Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 94: Cleaning up the termites (50,000 words, please subscribe)

"Mayor Ma, I heard there is news from Jieko Company that they plan to build a new highway from Mandeb City to Qinguo City. Can you talk to Jieko Company? My company wants to undertake the construction."

Seeing Manalin accept the gift, Pasha smiled more on his face and made a timely request.

"Jieke Company is just a company after all. Our government is in charge of the land. You should just come to me for this matter."

Manalin pretended to have a relaxed tone. He was in charge of the Land Planning Bureau and was familiar with some people within Jieke. As long as the management was in place, there was a good chance that the operation would be successful. However, he was worried that Liu Yingying would be stuck. After all, Pasha, a construction company that had just been founded, had no qualifications at all. Calling the road he built a shoddy project was a compliment to him.

"There is nothing that Mayor Ma cannot do in Mander City."

"Mr. Pa, you just came back from abroad. Don't you know that our Mayor Ma is in Mander City, and he has absolute hands and eyes."

A group of businessmen echoed and expressed their respect for Manalin.

In the midst of the laughter and laughter, several dazzling beams of light suddenly shined through the glass into the hall, making many people's eyes dazzled.

"What's going on? Who's turning on the searchlight randomly?"

Manalin was a little angry, and then he saw his driver and a group of security guards crawling in.

"What happened? Why are you running away?"

Manalin's face turned dark. It felt unlucky for this fine banquet party to be disrupted in this way.

"Mayor, there are a lot of military vehicles coming outside. Yes, it's Jacko's security."

The mayor's driver's face was full of panic. As soon as he said this, the whole villa fell silent instantly.

Manalin shivered, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, and he hurried to the window of the villa to look down.

The engine roared, and an armored vehicle took the lead. Several military vehicles painted in camouflage, wearing body armor and steel helmets with the four characters Jieke Security printed on them, a large number of soldiers with live ammunition jumped out and quickly surrounded the villa.

"Jacko is doing security work and arresting criminals. Hold your head in both hands and squat down."

A group of tough Jieke security guards kicked open the door of the villa and pointed their guns at everyone.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I am Manalin, the deputy mayor of Mandech City. I want to break into people's houses randomly. Do you have any rules?"

Manalin forced himself to hold up his position and wanted to use his official position to scare others.

Miao Lun held a list in his hand, looked at the photos on it, then looked up at Manalin, and sneered: "Manalin, right? Get me the number one arrest target."

Two wolf-like Jieko security guards rushed forward and pressed Manalin down.

"Why should you arrest me? What evidence do you have to arrest me? I am the deputy mayor. Deputy mayor, do you understand? I am going to Jieke Company to complain against you."

Manalin's face turned red and he spat at Miao Lun, trying to resist the arrest.

"We are not the police. We don't need evidence to arrest people. We only need a list. Unfortunately, your name is on the list."

Miao Lun hit Manalin in the stomach with the butt of his rifle, instantly making him stop shouting.

"Arrests will be carried out according to the list, and those who dare to resist will be shot to death."

Miao Lun looked at the other people present coldly, his sharp eyes making them feel like rays on their backs. They all squatted down like quails and held their heads in their hands. He watched officials and businessmen being dragged away one by one, praying that they would not be caught on his head. , no one dared to say another word.

Soon, more than a dozen officials and businessmen were taken out of the villa.

Outside the villa, Su Jie was leaning on an armored vehicle, and An Sangpu lowered his head in shame. The mayor of Mande City was like a primary school student who made a mistake.

"Mr. Su, I failed to manage it well and failed to live up to your expectations."

An Sangqing had a dry voice. He was promoted to the position of mayor by Su Jie. He had been cautious, but he couldn't bear the chaos of his men.

He had so much prestige when he first took office that the corruption below him became even more outrageous.

"You must have made a mistake. The fault was that you were not decisive enough. If you had taken action earlier, you would not have asked me to mobilize Jieke's security."

Su Jie looked at the officials and businessmen who were caught one by one and said unceremoniously.

"Mr. Su, you are right, maybe I am not suitable for sitting in a high position."

An Sangqing's face was full of bitterness. Although he was just a puppet, the police still listened to him, but he did not have the decisiveness to cut off the carrion entrenched in the big tree in Mandeb City.

"If it weren't for the fact that you didn't join in with them this time, you think you could still be standing here talking to me."

Su Jie glanced over, scaring An Sangpu so much that he was sweating profusely.

"I'll give you another chance. You don't need me to teach you what to do if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, right?"

Su Jie looked away, but he didn't take away An Sangpu's official position.

The taller one among the short ones, the opponent can do his job well, even if the decision-making is a bit poor, but as a puppet, Su Jie is still qualified, and Su Jie can't find a more suitable substitute.

An Sangchen breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I almost scared the soul out of him just now. I thought Su Jie was going to take him down in anger.

"Sir, all the target criminals have been arrested."

Miao Lun stood in front of Su Jie and saluted, followed by officials and businessmen who were dragged over one after another.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

Su Jie patted Miao Lun on the shoulder.

"It's never troublesome to serve your superior."

An honest smile appeared on Miao Lun's face. His family had undergone earth-shaking changes because of Su Jie. Compared with the precarious days in the past, he now lives a well-off life. His mother recovered from a serious illness, his younger sister was able to study and learn culture, and the family had plenty of food.

All these changes in the quality of his life made him feel that even if he had to sacrifice everything for the man in front of him, including his life, it was worth it.

Seeing Su Jie's figure, some of the arrested businessmen did not recognize Su Jie. Most of them were familiar with Liu Yingying, the beautiful female president of Jieke Company.

Official Manalin was different. The moment he saw Su Jie, his feet went weak.

He had personally experienced the last dynasty change and knew Su Jie's iron-blooded methods.

This man single-handedly incited the people in the Mande area to annihilate the Mande United Army, shot Lu Wenbo, and then purged various officials in Mande City. He had taken advantage of this purge to jump to a high position.

In the Mande area, nothing like An Sangchen or Liu Yingying can be as effective as this man's words.

"Mr. Su, I will return all the embezzled money and give it all to you. Please spare me this time."

Manalin no longer ignored the mayor's demeanor and begged for mercy with a look of fear on his face.

"Is touching my things something that can turn the page with just one wrong sentence? You are thinking too well."

Su Jie was too lazy to talk nonsense. He waved his hand and asked Jieke to escort everyone into the military vehicle.

"Mayor An, Mayor An, please help me beg for mercy!"

Manalin hurriedly looked for An Sangpu again. At this moment, he was like a drowning man, desperately grabbing onto anything around him.

"If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?"

An Sangpu sighed and turned away, no longer looking at his former colleague.

One by one, officials and businessmen were escorted into military vehicles. Similar things did not only happen here. Jacko security guards were dispatched all over Mander City.

Officials, businessmen, senior executives within Jieke Company, etc., everyone who was on the list were arrested by Jieke's security guards.

Tonight, many people are bound to be unable to sleep peacefully.

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