Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 511 The troubled United States

《Infuriating atrocities, the Seventh Cavalry Battalion was ambushed in an elaborate arrangement during the pursuit mission. The sudden appearance of dozens of Spider main battle mechas caused heavy casualties in the Seventh Cavalry Regiment.》

《The Spider main battle mecha attacked again, and the US army suffered a great defeat.》

《The commander of the 40th Mechanized Infantry Division died. This is the highest-ranking officer killed in the United States in decades.》

When the news of the destruction of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment in Camp Town came out, as expected, the whole world was shocked.

The death of 2,800 National Guardsmen is an astonishing number that is enough to shock the United States.

Counting the wars launched by the United States in recent decades, there has never been so many soldiers killed in one battle.

This news was disclosed by the media and also caused widespread discussion around the world.

"The Jake Group is really cruel! They dared to set an ambush on the US army and acted without mercy."

"Those National Guards are stupid, and the commander is even more stupid. He stepped directly into the trap set by others and killed 2,800 soldiers in vain."

"The atrocities committed by the Jake Group are infuriating and resented by the heavens and the people. We must not let them off easily. We want war."

"I think it's what they deserve. You, the United States, ignored the territory of another country and broke into it. This is an extremely serious provocation in any country. It's right to be annihilated."

"They are used to bullying other countries, thinking that others dare not do anything to them. This is the confidence they have to dare to break into the territory of Mexico, but who knows? I think the Jake Group didn't give them any face at all, they just killed them without saying anything, how cruel! "

"The cause of this incident is still the United States. If they hadn't deliberately arrested the gene warriors, there wouldn't have been so many follow-up events. But the gene warriors did not violate any rules when they participated in the Los Angeles Olympics. It was the United States that was unbalanced, and finally caused this tragedy."

"The Jake Group's methods are too extreme. What did those ordinary soldiers do wrong? Why did they kill them?"

"What did the gene warriors do wrong? What did the civilians who died because of the war launched by the United States do wrong?"

The Internet is divided into two factions about this Camp War ambush, and they are arguing with each other endlessly.

In short, the whole world was shocked by this big news this time.

Especially those Western countries, seeing that the leader suffered such a great humiliation, they all felt incredible that someone dared to provoke the United States like this, and they were so bold.

But when they saw that it was the Jake Group that took action, oh, then it's okay.

Because the Jake Group never took the United States seriously.

The whole world is watching the reaction of the United States. After being hit by the Jeco Group, the United States will most likely fight back with its temper.

However, before the United States' counterattack began, Mexico's accusations came first.

The current Mexican President Manuel publicly shouted and angrily denounced the United States: "The United States openly invaded my territory. This is a trampling on our national sovereignty and dignity. The United States must give us an explanation, otherwise we will never give up."

The people of Mexico also spontaneously organized and held demonstrations to protest the United States's military crossing the border.

Because of the historical hatred between the two countries, in the 19th century, the United States annexed more than two million square kilometers of Mexican territory through unequal treaties, and almost more than half of Mexico's territory was annexed by the United States.

Those annexed were all good places with a large number of oil fields and mining resources. The land that was not annexed was basically relatively barren land, and five-sixths were high mountains, mountains and deserts.

Many people are worried that history will repeat itself and their country will become the target of the United States.

Of course, many Mexicans are looking forward to it.

In the hearts of many Mexicans, they hate the United States for ceding their territory, but they also hate the United States for not annexing them so that they can live a carefree life.

This can be seen from the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico to the United States every year. In order to go to the United States, they try every possible way, such as digging tunnels, hiding in trucks, riding trains, crossing rivers, and even crossing the deserted death desert.

Those people living at the bottom of Mexico have a very low sense of belonging to their own country, but more people have even less good feelings towards the United States, because it is because of the powerful neighbor of the United States that they are so poor.

For example, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect on January 1, 1994, allowed free flow of goods between the two countries. The first to be hit was Mexico's agriculture, which was severely impacted. The mechanized agriculture of the United States directly destroyed Mexico's traditional agriculture, and made a large number of farmers bankrupt and unemployed with low agricultural product prices. When Mexico's agriculture collapsed, the prices of agricultural products in the United States began to rise, higher than the original agricultural product prices, and harvested Mexico's wealth.

