Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 521: Blockade (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone)

The sudden six-state offensive in the eastern region launched by the Jieko Group caused panic in the entire Asan Kingdom. Especially when they learned that the Siliguri Corridor had been captured and the loss of this strategic location, the senior leaders of the Asan Kingdom were even more shocked and angry. Send troops to reinforce the Siliguri Corridor, hoping to recapture this place.

In the Siliguri Corridor, genetic warriors are driving away more than 10,000 captured soldiers and are building blocking fortifications and laying landmines.

Jawaharlal swung the whip in his hand, crackling in the air, and held up a trumpet with his other hand: "Work hard for me. If anyone delays, I will punish him for three days." Eat or drink.”

None of the Asan Kingdom soldiers who were working huffing and puffing were stabbed. They all kept silent when they heard this and did their work honestly.

"Jawaharlal, collect the team and enter the dugout."

Suddenly, Miao Lun's voice came from the walkie-talkie Jawaharlal was wearing. Jawaharlal was stunned, and then he heard the air defense siren and immediately reacted: "Go back to the bunker, the air raid is coming."


The prisoners were in a mess, scrambling to run back. At this time, A Sanguo's movement was always particularly strong.

After a while, the sound of fighter jets roaring came from the sky.

Fighter planes bearing the flag of the Asan Kingdom flew over 10,000 meters above the ground and dropped several bombs. However, soon, the Magic Bird fighter jets cruising in the nearby airspace approached them. After being shot down two fighter planes, the other fighter jets from the Asan Kingdom were left in despair. ran back.

"Oh oh oh, win, win."

When the prisoners of Asan Kingdom hiding in the air defense bunker saw this scene, they immediately cheered happily. It was obvious that their own fighter planes were driven away. They were as happy as if they had won the lottery, which seemed quite abstract.

Similar air battles have occurred from time to time in the past few days. The Asan Kingdom has 1,500 fighter aircraft of various types. In addition to being equipped with a variety of Western-standard fourth-generation aircraft, it is also equipped with aerial tankers, early warning aircraft, transport aircraft, drones, etc. The types of special aircraft are basically complete. The Asan Air Force is the only one in the world that has assembled the five major rogue aircraft and is ready to summon the Shenlong. Judging from the strength on paper alone, the Asan Air Force ranks among the best in the world.

However, since most of Asan's fighter jets are outsourced, the upkeep and maintenance of fighter jets, as well as the replenishment of equipment and ammunition are all problems, and they rely heavily on imports.

Such a Wanguo brand aircraft has extremely high logistics requirements. During the training of the Three Kingdoms on weekdays, the number of plane crashes in the world is the highest, let alone starting a war.

This also led to the fact that when confronting the Jieke Group Air Force, less than one-third of the number of Asanguo fighters that could actually be deployed.

Moreover, the number of fighter aircraft that can be dispatched is often further reduced due to equipment maintenance, fighter aircraft repair, logistics errors, insufficient ammunition, etc.

Coupled with the poor technical level of the Asanguo pilots, it was completely impossible to regain the air supremacy of the six states in the eastern region.

After the Asan Kingdom fighter jets fled, a shadowy figure appeared at the entrance of the Siliguri corridor.

They were the first army from the Asan Kingdom to arrive at the Siliguri Corridor. They were wearing dark green military uniforms and had an endless line of troops. At the front was the Arjun main battle tank made in the Asan Kingdom.

The number of this army is about 30,000, which is quite impressive.

In a bunker command post, Miao Lun held up a telescope and was observing the Asan Army.

"Go down and let these Asan Army troops come in and test their quality first."

Miao Lun said, in the past few days, not only genetic warriors have entered the Siliguri Corridor, but transport planes have also flown a group of paratroopers and heavy weapons here one after another. Now the number of Jieko Group soldiers in the Siliguri Corridor has exceeded two Thousands of people, including hundreds of genetic warriors.

At the scene, Ah Sanguo's artillery force had begun to cover the scene, and howitzer shells fell one after another.

The artillery power is not strong, and it is far from a blanket bombing.

The equipment of the Asanguo Army is also of IWC brand. The poor logistics system prevents many artillery from being transported. The ammunition is not universal due to logistical errors.

After the brief artillery fire ended, Asan Kingdom's army began to take the field.

