"Where did the gunfire come from? Have you found the genetic warriors?"

Outside Camp Town, Kulun subconsciously looked around when he heard the gunfire, but he didn't find anything in the night environment, and there was no situation report in the communication.

"You guys go over there and take a look."

Kulin dispatched a reconnaissance convoy and drove a wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicle towards the direction of the gunfire. At the same time, armed helicopters rushed to reconnaissance.

At this time, a number of Spider main battle mechas had entered the streets of Camp Town.

Hao Guyu drove the Spider main battle mecha numbered A-180 alone and entered the main road of Camp Town.

There is a tank company and two infantry companies deployed here. The tank company has 14 M1A2 main battle tanks, 1 M1283 armored transport vehicle, 1 M1078 medium truck, 2 M1280 tactical military vehicles, and 63 people.

The infantry company has 2 M1283 armored transport vehicles, 28 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 2 M1078 medium trucks, 4 M1280 tactical military vehicles, and 366 people.

Together, they are a standard cavalry armored battalion. At this time, they are on guard along the street, and the infantrymen are searching from house to house.

The arrival of the Spider main battle mecha did not attract attention. Although there are armed helicopters in the sky, the camouflage and anti-radar facilities of the Spider main battle mecha make it difficult for the Longbow millimeter-wave radar to capture precise targets.

In this dark night, the Spider main battle mecha came to the side of this cavalry armored battalion very smoothly.

Like a spider dormant in a spider web in the dark, Hao Guyu is very patient.

On the window of the building next to her, a 13- or 14-year-old Mexican loli pushed open a crack in the window and looked out curiously. Then she saw a huge shadow outline. With the help of the faint moonlight, it was a huge steel object with eight long metal legs, which was 12 meters high and taller than her house.

The Mexican loli quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. Her eyes were shining as she stared at the Spider Main Battle Mech. She often surfed the Internet and knew that this was the Spider Main Battle Mech equipped by the ace troops of the Jeko Group.

"Come on! Kill those American gangs."

The girl whispered a cheering gesture. The historical hatred between Mexico and America was known to all children.

Hao Guyu raised a long metal leg of the Spider Mech, waved it at the loli, and closed the window of the house.

Because the next battle was not suitable for children, children should not watch it.

At this time, the cavalry armored battalion went deeper step by step and had entered the best attack range of the Spider Main Battle Mech.

Hao Guyu did not hesitate. The spider mech stepped out with eight long legs, like a giant spider leaping from a spider web to hunt, and rushed into the street with great momentum.

Under the stunned gaze of countless people in this armored cavalry battalion, the two 30mm caliber machine guns of the spider main battle mech vibrated violently, and the flames were nearly two meters long. Machine gun shells, which were about the size of beer bottles, drilled out of the barrel at an initial velocity of 1521 meters per second.

The two machine guns were on the left and the right, and the tracer bullet chain was very eye-catching in the night.

The target of the attack was the top cover of two M1A2 main battle tanks. The shells directly penetrated the weak armor on the top of the tanks. The shells repeatedly exploded in the tanks, killing all the crew members inside.

The ammunition rack of one of the M1A2 main battle tanks was detonated, and the upper turret was directly blown away by the shock wave from the internal explosion for more than ten meters, and smashed on the other side of the street. Three National Guard soldiers who did not have time to react were involved and crushed to a bloody mess.


The next moment, Hao Guyu drove the Spider main battle mecha into the middle of the cavalry armored battalion, cutting it into two parts. The eight 12.7mm heavy machine guns and four 20mm caliber machine guns on the Spider main battle mecha fired crazily, and dense rain of bullets swept the streets in all directions.

One by one, the American soldiers were torn apart by machine guns. Some had their heads shot out like rotten watermelons, some were cut off at the waist, and some had broken arms and legs.

As long as the 12.7mm bullet hits, there is no so-called minor injury.

Even if it hits the hands and feet, it can directly break the limbs.

The blood that quickly lost from the artery was difficult to wait for medical assistance on the chaotic battlefield, and most of them died of hemorrhagic shock in despair.

In contrast, those who were directly hit by heavy machine guns above the chest suffered less torture because they died happily. Their eyes turned black, and then they went to report to their God.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull 20mm cannon swept past, and a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle just turned its head, and the 20mm cannon of the Spider main battle mecha was staring at it.

Although the protection of this infantry fighting vehicle is good, the structure of the spaced armor is from the outside to the inside. The first layer is 6.35mm thick steel armor, the second layer is 25.4mm gap, the third layer is 6.35mm thick steel armor, the fourth layer is 88.9mm gap, and the last layer is 25.4mm aluminum armor back plate, with a total thickness of 152.4mm. The armor of the whole vehicle can resist 14.5mm bullets and 155mm artillery shell fragments, as well as homemade explosives on the street.

But facing the 20mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs fired by the Spider mecha, such defense is completely insufficient.

