Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 492 Public Opinion and Doubt (Thanks to Boss Nuan Yang for the Silver Alliance Reward)

《Late-night blockbuster news! Just now, the JECO Group announced that it will enter the space field and will conduct the first flight of the Kunpeng rocket on October 15 this month.》

《A 185-meter-high rocket, a small body carrying a big rocket, such an arrogant leap forward, the JECO Group's space dream is destined to end in tragedy.》

《The most powerful rocket in human history? It's just a clown who overestimates his own capabilities.》

On October 5, late at night, many netizens who were surfing the Internet were attracted by a blockbuster news.

Because the JECO Group officially released a video, in which a super-giant rocket stood like a peak.

The Kunpeng rocket, in this way, stepped onto the international space stage without any preparation from the outside world, attracting many media to report and pursue hot spots.

Such a huge rocket is really eye-catching.

Rockets represent the most cutting-edge technology for human exploration of the vast space, and are also human pursuit of the stars and the sea. They are truly toys of great powers.

Not to mention small and poor countries, even great powers have to be slow in building rockets.

The space race that the Red Bear Empire once conducted during the Cold War consumed huge economic resources and national strength, and eventually led to the collapse and disintegration of the Red Bear Empire, which was not unrelated to the fierce space race.

The Jeko Group suddenly said that it was going to go to space and launch a rocket, and it was the largest rocket in human history. The heat can be imagined.

Even in the middle of the night, people on major social media platforms around the world, such as Twitter, Douyin, Bihu, and Facebook, left comments and discussed it enthusiastically.

‘Fat, this is not fake news, when did the Jeko Group have space business? Their mecha is powerful, but it does not mean that they are good at making rockets! ’

‘A rocket with a height of 185 meters and a take-off weight of tens of thousands of tons, is the Jeko Group crazy? Such a large rocket is too exaggerated. The largest destroyer now is only 10,000 tons. This rocket is equivalent to boosting a 10,000-ton destroyer into space. It is simply too awesome. ’

‘Don’t get excited, the bigger the rocket, the better. The resources are piled up randomly, and what is created is nothing more than a big firework. I swear in the name of God, this rocket will definitely explode and disintegrate in mid-air. I said it. ’

‘Jike Group, a force that has no rocket foundation at all, wants to make a big news and come up with such a face-saving project. I admit that no matter whether this rocket is successful or not, even if it disintegrates in the air, in terms of attracting news traffic, the Jieke Group has succeeded. ’

‘I am a Chinese, and I have always admired the Jieke Group and Su Jie. However, although the Jieke Group has created many miracles, I am not optimistic about them this time. Blindly launching such a national heavy weapon instead of actually developing it step by step is too exaggerated and empty. I am afraid that the Jieke Group will fall this time. ’

‘Jike Group is strong in the field of biological genes. In the field of rockets and space, they are just babies. They can't even crawl, but they want to fly. It's really ridiculous. '

'Rockets are not about size. So what if the Kunpeng rocket is bigger than the Saturn V? Our country's Saturn V has been launched 13 times with a success rate of 100%, including 7 manned lunar missions. The Kunpeng rocket exploded as soon as it flew, with a success rate of 0%. What can you compare with us? '

Almost all the people who saw the Kunpeng rocket were not optimistic about the first flight of this rocket, and all kinds of ridicule and sarcasm were heard.

In the eyes of the world, the Jeko Group has nothing to do with rockets.

Moreover, it wants to create history right from the start, build the largest rocket in the world, and make such a big noise, which will definitely make people think that it is swell-faced and fat.

Rocket launch failure is not terrible, it is a common thing, but the Jeko Group has promoted it so loudly, inviting major news media to come to live broadcast, and making a gimmick of the strongest rocket in human history. Once it fails, it will be criticized and slandered. The scene can be imagined.

Not only outsiders, but even many people in the Jeko Group are worried about this, worried that the rocket launch will fail and make a big joke internationally.

