Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 68: Leaving the Customs

Pei Haibing looked indifferent. After hearing what Su Jie said, he slowly stepped in front of Su Jie.


Pei Haibing walked by, and the disciples made way for him, fearing that they would be implicated.

"Do you have any opinions on my handling of the matter?"

Pei Haibing's eyes drooped. The two disciples he had killed before were not worth an apology to him.

"Of course not. Brother Pei, your way of dealing with things is something I admire."

Su Jie smiled brightly, patted the dirt on his hands and stood up.

Chen Yun and Gu Weinian watched this scene nervously, fearing that Pei Haibing would kill Su Jie like the two disciples before if they disagreed.

"What about you, who has any opinions about me?"

Pei Haibing's sharp eyes swept around, and the disciples immediately lowered their heads.

Who dares to say a word! Unless they don't want to live anymore.

"What can you do without me on this trip? I am your biggest support when you get outside Guiling Palace. Today I will tell you a truth. As long as you have the strength, even if I kill you by mistake, you still ask me to protect you. If you are a dog, you must have the awareness of being a dog. Don't think that you can be on an equal footing with your master."

Such arrogant words, Pei Haibing did not regard the outer disciples as human beings at all, but just tools used by him, and he would kill them if he killed them.

The disciples still did not dare to look up. Even if they were angry in their hearts, they could only listen to Pei Haibing's inhuman words at this time because of the gap in strength between the inner disciples.

"As for you."

Pei Haibing cast his eyes on Su Jie again, suddenly patted Su Jie on the shoulder, and said: "I don't like the way you speak. You should learn more from me in the future. It doesn't matter how many of these outer disciples die."

Such an abrupt change almost made the disciples' jaws drop.

No one expected that Pei Haibing, who was previously cold and ruthless, would look at Su Jie in such a different light.

For a moment, many disciples looked at Su Jie with different eyes. Could it be that these two people were really close friends? Otherwise, how could Pei Haibing speak to Su Jie, an outer disciple, in such a way?

"Brother Pei, I understand what you said, but I am a kind person and can't do such a thing."

Su Jie smiled, and Gu Weinian's face twitched behind him. You really have the nerve to say this! If Meng Dongge knew about it, he would probably crawl up and complain.

Pei Haibing increased the strength of his hand. I don't know if he heard Su Jie's ridicule of his vicious means, and said lightly: "You will understand what I said in the future."

Su Jie is also an outer disciple. Pei Haibing's words do not take the life and death of outer disciples seriously, which means that he can kill Su Jie at any time.

"Thank you for your teaching, Senior Brother Pei. I will ask you for advice in the future."

Su Jie's smile did not diminish, as if he did not understand the implicit threat at all, because Su Jie was sure that Pei Haibing would not take action in such a situation.

Pei Haibing did not speak again, but put the two alien corpses into the storage bag on his waist.

Although he did not contribute a bit in the battle with the aliens, when snatching the spoils, Pei Haibing took the lead, and had a natural expression. The two aliens were worth more than a thousand blood marrow crystals, and I don't know how many disciples were jealous.

Pei Haibing did not care what the outer disciples were thinking, and left on his own.

And just after entering the tent, Pei Haibing's face suddenly changed.

"If it weren't for the master's appreciation of you."

Pei Haibing's eyes were cold, because it was because of the master Qiu Laodao's appreciation of Su Jie that he did not dare to take action in front of Su Jie, but instead had to maintain the polite words of brotherly friendship.

After all, not long ago, Su Jie made Qiu Laodao proud. Qiu Laodao even personally gave Su Jie the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword and said that he would remember Su Jie's name. This was a great honor.

If Pei Haibing didn't care and killed Su Jie in front of him, the news would reach Qiu Laodao's ears, which would be a slap in Qiu Laodao's face. Pei Haibing's fate would definitely be very bad.

Therefore, after thinking again and again, Pei Haibing would not attack Su Jie in person.

"But it will be soon. When we leave the territory of Guiling Palace, it will be out of your control."

Pei Haibing said to himself coldly. Once he left Guiling Palace, he would arrange some coincidences at will to let Su Jie die in an accident, so that no one could gossip.

Unfortunately, Pei Haibing didn't know that he was not the only one who thought so.

After a night of shock, the team continued to set off the next day.