The high-velocity machine gun shot through the multi-layer defense of the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, killing the driver and crew. There were eight infantrymen on the rear of the vehicle, none of whom escaped. They were all shot and killed by the machine guns that penetrated the vehicle. The inside of the vehicle became a coffin with blood and flesh splattered, and everyone died screaming.

Another Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle saw several vehicles being shot and exploded, and it chose to resist bravely, manipulating the vehicle-mounted M242 25mm chain machine gun and firing fiercely at the Spider Main Battle Mech. The tracer bullets drew purple light chains and shot at the Spider Main Battle Mech.

However, what made people despair was that the defense strength of the Spider Main Battle Mech was so strong that these 25mm machine guns shot at it, just like tickling, and they didn't even penetrate the external armor. They were either deflected by the tilt angle or the bullets were directly smashed into a lump of iron and fell to the ground.

It was absolutely a fantasy to want to deal with the Spider Main Battle Mech, which could effectively resist even the tank main gun, with a 25mm main gun.

As a reward for the brave, Hao Guyu's mecha's 203mm main gun flashed, and a shell directly sent it disintegrating, and the crew members couldn't even piece together a complete piece of meat.

There were also M1A2 main battle tanks firing armor-piercing shells to fight back, but unless they hit multiple vital points in succession, the Spider main battle mecha would be difficult to destroy.

As for the 14 M1A2 main battle tanks, Hao Guyu took the lead in targeting them as soon as they met. At this time, seven M1A2 main battle tanks had been destroyed. Tanks, once the king of the land, seemed very vulnerable to the Spider main battle mecha.

But in the complex urban battlefield environment, Hao Guyu couldn't take care of all, especially those infantry targets with relatively small targets. After a group of them were shot, the remaining infantry hid behind buildings and bunkers and used rocket launchers and individual anti-tank missiles to launch sneak attacks.

The urban street fighting environment is actually very suitable for the anti-armor firepower of infantry. The shortened engagement distance, the blind spots and floors of the streets and alleys, and the top-down attacks launched from a high position are also good places for infantry to deal with tanks, and it is easy to sneak attack.

They don’t look as big as tanks, but they have a lot of anti-armor weapons. The United States is rich and powerful, and has equipped its troops with a lot of such anti-armor weapons. At least there are dozens of rockets and anti-tank missiles. If there are too many, it will be very threatening to the Spider main battle mecha.

"Asshole, take my shot!"

A National Guard infantryman carrying a single-soldier anti-tank missile was about to fire at the Spider main battle mecha.

But before he pulled the trigger, his expression suddenly froze, and then his head rolled off his neck.

A silver-white figure flashed by, and two sharp swords flashed coldly. Those National Guard soldiers hiding in buildings and blind spots were killed one by one like cutting melons and vegetables, or they used the heavy machine guns on their shoulders to quickly eliminate those threatening targets.

These are the gene warriors who came to support. They are wearing the second-generation mechanical life suits. With the spider main battle mecha as the core, they continue to strangle the enemy infantry within a range of hundreds of meters.

And those armored vehicles that can threaten the gene warriors are named one by one by the spider main battle mecha.

The two sides cooperated very well. This kind of mecha-infantry coordinated tactics is often jointly exercised and trained by the steel battalion and the mecha brigade.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, the battle became particularly smooth.

The seemingly powerful cavalry armored battalion with dozens of armored vehicles and more than 400 people was defeated just like that.

After the casualties reached a critical point, the morale of these national guards collapsed, and everyone gave up resistance and turned to flee.

But in the urban street fighting environment, although there are restrictions on the spider main battle mecha, there are greater restrictions on tanks and armored vehicles.

They couldn't escape the spider main battle mecha at all. The spider main battle mecha with eight long legs was much more flexible than the track, and it caught up easily. With the top shooting of the 30mm machine gun, these expensive armored vehicles turned into steel coffins.

And those ordinary infantrymen, facing the invulnerable gene warriors wearing machine spiders who could run at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, had no power to resist.

The city is a natural battlefield for infantry, and for gene warriors, it is their own buffet, and they can eat whatever they want.

As long as there is no heavy firepower, no artillery coverage, machine guns sweeping randomly, and high-explosive bombs blasting, they are almost without natural enemies.

Three gene warriors and a spider main battle mecha chased and killed. Wherever they passed, there were screams and wails everywhere, and blood and broken limbs were everywhere on the ground.

At this time, the battle was not only here in Camp Town, but the whole town was full of smoke.

One after another, the Spider main battle mechas began to prey on the armored forces in the dark night, and those steel behemoths were destroyed one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the north side of Camp Town, on the town's tallest five-story building, a Bee-type anti-aircraft mecha dropped shells like rain, and the four 35mm twin-mounted anti-aircraft guns on the top of the mecha continued to spit out huge flames, and the Bee-type short-range anti-aircraft missiles on the legs pierced the sky.

In the other three directions of the town, there were three Bee-type anti-aircraft mechas arranged in the same way. They formed an impenetrable anti-aircraft firepower network over Camp Town. From time to time, Apache armed helicopters could be seen falling to prevent them from interfering with the operations of the Spider main battle mechas.

