Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 506 Second Generation Biological Colonization Suit

"Save me, save me!"

"Monsters, they are all monsters, we need support, fuck, where is the support, we can't hold on any longer."

"The second squad is gone, the third squad is gone, our bullets are useless, we can't kill them at all, save us quickly, I want to go home."

Outside the dormitory building, listening to the various chaotic voices coming from the intercom, the major officer sitting in the command vehicle was sweating profusely, and his back was already wet with sweat.

He seriously underestimated the strength of the group of genetic warriors. The other party obviously did not have biological colonization equipment on their bodies, but they could still maintain such a strong combat effectiveness. Hearing the call for help on the intercom, he knew that the matter was urgent.

"Order the third platoon, the seventh platoon and the first special operations platoon to quickly enter the building, bring heavy weapons, and suppress the riot of those genetic warriors."

"Contact the command center in the rear for me, I want to report the situation here and apply for armed helicopter support."

"Let everyone in the building evacuate, our reinforcements will meet them."

Several orders were issued urgently, but it was a pity that the major of the National Guard had a good idea, but it could not be carried out at the execution level.

The third platoon, the seventh platoon and the first special operations platoon, who received the order, showed serious resistance when they heard that they were asked to enter the building.

"Fuck, who gave the shit order to let us go in and die?"

"Who dares to force me to go in, I will shove the barrel of the gun in my hand into his ass."

"Shit superior, he made his own mistakes in decision-making, and he wants us to clean up his ass. Do you think we have no brains?"

The noises came one after another, and they refused to accept the task of entering the building for support.

In the final analysis, their National Guard is just a militia, not a professional soldier.

In addition to the fixed annual training, they all have other jobs. Some are chefs, some are waiters, and some are cowboys. Their nature determines that they cannot be like professional soldiers, who take obeying orders as their first duty, not to mention an order that is almost certain to die.

Looking at the past and present, there are not many armies that dare to execute the mission bravely and fearlessly even though they know that they will die, and even fight to the last soldier and never surrender.

That kind of iron will, at least, cannot appear in their National Guard.

Not to mention the National Guard, even professional soldiers from the United States are unlikely to show up.

"What are you doing? Do you want to go to a military court?"

The major officer stuck his head out of the command vehicle and was very angry that the soldiers below refused to execute the order.

"Going to a military court is better than losing your life."

"That's right, why don't you go? If you have the ability to lead the way into the building, I'll follow you if you dare. Do you have the guts?"

"It's nice to say, but it's not you who died, so of course you don't care."

Those soldiers also shouted and cursed without hesitation, and they were unwilling to carry out the mission of sending themselves to death.

The major officer's face was ashen with anger, and his eyes looked at other troops, but wherever he saw, the soldiers there lowered their heads, with the same reluctant expression.

There was still a stalemate here, and time passed in this kind of waste.

The killing in the dormitory building did not last long. The full-strength attack of 20 gene warriors was too efficient.

In just less than five minutes, the screams and pleas for mercy in the building were completely calmed down.

In a few minutes, the soldiers outside the dormitory building had no time to respond.

The command center in the rear had not yet come to a conclusion, and the battle in the dormitory building had already ended.

The entire building became quiet, and only the faint smell of blood in the air reminded the National Guard soldiers present that what a terrible thing was happening in the building.

From beginning to end, the National Guard soldiers who entered the building did not succeed in running out until the dormitory building became quiet and dead. Their fate can be imagined.

The nearby National Guard soldiers became even more uneasy. At this time, the dormitory building, in the eyes of everyone, was like a demon's nest that eats people without spitting out bones.

"Yes, yes. OK, I understand."

At this time, the major officer finally received a call from the rear command center. After an emergency discussion, the commander and the staff of the 40th Mechanized Infantry Division decided to dispatch armed helicopters and tanks to bomb the dormitory building.