Tanks and armored vehicles started moving slowly, and Asanguo dispatched the first regiment-level military force to launch an offensive towards the Siliguri Corridor.

However, the Siliguri Corridor is dominated by hills and narrow areas and is not suitable for large-scale assaults by armored forces.

Miao Lun noticed that before the armored troops reached the minefield, many armored vehicles of the Asan Army went on strike.

Especially among the Arjun tanks made in the Asan Kingdom, Miao Lun's visual inspection revealed that as many as four of them were paralyzed due to various reasons. The disgraced tank members climbed out and looked at the steel giant lying in the mud with distressed expressions. The beast is helpless.

The Arjun tank produced by the three countries weighs 68.24 tons. This tonnage exceeds the M1A2 main battle tank of the beautiful country. In addition, the engine and tank design of the Arjun tank are not as good as the M1A2 main battle tank. When encountering such difficulties Various problems have arisen on this stretch of road, and breaking down and losing the chain are commonplace.

Not only were the tanks paralyzed, but there were also non-combat attrition due to non-combat attrition caused by several soldiers from the Asan Kingdom who sprained their feet and fell on their heads during the advance. You don't know whether they really fell down or whether they faked and deliberately withdrew from the battlefield.

After paralyzing and abandoning several tanks along the way, the regiment-level troops dispersed and entered the minefield of the Jieko Group.


With a loud bang, an Arjun tank ran over an anti-tank mine. With flames and smoke rising into the sky, the tank's tracks fell off. The metal jet and high-speed metal projectiles formed after the explosion penetrated the tank's bottom armor, and all the crew members inside were shot into sieves.


An anti-personnel mine was stepped on and detonated instantly. There was no setting in the movie that the mine would not detonate if you stood still.

Several Indian soldiers in a circle nearby screamed and fell down. These Indian soldiers did not die, but were pierced by projectiles and shrapnel. Their lower bodies were covered in blood. Even if they were saved, the serious ones needed amputation, and the light ones would not be able to get out of bed for several months.

Anti-personnel mines are not meant to kill the enemy. On the contrary, the wounded created will add more burden to the attacker.

After stepping on several mines in a row, the morale of this Indian regiment-level unit fell like an avalanche, and a large number of soldiers began to retreat.

Then, no one knew who took the lead in retreating. The more than 1,000 people who had been advancing and launching the offensive actually ran back in the direction they came from.

Not even a soldier from the Jeko Group was seen. The more than 1,000 people were persuaded to retreat because they stepped on a few mines and ran back to the base camp in fear.

This scene confused the Jeko Group soldiers who were preparing to defend. They hadn't fired a single shot, and all the people ran away.

"No, these people are here to make fun of you!"

Miao Lun had underestimated the bottom line of the Indian soldiers as much as possible, but when they fought, he found that he had overestimated the combat quality of the Indian soldiers.

"Sir, this group of soldiers performed very well. They must be treated very well on weekdays. They are willing to risk their lives."

However, Jawaharlal, who was following Miao Lun, suddenly spoke up. He was ordered to select a part of the soldiers to form a puppet army to assist the Jeko Group in the battle. Now he was following Miao Lun and waiting for command.

"Not bad?"

Miao Lun looked at him inquiringly, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Jawaharlal patted his chest and said confidently: "Yes, General, we soldiers sent to the Siliguri Corridor have a harder life and worse treatment. These soldiers in the homeland are treated well, and it seems that their morale and combat effectiveness are much stronger. For example, if we hear that the other side is a genetic warrior, we will not take it even if we are driven away with a whip."

After speaking, Jawaharlal held his head high, with a proud and complacent expression, and was happy that he did not have to fight against the genetic warriors.

Miao Lun was speechless when he saw such a confident Jawaharlal. The bottom line of the Indian soldiers once again refreshed his three views.

Over there, the Indian Army, which retreated without firing a shot, seemed to have finally remembered that it still had things like mine-clearing armored vehicles and mine-clearing engineers.

The second wave of attack was launched again two hours later. The artillery of the Indian country first bombarded the minefield, and then sent out mine-clearing armored vehicles and engineers to carefully clear the minefield and open a passable road.

In order to learn lessons, the two regiments participating in the attack this time had more than 3,000 people, and many motorcycles appeared.

