Two Worlds of Immortality, I took over the body of the ancient thunder god vine

Chapter 87: Three-eyed God Clan, Immortal Gold (Subscribe)

His soul was severely reduced to only 30% of its original size, but it was shining brightly, like a materialized stream of water, more like a layer of gilded gold, with a sense of perfect gold nature, and a feeling of incorruptibility.

This shocked Xu Changjun greatly. He felt that the characteristics of this soul were more like the characteristics of the golden elixir level recorded in the Sutra Library a long time ago.

It is said that the soul is out of the body, and it can stand in the party of Gangfeng and Disha without changing, and can exist independently of the flesh. This is not something that a purple mansion cultivator can do.

Although his soul is far from that step, it is shaken by the power of the thunder and Tao sound, gradually tempering the impurities of the soul, and billowing black smoke comes out, and he actually has a sense of incorruptible gold nature.

Xu Changjun tried his best to comprehend it, and felt that the opportunity was rare. He quietly comprehended it here, and he didn't know how long it had been.

When he calmed down, he was suddenly awakened by a sacrificial sound, and a familiar prayer sound came to his ears.

Obviously, the Luolei tribe from the outside world before offered sacrifices and prayers to him again.

Xu Changjun's soul moved and left the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine, and a ray of will descended on the Thunder God Vine branch that was worshipped by the Thunder Tribe.

It was also like being trapped in a muddy swamp, but the feeling of his soul staying on this Thunder God Vine branch was slightly better than that on the Thunder God Vine ancestor.

Here, it was like being in a vast lake, but in the body of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine Thunder Master, it was like being trapped in a boundless and vast sea of ​​stars.

After digesting some information, Xu Changjun realized that ten years had passed in the prehistoric world, and relying on the ability he left behind to stimulate blood power, the Thunder Tribe had defeated the tribes within a thousand miles around one by one in the past ten years, and the strength of the Thunder Tribe had increased by more than ten times.

At the same time, with the continuous expansion of the Thunder Tribe's strength, a grand sacrificial ceremony was held every year. The area where Xu Changjun's Thunder God Vine branch was located had long been designated as a restricted area.

The treasures that the entire tribe brought out to worship the gods also opened Xu Changjun's eyes.

Many precious medicinal herbs grown in the wild era appeared on the altar, in addition to the skeletons of huge monsters, and some precious totem relics of the tribes they defeated were also placed on it.

For the humans in the prehistoric world, totems are always the most worshipped existence, the basis of their sacrifices, and the gods that protect their tribes.

For example, the branch of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine worshipped by the Luolei Tribe is the cornerstone of their faith and the key to their contact with Xu Changjun.

Xu Changjun's soul attached to the totem easily swept through the various items placed on the altar, and suddenly, it was directly attracted by a tall white bone.

What made Xu Changjun sidetracked was that the white bone was snow-white, like jade, with a warm surface, as if it had just transformed, with a surging breath of activity.

Obviously this is impossible. This white bone has not been worn out and discolored due to the passage of time, but has maintained a warm appearance, which undoubtedly proves the power of the owner of the white bone at the time.

In particular, there is a hollow in the center of the skull, like a third eye, which makes people feel mysterious.

Soon Xu Changjun got the information he wanted from the incense of prayer and offering. This skeleton is a totem worshipped by the descendants of an ancient tribe who claim to be three-eyed.

The people of the Three-Eyed Tribe call this skeleton a three-eyed god.

"Is this really the skeleton of the Three-Eyed God? Why does it make me feel extremely close to it?"

In fact, when his soul swept across the altar, he was attracted by the skeleton with eye holes on the forehead. He had a strong emotion and wanted to take it away, otherwise he might regret it for the rest of his life.

"I will give you the method of thunder strike!"

Suddenly, a divine power rose from the totem of the Thunder God Vine branch and covered it down. The people of the Falling Thunder Tribe suddenly had a method of using thunder power in their minds.

Just as the people of the Falling Thunder Tribe were praying loudly, a breath rolled up the bones of the Three-Eyed God, and the head disappeared in an instant.

It was not that he did not want to take the whole skeleton away, but because of his soul power, he could only take the head.

In an instant, when the soul returned to its place, the white jade-like skeleton head appeared in Xu Changjun's perception.

This was a very wonderful feeling. Xu Changjun's soul seemed to have substance. These sacrificed offerings fell into his perception, just like the independent existence of incense sticks, which could be touched and sensed by him, as if entering another space.

Carefully picked it up, and suddenly the hands of the soul flashed with thunder. Before Xu Changjun could react, the thunder and lightning that automatically operated from the soul covered the white head of the entire three-eyed god clan, and a strong desire rose from the body.

In the blink of an eye, the white head merged into Xu Changjun's body in the flashing thunder, and a strong breath rose from the soul.

Before Xu Changjun understood what happened, suddenly, the familiar dizziness surged, and Xu Changjun's mind suddenly became clear. It was time to leave again.

The soul surged, directly grabbing the falling leaves and the broken roots beside him, and Xu Changjun's soul and body disappeared strangely.

When Xu Changjun opened his eyes again, he naturally returned to the world of cultivation.

The sight fell on his hand, focusing on three golden vine leaves that were a circle larger than his palm and several roots less than three inches long. This was obviously the harvest of this trip through the prehistoric world.

This luck was much worse than the last time.

The air roots of the thunder god vine he obtained last time were larger than these combined.

But last time it was luck, this time it was strength. As Xu Changjun's realm improved, he could forcibly bring back more.

The three golden vine leaves in his hand continued to emit golden light, and the surging thunder power condensed in them, flashing lightning outward.

In addition, there were two or three air whiskers, only a few inches long, with golden veins throughout the body, flashing dazzling golden light in the sun.

These two were the remaining roots and leaves of the Thunder Lord of the Nine Heavens Thunder God Vine brought back from the prehistoric world. The thunder power source contained in them was more than 30% stronger than the power brought by Xu Changjun when he first entered the foundation building.

Obviously, as Xu Changjun's realm improved, the source energy contained in the items brought back was undoubtedly more powerful.

Although it is still a drop in the bucket, compared to the cultivators in the Purple Mansion Realm, they are rare thunder-attributed spiritual objects, and contain a trace of innate original characteristics, which is the fortune of transformation.

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