These unemployed farmers returned from the middle class to poverty, and many turned to the drug industry, and the seeds of hatred for the United States were planted in their hearts.

When the wave of opposition was set off in Mexico, the current President of the United States, Lawrence, also made a televised speech: "In the Camp Town incident, I never authorized any military mission of the 40th Mechanized Infantry Division. They were carrying out military operations under the instructions of Governor Tourte.

But no matter what, our soldiers cannot sacrifice in vain. I declare that all sacrificed soldiers will be compensated by the state. At the same time, Mexico must hand over all genetic warriors who have committed crimes against humanity within a week and ban the Tijuana Group, otherwise it will inevitably attract the most severe sanctions from our country."

What Lawrence said caused considerable repercussions in the international community.

Even in order to put pressure on Mexico, some troops were mobilized towards the border of Mexico, as if they were sharpening their knives.

But Mexico has its own national conditions. Facing the threat from the beautiful country, the top leaders of Mexico have their own methods.

"Mr. President, it's a pleasure to work with you."

In the Mexican capital, inside the presidential palace, Cartel lit cigars and puffed away smoke with Mexican President Manuel.

Behind him, a genetic warrior carried a box and placed it on the table. When the box was opened, the room was filled with gold.

Gold bars are neatly arranged in the box. This precious metal that has been passed down to the present by mankind from ancient times is the best hard currency in the international community. It is more useful than US dollars. No matter which country you are in, as long as you have gold, you will Worry about not being able to exchange for wealth.

Manuel's eyes lit up instantly, he breathed heavily, and he turned to say righteously: "Cartel, don't worry, your Tijuana Group is a legal tax-paying enterprise in Mexico. The beautiful country has no reason to suppress you, and we will never Just follow Meimeiguo's orders, and you can go about your business with peace of mind, and I will protect you in everything."

"Thank you very much. Mr. Su once said that if you have the opportunity to invite you to visit Indochina, the two sides can establish closer diplomatic relations."

Cartel stood up and shook hands with Manuel in a friendly manner.

"It's easy to talk about. I also admire Mr. Su very much. I hope we can meet one day."

Manuel smiled happily. The Mexican president only has a six-year term and cannot be re-elected after the term expires.

Coupled with the political corruption in Mexico, every president who comes to power will try to benefit himself as much as possible, and his expired rights will be invalidated.

The Tijuana Group has intertwined interests and forces in Mexico. Their smuggling business provides a large number of jobs at the bottom and is also an important source of income for many middle- and high-level officials.

Every month, everyone from patrol guards to political officials and armed commanders receive bribes and payments from the Tijuana Group to a greater or lesser extent. Just like receiving a salary, they only need to do "trivial" things to become a Tijuana group. The group’s protective umbrella.

Not to mention, the powerful force of the Tijuana Group. Their military strength in Mexico is 100,000, which is already classified as a warlord.

There are still a large number of super soldiers among them. The Mexican country cannot suppress them at all, and has no motivation to suppress them. Why not just accept the money with peace of mind!

Even drug trafficking groups are able to thrive in Mexico, not to mention the Tijuana group, which has greater financial resources and military force. They have even become a part of Mexico, parasitizing the Mexican people, living together and sharing weal and woe, and want to eliminate them. , it is difficult to reach the sky.

"Oh, as expected of the Tijuana Group, this is a generous move."

Seeing the cartel leaving, Manuel held the box and touched the gold inside, with a silly smile on his face. He had made up his mind that nothing would happen to the Tijuana Group. If such a generous people's enterprise was banned, where would he go? Find such a good way to make money again.

As for whether this will lead to retaliation from the beautiful country, as long as it does not affect his own interests, it doesn't matter.

The cartel left the presidential palace and Manuel was not the only target he bribed.

Soon, mysterious remittances were being transferred into the private bank accounts of various high-level officials in Mexico.