The Indian soldiers drove motorcycles, often with three to four people hanging on the car, and rushed towards the position.

The narrow road where tanks could not drive was very convenient for motorcycles to pass.

However, this scene was somewhat eye-catching. The most motorcycles were like a pile of Arhats, with a full 5 people on one motorcycle, which made the soldiers of the Jeko Group defending the position stunned.


Seeing that the Indian soldiers had gone deep enough, Miao Lun no longer hesitated and gave the order to fire.

The originally quiet battlefield was suddenly filled with gunfire. Soldiers of the Jeko Group, who were scattered in hiding places, hiding in foxholes and anti-artillery holes, emerged one after another, raised their guns, and fired at the Indian soldiers in front of the position.

The group of Jeko Group soldiers who were transported here were all members of the Jeko Group's paratrooper regiment.

Those who were selected as paratroopers were all elites carefully selected from ordinary troops. Although they could not compare with genetic warriors, their combat effectiveness was generally much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers, so their counterattack was very fierce.

Under the precise shooting, many Indian soldiers groaned, a bloody hole appeared on their heads, and they fell to the ground.

The heavy machine gun positions equipped with cross-fire removed their camouflage and carried out fierce fire suppression coverage. The barrage swept through the Indian soldiers, and a large number of unprepared Indian soldiers were swept down.

The 12.7-caliber bullets would directly break the hands and feet if they were shot, and they could report to the King of Hell directly if they were shot in the torso.

The small trees growing here can block ordinary rifle bullets, but when swept by 12.7mm bullets, the trunks will be directly penetrated, and the soldiers who want to use them as shelters will be pierced along with the trees.

The Indian soldiers on motorcycles are even more miserable. They gather together to attract too much attention. They are riding motorcycles with flesh wrapped in iron, and they can't defend against bullets at all, becoming the first choice of heavy machine guns.

Many motorcycles were strafed by heavy machine guns. 12.7mm bullets can penetrate the human body one after another. When the motorcycles with concentrated passengers are hit, the machine gun bullets will shoot out a stream of blood gourds. Looking around, there are fallen motorcycles all over the mountains and plains, and soldiers who died tragically beside the motorcycles.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull sound of artillery fire came, and the flexible and light mortars transported by air fired one after another, and the shells exploded in the Indian crowd.

This sudden and fierce attack instantly blew up the more than 3,000 Indian soldiers, and everyone was scrambling to escape.

The armored vehicles and tanks in the Indian soldiers' team were braver than ordinary soldiers, and they planned to try to fight back.

But the next second, when they saw five 12-meter-high spider main battle mechas with eight long metal legs coming out from behind the Jake Group's position, they all started to reverse and escape like seeing their fathers pulling out their belts.

The five spider main battle mechas were transported to the Siliguri Corridor by air. Because the spider main battle mechas were too heavy and large, they could only be disassembled and separated before being put into transport planes and transported to the Siliguri Corridor for assembly. The number was limited, but it was more than enough to deal with this kind of situation.

The 203mm main gun of the Spider Mech burst into flames, and an Arjun main battle tank was directly hit by a high-explosive bomb. The shells weighing hundreds of kilograms directly reduced the 68.24-ton tank to its original state.

One by one, the 30mm machine guns acted as can openers for the tanks, the 20mm machine guns slaughtered the armored vehicles with weak armor, and the 12.7mm bullets swept the Indian soldiers from a high position.

Five Spider main battle mechas appeared on the battlefield, becoming the last straw that overwhelmed the Indian soldiers.

All the Indian soldiers only hated their parents for not giving them two more legs. They threw away their armor and ran away in the direction they came from, without any desire or courage to fight back.

Seeing this, the five Spider main battle mechas did not chase the deserters. The 203mm main guns were raised high, and shells flew out of the muzzles and flew to the Indian artillery positions dozens of kilometers away, counterattacking the Indian artillery.

The 203mm shells are more powerful in a single shot. The artillery positions deployed by the Indians were suddenly ablaze with flames and filled with smoke. The self-propelled artillery moved quickly, but ordinary towed artillery was much more troublesome from deployment to transfer. The shelling of the Spider main battle mecha did not give the Indian artillery a chance to escape calmly.

