Instead of staying in the sensational sales department after the huge transaction, Su Jie drove back to his BMW M8 and drove to the Nanqiao Logistics Center in the suburbs, a newly rented warehouse.

Chen Yaoguang was already waiting here and was not surprised at all when he saw Su Jie driving over in his BMW.

After all, he could spend 3 million to buy his place without blinking an eye. The young man in front of him, who was about the same age as his daughter, had extraordinary financial resources. It was normal for him to drive a BMW.

"Old Chen, have you brought all the goods I asked you to prepare?"

Su Jie stopped the car and walked towards Chen Yaoguang.

"We brought them all, Boss Su. Look, this small truck is filled with scorpions that I and a few workers caught this morning. There are 30,000 scorpions in total."

Chen Yaoguang quickly opened the panel of a small truck, and there were several boxes neatly placed inside.

"Well, unload the goods into the warehouse. From now on, you will come to the warehouse on time every day to deliver 50,000 scorpions. I will give you a key to the warehouse door. After loading and unloading, send me a message on my mobile phone."

Su Jie waved his hand. This warehouse is in a remote location and is suitable for Thousand-Handed Centipedes to eat.

Chen Yaoguang unloaded all the Scorpions and put them into the warehouse without saying too much nonsense.

Although he was curious about what channels Su Jie had to sell the scorpions.

But if Su Jie didn't tell him, he wouldn't take the initiative to inquire, lest Su Jie think he had ulterior motives.

After Chen Yaoguang left in the pickup truck, Su Jie closed the warehouse door and released the Thousand-Hand Centipede, who was already hungry and thirsty.

Just for a moment, tens of thousands of scorpions seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they rioted and crawled around in the box crazily.

After being purchased, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's body length increased to one meter and two meters, and its appetite increased greatly. When the scorpions were seen trembling their tentacles in excitement, they directly entered the killing mode and devoured the scorpions one by one.

Su Jie stood aside and watched quietly. Thirty thousand scorpions weighed more than a hundred kilograms, which was enough to satisfy the appetite of a thousand-handed centipede.

Fortunately, it was in Blue Star. If it were in Tianyuan World and Su Jie was exhausted to death, he wouldn't be able to catch so many poisons.

Even if these scorpions are of low quality, they cannot bear to be fed in large quantities. Even if they are cultivated by the disciples and elders of Ghost Ridge Palace, not many of them can fill their stomachs.

The technology and productivity of modern society are clearly revealed at this time.

With a stable supply of poisonous insects, Su Jie immersed himself in cultivation for the next few days.

time flies!

A week later.

Tianyuan World, Ghost Ridge Palace.

The autumn wind is getting more and more bleak, the grass and trees are shaking down, and most of the poisonous insects in the trees have gone dormant, and their activity has decreased.

Su Jie walked out of the ancient mirror, looked at the dusty room, took a long breath, and said: "The strength has been consolidated, and with the addition of the low-grade first-level Thousand-Handed Centipede, now, outside the Ghost Ridge Palace, Among the disciples, I can barely protect myself."

It took a week, thanks to the back-feeding practice brought by the growth of Thousand-Hand Centipede, Su Jie completely consolidated the foundation of emptiness that he had just broken through.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede lying on Su Jie's shoulder raised its head and let out a cry of joy.

The aura-rich environment of Tianyuan World made him feel comfortable and at ease.

"Okay, I'll take you to play in the woods later."

Su Jie touched the Thousand-Handed Centipede's head. In the past week, fed by tens of thousands of scorpions every day, the Thousand-Handed Centipede has also grown a lot. Its body length has exceeded 1.5 meters, and it looks extremely majestic and ferocious.

Retract the Thousand-Hand Centipede back to the waist and abdomen and wrap it around in circles. This will not only serve as a biological protective suit, but also enable you to attack immediately when encountering a battle.

Putting on the standard black robe of an outer disciple of Guiling Palace, Su Jie pushed open the stone door of the cave dwelling that had been covered in dust for a week.

"Hey, Brother Su, you've come out of seclusion!"

Just after walking out of the cave, the next door neighbor Peng Shiwen heard the noise and said hello to Su Jie.

"Yes, after all, my strength is too low. I have to practice hard. I can't be busy catching bugs all the time."

Su Jie responded with a smile. Retreating in seclusion is a very common thing, but outer disciples have to be busy and cannot practice wholeheartedly.

"There's nothing wrong with catching bugs. It's been difficult for me to catch bugs recently."

Peng Shiwen smiled bitterly, pointed to his left leg, and explained: "Yesterday I was bitten by a top-headed snake when I entered the Insect Valley. During these days, strenuous exercise is not allowed. It is very inconvenient to go into the mountains to look for insects."

"That's a bit unlucky. Why don't you go find some medicine?"

"I'm about to go to the black market to get some medicine. Do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, I'll sell some poisonous insects too."

Su Jie went back to the house to prepare, and soon walked out carrying a bamboo basket.

The two left the Ghost Ridge Palace and walked a short distance along the winding path in the mountains.

From time to time, you can see other Guiling Palace disciples along the way. They are all in a hurry or have gloomy faces. Although they are from the same disciple, they are more indifferent than strangers.

After a while, Su Jie and Peng Shiwen came to a market deep in the mountains.

The market was built on the spot using trees. The style was very simple, but there were many people inside.

In addition to the disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace, there are also many businessmen wearing silk and satin, leading fleets in and out of this place.

This is the Guiling black market. It is true that Guiling Palace is a demonic sect that everyone wants to fight, but whether in Tianyuan World or Blue Star, as long as there is enough profit, businessmen are willing to take risks, even if they risk their lives.

For the sake of profit, businessmen from the outside world continuously import various materials to Guiling Palace, and then purchase the resources produced by Guiling Palace at a cheap price.

By buying low and selling high, you can make enough money to make people jealous.

So even though trading with the demon sects was expressly prohibited, there were still a large number of merchants coming to trade.

Entering the black market, Su Jie and Peng Shiwen separated temporarily.

The other party was going to find a pharmacy to get medicine, while Su Jie was rushing to sell the poisons he caught in the Worm Valley some time ago.

The black market was much more lively than the outside world. Merchants were shouting and selling, and there were also disciples of the Ghost Ridge Palace lingering in front of elixirs, magic tools, spiritual materials and other cultivation items.

Especially those high-rise stores, which sold expensive items. The businesses that could open such large stores were well-known in the outside world and had cultivators in the Secret Treasure Realm.

"Ninth-grade Tianji Juling Pill, one for fifty blood marrow crystals, can regenerate flesh and stop bleeding, quickly heal injuries, buy it and you'll have an extra life."

"Longkui soil, from Yunzhou, favorite of ground-drilling poisonous insects, 15 blood marrow crystals per pound."

"Earth Melting Fruit, ninth-grade spiritual fruit, eaten by fire-attributed poisonous insects, can greatly increase the foundation for breaking through spiritual refining, don't miss it if you pass by."

A young servant was handing out flyers and selling them on the roadside, and at first glance, one would think they were in a prosperous town, not a demon cave full of cruel and evil cultivators.

Su Jie looked at those treasures with spiritual light with envy, knowing that it was not something he could hope for now.

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