Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 82 Ning Xinyue (Please read on)

After doing all this, Su Jie continued his inspection, scolding those disciples who did things randomly along the way.

Soon, all the disciples stationed in the third cabin knew that there was a superior who liked to train people.

Su Jie walked and corrected all the way until he came to the end of the cabin and saw a closed and separate cabin.

The cabin door was covered with a layer of frost, and the cold air froze the surrounding bulkheads. The white frost made Su Jie tighten his clothes.

"That amber girl!"

Su Jie murmured, because the third cabin was closest to the bottom of the ship, and Xu Yihu lived on the upper floor. In order to prevent the chill from this piece of ice crystal amber from affecting his rest, he threw her into the cabin at the edge and imprisoned her.

"I don't know what the origin is."

Shaking his head, Su Jie turned around and left, planning to go back and see if those disciples had rectified themselves according to his own rules.

But just when Su Jie turned around and took a few steps, a strange feeling of being spied on arose in Su Jie's heart.


Su Jie turned around suddenly. The flash of light disappeared from the ice-sealed door, and a transparent ice crystal butterfly retracted into the crack of the door.


Su Jie thought for a while and saw that there was no one around him. After leaving a scout dragonfly to alert him, Su Jie walked towards the frozen door.

The closer he got, the more chill he felt eroding his internal organs.

Su Jie stretched out his right hand, and a thousand-handed centipede emerged from the sleeves of his robe. The pale corpse hands exerted force and shattered the ice.

Pushing open the door, Su Jie walked in alone.

The area of ​​the room is only ten square meters. A tall piece of ice crystal amber is placed in the center. A young girl with bright eyes and white teeth is frozen inside. Her body is curled up, her eyes are closed, and she seems to be completely dead.

Even through the thick ice crystal amber, Su Jie still felt a strong spiritual wave. The clothes, shoes, necklace and earrings worn by this girl were the source of the spiritual wave, and they were all extraordinary.

After circling the ice crystal amber, Su Jie tapped his fingers on it, and the next moment he retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted. This piece of ice crystal amber almost froze his blood.

"Tsk, it's so cold, sleeping beauty. Is this alive or dead? You can't breathe in there."

After Su Jie studied it for a moment, he breathed at the ice crystal on the girl's cheek. He used the Thousand-Handed Centipede as a warm glove and rubbed it on the ice crystal. He could see more clearly and wanted to see if the other party was dead or alive.


Thousand-Handed Centipede shivered and curled up into a ball, hugging Su Jie's hand tightly, screaming and accusing Su Jie of inappropriate behavior.

Su Jie came closer and looked at the girl with her eyes closed in the ice crystal amber.

She has a delicate face with distinct features, skin as white as snow, slightly curved eyelashes, and a playful look between her eyebrows, as well as a hint of shyness.

The air was very quiet. Su Jie stared at it for several minutes. The girl didn't even move her eyelashes and seemed to be really unconscious.

"It seems really dead and boring."

Su Jie shook his head and hit his knees with a sigh. Two pale arms grew out from his waist and ribs. After landing, he imitated the sound of walking footsteps and walked towards the door step by step.

Finally, he walked out of the room and closed the door with his two arms.


The room fell into silence, with only a chill in the air.

After several more minutes, the girl's eyelashes trembled slightly inside the ice crystal amber, and then, a pair of moist bright eyes slowly opened.


The girl's eyes widened, like a frightened deer. In the room that she thought was empty, there was a man staring at her with a half-smile.

"Hey, I thought you were dead, but you were pretending to be asleep!"

Su Jie touched his chin and chuckled. After all, he was still a little tender. He was deceived so easily.

"You're just dead, and you actually defrauded me."

The girl wrinkled her nose, and a crisp sound came from the ice crystal. She could actually make movements and expressions in the ice crystal.

"May I have your name?"

Su Jie sat on the ground and was not in a hurry to leave. The girl in front of him obviously had a very extraordinary background.

"Why should I tell you?"

The girl had a fierce expression, but instead of being scary, she looked a little cute.

Su Jie raised his eyebrows and pretended to stand up: "Don't tell me, don't tell me! It's just a good time to inform others and study how to break your turtle shell."

As soon as these words came out, the girl suddenly became anxious and shouted: "Wait, my name is Ning Xinyue, I can tell you, what exactly do you want to do."

Su Jie pointed at himself and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"Bad guy, gangster, stinky kidnapper."

Ning Xinyue blurted out a string of words that made people angry without thinking.

"Haha, what you said is all right, but it's still not accurate enough. My official identity is a demon cultivator who has killed countless people. Now, you know what I want."

Su Jie sneered twice, and the evil spirit he inadvertently revealed was enough to stop the child from crying.

"You want to rob sex"

It could be seen that Ning Xinyue was indeed frightened, her face turned pale, and she clutched her collar tightly.


Su Jie shook his finger, corrected Ning Xinyue's wrong assumption, and said: "You must come from a big cultivation force. Tell me the skills you know, and I will hide the news of your awakening for you. Otherwise, this big ship now There are demon cultivators outside, and if everyone finds out that you are awake, they will use all means to catch you, and you will be in trouble. "

Ning Xinyue's clothes and jewelry have the charm of Baohui. Such a person must come from a big power, and his status is very unusual.

"Do you keep your word?"

Biting her pink lips, Ning Xinyue was visibly relieved when she heard that she was not being targeted. She didn't have much resistance to Su Jie's request.

"Of course, I keep my word."

"The credibility of the demon cultivator?"

"Do you have a choice now?"

Su Jie's words made Ning Xinyue understand the current situation, and she could only reluctantly open her red lips.

"Just tell me, don't blame me if you can't remember it yourself. This is called the secret technique of Xuan Ying. As the saying goes, the division of yin and yang, the opening of the red bright diagram, the movement of nature, is hidden in the power of Tianshu, and requires gold threads to weave pulses and entangle them. Silk becomes wind."

Su Jie took out a pen and paper and wrote down everything Ning Xinyue said. In addition to dictating, Su Jie also asked Ning Xinyue to tell a detailed running meridian diagram and some related nodes.

After memorizing everything, there were thousands of words in the text, and listening to Ning Xinyue's explanation again, Su Jie released the Thousand-Handed Centipede as a precaution, and said: "I'll try it first. If it's not right, don't you see this, the third refinement of the Gu worm, when the time comes Don’t blame me”

"Huh, I'm not you, so I don't like to lie to others."

Ning Xinyue was very arrogant, and she was obviously worried about Su Jie defrauding her just now.

Su Jie checked the reconnaissance dragonfly and confirmed that no one was approaching. He sat cross-legged and tried to practice the "Mysterious Shadow Technique" taught by Ning Xinyue just now.

Just as he was practicing alone, the shadow behind Su Jie suddenly lengthened, his chest felt tight, his body's spiritual power was disordered, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Ning Xinyue was dumbfounded and looked at Su Jie in confusion, wondering if she had told him the wrong technique.

After a while, Ning Xinyue finally understood what was going on. She couldn't help laughing and burst into tears:

"Hahaha, what kind of cultivation qualifications do you have! You actually practiced vomiting blood on yourself, so stupid!"

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