In the following days, news about the Kunpeng rocket of the Jeco Group continued to ferment.

Globally, news about the Kunpeng rocket was heated up, not only by the spectators, but also by experts and even officials from various countries.

The United States: If such a large rocket explodes and disintegrates in space, how much space debris will be generated? The move of the Jeco Group poses a threat to the global satellite system and endangers the space development of all mankind.

The Sakura Country: Compared with it exploding in space, I am more worried that this rocket will lose control and crash into the blue planet. If it falls on the territory of another country, tens of thousands of tons of things will fall down. How serious will the consequences be? It will inevitably threaten the security of countries around the world. The Jeco Group will only hurt others and itself in the end.

South Korea: The Jeco Group often boasts of its strength. It is worthy of being a big country. It is rich and arrogant. The scale of fireworks is different from ours. It uses more than one billion US dollars to set off fireworks in the name of space development. Let's enjoy the most expensive fireworks in history on the 15th.

Britain: Residents near the launch site should move quickly, otherwise you will be like living in a war zone.

Ah San: Don’t you know that the development level of aerospace science of the Jeko Group is far behind that of our country? If they want to catch up with us, the Jeko Group should practice for a few more decades.

Jia Ma Da: As far as space rockets are concerned, no matter which country does it, the whole world will cheer for it, but the rocket of the Jeko Group is destined to be just a grand fireworks show, haha.

Beautiful country!

At the CIA headquarters, Director Judith looked through the information in his hand, information about the Kunpeng rocket.

Several of the photos were taken from the Chiyang Rocket Launch Site via satellite. The tall Kunpeng rocket looks spectacular.

Raising his head, Judien looked at the blond middle-aged man sitting in front of him.

The other party is the director of NASA, Burton Badge.

The so-called NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the most authoritative aerospace research institution in the world.

The famous Apollo moon landing, Saturn V rocket, International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope, Voyager probe, etc. were all completed under the control and leadership of NASA, and have achieved extremely brilliant achievements.

"Burton, tell me your reason for coming. I don't think you just came here to drink coffee with me."

Judith put down the information in her hand and asked Burton about his purpose.

The CIA, the intelligence agency of this beautiful country, rarely interacts with NASA, and there is almost no interaction on weekdays.

"Director Judith, after reading the information about Kunpeng rocket, what do you think?"

Burton smiled and pointed to one of the photos, which was a panoramic view of the Kunpeng rocket. The engineer standing under the rocket was as small as an ant, which was very shocking.

"The sudden construction of rockets by Jieko Group may not necessarily have no possibility of success, although from a practical perspective, this is very unreasonable."

Judith said calmly, the opinions expressed were different from those of most people.

As an old rival of Jieco Group, Judith witnessed with his own eyes how Jieco Group developed step by step.

In the beginning, the Jieke Group was just a small local warlord entrenched in the Zen Kingdom. In just a few years, it has developed into the overlord of the Indochina Peninsula and created too many miracles.

Many of the things that Jieke Group did seem outrageous even now, but in the end Jieke Group succeeded.

Hearing this answer, Burton was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Judith to say this.

Then Burton shook his head and said with a dumb smile: "My opinion is different from yours. If rockets were so easy to build, there would not be only a few countries in the world that could independently design and build rockets. This so-called Kunpeng rocket is just It’s just a random product from the Jieko Group, and I doubt it can fly.”

Regarding Judith's whimsical statement, Burton secretly laughed at Judith, a layman.

The other party has no idea how difficult it is to manufacture rockets. The baseless team of Jieco Group wants to build the most powerful rocket for mankind, which is even more outrageous than NASN's plan to immigrate to Mars and build a city tomorrow.

"So you came to me just to complain to me? Forgive me that I don't have that much free time."

Judith waved her hand and was about to drive people away.


When Burton saw that he had made Judith angry, he quickly laughed in apology.

"Director Judien, we are all working for the beautiful country after all. I really have something important to do with you this time."


