"Are you really going to look for Illya?"

Rin still looked a little hesitant, and Saber and Kurozhen's expressions didn't look too natural either. Obviously, they were a little worried.

"Well, I thought about it for a long time and found that it would be bad if we didn't have the initiative. We would be too passive and easy to be defeated by others. So I decided to come to Illya to negotiate. If I can get Illya's help, then the initiative will be completely in our hands!"

Glengarry is very strong, Shirou never underestimates him. However, if he wants to defeat him, it is not safe to rely on his own strength alone. Although he can drag Gilgamesh into the Infinite Blade Works, Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm, the Sword of Separation, can destroy the barrier. If Gilgamesh is alert enough, their chances of winning are still slim. Without the Infinite Blade Works barrier, it is really difficult for them to defeat Gilgamesh.

And berserker Hercules is a very good tank because he has 12 lives. If he can be won over, it will be very good news for Shirou and his friends, especially now that the Noble Phantasms of several servants on Shirou's side have been used on berserkers. The only threat to berserkers on their side is almost him and Red A's Infinite Blade Works.

As for whether they can beat the opponent, it is really hard to say. In this case, why not turn enemies into friends? Maybe try to make berserkers and Illya their own people, that would be more convenient

"But will Illya agree to our negotiation?"

Rin looked very skeptical. From the hostility shown by Illya, she didn't think she would cooperate with them.

"You have to try before you know it!"

Although Shirou was a little worried, he had already arrived at Illya's house, so he had to go in.


Shirou said as he walked, and accidentally stepped on something. The ground made a hissing sound, and then a burst of white smoke came out.

"Is this? A magic device from the castle?

Shirou tilted his foot and found that his shoes seemed to be burnt.

"Well, it seems that you have triggered the alarm, Shirou!"

Shirou scratched his head and found that this scene seemed a little familiar, as if Rin had been blown away by Illya here.

That scene was really hilarious after seeing it.

"Then we should be careful. It seems that the castle is under strict martial law. The entire forest should be under surveillance!"

Shirou took a few steps back, feeling that it was not safe.

Although they came to negotiate, if Illya did not have this intention, then their good intentions would only be one-sided.

"It doesn't matter. Since you have triggered the alarm just now, Shirou, the people in the castle should have known that we are here. If they know, they will naturally know why we are here. We are here to negotiate, and she will not embarrass us!"

Rin looked very confident and walked forward while speaking.

""Rin-chan, be careful!"

Sakura put her hands on her chest, looking very scared.

"Don't worry, it's okay... ah!"

Rin said it was okay just as she was blown away.

But luckily Red A was right beside her this time and didn't let her fall to the ground. He caught her in a steady princess hug.

Shirou looked down at his own movements. It seemed that he had already done the princess hug, but he was a little slow and was snatched away by Red A. This was very embarrassing! It seemed that he missed an opportunity to improve his favorability!

"Illya, you are such a good brat! You must be laughing now, I can hear it!"


Red A shook her head, looking troubled. Sakura was a little worried at first, even took her hands out. But after hearing what her sister said, she couldn't help but laugh. Saber, Black Zhen and others didn't change their expressions.

""Wait a minute, let me see if this magic can be broken!"

Shirou thought to himself that if he continued walking like this, he would be blown up hundreds of times. This place was still hundreds of meters away from the castle, and if the ground was full of magic traps, there would be no way to go.

He put his hands on the ground and released his magic perception, which slowly penetrated into every corner of the ground.

The more magic power he released, the more his own magic power was consumed. However, when the last trace of magic power extended to the end of the forest, Shirou finally detected all the magic traps in this area.

"" trace·on!"

Boom boom boom!

The projected objects quickly hit and touched the magic traps. In an instant, explosions were heard one after another on the road ahead.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, patted the dust on his hands, and said to everyone:"Okay, the magic traps have basically been eliminated. If we follow this road, it should be safe!"

Everyone was a little surprised. Looking at the scorched ground, they were wondering how many magic traps the people in this castle had set up!

With such a high density, it must have taken a lot of effort!

"Shirou, your magic power has increased a lot now!"

Saber discovered something that no one else had noticed, that is, Shirou was able to find and destroy these magic traps just now, which shows that his magic ability has also grown a lot.

Saber remembered that when she was just summoned, Shirou's magic circuits were not complete, and his magic power was still very low, and he couldn't even help her heal her wounds.

But now his magic has reached such a level, which seems very gratifying. It seems that her master has grown a lot.

"Well, it seems so, but now is not the time to talk about this, I feel like someone has come here before us!"

When Shirou was detecting just now, he found that the magic power on the ground did not seem to be pure, and it seemed that it was not just the magic power of one person. Some places seemed to be damaged, which meant that someone had broken in before them.

"You mean, Kotomine Kirei and Gilgamesh?"

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