Every time a shell fell, the artillery positions were shaking, and the artillerymen were blown away by the shock wave, and their limbs and arms flew into the air. The artillery was either blown into scrap metal or structurally damaged by the shock wave.

The two attacking regiments returned in defeat, and the artillery firepower was also destroyed by the Jeko Group. This Indian army of 30,000 people was immediately defeated and had no courage to launch an offensive against the Siliguri Corridor.

In this regard, Miao Lun chose to see it happen, because time was on their side, and his mission was to block the Siliguri Corridor, which was enough.

This corridor is equivalent to the neck connecting the east and west of India. If you pinch it, you can cut India in half, making the six northeastern states an enclave, isolated from the mainland of India. At that time, the six eastern states will become a turtle in the jar of the Jeko Group.

As the saying goes, hit the snake at its seven inches. The seven inches of India is the Siliguri Corridor. Occupying and blocking it is equivalent to slashing India's neck with a knife and letting the Jeko Group slaughter it.

When India's plan to open the Siliguri Corridor failed, the Jeko Group launched a more fierce offensive.

The Jeko Group's air force carried out air strikes on the Indian army in the six eastern states day and night, especially those warehouses and supply stations, which were the key targets.

At the moment when the Siliguri Corridor was blocked and the supply was destroyed, the hundreds of thousands of Indian troops trapped in the six eastern states could only rely on the existing small amount of resources, but these resources obviously could not last long.

The counterattack of the Jeko Group was very precise, that is, to take advantage of your illness to kill you. When the Siliguri Corridor was blocked and India could not provide reinforcements and material transfusions, the Jeko Group launched a comprehensive attack on the six states in the eastern region.

In addition to the Air Force, the Jeko Group's Army's cruise missiles, artillery, rocket launchers and other long-range heavy firepower launched a high-intensity offensive against the six states in the eastern region, weakening the military strength of the Indian soldiers. The offensive was wave after wave, not giving the Indian army any breathing space, and was determined to break the defense line of the six states in the eastern region and seize control of the six states in the eastern region.

The military bases, important military strongholds, communication base stations, bridges and railways in the six states in the eastern region were almost all devastated. The command system of the Indian army in the six states in the eastern region was also completely disrupted, and the front-line and rear-line contacts were almost cut off.

In this case, the regular army of the Jeko Group also moved to the border of the six states in the eastern region through the railway network and road network in Zen.

The border offensive was launched by the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Mechanized Combat Brigade, the 6th Armored Division, the 19th Mountain Brigade, the 12th Mechanized Infantry Division, and the 33rd Infantry Division.

The total number of troops was less than 50,000, and the follow-up troops were still on their way.

Although only 50,000 troops launched the vanguard offensive, the desperate resistance that the Jeko Group had originally expected did not appear, even though the opponent, the Indian army, had more than 100,000 troops, more than twice the number of the Jeko Group.

During the entire process of attacking the six states in the eastern region, the Jeko Group could be said to be unstoppable, and the Indian soldiers could not adapt to the harsh battles fought by the Jeko Group at all.

Often before the Jeko Group was ready to launch a charge, the Indian soldiers on the position would begin to surrender to the Jeko Group, hand over their weapons and walk out of the trenches.

On the faces of these surrendered soldiers, there was no dejection like ordinary defeated soldiers, but instead they were all jubilant.

The large number of prisoners made the Jeko Group unprepared, and they had to supply the rations for these prisoners.

However, they did encounter tough battles. Among the Indian soldiers, there were some Sikh soldiers who became the backbone of the resistance.

These bearded soldiers with turbans were the image representatives of the Indian army. They were braver than other soldiers and more valiant and good at fighting. Many of them did not surrender to the invasion and attack of the Jeko Group, but took up arms to resist.

But the cost was also huge. Under the mechanized combat of the Spider main battle mecha and the super soldiers, the places where these Sikh soldiers resisted were full of collapsed buildings, destroyed armored vehicles, and the remains of soldiers who did not have time to surrender. The border was full of scattered corpses, and blood and gunpowder became a cruel portrayal of the battlefield.

Their resistance was ultimately just a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and could not stop the advance of the Jeko Group.

In just three days, the army of the Jeko Group had advanced to the core area of ​​the six states in the eastern region, occupying cities and villages one by one. (End of this chapter)

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