Or if there is a lady at home, there will often be a few extra bottles of Tianyuan whitening liquid at home for no reason, all of which are high-end series.

Including children studying abroad or engaging in some business, Tijuana Group will help.

Two days later, at the Congress of Representatives in Mexico, when it came to the proposal to arrest genetic warriors and ban the Tijuana Group, a high vote was cast against the proposal with a turnout rate of 485 against and 15 in favor. It was impossible to pass amid all the opposition.

A week passed quickly. Faced with the dignitaries of the beautiful country, everyone in the Mo country went straight to the meeting.

people? Who? You talk about genetic warriors, but there is no such thing in our country.

As for the Tijuana Group, it is a legal and compliant enterprise and is engaged in regular business. They have no reason or right to ban it.

This perfunctory reply made the beautiful country very angry.

President Lawrence publicly denounced the accusations and scolded: "Are you going to protect those evil criminals? Act as lackeys of the Jaco Group? Our beautiful country will never turn a blind eye. I announce that starting today, the toughest economic measures will be implemented on Mexico." Sanctions.”

Manuel scolded him directly at a press conference the next day, with a tough attitude: "We in Mexico have never been afraid of economic sanctions against us. We are not the younger brothers of your beautiful country."

Mexico's strong attitude has led the beautiful country to launch severe economic sanctions and directly refuse to import Mexican products.

Mexico's export market is too single. 80% of its exports are purchased from beautiful countries and it relies heavily on imports from beautiful countries.

For example, Mexico accounts for half of the country's exports of automobiles and electronics, and the final market is beautiful countries.

The two countries are too close to each other geographically. Mexican companies basically import raw materials, parts, and intermediate products from the United States, rely on Mexico's cheap labor to assemble them into finished products, and then sell them back to the United States. .

Now that the United States has banned imports, Mexico's export trade has come to a halt.

When a normal country encounters this problem, its economy will catch a bad cold and it will be difficult to withstand the economic sanctions imposed by beautiful countries.

However, most of the factories established in Mexico were built or invested by capitalists from beautiful countries. With the sanctions imposed by beautiful countries, goods cannot be sold. These capitalists from beautiful countries are anxious, and all they have lost is their real money. ! They are jumping up and down to accuse and demand that the United States lift sanctions.

At the same time, the loss of processing plants in Mexico, an industrial country with an excellent location and cheap labor, has also led to an increase in the prices of many industrial products in the beautiful country.

However, Mexico suffered greater losses. A large number of workers were unemployed and had no food and clothing. In order to survive, they began to smuggle into the beautiful country in large numbers.

The Tijuana Group provided a lot of help in this matter.

On the Texas border, in an abandoned warehouse.

A tunnel was opened and several armed men wearing Tijuana uniforms crawled out.

"Hey, follow me, come up quickly."

A Tijuana officer waved towards the tunnel and saw illegal immigrants crawling out of the tunnel one after another.

In addition to those from Mexico, there are also many stowaways from Central and South America who have been found by the Tijuana group, who help them smuggle for free and take them to the paradise in their minds to breathe the free and sweet air.

"This is a beautiful country. Woohoo, I succeeded. I will be a beautiful countryman from now on."

"Haha, I want to make a fortune here, pick up beautiful women, and have a beautiful national dream. I'm here."

"Thanks to the Tijuana Group. If it weren't for you, it wouldn't be that easy for us to enter the beautiful country."

Most of these people have wild eyes, full of longing for the beautiful country, and have begun to imagine that they can live a wonderful life here.

It's a pity that these people don't know that life in the beautiful country is not as beautiful as they advertise. The life and death here only belong to the rich. Whether ordinary people should be destitute or abject poverty can be seen from the homeless people filling the streets.

"This is our employment assistance guide for you in this beautiful country. Each of you has one copy. You can familiarize yourself with it when you go back."

The Tijuana Group personnel took out a stack of pamphlets and distributed them to everyone present one by one.

There is a lot of knowledge in this booklet. For example, the first page teaches them how to avoid police inspection and avoid deportation. In short, let them do everything possible to stay on this land and cause trouble to the beautiful country.

