Walking to the mountain gate of Guiling Palace, Su Jie saw a team of dozens of disciples from a distance.

There were about fifty or sixty people in the team, each carrying a package, and there were dozens of strong and tall horses beside them.

They are all outer disciples, and their strength ranges from the third level of Yunling Realm to the fifth level of Yunling Realm.

Among these disciples, Su Jie also saw two familiar figures, Gu Weinian and Chen Yun.

The last time they said goodbye to each other in the black market, the two of them took the blood marrow crystals assigned by Su Jie and went out to avoid being chased. They didn't expect to see these two people here at the same time.

"Fellow Daoist Su."

"Brother Su."

The two also discovered Su Jie.

"Brother Gu, Fellow Daoist Chen, I haven't seen you for more than two months. How are you these days?"

Su Jie also nodded and said hello.

Gu Weinian felt a little melancholy and said: "Oh, I was hiding it well, but Xinya suddenly brought the mission order. I really don't want to go out with this old bones."

"Fellow Daoist Su, I didn't expect that I would be so lucky this time to be able to form a team with you."

Chen Yun showed kindness to Su Jie, helped her avenge her, and solved the murderer of her brother and husband. Su Jie's status in her heart was not ordinary.

"It's not necessarily luck."

Su Jie shook his head and looked at a slender figure walking slowly.

The blue robe represents the distinguished status of the inner disciples, with cold eyes and an aura that prevents others from approaching him.

This person is Pei Haibing, an inner disciple of Qiu Laodao's lineage.

The moment he saw the other person, Su Jie understood everything.

Modifying his mission was probably this person's handiwork. With the influence of the inner disciples, it only needed to pay some money, so it was not difficult to do this.

Not only Su Jie, but Gu Weinian and Chen Yun also thought of this, otherwise it would all be too coincidental.

The two people's originally good mood immediately cooled down. Apparently offending an inner disciple was something they couldn't bear, and the revenge came too quickly.

"Senior Brother Pei."

"Senior Brother Pei."

After Pei Haibing appeared, a group of disciples immediately spoke.

Regardless of whether they are disciples of Qiu Laodao's lineage, or whether they started earlier, it is definitely right to address the inner disciples as senior.

Pei Hai looked around with cold eyes, and his eyes stayed on Su Jie, Chen Yun, and Gu Weinian for a few seconds. Especially Su Jie, he could feel a hidden murderous intention in the other's eyes.

Pulling out a mission token from his hand, Pei Haibing spoke slowly: "This time we are going to perform an escort mission. We need to leave the sphere of influence of Guiling Palace and go out to the borders of Shaojia Mansion in Qingzhou to escort a group of human slaves from Liuyun Villa. Transported back to the sect.”

As soon as these words came out, there was some commotion among the disciples.

Because their mission token simply stated an escort mission, they didn't expect to leave the territory of Ghost Ridge Palace.

Demon cultivators are an existence that everyone shouts and kills in the outside world. Once they lose the protection of the sect, it will definitely be very dangerous for them to be discovered while walking in the outside world.

Especially those well-known and decent sects who claim to be demon-killers and defenders, they like to cause trouble for demon cultivators like them.

"Liuyun Villa!"

Su Jie immediately thought of the scene where Chang Jia came to visit two days ago.

This mission was probably temporarily added due to the transportation needs of a large number of slaves after Jia Changxun arrived.

"Now mount up and set off."

Pei Haibing didn't care about the surprise of his disciples, so he brought a tall horse and rode on it.

No matter how unwilling they were, the other disciples could only bite the bullet, mount their horses and walk towards the mountain gate.

Su Jie also rode on a horned scale horse. This kind of horse has hooves with a structure similar to that of a goat. Not only does it have amazing endurance, it can also navigate steep mountains and steep mountain passes.

Horned scale horses are specially bred by Guiling Palace. Generally, Guiling Palace will only provide them to disciples when they travel long distances.

"Fellow Daoist Su."

Gu Weinian rode a horn-scaled horse to catch up with Su Jie, with a bitter look on his face: "You are smart and think of a solution quickly. That Pei Haibing is obviously coming for us. It must be the last time we offended him in the black market and caused him to be killed by the master." He was punished and held a grudge."

"What's the use of saying this now? It's obvious."

Chen Yun was riding on the other side of Su Jie and spoke coldly when she heard this.

This woman had centipede-shaped sutures on her face and neck due to the scars from her last injury, which gave her a very scary look.

Su Jie smiled, looked at Pei Haibing in front of him, and said, "If you want to know, just ask."

After saying that, Su Jie pulled the reins, and the horse neighed and ran forward.

Gu Weinian was stunned. He was trembling when talking to the inner disciples. Not only was Su Jie not afraid, he actually dared to come forward, which really shocked his eyes.

When a disciple looked at him with surprise, Su Jie rode up to Pei Haibing and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Pei, long time no see. This time I left the Guiling Palace territory. The mountains are high and the roads are far away. I have to ask you to take care of me."

Pei Haibing glanced over, wondering if Su Jie was pretending to be stupid or really stupid, and sneered: "Don't worry, I will take good care of you, and I will definitely take good care of you."

While speaking, Pei Haibing touched his face, and his skin still seemed to be aching.

That was the sequelae caused by his master, Qiu Laodao, who punished him by letting little snakes crawl under his skin.

Su Jie had a bright smile on his face. Hearing this, he cupped his hands on horseback and said, "I would like to thank Senior Brother Pei first, Brother Gu, Fellow Daoist Chen, why don't you come over and recognize me? We are all under the same master, so you can't stand outsiders." What are you doing? Senior Brother Pei said he would take care of us."

Su Jie's voice was very loud and clear, and the whole team could hear it clearly. Countless disciples cast envious glances.

If we can get Pei Haibing's care, this trip will undoubtedly be much safer.

Gu Weinian and Chen Yun, who were called by Su Jie, looked at each other. They could only ride up cautiously and say hello to Pei Haibing, but the only response they received was Pei Haibing's cold gaze.

"Senior Brother Pei, then we won't disturb you."

Su Jie took Gu Weinian and Chen Yun back to the rear of the cavalry. Only then did Gu Weinian finally couldn't help but say:

"Brother Su, is it useful for you to do this? If we don't say a few nice words, the other party will really let us go, right?"

"Do you think it's possible?"

"Well, I don't think it's possible."

Gu Weinian thought for a moment and realized that Pei Haibing was not that easy to talk to. Otherwise, why would he deliberately transfer all three of them to the task he was responsible for? It was obviously for revenge.

"If the soldiers come and cover up the water and earth, I'm afraid they won't be able to solve the problem."

Chen Yun is much tougher than Gu Weinian. Perhaps because she once saved a life from the gate of hell, she is much less optimistic about death.

"Look at Chen Yun's consciousness. Brother Gu, you need to be more calm."

Looking at Pei Haibing's back in front of him, Su Jie said with a half-smile on his face: "You asked me why I did this, of course it is to tell other disciples who are traveling with me that we have a good relationship with Senior Brother Pei."

There was one thing Su Jie didn't say, that is, if something happened to Pei Haibing in an accident, it would have nothing to do with him. After all, he and Senior Brother Pei had a "fraternal" friendship!

Isn't it normal for inner disciples to have some bumps and bruises, slip and fall to death, etc.

Just like Feng Wenjin, who said that accidents will not happen to inner disciples!

Gu Weinian and Chen Yun on the side felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts. Su Jie's half-smiling smile seemed to have seen a similar smile on Su Jie's face when he was trying to harm Meng Dongge.

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