Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 60 Fumen Breeding Farm

Su Jie stayed in the wild for nearly ten days.

Every day, in addition to mastering the body insect concentration method, he went in and out of the insect valley to catch all kinds of poisonous insects and snakes, and his targets were all low-grade ones.

In addition to these two things, Su Jie also harmed trees in the mountains and forests near Guiling Palace.

When he found some valuable trees, he would take the White Bone Sky Evil Sword to cut down these ancient trees that had grown for hundreds or thousands of years. They were ordinary in the Tianyuan World, but valuable in Blue Star.

It was not until ten days later that Su Jie, who had a lot of poisonous insects in his insect bag, finally ended this busy life and got up to return to the black market.

Taixu Pavilion.

Cai Chun'e watched Su Jie, who was exhausted, take out a pile of scattered materials, including raw materials related to cultivation, broken purple silver, Youquan grass, golden crown flowers and other minerals and herbs, as well as finished low-level pills and talismans.

Cai Chun'e even saw traces of blood on some materials, and her heart was secretly shocked, guessing the origin of these materials.

Since Su Jie returned here intact, and those who were chasing him may have become the dead souls under the sword of the man in front of him, the spoils are these resold materials.

"Are you going to sell them all?"

Cai Chun'e asked Su Jie. Taixu Pavilion is engaged in the business of talismans and magic tools, so it naturally accepts the sale of disciples.

"Sell them all. I want to buy your Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Map, but I'm still short of money."

Su Jie piled these spoils in front of Cai Chun'e and said very confidently.

"Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Map, do you want to buy this?"

Cai Chun'e was slightly stunned. Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Map is a disposable portable magic array. The refiner and the formation master cooperate with each other to integrate the formation map into the magic tool.

Generally, this kind of formation map is mostly used in caves, spiritual fields, mines and other key places. As long as the blood marrow crystal supply is provided, the formation map can play the role of defending against the enemy.

Because this product is disposable, once it is unfolded, the formation map can no longer be moved.

In addition to the high price, few disciples will buy it.

After all, there is no such demand in Guiling Palace. Generally, it is a certain cultivation force that buys such things.

Su Jie raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, you have business but don't want to do it? Then I'll go to another place to buy the formation map."

Cai Chun'e grabbed Su Jie and said with a sweet smile, "No, I'm just a little surprised. Mr. Su, please wait a moment, I'll give you an estimate."

Ten minutes later, Su Jie and Cai Chun'e reached a deal. The spoils sold a total of 635 blood marrow crystals, plus the blood marrow crystals in Su Jie's hands, all spent, spent thousands of blood marrow crystals, and successfully bought a set of Qiankun Xuanbing formation map.

After completing the transaction, Su Jie turned around and left Taixu Pavilion and escaped into the mountains and forests.

In an uninhabited place, he quietly opened the ancient mirror and returned to the Blue Star world, and also brought back a large amount of wood he had cut down.

Blue Star, Zen Country, Mande City.

In the suburbs of the city, a large insect breeding farm with dozens of breeding factories and thousands of employees is located here.

At the entrance of the farm, the words "Jeko Fumen Farm" are shining.

Every employee who goes in and out of the farm is ruddy and full of pride.

Just because they have entered the JEKO company and are formal employees of JEKO, their monthly salary and status are envied by others.


A convoy of several luxury cars drove from the newly built asphalt road. The guard on duty, carrying an AK, politely stopped the convoy.

The JEKO security is responsible for this super-large insect farm. In addition to the stationed guards and patrol security, the entire factory also implements a strict access control system. Many places require proof of ID and fingerprints to enter.

In order to protect this insect farm, there is a JEKO security barracks three kilometers away.

There are more than 2,000 JEKO security members stationed in the barracks, and they can provide support immediately if there is any problem in the factory.

The leading vehicle rolled down its window, and the guards saw Liu Yingying's pretty face. Several guards immediately looked serious, recognizing her as the president of Jieke Company. They saluted Liu Yingying respectfully, but still checked the documents according to the rules before letting the convoy pass.

The convoy drove into the factory and stopped, and people in suits and leather shoes got off one after another.

In addition to the executives of Jieke Company, there were also many senior officials of Mand City, including Mayor An Sangzhen.

A large group of people, with a young man as the core, visited the newly built largest insect breeding farm in Zen Country.

"Mr. Su, the Fumen breeding farm was just built last week. It was designed and built completely according to your requirements. It can accommodate hundreds of millions of poisonous insects and snakes at the same time, and it has also built a complete fire protection and virus protection. This is thanks to the help provided by the municipal government departments, otherwise our construction speed would not be so fast."

Liu Yingying accompanied Su Jie, holding a folder in her hand, calling the honorific in front of outsiders, and reporting everything in detail.

Su Jie walked on the green road of the farm, looking at the breeding workshops around him.

The poisonous insects and snakes purchased from farmers outside will be carefully raised here, with special disinfection, disease prevention, pollution cleaning and other processes to ensure that the poisonous insects can survive well here.

The scene in front of him made Su Jie feel good, and he smiled at An Sangzhen: "Thank you for your hard work, Mayor An. I heard that you have opened a special channel for our Jieke Company. Things related to Jieke Company must be handled quickly and immediately."

"No, no, JECO is a major taxpayer and a model company in our Mande area. Without JECO and your wise leadership, there would be no prosperity in our Mande area. As it should be, our municipal government should also show its support."

An Sangzhen had a flattering smile on his face. He was the mayor of Mande City, but in front of Su Jie, he looked more like a flatterer.

"I think Mayor An is doing very well! You can give him more responsibilities in the future. Mande City needs such talents to develop and prosper."

Su Jie said to Liu Yingying, and Liu Yingying nodded to indicate that she had taken note.

"Mr. Su, you are too kind. My little contribution is not even worthy of your shoes. If you have any instructions in the future, our municipal government will definitely cooperate wholeheartedly."

An Sangzhen's face lit up. With Su Jie's words, it meant that his position as the mayor of Mande City, which he had just taken, was stable.

No one knows Su Jie's influence better than him. The Jeko Company founded by this young man is the real behind-the-scenes controller of the Mande region.

Especially in recent times, he has heard a lot of news about the Jeko Company.

Recruiting retired soldiers to train security members, linking up with the vast peasant economy through commercial channels, and building infrastructure in various places, building schools, hospitals, roads, etc., from both military and economic and popular support.

It can be said without hesitation that the entire Mande region is the back garden of the Jeko Company. Whether he can continue to be the mayor is just a word from the man in front of him.

When other officials heard Su Jie's words, they couldn't help showing a trace of envy on their faces.

Not everyone has the opportunity to flatter.

There are also many ambitious officials who are extremely jealous of An Sangzhen. Even if he is a puppet, he is standing at the top of the power of Mande City, under one person and above ten thousand people. Who wouldn't want to!

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