Many of these stowaways, especially those from Central America, are poor local people. After arriving in the beautiful country, the colorful world here can easily lead to depravity.

Because they have no legal status, they are unable to do many jobs. When they finally run out of money, you can only imagine what they will do except receive relief meals distributed by charity organizations on the streets to ensure that they will not starve to death.

The Tijuana Group would not stop them, but also helped them plan employment guidelines and told them about the dangers of 'illegal crimes'.

For example, page 13 of the employment guide booklet contains the knowledge about driving a car lock. It describes each step in detail, with pictures and texts, and teaches you step by step how to lock a car.

Finally, there is a line of small words that cannot be seen clearly without a magnifying glass.

‘This is a criminal act. This is to teach everyone how to effectively prevent others from prying into their own cars. It is strictly forbidden for everyone to apply what they have learned. ’

The employment guide also has many knowledge points, such as how to participate in zero-dollar shopping and escape most conveniently, how much of a convenience store robbery can be done without being prosecuted, how to form gangs, etc.

Of course, at the end of the booklet, there is a warning from the Tijuana Group. This is to teach everyone how to prevent and must not be used for learning.

The eyes of the stowaways who received the brochures shone one after another. They felt that the employment guide in their hands was like holding a Bible, and they studied eagerly.

After distributing the brochures, Tijuana organized the evacuation of these stowaways and watched them rush to the cities of their choice.

As for what these people will bring after entering the beautiful country, that has nothing to do with the Tijuana Group. The Tijuana Group has not confiscated the money and is simply fulfilling the dreams of these stowaways who yearn for the beautiful country.

As expected, the entry of these large numbers of illegal immigrants soon began to show its power.

The border wall set up by the beautiful country cannot stop the smuggling tunnels of the Tijuana group.

A large number of illegal immigrants were sent to the beautiful country by the Tijuana cartel. These people came here as soon as they opened their mouths and started to commit crimes when they couldn't find a job. This made the beautiful country miserable and big-headed.

Many people have discovered that even if you catch someone and deport them, you will see them again in the city within a few days. It is because the Tijuana Group has sent back the people they deported for "free".

This move directly hit the beautiful country's seven inches.

The reason why the beautiful country is unwilling to completely annex Mexico is that it dislikes the more than 100 million poor people there.

Even if a beautiful country with a lot of money is hit by more than 100 million poor people, it will be extremely painful, and the quality of life per capita will be greatly reduced.

Originally, there were members of the beautiful country who proposed to use force against the Mexican country, but who are the Mexican countries!

Seeing the behavior of the beautiful country, they directly let go of the border defense line, and many people gathered at the border. As soon as the soldiers of the beautiful country came, these "war refugees" would flee to the beautiful country with their families.

Mexico is not like other countries. Those countries have been beaten by the beautiful country, and refugees cannot come across the ocean. However, Mexico shares a large border with the beautiful country, making it much easier to sneak across.

Once the war breaks out, millions of refugees will flee to the beautiful country. Thinking about that scene, the beautiful country will be frightened and disgusted by the Mexican country's method.

With this approach, sanctions were imposed for only a month before they had to be hastily stopped.

Mexico forced the United States to compromise by playing it badly, and slightly relaxed sanctions, at least allowing those industrial products to circulate and export trade.

Mexico's approach is like saying, as long as I am poor and bad enough, then don't try to exploit me. I can't beat you, but I can still disgust you and splash mud on your crotch.

For those senior officials in Mexico, it doesn't matter whether the lower level is unemployed or not. Anyway, the money and benefits given to them by Tijuana are much higher than their salaries.

As for the Tijuana Group, it is still developing steadily, and smuggling has not stopped. Bottles of Tianyuan whitening liquid, myopia pills, hair growth liquid, and weight loss pills are continuously sold in the black market of the United States, and the purchased blood is also transported from the United States.

The United States is disgusted by Mexico. Since they can't do anything about the rotten people in Mexico for the time being, they will target the Jeco Group.

As long as the Jeco Group is solved, the Tijuana Group will become a rootless source and can no longer make waves.

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