 800 US dollars, not to mention There must be people who donate more than twice. If you include the salaries of medical staff, the cost of medical equipment and preserved blood, as well as various preferential terms such as tax breaks, loans, and buying cars and houses, the additional costs will be extremely exaggerated. It will cost you one year. It will cost at least 150 billion U.S. dollars, which is still less. "

"One hundred and fifty billion dollars of investment per year."

Lin Lingling and others, who had no accurate knowledge at first, took a deep breath when they heard this number.

How exaggerated is this figure? It is equivalent to the combined annual R\u0026D investment of the world's top ten technology giants, and is comparable to China's total annual military expenditure.

"Oh my god, the Jieke Group is so rich that I dare to invest like this."

"If we don't say that Jieke Group is inhumane, they really make money by selling drugs. Didn't Forbes magazine make statistics? Tianyuan Slimming Pill, Tianyuan Myopia Pill, and Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. These three products give Jieke Group a year's profit. With a fortune of US$400-500 billion, if we compare the net profits of global technology giants like Apple, it would take five or six Apple companies combined to be worth a company like Jieke Group.”

"Su Jie is from China. His ability to start from scratch is incredible."

Suddenly, several graduate students were shocked by this huge asset. They were all top sociology students and knew exactly how huge such an expense was.

"Jieke Group has money. The money they spend on selling blood will be distributed to the people. The money will circulate in society, increase private wealth, and increase social happiness. This will also invisibly increase the public support of Jieke Group in Indochina. This courage is beyond imagination."

Xu Changming said, with great interest in his heart, and said to Lin Lingling and other graduate students: "This time, our research topic for Jieke Group will be this blood donation activity. Let's see what impact such a large blood donation plan will have on the entire Indochina Peninsula."


As the training of medical staff for blood collection was prepared, blood donation vehicles drove onto the streets, and blood donation stations opened their doors to promote the blood donation policy. This activity was like a wave, sweeping across the entire Indochina Peninsula.

Tax cuts and cash rewards are like two axes that split people's defenses and no longer resist blood donation.

Various preferential terms brought by blood donation are related to schooling, civil service examinations, housing, cars, loans and other food, clothing, housing and transportation, which fully guarantee the enthusiasm of blood donors. When everyone donates blood, an internal competition is generated invisibly, and those who do not donate blood become a minority.

Especially in those poor areas, this blood donation activity has reached its climax. Every day, there are so many people queuing up to donate blood that they want to overturn the blood donation vehicle.

In the backward and poor areas of the Indochina Peninsula, the average salary here is even more than 100 US dollars per month, and the poor population accounts for a large proportion.

Nowadays, donating blood once is equivalent to their three-month salary. You can imagine how crazy it is.

They are afraid of poverty, and they don’t care whether donating blood will damage their bodies. They wish to sell thousands of milliliters at a time, for fear that such a good job will disappear.

Through blood donation, they also indirectly obtained the benefits and welfare of the Jieke Group, and they are more deeply bound to the Jieke Group.

Blood donations continued, and blood donation vehicles that had completed blood collection would take the blood back to the blood bank for storage, and then transport it to Mande City in Zen. For a while, there was an endless stream of refrigerated blood storage vehicles.

In the outside world, the large-scale blood collection of the Jeko Group naturally caused a lot of criticism.

"Breaking news, after ruling the hegemony of the Indochina Peninsula, the Jeko Group finally showed its evil fangs, madly enslaving and oppressing the people of the Indochina Peninsula, forcing the people to donate blood, and a vampire country is rising in the Indochina Peninsula. 》

"The Jeko Group is secretly injecting experimental genetic viruses into the people through blood donations, and treating hundreds of millions of people as guinea pigs for research on genetic weapons. 》

"Beware of the genetic experiments of the Jeko Group, which will endanger the safety of the whole world. The Jeko Group must immediately make detailed explanations on this matter. 》

One after another, European and American media have demonized the blood policy of the Jeko Group, filmed blood donation videos with a hell filter, and linked them to genetic experiments. They will not miss any opportunity to throw dirty water on the Jeko Group.

Fortunately, the Jeko Group has gotten used to it and does not expect those Western media mouthpieces to say good things. It still goes its own way. The huge amount of blood brought by blood donations is constantly gathering in the Zen Kingdom Mande City.

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