In the barn warehouse on the south side of the town, the desperate National Guard, chased by the Spider main battle mecha, fled here and was attacked by a Scorpion-type flamethrower mecha.

As the scorpion flamethrower's tail was lifted high, a raging dragon of fire spurted out from the nozzle at the end of the tail.

The flames rolled in and poured directly into the barn. There was a scream that was not like a human voice. It was because the vocal cords were burned.

On the east side of the town, two fly-type rocket mechas were lying on the ground. The 48-barreled multiple rocket launcher nests above the mechas were turning their positions. According to the released eyeworms, they determined the location of most of the enemies outside the town.

When everything was adjusted, a harsh sound rippled, and 220mm rockets were launched into the air under the fire, like a flaming meteor that cut through the night sky, flying towards the outside of the town.

In the entire Camp Town, 12 Spider main battle mechas, 4 Bee-type air defense mechas, 2 Scorpion-type flamethrower mechas, and 2 fly-type rocket mechas, a total of 20 large mechas were rampant. They and 20 genetic warriors wearing machine life colonization suits formed a killing matrix, which was quickly destroying the Seventh Cavalry Regiment.

Outside Camp Town.

"The second battalion encountered the enemy's Spider main battle mecha. Request support, request support, shit, how many times do I have to repeat it? What can we do to defend the place? Come and fight this mecha, I guarantee you will scream for your mother on the spot."

"We are going to make a strategic retreat. Oh my God! Those monsters are coming up. Woohoo, mother, we can't go home."

"We are surrounded. God bless you, zizibo!!!"

In the command vehicle, Kulin's eyes were blank, listening to the urgent telegrams from various troops in Camp Town. Many of them were the last communications sent after dying and despair.

"Trap, this is a trap!!!"

Kulin's lips trembled, and he muttered to himself, a little confused.

This is a trap set by the Jeko Group. The other party must have guessed that they would break into Mexico, so they deployed the Spider main battle mecha here in advance.

This kind of powerful continental mecha vehicle that has been shown in the Indochina Peninsula is extremely restrained against armored forces.

The armored vehicles and tanks of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment can have an advantage against the genetic warriors, but when they encounter the spider main battle mecha, they will be transformed from hunters to prey, and completely become the hunted party, which is also the culprit for the rapid collapse of the situation.

"Division Commander, I just reported our situation to the country. The higher-ups asked us to retreat immediately. We lost this battle. Go back and ask for national power, and then come back to crush them."

The staff officer came over quickly and shook Kulin's shoulders hard to make him come back to his senses.

"Yes, we have to leave, retreat immediately, we can't stay here."

Kulin regained consciousness and issued orders repeatedly.

He didn't want to lose his life here in vain. Even if he was dismissed and imprisoned, it would be better than dying here.

But it was too late to evacuate at this time. The National Guard left outside the town had just started the cars and tanks, and dense whistling sounds came from the sky.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, 220mm rockets fell, and the TNT inside was detonated, with powerful impact and scorching temperature sweeping in all directions.

Trucks and armored vehicles were overturned, with wheels turning toward the sky. Tanks were directly hit and could not escape the fate of being destroyed.

The fragile infantry was more like grass in the wind, with internal organs shattered by the shock wave, or cut into pieces by shrapnel, and body tissues flew dozens of meters away.

Looking around, smoke and dust billowed outside the town of Camp, and the windows of residents on the edge of the town were shattered by the shock wave.

The 220mm rocket weighed 280 kilograms, while the ordinary 155mm howitzer shells were only 50 kilograms, which was enough to show the huge power of this rocket. With a warhead of hundreds of kilograms, a football field was covered with dense shrapnel damage with one shot.

Moreover, this was not a single rocket, but 96 rockets fired by two fly-type rocket mechas. The result can be imagined.

The command vehicle where Kulin was was very unlucky. It was directly hit by a 220mm rocket. The commander of the 40th Mechanized Infantry Division of the National Guard was shattered in the artillery fire. He didn't have to worry about how to explain to the higher-ups after the defeat.

When the shelling ended, the National Guards left outside the town had been destroyed. Then the Spider Main Battle Mecha and Gene Warriors in the town also ended the battle, and targeted the remaining enemies outside the town, wiping out every living force of the enemy they saw.

It took less than 20 minutes to do all this.

Fearing that the United States would retaliate with air strikes, the Gene Warriors did not clean up the battlefield, but chose to sit on the back of the Spider Main Battle Mecha, and the mechas quickly evacuated in the night.

After the battle was quiet, the Mexican people in Camp Town dared to carefully stick their heads out, and then saw that the entire town was full of armored vehicles and tank wreckage, many of which were still burning.

On the ground, the shattered bodies of American soldiers stained the streets and outer walls red, which was a horrible sight.

After the Mexican police and residents spontaneously searched, they only found a few American soldiers who were frightened and crazy in residential areas and hidden places.

When the day dawned, a count was made, and there were less than 15 survivors among the 2,819 National Guards who broke into Mexico.

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