Originally, they were reluctant to do this. Openly using heavy firepower such as tanks and armed helicopters in the city would have a great impact. This has only happened a few times in the history of the United States, not to mention that there are still some athletes in the building who have not escaped.

But now the powerful combat power of the gene warriors forced them to resort to this last resort, otherwise they would not be able to deal with the gene warriors.

After ending the call with the rear, the major was obviously relieved and smiled again.

No matter how strong the gene warriors are, they are still flesh and blood. As long as the heavy firepower from the rear comes, the whole building will be bombed and disintegrated, and the enemy will have no way out.

"Let you hide and wait"

The major officer was about to let the encircled troops retreat and wait for the tanks and helicopters to come on the field, but at this time, the sound of broken glass sounded on the dormitory building.

20 agile figures jumped out of the window, some of them landed directly on their feet and jumped from ten meters in the air.

Some stepped on the air conditioner and pipes outside the wall, and a few leaps came to the ground.

There are at least a thousand National Guard troops surrounding the dormitory building. They have already set up sniper rifles and heavy machine guns, and Hummers, wheeled armored vehicles, etc. have driven in, and the machine guns and cannons on them are also ready.

"Those monsters are coming out!"

Someone shouted, and the National Guardsmen on the scene shuddered, holding their weapons and pulling the triggers frantically at the incoming enemies.

The heavy machine guns and cannons also turned their muzzles, and with dull bangs, 12.7mm, 20mm, and 30mm cannons came quickly.


The one who jumped out of the dormitory building window was none other than the genetic warriors who had just slaughtered the dormitory building.

They did not choose to stay in the building and wait for death, but took the initiative to attack.

Miao Lun, the battalion commander, was carrying a backpack, and the backpack was in the process of jumping out of the window. A sealed vacuum box in the backpack was opened.

When the box came into contact with the air, streams of mercury-like liquid kept coming out of it, and like the foam of washing clothes, it kept surging and expanding, covering Miao Lun's head, neck, chest, arms, and legs.

These liquids are the second-generation biological colonization suits newly developed by their Iron Battalion.

This second-generation biological colonization suit is officially called the life-machine biological colonization suit within the Jeco Group.

Strictly speaking, it should not be a mecha, because it has life, a special liquid life.

In just a few seconds, Miao Lun was already covered in liquid, and the mercury-like liquid began to turn into a semi-solidified state.

At this time, Miao Lun's image changed drastically. After wearing the life-machine colonization suit, his height was about two meters and five meters, and his whole body was silver-white, like a silver sculpture.

The appearance looks like a future warrior, and a bit like the ancient Chinese full-armor general helmet. The silver armor covers the body, reflecting the sunlight, revealing a calm and powerful sense of power. Even in silence, it has the momentum to shock the four directions.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets shot over and were directly bounced off by this second-generation life-machine colonization suit, leaving no trace.

Miao Lun rushed forward quickly, and the life-machine suits on his feet flowed from semi-solid to form a blade-like tip, accompanied by the power given by the life-machine suits. When Miao Lun ran at full speed, he looked like he was sliding on an ice rink on the concrete ground, with super fast speed and extremely elegant posture.

After a few slides, Miao Lun had already rushed into the crowd.

At his hands, the life-machine suits covering Miao Lun's arms flowed, and the silver-white liquid substance formed two sharp swords that grew together with Miao Lun's hands.


With a circular horizontal slash, several National Guard soldiers around Miao Lun were directly cut into two pieces, including their guns. The sharpness of the long sword transformed by the life-machine suits was beyond imagination.

Until Miao Lun passed by, several National Guard soldiers stared blankly at the rifles in their hands that were broken into two pieces, as if the pause button just pressed was restarted, and the upper and lower bodies slid apart and broke into two pieces.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Screams resounded. They did not die immediately after being beheaded. Instead, they instinctively crawled on the ground with their hands in severe pain, dragging their upper bodies and leaving a horrible bloodstain on the ground. The National Guard soldiers who saw this scene all felt numb.

