Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 85 Fierce Power

Su Jie was shocked.

No wonder the journey back was so peaceful, it turned out that something big was waiting for him.

Soon after, the disciples of Guiling Palace who were still having dinner on the deck were killed by surprise.

Twenty meters away from Su Jie's slave ship was the incoming two-sailed clipper.

On the opposite deck, seven or eight disciples wearing white sun and moon robes and purple gold crowns spat out sword pellets the size of inches, turning into three-foot flying swords with cold light.

During the roar, several disciples were killed on the spot and their bodies were separated.

This is a disciple from the Golden Sword Sect, which is good at wielding flying swords.

There was also a group of disciples with blue stripes on their faces, using their spells, stepping on the spray of the Jinsha River, and approaching the slave ship step by step.

This is the Spiritual Turtle Kuishui Mind Technique practiced by the disciples of Guanchao Pavilion, which makes Jinsha River a favorable home ground for them.

In addition to these two, there are Zixia sect disciples who are familiar with Su Jie's Zixia cloud cardigan and wearing iron clothes and iron hats.

Those who charged with them were a group of strong men who were basically over two meters tall, with broad shoulders and round waists, strong bodies, thick bones, and bare hands. These were disciples from the Longhu Sect.

The most ferocious disciples were those from the Guanchao Pavilion. They actually worked together to overturn the Jinsha River and set off a huge tsunami. They wanted to overturn and sink the slave ship, without caring about the large number of human slaves on board.

"Kill these hypocritical guys."

Xu Yihu's face turned livid. In anger, he smashed the window with his palm and jumped down alone.

In mid-air, a mouthful of lava flames spurted out, swallowing up several righteous disciples who had no time to dodge, screaming and burning them into charcoal.

Then his hands expanded and turned into ferocious and weird thick insect arms. With a flick of his hand, magma was thrown out all over the sky, burning the nearby river surface with fire, forcing the disciples of Guanchao Pavilion to give in.

When the disciples of Guiling Palace saw Xu Yihu take action, their morale soared and they summoned a large number of Gu insects.

Ghost-faced spiders, giant-horned centipedes, black ice poisonous wasps, colorful poisonous snakes, and other different kinds of poisonous insects form a swarm that blocks the sky and the sun, and they rush to kill them in an instant.

Although most of the outer disciples' Gu worms are only low-grade, there are only a few low-grade Gu worms.

But they cannot withstand large numbers. Gu insects rely on quantity and poison. Under the attack of the insect swarm, if a decent disciple is not careful and is bitten by poisonous insects, the toxins corrode the internal organs, and the movements become stiff and slow. If he is bitten several times in a row, He will be poisoned to death immediately.


Su Jie turned his head, and a flying sword flew past his face, causing the strong wind to ruffle his black hair.

In front of him, the disciples of Guanchao Pavilion were stepping on the waves, and the river water turned into a giant palm with water flow, taking a picture of Su Jie's head.

Behind him, a tall and strong disciple of the Longhu Clan roared angrily and rushed towards him at high speed.


Su Jie jumped away, and the huge palm of the water smashed the deck and blasted into the inner cabin. Below was the place where the slaves were imprisoned.

There was nowhere to hide from the dense crowd. The place where the giant palm of the water flow passed was a mess. Countless debris and human bodies were smashed into pieces, and the blood turned the giant palm into bright red.

The disciple of Guanchao Pavilion did not hesitate at all and continued to control the giant palm of water to attack Su Jie.

Su Jie frowned, and with a flick of his fingers, the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword flew out with a roar.

First, cut the giant palm of water flow into two sections, penetrate the layers of water flow protection, and pierce the forehead of the disciple of Guanchao Pavilion.

The flying swords continued to strike. As soon as the dragon and tiger sect body cultivator rushed forward, the white-bone Tiansha sword returned at supersonic speed, and cut through the air with one sword.

As soon as the body cultivator raised his head, a line of blood appeared from his forehead to his crotch.

Then the blood line burst, and the body was separated from the left and right sides, and large pieces of internal organs rolled down. The steel-like body looked like tofu in front of the white-bone Tiansha sword.

The flying sword that had gone back before came back to attack again. Su Jie's expression did not change, and the white-bone evil sword came forward to meet him.


Amidst the clash of gold and iron, the incoming flying sword broke into two pieces. Not far away, a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect vomited blood and suffered severe backlash.

Su Jie's eyes were cold. This was a battle between camps and there was no room for mercy.


Flying at supersonic speed, the white-bone Tiansha Sword was thrown with a shower of blood, and huge heads rolled to the ground.

"Senior Brother Zhang, you devil cultivator, please give me Senior Brother Zhang his life."

Several dragon and tiger sect body cultivators roared angrily, taking advantage of the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword to kill enemies in the distance, and surrounded Su Jie.

