The cold wind was blowing, and several figures were jumping and running at high speeds in the mountains and forests, startling a large number of birds.

This is a team of three men and one woman.

"Senior Brother Zhang, our home is almost here. Let's go find my dad first and ask about the situation."

A tall man spoke. This man was wearing a cardigan with beautiful patterns of purple clouds. If there are people in the world here, they will recognize that this is the attire of a disciple of the Zixia sect.

His name is Chu Pu, the third son of Chu Xuntan. He joined the Zixia Sect at the age of fifteen. He has now been promoted to an outer disciple and has reached the third level of Yunling Realm.

The three people traveling with him were completely different.

These three people were wearing iron clothes, pointed iron hats on their heads, and had double knives at their waists. They were marching like dragons and tigers, and their eyes were full of murderous iron blood.

This is a disciple of the Zixia Sect's Criminal Law Hall, and his cultivation level is at the fifth level of Yunling Realm and above. He is not on the same level as him.

In addition to arresting and punishing disciples who violate the master's laws, the Criminal Law Hall also handles matters related to the devil.

The three of them just formed a team. This was Zixia Party's standard personnel configuration when they were investigating the demonic path and were unsure of the enemy's situation.

Senior Brother Zhang in Chu Pu's mouth, Zhang Changxin, who was also the captain of the team, turned his head and saw a small town in the distance. He said in a calm voice: "As soon as possible, if you can't find the magic cultivator, I will ask you."

"If you hadn't sworn to this kind of country place, you wouldn't have come out of nowhere."

"Speak less, Chu Pu. I hope your information is correct. If there is a demon cultivator, the benefits will be indispensable to you. You will have a share of the rewards from the sect."

Two other criminal law hall disciples, Qu Lingxuan and Hou Yongqing, also spoke. They were a couple.

"I really want to give it to him, he is just..."

Qu Lingxuan was a little dissatisfied and whispered in Hou Yongqing's ear.

In order to suppress the demonic cultivators and prevent the resurgence of the demonic path, major righteous sects often set corresponding rewards for slaying demons. Depending on the strength and quantity of the demonic cultivators killed, you will receive varying rewards, including elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, techniques, Spiritual stones and so on.

"Quickly comfort him first. Whether we give him or not is not our decision."

Hou Yongqing and Zhang Changxin looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts instantly.

Chu Pu said with a smile: "Three senior brothers and sisters, this is the news delivered by my father personally in a flying pigeon letter. There is absolutely no mistake."

After saying that, Chu Pu did not dare to delay, and quickly rushed towards his residence in Shaoshan Town with his three senior brothers and sisters.

A few minutes later.

Chu Pu knelt down on the ground crying and looked at the burning Chu family mansion. Large pieces of corpses were burned by the fire. This was because the enemy set fire after killing people and was destroying the corpses and exterminating traces.

The Chu family's mansion in Nuoda, the Chu family that had been domineering in Shaoshan Town for many years, was destroyed by fire today.

"It's really the work of a demon cultivator."

Zhang Changxin, who was a little doubtful at first, now completely believed that a demonic cultivator had come to Shaoshan Town.

"These demonic cultivation methods are really bad."

Qu Lingxuan's face was moved, but she was not sad for the dead members of the Chu family. She just thought that it would be difficult to trace the traces of demon cultivators through this method of killing and arson.

For practitioners, regardless of whether they are righteous or evil, they are all superior to ordinary people, and few people will confuse them with each other.

Hou Yongqing inspected the scene and stuffed the spiritual stones and gold and silver found in the ruins of the Chu family into his pocket.

"Brother and sister, please help me. You can do anything you want me to do."

Chu Pu gritted his teeth, knowing that he was weak and could only rely on the three disciples of the Criminal Law Hall to take revenge.

Zhang Changxin didn't respond. It was just a group of ordinary people who died. It didn't matter to him at all. He was more concerned about the strength of these demon cultivators and wanted to find more people to make it safer.

"Master, Master Chu Pu, you are back. You must avenge the head of the family, and the entire Chu family! You must kill that demon cultivator."

At this moment, a cry came from outside the Chu family's residence.

Then Chu Pu saw that an elder hired by the family to worship him stumbled back from outside after not seeing him for a long time. When he saw him, he cried loudly.

"Your name is Lu or something."

Chu Pu had not returned home for several years in the Zixia Sect. He was a little unfamiliar with the family's personnel and could not remember his name for a while.

"I am Lu Feng! I was entrusted by your father to take charge of Shaoshan Town. Just today, I personally dealt with the devil named Su Jie. He had too many treasures, and he also had the best flying swords. There are a lot of talismans and magic weapons, and just because we accidentally discovered his secret, everyone in the Chu family was silenced. "

Lu Feng kept crying, but upon hearing this, Chu Pu didn't say anything, but Zhang Changxin and the others' eyes lit up.

"You said that demon cultivator brings a lot of resources?"

Zhang Changxin stepped in front of Lu Feng and lifted this guy with one hand.

"It's me. I saw it with my own eyes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. He also has a powerful flying sword. He's not very strong on his own but relies on various treasures. Otherwise, our Chu family wouldn't be able to defeat him."

Lu Feng trembled, showing a hint of fear.

"How strong is he?"

Hou Yongqing pointed at Lu Feng and asked Chu Pu.

"It should be at the second level of Yunling Realm."

Chupu answered honestly, not sure.

But this answer was enough to put Zhang Changxin and the others at ease. Even a weak person like Lu Feng, who was on the second level of Yunling Realm, could be let go. This shows that the demonic cultivator is indeed not very strong. He is mostly just relying on the treasure to show off his power, which is not enough at all. fear.

"Do you know where that demon cultivator went? If you want to take revenge, you have to lead the way for us."

Qu Lingxuan couldn't wait to speak. Without the threat, a demon cultivator carrying a lot of resources must be captured no matter what.

"I know, I am very familiar with the terrain around here, and they are riding horses, so they must have left traces. I can find them."

Lu Feng nodded repeatedly and said with certainty.

"Okay! Such a vicious demon cultivator, no matter what, can't let them go."

Zhang Changxin looked at Qu Lingxuan and Hou Yongqing, and the two understood and spoke in unison.

"In this case, there is no time to lose, let's set off quickly and bring that brutal demon cultivator to justice."

The three of them did not mention their previous hesitation at this time, and they had no intention of continuing to recruit more people.

The more people there are, the more people will share the spoils at that time, which is absolutely not acceptable.

"Thank you, senior brothers."

Chu Pu was not stupid either. Although he was a little confused, why did his whole family die, and only Lu Feng survived.

But thinking of the revenge of the whole family being slaughtered, he could get revenge immediately, and he was only excited.

The group quickly left Shaoshan Town and, under Lu Feng's guidance, quickly followed the traces.

Zhang Changxin and others found that Lu Feng's strength was not very good, but he was really good at tracking. He could find clues from some deliberately erased traces and then track them down.

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