After walking in the mountains for another two days, the group of people passed through dangerous places and passed the checkpoints and post roads where the law enforcement team was stationed.

I don't know if it was a lucky break, but since the encounter with the White Walkers that night, the whole horse team was incredible. They never ran into a White Walker again and arrived at the edge of the Guiling Palace very smoothly.


Su Jie pulled the reins and looked up.

Blocking the front of the horse team was the last checkpoint to leave the Guiling Palace.

If you want to leave Guiling Palace, this is the easiest way to pass. To leave Guiling Palace from other places, you need to pass through dangerous places, where all kinds of demons and White Walkers are rampant. Even the elders of Guiling Palace have to retreat when they see some demons and dangerous places.

At the checkpoint, three towers stand tall beside the mountain road.

On the stone towers that are hundreds of meters high, there are not only elite law enforcement teams stationed, but also three elders who take turns to sit here.

The tower itself provides living and defense properties. Once in combat, the multiple formations of the tower relief will operate to resist the invading enemies.

Under the tower, because this is the only way in and out of Guiling Palace and the outside world, many caravans traveling from the outside world take a temporary rest here and make preparations before embarking on the road to the Guiling Palace black market.

Over time, a small town camp formed nearby, with a simple but complete layout.

Su Jie and others' cavalry entered the town and did not stop here for rest. They passed through the town and came to a pass composed of three towers. They were quickly inspected.

"Are they escorting the slaves of Liuyun Villa again? How many batches are there?"

Several law enforcement teams wearing red uniforms and smelling of blood looked over the mission tokens. After confirming that they were correct, someone grabbed a snail.

The spiral shell of this snail has a ghost face. If you look closely, it seems that a whirlpool is slowly rotating. There is a pair of scarlet eyes looming inside, trying to suck in the human soul.

Su Jie's heart skipped a beat and he didn't dare to look further, because this was probably a middle-grade Gu insect.

"Everyone lets go of their spiritual limitations, including you."

The law enforcement team spoke coldly, showing no mercy even to the inner disciple Pei Haibing.

The law enforcement team is only under the management and control of the sect master. In addition, the strength is at the sixth level of Yunling Realm and above. It is completely comparable to the inner disciples, and even has a higher status than many junior inner disciples.

After everyone dispersed the spontaneous movement of spiritual energy in their bodies, the law enforcement team grabbed the snail and smeared the secreted mucus on the disciples' skin.

Su Jie only felt a chill on his skin. Without the resistance of the spiritual energy, a strange gas penetrated into his body and disappeared into his limbs in the blink of an eye.

"This is the red-eyed ghost-faced snail, a middle-grade Gu insect. If it is smeared with its mucus, it can trace the scent no matter how far away it is. So don't think that after you leave the Ghost Ridge Palace, you can fly high in the sky and let the birds fly. There is no such thing as running away and never coming back. Our fatwa will not be invalidated just because you leave the boundary of Guiling Palace. Traitors will only die."

The law enforcement team dropped a warning and waved their hands to let the cavalry leave.

Su Jie had no time to express his appreciation for the prudence of Guiling Palace. After passing the last hurdle, his vision suddenly lit up.

Without the many mountains and ridges, the blue sky is reflected on the vast plains. The grass is soft and green, like a huge and thin green carpet, reaching to the horizon.

"Qingzhou is the largest plain grain-producing area in the Dali Dynasty, and its reputation is well-deserved."

It was a scene that he had never seen before in Guiling Palace. Su Jie looked back. The rugged and steep mountain road, the white clouds and the continuous mountains made Guiling Palace and the outside world really look like two different worlds.

For some reason, Su Jie felt a surge of pride in his heart when he looked at the boundless plain in front of him.

It has been more than half a year since he accidentally traveled to Guiling Palace. This is the first time Su Jie has walked out of Guiling Palace. Unknowingly, he is no longer the person who can only live in a cave at the mountain gate, running around catching insects every day, always worrying about whether he will be able to survive tomorrow. The second-level shrimp in the Yunling realm who survived.

"I don't know what the outside world will be like."

Su Jie breathed in the exceptionally refreshing air, but what he read on paper was still shallow. Su Jie only learned about some of the outside world through books, which was far less real than seeing it with his own eyes.

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