Su Jie did not dodge, and pale human hands drilled out of the flesh on his waist and ribs. After landing, he spread his fingers and crawled quickly, jumping up to several body cultivators, covering the whole body of the body cultivators. Terrifying force was transmitted from the fingertips, life and death. The human body was torn into pieces, leaving blood all over the floor.

"good chance!"

A disciple of Zixia Sect's eyes lit up as dozens of stealthy and silent steel needles were fired at the speed of sound.


Su Jie threw out a low-grade intermediate talisman to protect himself.

He obtained a lot of talismans from Pei Haibing. Although the talismans were not of high grade and would not be effective in high-intensity battles, they were still very useful in low-intensity battles.

After that, Su Jie moved his neck and looked at the disciple of Zixia Sect who made a sneak attack.

Seeing something bad, the other party immediately hid under the cabin.


The color of Su Jie's pupils changed in depth, and the pupils expanded to appear lavender. Then two rays of purple light were stimulated and instantly melted several layers of the ship, hitting the hiding disciple of the Zixia Sect. His flesh and blood body was melted under the high temperature. It melted like a candle, and there was no time to even scream.

Several righteous disciples wanted to charge, but they were either beheaded or had their hearts pierced by the fierce power of the White Bone Sky Sword.

It can be said that the White Bone Sky Sword, with its indestructible sharpness, is almost overwhelming against these disciples below the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm.


Seeing Su Jie so fierce, the surroundings were instantly empty.

A group of righteous disciples were frightened by Su Jie's killing. They surrounded Su Jie and dared not to go forward. Instead, they stepped back unconsciously.

Seeing Su Jie so powerful, the morale of the disciples of Guiling Palace was so high. With Su Jie as the center, they resisted the attacks of those righteous disciples.

"Demon cultivator, let me meet you."

A cold snort, accompanied by the sound of surging waves.

A disciple of the seventh level of the Soul Condensation Realm came on the water. This was an inner disciple from the Guanchao Pavilion.

The powerful spiritual power fluctuations on his body unfolded without hesitation. Su Jie thought he was coming for him, but the other party targeted Xu Yihu.

The main reason was that Xu Yihu was firing at full power just now, and with the clothes of the inner disciples, he was really eye-catching.

"Where did you come from, kid playing in the water? Get down here."

Xu Yihu was very unhappy with the opponent's arrogance, and without saying a word, he spewed out blazing flames, which looked extremely terrifying, but the actual effect was very different.

Among the five elements, water overcomes fire, which makes sense.

I saw several dragon-sucking water hurricanes swirling up, and the water mixed with large pieces of sharp stones rotated at high speed, not only extinguishing the flames, but also knocking Xu Yihu into the river, and cutting his body with blood, leaving no skin on his body.

Not long after the fight, the previously majestic and arrogant Xu Yihu was beaten into a sick tiger.

"Asshole, I'll kill you."

Xu Yihu roared and jumped out of the water. His body had completely changed. His height had expanded to more than five meters. Lava dripped from his cracked skin. He had a strange triangular head and a thick tail. He looked like a fiery red lizard standing on its hind legs. He didn't look much like a human.

Seeing this scene, the inner disciple of Guanchao Pavilion was also not intimidated. He grabbed a bell magic weapon in his left hand and held a spear condensed by water in his right hand. He stepped on the waves and rushed towards Xu Yihu face to face.

At this time, the battle on the slave ship became more and more intense. Broken limbs and arms could be seen everywhere, and blood dyed every inch of the deck red.

Compared to the fighting disciples of the righteous and evil sides, the human slaves imprisoned in the cabin were even more miserable.

Not only did the disciples of Guiling Palace not care about them, but the righteous sects did the same.

During the fight, in addition to the slaves bitten to death by the poisonous insects, there were also slaves cut in half by flying swords, some were thrown into the surging Jinsha River by the current, and some were caught by the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect and smashed and thrown around as weapons.

A slave trading ship was seriously damaged in many places due to the fierce exchange of fire, and slowly sank into the Jinsha River.

In addition to the disciples of various sects, the slaves on the ship fell into the river like dumplings, struggling one by one, or were taken to the bottom of the river by the sinking ship before they could escape.

"The remnants of the Guiling Palace dared to go abroad. It seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not enough."

At the same time, a huge thunder sound appeared in the sky.

An old man with extraordinary demeanor, standing on the cliff valley with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at the old man below, slowly raised his palm.

"I am Jiang Yanyi, the supreme elder of Guanchao Pavilion, and I am here to subdue the demon today."


In the middle of the Jinsha River, a huge whirlpool slowly formed. A water dragon, which was completely condensed by water flow and was 70 to 80 meters long, rose into the air from the whirlpool and blew a huge slave ship in half with a flick of its tail.

The powerful cultivation of the Secret Hidden Realm, inserted into the battle, was a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

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