Judith sat back on the chair and stared at him coldly, her sharp eagle eyes making Burton somewhat uncomfortable.

As Judith's background as an agent, Burton felt very insecure in front of him, always feeling like a prisoner being scrutinized.

"That's right. We need a favor from you, Director Judien, to work with our NASA to issue a detailed Kunpeng rocket report to prove the threat and competition of the Jieko Group in the space field, and to remind the Black Palace authorities that we must face up to this opponent."

Burton coughed twice, suddenly changed his tone, and spoke righteously.

Judith glanced at the other party and said, "Didn't you just say that Jieco Group's rockets were just fiction, and now you changed your mind to say Jieco Group's space threat theory?"

"Otherwise, how can those big men in Congress give us money? Director Judith, we at NASA are having a hard time now! We can't even pay our employees' salaries. If we don't get some funding from above, everyone will They’re all going to break up.”

Burton sighed and complained constantly.

During the Cold War with the red bear in the last century, it was the golden age of the development of NASA in the beautiful country.

In order to compete with the red furry bear for space supremacy, the two countries competed to send astronauts into space. As the red furry bear disintegrated, the beautiful country became the final winner!

But as the saying goes, what goes up must come down.

Without the red fur bear as a competitor, the beautiful country has made fewer and fewer achievements in the aerospace field, and its space technology has even begun to regress. The aerospace program budget has been cut again and again, and many layoffs or projects have been cut.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. I am used to living a life of lavish spending, and now NASA's funding allocation makes Burton and all aerospace employees very dissatisfied.

Now news suddenly appeared that Jieke Group was manufacturing Kunpeng rockets, and Burton immediately smelled the opportunity and the smell of money.

It doesn’t matter whether the rockets built by Jieco Group are bullshit. What’s important is that he wants to convince the men in Congress that Jieco Group will compete with beautiful countries in the space field.

With a formidable opponent, the Congressmen will not be stingy in allocating funds, and everyone can live a good life.

"Haha! You still lack the budget. Even now, compared with the official aerospace departments of other countries, you also allocate the most space funds every year."

Judith sneered twice. This is also a consistent trick of various departments in the beautiful country. The first thing they say when they go to Congress is the lack of budget.

NASA has not made much progress in aerospace technology in recent years. NASA's explanation to the public is that it lacks budget and money. In fact, NASA's budget is still the highest in the world, nearly 30 billion US dollars.

NASA gets so much money but cries poor every day. The main reason is that the money is not spent on steel blades, but NASA's people take a lot of money.

"NASA is a big company, and no matter how much money we have, it will not be easy to spend! In order to maintain the space hegemony of our United States, our NASA has made great sacrifices. Director Judith has some misunderstandings about us!"

Burton shook his head, pointed at himself, then pointed at Judith, and said: "Director Judith, we actually have the same goal. Don't you think that the Kunpeng rocket of the Jeko Group may succeed? Then you should report it to the Black House Congress with us. After all, if the launch vehicle is slightly modified, it will be an intercontinental missile! Given the hostility of the Jeko Group to our United States, if they have an intercontinental missile, how can the gentlemen of Congress sleep peacefully!"

Hearing Burton's words, Judith's eyes condensed and he pondered.

A missile has two main parts, a warhead and a carrier.

When rockets were first developed, many rockets were launched by improving missiles.

The launch vehicle and ballistic missiles have the same goal. The launch vehicle is at an extremely fast speed to make it escape the gravity of the earth and finally enter the space orbit.

Ballistic missiles also need to give the payload a faster speed so that it can reach the destination before the gravitational potential energy and fuel are exhausted.

Since the technology and demand are almost the same, and the characteristics are highly similar, as long as the carrier rocket replaces the warehouse where the satellite was originally stored with the warhead, a ballistic missile will basically come out.

This warhead can be filled with explosives, nuclear weapons, or chemical weapons. If it is replaced with a satellite, it is a carrier rocket.

