"Uh, what are you doing?"

After returning home, Saber and Kurozhen took their own quilts back, and the two of them tacitly spread their beds on both sides of Shirou's bed.

"What happened tonight was very dangerous. If this second-rate swordsman hadn't had a sensitive nose and discovered the scent of magic, you would have been doomed today, so Jeanne will stay by your side to protect you!"

Black Jeanne put her hands on her hips and spoke with confidence, her words were irrefutable.

Shirou touched his nose and looked at Saber.

Saber's attitude was the same. Although she didn't speak, it was clear from the expression on her face that it would be quite difficult to change her decision!

Well, it seems that it is still unlikely to sleep alone.

However, Kuro-jeong's name for Saber changed from a third-rate swordsman to a second-rate swordsman. Does this mean that her attitude towards Saber has changed slightly?

Kuro-jeong doesn't like Saber, which Shirou has known for a long time. However, there is no problem for them to cooperate with each other and share the same hatred and enemies. Shirou is still more relieved about this. However, this is not enough. If the two can get along more friendly, the harmony of the harem can be greatly improved.

Shirou lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, feeling the breathing next to him gradually become stable.

His thoughts began to drift.

According to the time of this world, although it is only a few days, he has actually been in this world for more than a year. In terms of life and study, he has gradually adapted. He has also become accustomed to the life with Saber and Kuro-jeong by his side.

But is such a life sustainable?

Will there be changes after the fifth war?

Will Saber leave? What about Black Jeanne?

What should they do after the Fifth War?

A lot of questions suddenly flooded into his mind, making Shirou feel a little overwhelmed.

He sighed quietly for a while, but he didn't want Saber, who was still asleep, to hear him.

""What's wrong? Shirou!"

Saber turned her head and recalled the time when he kissed her secretly at Ryuudou Temple. Her heart began to beat wildly.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about something, Saber, are you still awake?"

Shirou also turned his head, and both of them turned their bodies to face each other, and under the cover of the night, they secretly looked at each other.

"Well, I can't sleep. Shirou, can you tell me what you are thinking about?"

Saber suddenly became curious and wanted to know what Shirou was thinking about, and whether it was the same as what she was thinking about.

""Yeah, sure!"

Shirou smiled. Although it was dark and he couldn't see Saber's expression clearly, he could roughly guess that Saber's expression must be a little curious and shy. Seeing her eyes focused like a kitten, Shirou couldn't help but want to get close to her and give her a kiss.

"I was wondering, if after the Fifth War is over, would you agree to stay, Saber? If you stay, should we live a quiet life in Fuyuki, or take you to travel around the world? Saber, do you want to go to England? That was your former kingdom!"

Shirou reached out and gently stroked Saber's face. Saber trembled all over, her expression a little unnatural, but she did not avoid it, and a blush quietly flew on her face.

Thinking of what Shirou had just said, she felt a little bitter.

She had participated in the Holy Grail War, wanting to use the power of the Holy Grail to help her restore her country, but why was she now obsessed with love affairs in the world and couldn't extricate herself? Is this still her? Is she still the former king, the legendary king of Britain - King Arthur?

"Shirou, I am the king of the British people. I became a Heroic Spirit with the intention of saving my kingdom. I participated in the Holy Grail War to save my former kingdom.……"

Although she didn't say it directly, Shirou already understood what she meant.

"However, the lifespan of Heroic Spirits is longer than that of humans. If Shirou wants me to accompany you, then Saber is willing to stay, stay by Shirou's side, complete the protection of Shirou, and then return to the Throne of Heroes, waiting for the next summons!"

"Then you will have to wait a long time, and you may not have the chance to be summoned again in the future!" Shirou felt sorry for this silly child, and his movements became more gentle.

The probability of a servant being chosen by the Holy Grail is already very low. Saber follows her own thoughts and is summoned through the Holy Relics. She appeared in the Fourth and Fifth Wars, but this may not happen again in the future.

If Shirou remembers correctly, Princess Waver, who participated in the Fourth War, went to Fuyuki a few years later and ended the Holy Grail War. Since then, there has been no more Holy Grail War, and Saber has no chance to use the Holy Grail War to fulfill her long-cherished wish.


Shirou opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He understood Saber's persistence, and if he forced Saber to stay with him, he would be too selfish. If he didn't keep Saber, Saber would return to Britain, facing an irreversible situation, and the pain of losing her beloved. It would be too cruel to watch her lover and the kingdom disappear.

"History can no longer be changed!"

Shirou sighed softly. They did so many things in the Fourth War, but they were not able to completely change history. The best ending would be to create a parallel world with a different historical dimension, just like the situation in the Fourth War. That world really exists, but it will not change the historical process of the main world. However, can Saber accept such an ending?

"Well, I know, but with the help of the power of the Holy Grail, perhaps it can be achieved."

After a pause, Saber continued:"The subjects of the Kingdom of Britain are still waiting for me to go back and save them. I don't want to see them crying in despair in the raging flames of war. I don't want to see the great kingdom that I and those knights built turn into ashes in the flames of war."

Saber's tone was firm. Although she was not a suitable king, no one could deny her love for her kingdom. She loved that land and the people who lived on that land deeply.

"Well, if this is really your dream, Saber, then I will try my best to help you realize it. Although my strength is still very weak, but with one more person to help, the probability of completing this task will be much higher, don’t you think so? Saber?"

Shirou smiled and leaned his head over and kissed her on the smooth forehead.

I made a lot of money today. I can actually take advantage of her again and again...

Shirou felt very happy in his heart! Although it was a bit of taking advantage of someone's misfortune……

"Shirou... This is my business, I can't drag you into it.……"

Saber was slightly startled, and then wanted to refuse

""Really? But when I marry you, won't this be my business? You are the King of Britain, and I am the husband of the King of Britain, so this matter is also my business, so don't be polite to me!"

Shirou said with a smile:"But I don't know what Guinevere will do! If she knows about this, will she be so angry that she will leave the house immediately?"

Shirou laughed unkindly...

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