Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 96 Livestock Farm (Second Update)

Shaking his head, Su Jie let the ghost continue to attack.

As a result, one of the ghosts weakened after beating him, and his ashes-like soul was as illusive as smoke, as if it was about to disappear. This was because it was burned by Su Jie's soul.

"Well, the number is too small. If there are dozens or hundreds more, maybe we can truly display its power."

Su Jie concluded that as a practitioner, Su Jie's soul was different from ordinary people. Under the baptism of spiritual power, the soul was indestructible, at least it could not be torn apart by one or two ghosts.

The ghosts can kill ordinary people instantly, but it is not easy to do this for practitioners. One or two ghosts will not have much effect.

"People are limited, and the scope of the soul-calling flag is also limited. Even if it is placed in a hospital, not many souls can be harvested every day, unless you plan to be a thug and kill people to create souls yourself."

Su Jie's eyes flickered. Although he was the only practitioner in Blue Star, he had his own bottom line.

And if you kill people and extract souls unscrupulously, you may be exposed to major governments.

I often walk by the river, where my shoes will not get wet.

With Su Jie's current strength, if he were discovered, he would definitely be defeated by all kinds of modern weapons.

"Fortunately, my plan is not to kill people and extract souls. There are many ways to cultivate ghosts."

Su Jie put the Soul-Calling Flag into his storage bag and obtained valuable experimental data as he wished. Su Jie became more confident in his plan.

After getting up and shooting all the corpses in the forehead, Su Jie asked Jieke to handle the corpses while he prepared for the next experiment.

Two days later.

On the outskirts of Mandech City, Su Jie stepped out of the car and saw the breeding farm in front of him, his lips twitching slightly.

"Why don't you buy a bigger farm? There is still so much cash in the account."

Su Jie sounded a little helpless. Judging from the scale of this farm, it could not meet his needs.

"This farm produces 1,500 pigs, 800 sheep, and more than 300 cattle every year. This is already the largest local farm. It's not that I don't want to buy a bigger one. We can't spend it even if we have money!"

Liu Yingying explained aggrievedly that the Mande area was still very backward after all. Although the per capita salary had increased significantly after Jieke Company moved in, it was still not as good as that of developed countries, so meat consumption was not much.

"After all, it is a city with a population of hundreds of thousands. Is it enough to feed just a little farming?"

Su Jie didn't know where to complain. The level of breeding was at most similar to that of township-level breeding farms in China, and the annual output was barely enough to supply larger towns.

"It's definitely not okay to eat meat every day."

Afraid that Su Jie wouldn't understand, Liu Yingying took out a stack of information and explained it to Su Jie.

"In Mande, and even in the entire Zen Kingdom, the animal husbandry here is very backward. There are very few large-scale breeding enterprises. Most of them are family-based breeding industries. Many families raise more or less livestock or poultry.

According to official data released by the Zen Kingdom, there are currently 1.2 million buffaloes, 1.6 million sheep, and 4.2 million pigs in the entire Zen Kingdom. Compared with the tens of millions of people in the Zen Kingdom, meat consumption is very small.

For comparison, China consumes 900 million pigs per year, which is the most cultivated pig. On average, a person eats more than half of the pigs in a year.

However, the per capita consumption of pork in Zen country is less than one pig per year for ten people. "

After laying out the data and information, Su Jie looked at the various investigations on the Zen Kingdom and finally had to admit it.

Limited by population, demand, price and other factors, it is extremely difficult to develop a large-scale breeding industry in Zen.

"Okay, just make it small and make do with it for now."

Su Jie also knew that this was a bit too much, so he had to order: "If you look for other breeding farms, don't be limited to the territory of Chan Kingdom. We can do any breeding farms in our country and other countries, preferably large companies specializing in breeding." Go talk.”

"I understand, I will let the company investigate first."

Liu Yingying agreed and then accompanied Su Jie into the breeding farm.

There was a smell from the breeding farm, so Liu Yingying covered her nose and put on a mask.

The factory director had been waiting for a long time. When he saw people getting off the car, he hurriedly came up to greet them.

"Mr. Liu, come with me, it may smell a bit strong."

The factory director had a flattering smile on his face. He received an acquisition invitation yesterday and faced the wealthy Jieke Company. He didn't last more than a few minutes before he was hit with banknotes.

"Lead the way and give us a good tour of the breeding farm."

Su Jie waved his hand, and the factory director bowed and invited the two of them to enter.

It was similar to what Su Jie saw outside. Although this breeding farm was the largest in the Mande area, it was very crude inside.

Forget about the environment and sanitation and disinfection. In China, you would be fined to death.

"The breeding industry in our country is in a sluggish state, especially for large-scale breeding like ours, which requires the purchase of finished feed. Unlike a family workshop, you can cut some pig grass and feed it with leftovers to feed yourself. If you encounter swine fever, you will die. Just a large number, and the government has not yet subsidized us. Before Jieco Company came, the Mander United Army was still collecting all kinds of taxes from us."

While introducing the farm, the factory director also complained about the difficulties of operating in the past.

While talking and walking, we visited the pig pens, sheep, cattle, chicken coops, etc. one by one. The factory director himself was quite proud that his farm was the largest breeding farm in the Mande area.

Although in Su Jie's view, the large-scale breeding mentioned by the factory director is completely at the township level, it is not the same as Su Jie's impression of large-scale breeding companies that produce millions or even tens of millions of livestock every year.

"This is our slaughtering workshop. The livestock that are put out for slaughter every day are slaughtered here, and then taken to the city in small trucks to be sold to vendors."

As they walked, Su Jie and his group came to the slaughtering workshop.

Several fat pigs were pushed into the slaughtering room. The butcher was sharpening his knife and his hands and feet were quick. The butcher's knife accurately penetrated the vital parts of the fat pigs.

Accompanied by the loud howling of the pigs, the fat pig struggled desperately. The butcher completed the slaughtering with a familiarity under the pressure of several helpers.

The factory director introduced with a smile, Liu Yingying didn't like this kind of scene.

Only Su Jie could see a light point of soul flying towards him and flying into the soul-calling flag placed in his arms.

"It's been a long time since I've been back to the company. Now that we have our own breeding farm, let's celebrate today. Director, please call someone to kill pigs and sheep today and share some of the meat with the employees of Jieke Company."

Su Jie looked at it and suddenly said to the factory director.

"Uh, okay, okay, I'll have the butcher kill it right away."

When the factory director heard this, he murmured in his heart that he had money to burn, but he did not dare to delay and quickly called a butcher to catch the sheep and kill the pigs.

"Yingying, you go tell the staff that the meat will be divided later. You don't have to stay here."

Su Jie saw that Liu Yingying didn't like the bloody scene very much, so he asked her to leave first, while he happily watched others killing pigs and sheep, and conducted his own experiment on the soul-calling flag.

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