Miao Lun did not slow down, and rushed into the crowd at a high speed, slashing horizontally and vertically with his two-handed sword.

The sword can even cut steel, so how fragile is the human body in front of it, just like a knife cutting butter.

The sword cut down, and the human flesh and bones were as thin as paper.

A soldier just raised his gun, and before he could pull the trigger, the sword cut down silently.

His arm fell down with a sound, and fell to the ground with a snap.

Before he could cry out in pain, the sword cut across his neck, and his head fell to the ground and rolled.

The blood spurted out of the broken neck of the headless corpse more than a meter high, shook a few times, and the corpse fell to the ground with a bang.

A soldier turned around and was about to run. He was already scared by Miao Lun and just wanted to escape the killing hell created by the monster in front of him.

But his speed was not enough for Miao Lun. Miao Lun jumped and appeared behind him, slashing with his long sword.

The next second, the soldier's body began to separate straightly from the top of his head, extending all the way to his crotch, and finally split into two halves, split in half by a sword, and his internal organs, which were still emitting hot steam, flowed all over the ground.

"You bastard, I will fight you."

A soldier saw Miao Lun coming, saw that the bullets were useless, and saw his best friend being killed. His eyes were red, and he grabbed the grenade with both hands and pulled the spring to rush forward, hugging Miao Lun's body from behind and wanted to die together.

When his companions were slaughtered, there would always be someone who would be aroused.

This man wanted to drag Miao Lun to hell with him, but unfortunately he underestimated Miao Lun's strength.

With such a simple method, Miao Lun didn't even look at him. He walked with the sword and killed the enemy in front of him.

The soldier who was holding Miao Lun's body suddenly felt a pain in his heart. A silver spike several tens of centimeters long pierced his heart, went out from his back, and pushed him out.

Ho ho!

With his mouth wide open, the soldier fell to the ground and could only watch Miao Lun walk away. The silver armor behind him slowly melted and shrank back.

Before he could regret it, the grenade that rolled beside him exploded, blowing him away and drowning all his consciousness, becoming another insignificant victim in this conflict.

As the battle unfolded, Miao Lun's hands not only turned into swords, but also changed every part of his body.

Above the waist, his body grew thicker silver armor, his head became a unique biological scanning information integration, his feet grew fine hair, and all the sensor vibration information on the surrounding ground would be known to him.

For example, an armored vehicle started not far away, and the muzzle turned around.

For example, someone behind him was aiming at him with a single-soldier anti-tank missile.

For example, a sniper was lying on the commanding heights, trying to lock his figure with an anti-material sniper rifle.

The machine life suit gave Miao Lun powerful combat power and made him more efficient in capturing and collecting information. Modern warfare is an information war, and capturing information on the battlefield is crucial.

During the battle, Miao Lun suddenly braked on the spot, and a series of machine guns passed in front of him, mixed with tracer bullets, making the traces of the shells very obvious. It was fired from a vehicle-mounted machine gun on an armored vehicle.

This was not because Miao Lun was faster than the bullet, but because he caught the trajectory of the machine gun on the armored vehicle in advance and made an evasive prediction in advance.

The machine gun didn't hit Miao Lun, but hit several of his own people, turning them into tattered corpses.

However, the battle scene was too complicated, and Miao Lun did not successfully avoid all threatening attacks.

Just after Miao Lun dodged a rocket, the machine gun bullets swept over like a whip.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were also National Guard soldiers near Miao Lun, who were directly blown to pieces by the machine guns. Unfortunately, the armored vehicle crew who were furious at the scene no longer cared about whether they would be accidentally injured. They were eager to kill Miao Lun, this monster.

The power of the machine gun is not comparable to that of ordinary rifle bullets. Machine guns of this caliber can even penetrate the top cover of a tank, and ordinary armored vehicles cannot withstand the strafing of this machine gun.

