From the vine joints, the dazzling electric light continued to penetrate and stimulate, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from the heaven and earth, and the vast thunder that swirled was pure golden lightning, which made people dizzy and shocked his mind.

Because he recognized it at the first sight, what kind of vine was it?

In the legendary world of immortal cultivation, the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine ranked 36th in the list of ten thousand plants and spirits.

He is not a person now.

He has become a vine-Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine.

And this Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine is so huge and so terrifying that it is beyond all imagination.

Compared with the vines described in the list of ten thousand plants and spirits, the highest is only a hundred meters, which is completely different.

How can this be the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine? !

It is simply the ancestor of vines, the ancestor of the Thunder God Vine lineage.

At this time, a powerful message merged into his mind. I don’t know when, the mysterious scroll of Shanhaijing still exists in his consciousness.

The scroll unfolded, revealing a corner of the image. It was a scene of chaos and desolation. Under the endless chaotic airflow and the air mass of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, a golden vine soared up to the sky, piercing the clouds, emitting a brilliant golden sea of ​​thunder.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of information naturally appeared in Xu Changjun's mind.

In the desolate world, there is a Thunder Cloud Valley, and there is a vine in the valley. It is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, a natural sacred tree, the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine, whose age is unknown and not affected by cause and effect. After countless thousands of years, a spirit from outside the domain was resurrected, and then gradually became spiritual.

With his consciousness in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Xu Changjun clearly knew this information and knew that his soul was reborn on a Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine that had grown for tens of thousands of years.

He also knew that it seemed that there was only ten breaths of time before the energy entering here could not be sustained.

"So... is this the Classic of Mountains and Seas?!"

Xu Changjun's consciousness was horrified and shocked, and an inaudible soul sound came out of his mouth, muttering two words.



Ten breaths!

Nine breaths!

Eight breaths...

Xu Changjun clearly felt the time slipping away. If he continued at this speed, he would have no time to do anything.

It was a pity not to take something away after finally entering.

But his consciousness was too weak to pry anything. However, when there were only three breaths left, Xu Changjun suddenly noticed that a leaf of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine was slowly falling from the top of his head.

"This may be an opportunity!"

Xu Changjun suddenly realized something. The golden vine leaf falling in front of him might be his only chance this time.

Thinking of this, his weak consciousness suddenly swept out without hesitation. He did not grab the falling leaves directly, but floated his consciousness on them and changed the direction of the falling leaves according to the force.

Xu Changjun felt so powerless, like a child pulling a huge millstone. He almost used up all his strength and his soul was almost exhausted.

When there was only one breath left in the final countdown, the falling golden vine leaf, guided by consciousness, floated on the vine trunk.

Immediately, Xu Changjun felt his consciousness suddenly exploded, as if a huge black hole had been created, swallowing up his entire consciousness.

His mind went dark, and when Xu Changjun regained consciousness, he had returned to the previous hut.

Then, Xu Changjun suddenly opened his eyes and looked in front of him.

Sure enough, a vine leaf flashing with golden lightning was suspended in the air in front of him.

The vine leaf floated slowly, as if guided by invisible gravity, and the magnetic field spread. It was narrow and sharp, like a knife, crystal clear, emitting brilliant golden arcs, which made people afraid.

It was also very strange. The Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine was towering into the clouds. He witnessed it with his own eyes in the Thunder Cloud Valley. The huge leaves covered the sky, but they were pulled into the real world by himself and shrunk severely.

The vine leaf in front of him seemed to be shrunk countless times in proportion, but it was just like an ordinary vine leaf, only two or three inches long.

But there was no time to think about it at this time. Xu Changjun was ecstatic. He could hardly believe his eyes. What appeared in front of him was the vine leaf of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine that he brought back from the prehistoric world.


A flash of lightning passed by, and the golden arc was bright and crackling. The leaves on it seemed to come into contact with the outside air, and quickly decayed. They broke in front of his eyes and turned directly into a piece of soft golden ash and scattered down.

The spiritual energy in the room suddenly surged, and the essence of the Gengjin Divine Thunder contained in it suddenly flashed a little lightning in the room, a total of hundreds of points.

Seeing this, Xu Changjun's face changed, and he didn't care about anything else. He subconsciously opened his mouth and sucked it in suddenly.

Suddenly, the surging golden lightning and a wisp of lightning poured into his mouth like a tide.

The surging golden arc rushed into Xu Changjun's body, and the lightning contained in it kept flashing and tempering in various parts of his body.

Fortunately, Xu Changjun himself contained the spiritual root of the thunder system, and those golden lightning essences flashing with strong power did not hurt his body, but were assimilated and swallowed by the magic power.

What's even more strange is that the thunder essence is violent, and rashly absorbing it will damage the body, but this Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine dust, after being absorbed by Xu Changjun, actually merged into his flesh and blood without any rejection reaction, as if the two were originally one.

After being tempered by lightning, the toughness of his flesh and organs has undoubtedly improved a lot.

A moment later, after swallowing most of the lightning essence in the room, Xu Changjun opened his eyes. In the depths of his eyes, he could clearly see a flashing golden arc. At the same time, the spiritual power in his body also rose, breaking through the level of Qi training level 7 at once, and the total amount skyrocketed.

After a long breath of turbid air, Xu Changjun was also frightened by the sudden scene before.

Unexpectedly, just a piece of the fallen vine leaf of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine was severely shrunk, and only a hair was left. Even in this remaining hair, there was still such a huge thunder essence. Fortunately, he himself was a thunder spirit root, so he turned danger into safety and got a blessing in disguise.

He stretched out his hand to pick it forward, and there was only a lonely petiole left in the vine leaf in his hand, and the golden vine leaves covering it disappeared.

Xu Changjun collected the remaining Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine leaf dust and put it in the jade bottle. There was probably a thin layer of it, golden, like gold powder.

"Just absorbing the remaining essence in one breath broke my bottleneck and allowed me to advance to the seventh level of Qi training. The remaining Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine leaf dust is probably..."

When he thought of this, Xu Changjun's heart was burning.

And perhaps because his soul was reborn in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it was attached to the huge Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine, which was actually equivalent to his second incarnation.

So he merged the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine leaf, which was like a perfect blend, without any rejection reaction, and could be perfectly absorbed.

"As for the petiole of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine leaf..."

This time, Xu Changjun fell into silence, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

Xu Changjun did not rush, but carefully put away the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine leaf petiole, slowly closed his eyes again, and continued to refine the thunder essence remaining in his body with water grinding skills.


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