Ten minutes later, without any obstruction, the slave ship Su Jie successfully broke out of the encirclement.

There were corpses floating on the river, most of them were human slaves, and some were the corpses of practitioners, both good and evil.

The body was carried downstream by the current and did not sink for a while.

On the slave ship, some of the surviving disciples ignored their injuries and hurried to the side of the ship to salvage the corpses, grabbing valuable magical instruments, talismans and elixirs from the corpses.


Several figures jumped into the river and swam towards some corpses in the distance.

This is a rare opportunity to make a fortune. Many disciples have been poor for too long and cannot restrain their greed. They don't know that this is still in the battlefield.

"It's Fellow Daoist Gu."

Chen Yun pointed to the water surface. The person who swam to salvage the body was actually Gu Weinian.

Together with several disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace, he fought for valuables on the corpse. The appearance of a storage bag made them even more robbing.

It was clear that they had just escaped from trouble and the fighting was still going on behind them, so the disciples could not restrain their greed.

People die for money, birds die for food, nothing better than this.

"Let him come back, now it's time to be greedy and risk your life."

Su Jie walked to the side of the ship and Chen Yun shouted loudly.

"Brother Su, I'll be back after searching a few more bodies. Don't worry about me."

When Gu Weinian heard the shouting, he turned around and saw that it was Su Jie. His movements were a little stiff. He hesitated for a moment, but still reluctant to part with the money, he swam towards the body again.

"Stupid, give it to me right now..."

Before Su Jie finished speaking, the water surged under the river surface and turned into a huge animal head, crushing several Guiling Palace disciples who wandered out to snatch property, including Gu Weinian, and the blood instantly stained the river surface red.

The inner disciple of Guanchao Pavilion who was competing with Xu Yihu had been dormant under the water. He originally wanted to sneak attack Xu Yihu, but Xu Yihu remained hidden. With the help of disciples around him, especially with Su Jie here, he I didn't dare to rush in rashly, so I had to use a few minions to do the surgery.

"Next time, you won't be so lucky."

The inner disciple of the Guanchao Pavilion threatened, and then plunged into the river. No one dared to go to the depths of the river to fight the disciples of the Guanchao Pavilion. That was his home court.

The disciples whose bodies were bitten into pieces struggled for a moment, and then fell silent again.

On the slave ship, looking at Gu Weinian's voiceless body on the river, Su Jie sighed slowly: "Why bother? If you don't have the strength, don't be greedy for this wealth and ruin your life in vain."

Gu Weinian only had the strength of the third level of Yunling Realm. He was lucky to be able to hide in the cabin and survive. However, he failed to restrain his greed and fell at the last moment.

Chen Yun remained silent. She was used to seeing life and death, so her sadness lasted for a while.

Too many people died in this battle today. In the end, less than 30% of the disciples of Guiling Palace survived. Except for those who were familiar with it, no one else cared about the loss of a life.

Su Jie controlled the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword and fished Gu Weinian's body out of the water.

At least let him get to know each other and let him rest in peace. Don't die and become food for fish and shrimps.

While Su Jie was doing this, seven or eight slave-trading ships on the Jinsha River accelerated their speed and rushed out of the encirclement.

There are still about ten ships surrounded by people, and the righteous disciples have already invaded the cabin. The disciples of Guiling Palace have been slaughtered, and the flags of various sects have been raised on the mast.

Some of the two-sailed clippers behind them were still chasing after them, and they were in a hurry. The slave ships did not care about their formation, and they pulled out a long distance one after another, or got into the tributaries, or ran aground. The disciples got off the ship and went crazy. escape.

Su Jie's slave ship ran very fast, and its sail power was unexpectedly not damaged, and it successfully got rid of the pursuers behind it.

More than an hour later, night fell.

The disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace gathered on the deck, treating injuries, counting losses, and repairing ships. They were still in the busiest stage after the battle.

There were originally dozens of Guiling Palace disciples stationed on the slave ship, but now there are less than ten disciples alive, and almost all of them are injured.

On the other side of the deck, the corpses of the dead Ghost Ridge Palace disciples were piled here. There were not many of them, and most of the corpses fell into the river.

Su Jie helped Chen Yun debride Chen Yun's wound. Compared with the last time when he was seriously injured and was close to death, at least this time the injury was not too serious.

Patting his knees and standing up, Su Jie said: "Okay, take this pill, and you'll be fine after a few more days of cultivation. If you can't stand the pain, take a few numbing pills."

Anesthetic pills are equivalent to anesthetics, which can numb body pain, but will hinder physical activities and seriously affect combat.

"I won't eat that. It's just a little pain. I feel very lucky to be alive."

Chen Yun swallowed the healing elixir and her face felt much relieved. As for the intoxicating elixir, she didn't need it yet.

"You decide."

Su Jie looked around and saw Xu Yihu nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Senior Brother Xu?"

Su Jie stopped a disciple and asked Xu Yihu where he was.

"It seems that he went to the lower cabin."

The answer given by this disciple made Su Jie frown slightly, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

As if fulfilling Su Jie's conjecture, a loud cry suddenly came from the lower cabin of the slave ship.

Several disciples rolled and crawled onto the deck. Those who ran slowly were entangled by a tongue and dragged back into the darkness.

"He's crazy. Senior Brother Xu is crazy. He's eating people indiscriminately. He eats everyone he sees."

The disciples who fled back had frightened faces and trembling voices.

"I can't control myself anymore."

Su Jie muttered to himself, took out the White Bone Sky Sword, and the flying sword broke a big hole in the deck.

Through the hole, you can see the horrifying scene in the lower cabin.

Xu Yihu was lying on the ground, and had turned into a huge half-lizard seven or eight meters long. His skin was covered with fine scales, and there was a thick tail at the end. He ignored the cries and pleas for mercy of the slaves, opened his bloody mouth, and ate them like a whole date.

Whether it was men or women, old people or children, they were all swallowed by him one by one. His stomach was obviously swollen, and the outline of human hands and feet could be vaguely seen struggling on his stomach, which was extremely terrifying.

Startled by the sound, Xu Yihu slowly raised his head, the flesh on his chin bulged and swelled, and he let out a sharp and piercing grin.

"Haha, do you want to stop me? Then I'll kill you first. Dead people can keep secrets better."

Amidst the laughter, Xu Yihu opened his mouth, and more than a dozen split tongues popped out like lightning, dragging all the disciples over, sending them into his mouth and swallowing them into his stomach.

"Brother Xu, spare my life."

"I didn't see anything, don't kill me!"

"You monster, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost."

No matter how the disciples begged for mercy, Xu Yihu still went his own way and swallowed them all.


Amid the sound of the sword, the tongue that attacked Su Jie and Chen Yun was cut off.

A large amount of blood with a strong smell of sulfur spurted out, and Xu Yihu's face showed resentment due to the pain.

The next moment, Xu Yihu's huge body climbed up along the hole with all four limbs, staring at Su Jie with a fierce look of murderous intent.

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