These huge machine guns fell on the machine life suit worn by Miao Lun, and the silver armor on it was dented, as if it had been hit into latex. The bullets sank, but did not really penetrate. Instead, after layers of unloading, the bullets were finally discharged.

A few machine gun bullets made Miao Lun stagger, and his chest hurt. The impact that was not completely discharged affected his body.

At the same time, Miao Lun could also feel that the state of the machine life colonization suit was a little sluggish, and its luster was a little dimmer than the color of Cheng Liang at the beginning.

This was the limitation of the machine life colonization suit itself. Although it relied on defense to defend against machine guns, if it was hit multiple times and exceeded the upper limit of the machine life colonization suit, the machine life colonization suit would be completely destroyed and killed, and lose the effect of defense coverage.

However, Miao Lun would not let this opportunity appear. He had sharp eyes and found the armored vehicle that dared to fight back at the first time. He kept running in a zigzag route, avoiding the machine guns that were shooting, and rushed over at a high speed.

While running, Miao Lun picked up a rocket launcher from the ground and transferred the rocket into the gun barrel.


The two sides were seven or eight hundred meters apart. Seeing Miao Lun rushing up aggressively, the driver of the armored vehicle hurriedly turned to the back, but Miao Lun's running speed was far faster than the armored vehicle, and his flexibility was incomparable.

Running at full speed, Miao Lun quickly approached the optimal shooting distance of the rocket launcher, then decisively aimed the rocket launcher at the armored vehicle and pulled the trigger.


With a loud bang, the metal jet of the rocket launcher ignited the fuel inside the vehicle, causing the armored vehicle to catch fire. Several members of the vehicle ran out with flames all over their bodies, screaming continuously.

Miao Lun knew that time was limited, so he chose to give up close combat and began to pick up various weapons on the ground with a purpose.

Because he stayed in the Olympic Village and did not prepare weapons in advance, only the second-generation machine life suit was brought in, so the enemies who needed weapons had to deliver them to the door.

In a blink of an eye, Miao Lun picked up the heavy machine gun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher, stuffed these weapons into his back, and the mercury expanded in an instant, swallowing these weapons.

Then on the shoulder, the silver-white liquid flowed here, splitting and combining into two mercury arms.

The mercury arms were freely controlled by Miao Lun, just like his own hands. At this time, he grabbed two heavy machine guns and began to shoot in all directions.

When encountering armored units, switch to using rocket launchers, or use sniper rifles to snipe enemies from a distance, while flexibly avoiding various rockets and machine guns with heavy firepower.

Miao Lun himself held a Gatling machine gun in each hand, and the bullets rained continuously.

At this time, Miao Lun simply turned into a humanoid firepower platform, and the bullets rained wildly.

Although it is very comfortable to kill with a close-range sword, chopping people is like playing Fruit Ninja, cutting people in half like a ton of melons and vegetables.

But compared with the killing efficiency of firearms, it is still far inferior.

Firearms only need to move their fingers, and a bullet can take a person's life.

If you use a sword, Miao Lun has to rush up and chop people. With this time, Miao Lun doesn't know how many bullets he can shoot and how many people he can kill.

At this time, the scene of the Olympic Village was about to be killed, because it was not just Miao Lun who committed the massacre at the scene, but also the other 19 genetic warriors wearing machine life colonization suits.

The strong physical fitness and ability of the genetic warriors, combined with the mechanical life suit, have a terrifying killing effect on light infantry and light armor.

Their bullets are basically immune to the mechanical life suit, and only machine guns, anti-tank missiles and rockets are still a threat.

But with the joint efforts of everyone, these high-threat targets were quickly eliminated.

The remaining infantrymen, facing the gene warriors, were like lambs to be slaughtered. How could they hold on? They began to flee this nightmare-like place desperately.

The gene warriors followed and killed them from the Olympic Village to the entrance. Wherever they passed along the way, there were broken bodies and blood flowing and splashing, turning this sports sanctuary not long ago into a bloody place like a slaughterhouse.

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