Of course, there are still some differences between the two. After all, ballistic missiles will eventually return to the atmosphere from space, which requires very high materials and precision.

But in general, the technical gap between the two is just a blank sheet of paper.

If you are proficient in carrier rocket technology, it is not difficult to manufacture ballistic missiles.

Judith also understood Burton's meaning at this time. He wanted to tie up the CIA and expand the threat theory of the Jeko Group so as to get more funds from Congress.

"I agree to this matter."

Judith relaxed his frown, thought for a few minutes, and made a choice.

Let the United States pay more attention to the Jeko Group, and the power of their CIA will be greater. It has always been Judith's idea to publicize the threat theory of the Jeko Group.

In Judith's view, the current Jeko Group is already difficult enough. If the other party has ballistic missiles and can directly hit the United States, the threat level of the Jeko Group will be greatly increased.

"Happy cooperation."

Burton immediately smiled, and he knew that Judith would not refuse such a good thing.

"Tomorrow we will meet the president together, talk to him first, and then give a speech in Congress."

Burton has already thought of a plan. When the gentlemen in Congress heard that the Jeko Group could build ballistic missiles that threaten the mainland, they would definitely give money without hesitation.

The two studied it and decided to cooperate with each other tomorrow.

After getting satisfactory results, Burton also said goodbye at the right time.

But before leaving, Burton couldn't help but say to Judith: "Director Judith, as an aerospace practitioner, I can tell you for sure that the Kunpeng rocket built by the Jeko Group will not succeed. The aerospace industry is not gambling. There is no possibility of getting rich overnight and creating myths. Without a solid foundation, building rockets will only make people laugh."

Watching Burton turn around and disappear in the office, Judith twitched his mouth and muttered to himself: "Is this mocking me as an outsider! But I also hope that this is the case, otherwise the Jeko Group has built a carrier rocket and then developed a ballistic missile, which will be a big trouble."

Thinking of the powerful biological gene technology of the Jeko Group, if the other party develops some large-scale destructive gene viruses and biological weapons, and installs the warhead of a ballistic missile, it will be a nightmare.

Judith shuddered at the thought of that result. He didn't want a biochemical crisis to happen in the United States.

The whole world is talking about the Kunpeng rocket of the Jeko Group, and the Jeko Group itself is still making preparations for the first flight in an orderly manner.

At the Chiyang rocket launch site, trucks and engineers came in and out, and the security level was taken to a higher level.

The Kunpeng rocket was erected high on the launch base. Engineers carefully checked every place, tested the instruments and equipment separately, checked the performance and accurately measured their parameters, and finally conducted a general inspection of all systems on the rocket, simulating various flight conditions, verifying the technical performance and reliability of the entire system of the launch vehicle, and eliminating safety hazards as much as possible.

Outside, monitoring stations in various places were also conducting joint tests, ground service support departments were working overtime, and meteorological support departments used meteorological measurement radars to monitor weather data in real time.

Time passed, and when it came to two days before the launch, outside the Chiyang rocket launch site, a large number of tourists had already driven to the wasteland to set up tents.

Because the launch of the Jeko Group was not only open to the media, but also open to the audience for free.

Although everyone still has doubts about whether the Kunpeng rocket can take off, the Kunpeng rocket is the strongest rocket in human history after all. Everyone wants to feast their eyes and see how spectacular the launch of this rocket weighing tens of thousands of tons is. Even if it explodes and disintegrates in mid-air, it is worth the trip!

Finally, when the time came to October 15, the sky was clear.

One after another, media vehicles drove into the rocket launch site, set up long guns and short guns, and live-broadcasted the first flight of the so-called strongest rocket in human history.

The visiting area was crowded with tourists, holding telescopes and mobile phones, and the atmosphere was lively.

And the 185-meter-high Kunpeng rocket was also undergoing the final inspection and debugging. Engineers began to add propellant to the rocket to complete the final preparations before takeoff.

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