Even if the contact time was not long, in Xu Changjun's soul, colorful spots of light danced in the flame of faith, looking like twinkling stars, giving people a dreamy feeling.

However, these seemingly gorgeous and beautiful lights are deadly poisons for cultivators, which restrict your steps, make it difficult for you to unite your body with your soul, and continue to climb the road of cultivation.

These things are the real turbid air of the mortal world, which cannot be removed.

However, just as the surging flame of faith spread to the entire soul space, suddenly, a pyramid fell from the void, and the flame of faith was swallowed by the entire pyramid.

A ball of pure and flawless white light burned at the top of the tower, which was the purified flame of faith.

Then all the incense was evaporated and vaporized, slowly drifting in the air, gathering together, floating and squeezing into shape, like a drop of condensed liquid, as if it could drip down at any time, just floating there quietly.

"This droplet is the purest spiritual power in the incense and fire."

Looking at the droplet of soul power floating around the pyramid, Xu Changjun's eyes showed a gleam of light. This is the core secret of the three-eyed man's pyramid of gods!

Outsiders worship gods, and others worship me as a god!

Because of the powerful magical powers of the three-eyed people, they have become a very gifted race in the ancient prehistoric times, enslaving all races and building a pyramid of souls for them.

The three-eyed people use their own powerful racial nature to purify these incense and fire of the gods, leaving only the purest soul source, so as to squeeze other ethnic groups more unscrupulously.

Xu Changjun controlled the orthodox emperor of Nanli Kingdom, but as the decree was issued, many pyramids for worshipping gods were gradually built all over the country, corresponding to the pyramid of gods in his mind, and began to purify the power of incense.

Of course, the emperor was not without desires. After seeing Xu Changjun's strength to suppress everything, he had the idea of ​​seeking immortality and longevity.

He even had the idea of ​​abandoning the throne and cultivating immortals.

As a bargaining chip for fair trade, Xu Changjun said that if he could make great contributions, it would not be impossible to take him to the upper realm to cultivate immortals.

However, in the human world, it is a taboo for the emperor to cultivate immortals.

At the same time, Xu Changjun also supplemented the palace guests with some cultivation systems, so that they could get practical benefits, and thus work harder to build Shinto forces for Xu Changjun.

For a time, the name of "Jiu Tian Ying Yuan Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun" resounded throughout the Nanli Kingdom. With official support, the construction of pyramids in various places was extremely fast.

Under the temptation of cultivation resources, some cultivators voluntarily joined. After being selected by Xu Changjun, they became the host of the sacrifices in the Lei Zu Temple in various places. In a short period of time, he gathered a large number of believers, and the Lei Zu Temple became the largest Shinto belief force in Nanli Kingdom.

The main god enshrined in the Lei Zu Temple is naturally Jiu Tian Ying Yuan Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun, and the following are the positions of many thunder generals in the Thunder Department.

Of course, these positions are still vacant now, and it takes time to cultivate them slowly.

The God Pyramid enslaves all spirits and is in charge of the ritual of enthroning the gods. All of them belong to the Three-Eyed Clan's slaves, or servants of the gods.

As long as the power of incense is sufficient, it is entirely possible to enthronize the gods.

In fact, Xu Changjun built pyramids throughout the entire Nanli Kingdom to collect the power of incense from the gods, and then purified it through the pyramids. This is what he was doing.

He had to establish his own foothold in this human world, and then move up step by step to gain a firm foothold in the world of immortal cultivation.

With the foothold of entering the prehistoric world, Xu Changjun was not satisfied with a small Xu family. Even the huge Yundong Lake was just a small stinking ditch in his eyes, but to accomplish these, it was very important to establish a foundation.

Since Xu Changjun had a bright future, there was naturally no need to embark on the path of incense from the gods, and he did not need the incense from all living beings.

However, this condensed power of incense had a unique effect on the Three-Eyed Clan's natal God Pyramid, which could be said to be the foundation of all ways.

With the power of the Pyramid of Gods, Xu Changjun can completely differentiate a self-consciousness independently within the space of consciousness with the power of incense as a fuel, and with the endless calculation and deduction function of the Pyramid of Gods, become the fuel to help Xu Changjun comprehend the method.

Not only that, its various functions are amazing, which can accelerate the deduction of the method, the simulation of the formation, and even the leak-filling of the entire operating system, simulation calculation and many other problems can be completed with the help of the Pyramid of Gods.

This is the most important point for Xu Changjun.

In the prehistoric era, the reason why the three-eyed gods rose was that they were born with bugs and possessed the Pyramid of Gods, which was like a divine artifact.

In terms of practicing the method, Xu Changjun took a shortcut and could quickly complete the practice of various magics and immortals, so the power of incense was indispensable.

In the short term, the importance of this thing to him is no less than the auxiliary role of his natal spirit root Thunder God Vine to him.

After all, mastering a new technique greatly improves efficiency, which invisibly also greatly improves one's own cultivation path.

With Xu Changjun, a purple mansion cultivator from the upper realm, in charge, suppressing all disobedience, the layout in Nanli Kingdom was quickly unfolded.

Especially the immortal cultivators of the worship halls worshipped by the royal family, after tasting the little sweetness thrown by Xu Changjun casually, out of the temptation of breaking through the realm and the awe of the powerful cultivators, they did not resist Xu Changjun's orders, but tried their best to complete them.

Moreover, among the cultivators of Nanli Country, after being selected by Xu Changjun, all merged and joined the Thunder Ancestor Hall.

There were frequent news, especially several cultivators who were old and still stuck in the middle stage of Qi Refining. They seemed to have lost the possibility of breaking through, but they successfully broke through after joining the Thunder Ancestor Hall, which attracted the attention of many immortal cultivators, and they all expressed great enthusiasm to join the Thunder Ancestor Hall.

As a later cultivator, it is naturally impossible to join as easily as before. The selection of the Thunder Ancestor Hall has become more stringent, requiring a series of tasks to be completed. After layers of screening, cultivators who meet the requirements can join.

The situation has changed. Xu Changjun has many trump cards in his hand. Compared with the cultivators in the barren human world, the Thunder Ancestor Hall he founded is undoubtedly a hot commodity.

He has great initiative and control.

But even in the face of such harsh conditions, many cultivators still want to join.

Joining the Thunder Ancestor Hall can obtain the method of breakthrough and the cultivation resources provided by the entire country. Although they have to give up their loyalty and some freedom, with Xu Changjun in charge, they are not at a loss no matter how they think about it.

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